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RE: On the subject of news not spreading:
Main Street
This foggy lane leads east and west. The grim inhabitants of Arkham pace one
end of it to the other on various errands and matters of business. Eldritch
Lane wends its crooked way to the north and a snug alley lies dead south.

A citizen of Arkham looks depressed.

<83%/100%hp 100%/100%m 21%/100%mv>
The citizen of Arkham shows you his razor-sharp teeth.
The citizen of Arkham is smaller than you.
He looks just as disinterested as you.

<83%/100%hp 100%/100%m 21%/100%mv> The citizen walks slug
gishly down the gloomy cobbled streets, generally
nondescript. Gray, worn clothing is draped haphazardly on his thin frame.
Lanky hair droops around his downcast face, gray with time or just dust,
you cannot be sure. His hands hang loosely from hunched over shoulders, and
he doesn't even cast a glance in your direction.

Under the rule of the <i>Dark Man</i>, there is little to be happy about.
The citizen of Arkham is in perfect health.

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