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Thornarcrull (Guest)Mon 19-May-03 01:12 PM

#17723, "[DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy"


DISCLAIMER: Sick, nervous, paranoid people shall not read the text below. It contains a lot of mistakes which may kill those ill people. If you are such sick person, and you decide to read my farewell post, do not ####ing whine ¡V you are responsive for your own actions.

I¡¦m gone. It took 600 hours of my life. Most likely, I¡¦m finished with CF. At least, now I feel only disgust (it¡¦s summer!). Perhaps I¡¦ll return at the next winter (that¡¦s the reason why I rolled my pre-last character).

This is a support character. Rather, Thornarcrull meant to be a support character. I had a scion necromancer, who had no lich quest after 200 hours of playing. I saw sylvano-marano-warlocko-battle opposition, and saw how Anith fought them all, often alone. That pissed me off. I decided to make a healer (since Trajeona disappeared a few weeks ago) and support Anith, while I¡¦m waiting for the lich quest.

Things went not as I planned. Nor I, nor Ckoebael received the quest. Playing a character that have no future is boring; I made that necromancer only to gain and complete the quest. I deleted necromancer.

Thornarcrull became my only one character and I enjoyed him more and more. Then Merzofyazn heroed and we had even more fun. I realized (too late) that drow healer is a quite popular character ¡V I would not play a drow healer, if I would know that before. Alas, too late. Then came Zharaluzar - bah! Another drow healer in the chasm.

At that time, Chasm had no leader. Valguarnera said because we had no roles¡K I had the role, but it was not spellchecked, and I didn¡¦t want to bother immortals with adding it. I asked different people to assist me with spellchecking, but no one showed interest. So I heroed with a role, which I prepared a few weeks ago before I even rolled Thorn. Bah! Chasm got purged.

That was a nonsense. I disagree with it and as a character, and as a player. Valguarnera, you never answered to ANY prayer or attempt to reach you and ask, what the hell do you want. You never told us what do you want, what displeases you or what you would like us to do. That¡¦s sick, and that¡¦s not a guidance of the cabal. I hope Beroxxus will take care of scions now, since you lost interest in that (imho).

After a few weeks I got lured back to the chasm by Jhaelryna. Next day, when I couldn¡¦t defend chasm against a paladin, thief, arcane and invoker alone, I got kicked out and titled: ¡¥Thornarcrull the Coward, Exile of Scion¡¦. That¡¦s sick too. If I would return I wouldn¡¦t be able to do anything useful in such situation ¡V even if I would die, I wouldn¡¦t save the archmage. If you need pointless sacrifices, Valguarnera, find someone else. Many said, that I care for the gear and because of this I avoided dangers. No. Gear is a last thing that I care about.

Anyways, I¡¦ve been enjoying the character so much that I didn¡¦t care for so sorry cabal, where my efforts cannot be estimated or rewarded (as a character, obviously). As I player, I know that any (more or less skilled) game developer understands that not only success must be rewarded, but effort too. Valguarnera became immortal foe of Thornarcrull and lost respect in my eyes as of a player.

I kept pulling myself into the mask¡¦s quest, but Nepenthe (?) seems haven¡¦t been interested in allowing me inside. I¡¦ve spoken with the mask only once or twice, briefly. I¡¦ve been waiting for it to ¡¥awake¡¦ and had some ideas, but bah¡K the mask was so dead.

Next thing I saw was Darmok and his title ¡¥the Bloodoath¡¦. I met him, spoken briefly¡K and he deleted next day. Curses. Thornarcrull decided to continue what ¡¥he¡¦ begun, since no one else would (I didn¡¦t know anything of Kalmah at that time). He begun to recalling old Empire, seeking immortals, and such. I met Kalmah and spoken to him of the Empire. I lied to him that I¡¦ve been chosen by Darmok to lead the divine sect. Myself and Kalmah¡K I begun to form my ¡¥squad¡¦, seeking someone, who would like to be imperial, or liked that idea.

It took a month or so to form more or less worthy group. Myself and Kalmah were heart of it, then arrived Zekasiq and Syrentil (bitch!), and some others. I convinced Narissa to join us, promising her¡K well, that¡¦s IC. ƒº
Soon I realized that Zekasiq and Syrentil understanding Empire in a ¡¥right¡¦ way ¡V way, in which I saw it by myself. We begun to slowly and carefully twisting Darmok¡¦s and Kalmah¡¦s views upon the Empire, until Kalmah couldn¡¦t stand it anymore and then we proclaimed him as a foe. Kalmah didn¡¦t stay for long and, after Zekasiq killed him, Kalmah committed suicide.

