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RE: Buggyness with surrounding the sunrise
I have noticed that mobs by and large tend to circumvent the legacy that i have taken to deal with them. When it comes to groups of guards they will do their guard yell, get avoided then instantly assist anyways, or the first two will get avoided and then they will now you die. Here is a clip

Adeglicfh's lieutenant yells 'Quas is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
Adeglicfh's lieutenant DISMEMBERS you!
Adeglicfh's lieutenant DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Adeglicfh's lieutenant's slash.
Adeglicfh's lieutenant yells 'Quas is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
Weaving through Surrounding the Sunrise, you find cover to hinder your foes.
Adeglicfh's lieutenant's slash EVISCERATES you!
You parry Adeglicfh's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Adeglicfh's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Adeglicfh's lieutenant's slash.
Adeglicfh's lieutenant screams and attacks you!
Weaving through Surrounding the Sunrise, you find cover to hinder your foes.
A zombie of a war-weary storm giant screams and attacks you!
Weaving through Surrounding the Sunrise, you find cover to hinder your foes.
A flesh golem screams and attacks you!
Weaving through Surrounding the Sunrise, you find cover to hinder your foes.
A ghoul screams and attacks you!
Weaving through Surrounding the Sunrise, you find cover to hinder your foes.
You parry Adeglicfh's infernal power.
You dodge Adeglicfh's infernal power.
Adeglicfh's lieutenant screams and attacks you!
A zombie of a war-weary storm giant screams and attacks you!
A flesh golem screams and attacks you!
A ghoul screams and attacks you!

notice how I avoid the golems and they just keep assisting until they hit anyways, kind of defeats the point of the legacy doesn't it?

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