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RE: Spinebroke duergar
I broke his spine, stepped into another room, switched out my robe for leopard skin and than came back.

845/1039h(81%) 259/386m(67%) 785/785v 8 PM cave full 2269tnl> n
take bloody girdle
Leaving the Mining Tunnels

(Stunned) A burly duergar dressed in miners garb pauses his work to glance at you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a duergar miner!'
A duergar miner's pierce is unable to penetrate midnight dragon leggings.
A duergar miner DISMEMBERS you!
A duergar miner is writhing in agony.

783/1039h(75%) 259/386m(67%) 784/785v 8 PM cave full 2269tnl> where
You get a bloody skin from the girdle of endless space.
A duergar miner is writhing in agony.

783/1039h(75%) 259/386m(67%) 784/785v 8 PM cave full 2269tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kinrall Leaving the Mining Tunnels

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