We won that round, but still had no idea, will our effort be noticed or not. Despite that, I organized a ¡¥research¡¦. Together with Zekasiq we begun researching imperial goals, ideology, structure. Our researches we have been sending to the members of the ¡¥Foundation¡¦, as I called the empire-wannabies. I don¡¦t know, if our views and ideas was even accepted by the Immortals; but structure of the current Empire matches exactly of what we researched (I won¡¦t go into details; Khasotholas, I¡¦d like to hear your comment on that ¡V our researches has any use to you, or we just foresee what will come?).

One day, while we have been sitting at Hillcrest with Zekasiq, we had the ¡¥First Sign¡¦. Booming laughter (I know who you are now!), and a wishing of ¡¥a good researches, divine¡¦. As I understand now, it was a quite sarcastic comment. But it inspired me (I don¡¦t know, if Zekasiq felt the same). Bloodoath have been developed and sent to the Empire.

At the same time, we have been posting ¡¥Imperial News¡¦, describing goals of the Empire, and slowly twisting it, like we did it before. At the same time, while I¡¦ve been ¡¥preaching¡¦ in the inn and everyone have been laughing at me, another ¡¥sign¡¦ was given. Voice laughed at them and calls them ¡¥a fools¡¦. Soon after that I begun receiving scrolls or tells of these, who have been seeking empire. Not many of them managed to hero, but slowly our group have been growing.

I don¡¦t think end of the story is unknown to you, so I won¡¦t continue wasting your time on describing our ¡¥popularization¡¦ and arising of the Empire. At that time, we have been famous enough and acted like we are already inside the cabal.

End of the story. I¡¦ll post farewells now, but first I want to admit, that it¡¦s most interesting and funny character that I ever had.

------------- Part 2, FAREWELLS. --------------------------------------------


I have chosen you because I thought you won¡¦t mind a ¡¥peaceful¡¦ drow healer. Oh, I¡¦ve been so mistaken! Counter wise, you didn¡¦t like Thorn, and preferred Merzofyazn. Blast, I played this character this way intentionally, since I¡¦m tired of ¡¥drow=evil fu#r¡¦ characters. Alas, our opinions on the didn¡¦t match. I tried to interact with you, but you had no (or so I believe) interest in my character. After pointless prayers to you, I decided not to bother you anymore. I hope, you saw difference between early Thorn and older Thorn. Perhaps I even deserved your mark at the end, but I lost interest in you and your mark. Yet, I think, I followed your religion damn well, and this is why (list of my tittles, demonstrating different kind of experience):

Thornarcrull the Protector of Faith
Thornarcrull the Coward, Exile of Scion
Thornarcrull the Dark Preacher, Exile of Scion
Thornarcrull the Dark Preacher
Thornarcrull the Protector of Faith, Bloodoath
Thornarcrull the Protector of the Faith, Bloodoath, Death Marked by the Phoenix
Thornarcrull the Mute Protector of the Faith, Bloodoath, Death Marked by the Phoenix
Thornarcrull the Tongueless Protector of the Faith, Bloodoath, Death Marked by the Phoenix
Thornarcrull the Protector of Faith, Imperial Citizen
Thornarcrull the Tongueless Imperial Citizen, Death-Marked of the Phoenix

Enough said, I experienced a lot, as I planned to do. Since my sphere was revelation/divination, I dedicated my life to experience so many situations as possible. I had success in that, you cannot deny it.
I¡¦d like to thank you for not unempowering me, since I would unempowered ¡¥follower¡¦, who ¡¥forgot¡¦ of his own deity. Thank you. Hope you don¡¦t regret that you have empowered me.

Well¡K I remember you mortal, I remember you heroimm in the chasm, and I liked you a lot better when you haven¡¦t been so proud. This time I didn¡¦t see any effort that you would put into the Scion cabal. Perhaps I¡¦m unworthy of your blessed invaluable attention, but, as I mentioned before, I lost any respect to you that I had before.
Despite that, I have nothing against you. Just disappointed.

Damnit! Probably a most funny and interesting immortal I ever interacted with! Thank you a lot for attention, and hope you had fun with those packages. I only regret that I lost your bracelet. Damn elves. I would gladly accept your invitation, and nearly accepted it (as I said, so damn tempting!), but I¡¦ve been occupied with the Empire already. Otherwise, I would become clan¡¦s priest with great pleasure. It would be very, very interesting, and I can¡¦t understand that healer, who have been empowered by you, got in into the clan and deleted short time after that. With already working cabal-like system, filled with orcs, I cannot even imagine what would I do. We would takeover the whole land!
I tried to roll up a character, who would join the clan. It was Fierrogath, and I had fun with him, but playing AP¡¦s, especially giants¡K I couldn¡¦t. Besides, I am barely playing more than one character. Hope you enjoyed brief interaction with him, but he was a loser (and tanked like a true orc, i.e. didn¡¦t tank at all). Good luck with your clan!

