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RE: Familiar bugs?
Please delete the specifics if you don't want this stuff getting out, I sure can understand that.

both are on the Faerie dragon at rank 19


>> You are unable to find an opening to savage Vexoffesz's face with your teeth!
>> Vexoffesz's bash misses you.
>> You evade Vexoffesz's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.

Immagine my surprise when I got that. But, the same thing happened on 30+ other bashes over the course of the last two days.

I understand that it failing 32 times in a row might be by design, but I thought it might be more likely that a familiar just isn't supposed to be using a skill like that...and it is a mistake for it to be checked?


My Faerie dragon can't sleep. it's listed in the commands I can give to my dragon, but I always get the message...

>> You are unable to sleep.

when I use the command "fam sleep"

I tried with it next to me, with me sleeping, with it away from me, and under all sorts of circumstances. I can get it to rest, but I can't get it to sleep even though the command "Familiar" lists sleep as one of the commands?

By design that I am allowed to ask it to sleep but it can't?

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