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RE: Strange Dex stat
Something wierd on my dex stat, it was 23 I think before becoming, now it reads Dex 23(20+2) my Chr is also a little funky Chr 13(3+10), but I could undestand that being ugly and undead it's suppose to be super low. All the rest of my stats seem to be fine, but I don't know what the base stats for a mummy should be.
Str : 18(18+2) Int : 24(24) Wis : 20(21+2)
Dex : 23(24+4) Con : 13(16+1) Chr : 13(13)

Str : 18(20) Int : 24(24) Wis : 20(20+3)
Dex : 23(20+8) Con : 14(18) Chr : 13(3 +10)

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