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RE: Lash as a whip spec
Speaking in generalities or anecdotals-

In 2000, lash on a whip spec was money. 90%+ success rate.

In 2010, lash on a whip spec was still money.

In 2020, lash on a whip spec is like 40-50% success rate. Not money.

From 2000-2021, lash on a warrior that isn't a whip spec is 40%, give or take.

Has something broken in the code to where SPECIALIZATION is not being recognized for whip users? I know there was a change at some point where you could no longer lash sleeping people, and that's all fine I suppose, but the success rate is really sad.

You used to have to practice lash before you specialized so you could learn from mistakes. Otherwise even at like 78% you would never fail and so perfecting it was one success at a time. It's kind of bad now.


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