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RE: Thief avoiding entwine
Bug or by design?

737hp 387ma 812 mv outdoor civilized 5 PM You lash out with a twined evergreen flail and entwine Heaghul tightly!
Heaghul has a few scratches.

737hp 387ma 812 mv outdoor civilized 5 PM
The rain ceases.
You feel less armored.
Heaghul has a few scratches.

748hp 387ma 839 mv outdoor civilized 6 PM
You parry Heaghul's stinging lash.
You parry Heaghul's stinging lash.
Your punch MUTILATES Heaghul!
Heaghul stops your slash just before it reaches him.
Heaghul parries your punch.
Heaghul has some small but disgusting cuts.

748hp 387ma 839 mv outdoor civilized 6 PM
With an acrobatic tumble, Heaghul dives into the shadows.

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