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RE: Demon in the Woodpile for Goblins
The Goblin Edge list helpfile noted Demon in the Woodpile, so I looked at the helpfile and it says evil goblin can take it. (I don't know if it is an Imm given edge only)


Occasionally, somewhere in the cesspool of bastardy that is a typical orcish family tree is a demonic ancestor or two. In an orc with this edge, this abyssal blood has begun to awaken and manifest. The benefits of this latent heritage are potent: a sizeable resistance to sleep and knockout effects as well as unholy damage. Unfortunately, while berserking, such an orc is also liable to be consumed with demonic bloodlust and uncontrollably strike some targets that a normal orc would not.

Goblins of evil disposition may also discover demonic heritage of this nature.


When I go to a guildmaster, I see this:

discuss raider prereq demon in the woodpile
You will never be able to learn Demon in the Woodpile.

I think even if you don't have the needed points, it should come up if I could take it ever.

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