Well¡K I don¡¦t know what to say. Or nothing, or too much. I¡¦ll try to stay in the middle. I¡¦ve no idea, if you liked my character or not. We interacted many times, or even a lot of times. I hope that my ¡¥work¡¦ served your goals well enough, though Empire would ¡¥arise¡¦ sooner or later despite of my presence, I believe. I just hope that you enjoyed my presence in pseudo-cabal. I¡¦m writing this, while Empire cabal isn¡¦t there yet, and, honestly, I have no idea, will it be implemented or not. But, to be honest, that doesn¡¦t important to me as of the player. We are the cabal, even without the powers, even with so crazy opposition, we are fighting back.
29.04.2003 ¡V Yesterday I wrote that we have no powers, and today I am a Bloodoath. Beware, goodies!

That time you caught me alone in kuo-toa¡K I thought I won¡¦t survive that meeting and prepared for a ¡¥proud death¡¦. Seems, you¡¦ve been in a good mood and didn¡¦t cleave me with your axe, as you wished later, in the palace. Outstanding personality, you are the most ¡¥imaginable¡¦ immortal that I ever met. I have a solid picture of you as of the character, though we interacted only a few times.

Shadow Empire.
Blade at my neck¡K rolling away¡K snickering. As you should, you are sneaky and stealthy. I met you only¡K twice? And every meeting was quite ¡¥dangerous¡¦. I knew that you are there before you revealed yourself at the Palace, as a shadowy figure. Smart me!

Thank you for the invitation. I hope I¡¦ll use it someday, and I¡¦m very upset that I couldn¡¦t use it in time. We didn¡¦t interact much this time, but every time I meet you I¡¦m being impressed by your personality (*whistle*). Hopefully, I won¡¦t delete until I perform what I promised¡K and complete our little bargain. A shame that you closed your Temple, you had a very nice religion.

We briefly spoken a few times, discussing your philosophy and religion. I am still don¡¦t know it completely, nor seems will have a way to learn it now. I¡¦ve spoken to some of your followers, trying to understand it, but without any result. All that I gained, was ¡¥learn it yourself¡¦. Funny. Good luck with whatever you are up to. I bet your next personality won¡¦t be worse that you had.

Good orc! We had fun. You preferred Merzofyazn to me, and we even fought some times because of that. But I told you that I¡¦m better! . Always been hard to keep you alive, suicidal chief!

One of the few true lightwalkers. You deserved immortalship. One of the few villagers, who have been speaking to me while I¡¦ve been even scion. Though, we didn¡¦t speak of anything particular, nice to meet you. I never understood, why are you of the village, though¡K guess, you have your own reasons. Good luck, and make some nice areas!

I truly dislike you and despise your followers. You are running the ¡¥honor¡¦ sphere. Yes, it¡¦s not common honor, but it doesn¡¦t mean that your followers will lie, hunt in squads of 5-10, and, especially, kill guildguards. I remember when I¡¦ve been sitting at the chasm and five or six maranosylvans approached and attacked the Nightwalker. Next thing I heard was Sassmi¡¦s yell about ¡¥kill the dishonored dogs!¡¦. Nonsense.

------------------------------------------------- Enough for Immortals. ļ

Part 3, Mortals!
(sorted by the cabals)

I¡¦ll begin with Scions, since it was the first cabal I entered. I didn¡¦t play for a year or more, and first character, as I mentioned before, was a necromancer. I played him two months and rolled Thornarcrull, who joined the chasm.

----- SCIONS -----

Of course, it will be you, Anith. I don¡¦t know, what to say, since everything have been said already. But you are most enjoyable scion I ever met, since scions appeared. You deleted soon after I heroed, and seems you had a reason¡K but you pissed me badly. I thought we will bring power to the chasm. Alas. Impressive roleplaying, good skills in combat¡K I couldn¡¦t enter the Hell to save your soul, as I promised, since the trip happened when my girlfriend had a birthday. CF is a good thing, but I worth RL a lot more, as seems you do.

We had fun, bloody fun. Seems we have been unstoppable. Good luck, if you are playing, and good luck, if you do not. I miss a skilled invoker, though we have a very potential one now (look below).

