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RE: Healer "combat medic" edge not appearing on available edge list despite prereqs being met and edge points available
I worked with two immortals in game, and both had me look at my edge list, etc, and the last of the two said he had to think about the problem. I wasn't sure if I was still supposed to bug board it, so here it is.

Edge: Combat Medic should be available but isn't.

Here's some info: score, available edge list, combat medic prereqs, second attack skill.

<100%/1004hp 93%/1289m 100%mv 6 AM> discuss 3.
Wharshi Schnargum the Priest of the Golden Wit, Master Pickler of the Eternal Star
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : gnome
Ethos : Neutral Align : Neutral Class : healer
Practices: 6 Trains : 2 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 527700 To Level : 24900 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 169 years old (128 hours)
Hit Point: 1004 /1004 Mana : 1326 /1384 Move : 855 /855
Str : 18(18) Int : 23(23+6) Wis : 25(25+7)
Dex : 20(20+4) Con : 18(18+1) Chr : 16(19+1)
Carry # : 28/32 Weight : 320 lb 6 oz (Max 327 lbs)
Gold : 16 Silver : 957 Copper : 1617
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 16 Damroll : 15
AC pierce : -46 Very well armored AC bash : -31 Very well armored
AC slash : -47 Very well armored AC magic : 14 Armored
AC element: -43 Very well armored
vs Spell : -33 Well protected vs Paralysis: -5 Barely protected
vs Breath : -23 Protected vs Mental : -4 Barely protected
Summon : You can only be summoned by players within PK range.
Corpseguard: You attempt to guard corpses from lower level looters.
Rescue : You allow others to rescue you.
Give : You allow things to be given to you.
Trust : You trust your group and your cabal with questionable spells/supplications.
Follow : You accept followers.
You are not thirsty.
You feel completely full.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect invis' for 44 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 17 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 4 hours.

<100%/1004hp 95%/1326m 100%mv 7 AM> You can't seem to think of much to discuss. Perhaps a bit later you
You can choose the following edges:
Overcome Distortion : You can learn to be resistant to the effects of sensory distortion.
Defensive Withdrawal: You can learn to flee from battle in a more controlled manner, diminishing opportunities for parting
Strong Wrists : Your wrists could be harder than normal to break.
Enlightenment : You can focus your neutrality and enlightenment to better resist magic's snares.
Ehren Soul : You can call forth your Ehren Soul and its love of honorable combat.
Twitchy : Your paranoia and perceptiveness could keep you safe from harm.
Evacuate Sanctum : You can learn to open gates from within your cabal's headquarters, albeit with great difficulty.
Remain Conscious : You can train yourself to sometimes remain conscious when others might be knocked out.
Power of Faith : You can draw strength from the belief of the faithful.
Deep Pockets : You can develop deep pockets, capable of carrying more things.
Dragonslayer : You can learn the secrets of the dragonslayers and prey upon the weaknesses of scalykind.
Combat Statistician : You can be a combat statistician and analyze battle more precisely.
Courageous : You can show courage surpassing most.
Apt Learner : You can become an apt learner, garnering more from your experiences.
Lucky : You can be lucky.
Mousy : You could explain to your guildmaster the reasons you are unmoved by epic song.
Humorless : You can explain to your guildmaster the reasons you are unmoved by comic song.
Stonehearted : You can tell your guildmaster about your disinterest in romance.
Cheerful : You can tell your guildmaster about your cheerful nature.
Extra Training : You can convert your experiences to extra training.
Quick Healer : You can tell your guildmaster stories about your ability to heal faster than others.
Fortitude of the Flesh: You may learn how to give fortitude to your flesh, and stave off the affects of some wasting diseases.
Shieldspinner : You can train to spin your shield out of the way of cleaving blows.
Devoted Cause : You can fill your allies with divine wrath.
Leader : You can be a natural leader.
Footwork : You can learn to avoid kicks better.
Diagnostician's Insight: You can use your ability to assess maledies to cure them more effectively.
Possessive : You can feed your paranoia and strive to protect your belongings from thieves.
Unpredictable : You can allow your wild nature free reign and fight in a way that defies easy prediction.
Prone Defense : You can learn to better defend yourself while prone.
Trained Medic : You can learn more about first aid.
Strong Memory : You can learn to focus your memories and resist magic of forgetfulness.
Zombie Fighter : You can learn to avoid the predictable attacks of non-sentient undead.
Slippery Soul : You can learn to resist scrying magic.
Strong Back : You can develop a strong back, more able to bear heavy loads.


Reject Toxins : Discover the synergy of your divine power and racial resistance to toxins.
Battle Tested : You can learn to slumber more quickly after the excitement of combat.
Transportation Sensitivity: You can hone your senses to detect transportation magic tugging at you.
Resistant Sight : You can learn meditative tricks that would help you resist blindness magic.
Cover Up : You can learn to better block attacks aimed at your face.
Seasoned Traveler : You can apply your considerable knowledge from your long journeys and condition your legs for faster
Adept of Satiation : You can focus upon eradicating hunger and thirst.
Last Breath : You can learn to swim short distances when your life is on the line.

<100%/1004hp 95%/1326m 100%mv 7 AM> edge
Your character has the following edges:

Girded Shield: You have a Girded Shield.
Rapid Response: You gate to your allies with ease.
Awakened Spirit: You regenerate your mana more swiftly while resting.
Shield of the Vulnerable: You weave a more enduring aegis.
Planeskipper: You open gates to distant places easily.
Peacemaker: Your calming is very compelling.
Gimpy: You limp around on one crippled leg.
Master Chef: Your skill in the kitchen is legendary.

<100%/1004hp 97%/1343m 100%mv 7 AM>

<100%/1004hp 97%/1343m 100%mv 7 AM> discuss guildmaster prereq combat medic
Combat Medic prerequisites
Skill : second attack

***My second attack is 100%***

Thank you!

Wharshi Schnargum

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