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RE: Possible famish bug
The help file for famish suggests it might be working as intended, but given the short duration of the spell it seems a bit too easy to counter (unless healers' bread makes the below a special case). Also being too full at the end seems buggy:

(getting famished)
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You suddenly feel hungry.
You eat a little.
You are no longer hungry.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger injures you.
You eat a little.
You are no longer hungry.
You eat some unleavened bread.
You are full.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'famish' modifies strength by -4 for 1 hours.
(no affect for this tick, just normal regen)
(final tick)
You feel less hungry.
<> eat more
You are too full to eat more.

Syntax: commune famish <victim>

Famish causes extreme hunger in the target, wracking their body
with weakness and starvation until they have consumed enough

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