We didn¡¦t interact much. I fully realized that you are drow healer only after I reached thirty ranks or so. You should induct me earlier. Well played, though we didn¡¦t interact much. I couldn¡¦t replace you, since I hate suicides and do not see worth in them.

I knew your first chancellor, and I do not see any difference between them. It was me, who taught you of the kteng¡¦s secret. We had a good competition in that quest, but you are speaking English much better than I do, so I had no chances! ƒº Otherwise you wouldn¡¦t have any chances. I¡¦m curious to see, where will you lead the Chasm, and expect you to become Immortal quite soon, with such potential. But in combat, you are nothing, as before. Good luck to you, enjoyed you a lot.

Who did I forgot? I should forget someone.

----- BATTLE -----

We surely had fun. Brute, dangerous, deadly. Fighting you was like playing the Russian roulette. At the end, I (I hope) became pain in your ass, since always I could find someone to join me and raid the village, killing every one of you there. I died to the villagers couple of times, and I can surely say, I HATE entwine by the destructor. Good thing Destructor cannot entwine himself.
Don¡¦t think I¡¦ll mention any of you, though there were many of you, who deserve mentioning. But I outlived so many of you, so I won¡¦t recall your names and such. I¡¦ll gladly answer on your constructive comments.

Thror and Kastellyn.
Thank you for that slaughtering. Enjoyed such divine attention, though you could do it in a better style. I can understand your anger, though¡K you should have been quite pissed.

----- MARANS -----

I don¡¦t like any of you. I had a maran few years ago, when there weren¡¦t cabal. They had honor and bravery; they were true defenders of light and bringers of vengeance. Now, you are nothing but a bunch of gangbangers, who whine when we have chance to gather together in a small group and kick your loosy asses. Whining overpowered suckers, nothing else.
I do not see any worth a mention maran of last years. Maybe I¡¦m biased. But I hate every one of you. You call imperials gangbangers and lackeys (not all of you, but most of you do). That¡¦s ridiculous. You have x5, x6, x7 more members in the fortress; you always bunching together to hunt evils. You are worst gangbangers I ever seen, worst, than old Empire were, and none of you will have any respect. I just hope someday you and sylvans will merge into one cabal, so I¡¦ll destroy it with my ¡¥gangbangers¡¦. ƒº
Shokai¡K how could you become¡K that?? Where are that shining paladin, destroyer of the darkness, bringer of light? You remind me a little kobold now, who found a railgun and shooting everyone from his burrow.
Ah, and I apology for¡K you know what for. I barely remember what happened. That day I¡¦ve been visiting some nightclubs and returned absolutely inadequate. When I awoke, I checked the log and¡K uh oh.

----- ACOLYTE -----
See maran. No difference.

----- WARLOCKS -----

I cannot say that I know you. I tried to speak with Jhard, Sao, someone else ¡V for no result. ¡¥You are evil! You will die! MUST DIE! MUST DIE! MUST DIE! MAAAZDIIIIEEE!!!¡¦ it¡¦s all that I heard. Aiyaka is an exception which I respect. You are marans#2 and nothing else ¡V same bunch of gangbangers. Another most pointless cabal in the game. But you cannot even take the first place, since you are so pointless. Goodbye.

----- ARBITER ---

You are better, than before. Good to see that change. But amongst you, only few worth mention (or you are good enough but I don¡¦t know you). I was flagged five times, and five times I managed to remove my flags without dying. Old arbiters would never do so (stubborn retards!).

Damn you. I always spelled your name as ¡¥Bowlring¡¦ and missed communes\tells\whatever else. Most funny arbie I ever met, I liked your speech since the beginning, when I raided the spire with lightwalking entropy conjurer. LOL. Yaiec or like that was his name, and your guards kicked me out of there quite fast. A shame that you deleted, but daily reclothing can piss anyone, I suppose.

Bastard. I told you that I cannot go that day, yet you went there and deleted soon after. I hate you. Most respected arbie I ever met. That trap with Merzofyazn¡K almost got me, and your bloody shackles¡K nightmare to the criminal. That time I was flagged for nothing, and I didn¡¦t try to fool you. Ah well, Noldruk removed it anyways. We had fun, though interacted not much as I would like to. Another time.

Another well played arbiter, who haven¡¦t been sitting in the city all the time and enjoyed exploring or adventuring. Well played, though not very solid character. I still can¡¦t completely understand you. But anyways, glad we met in the game, and enjoyed our adventures.

There were many of you, who are good players, but we never interacted enough to become familiar or worth mention (at the time I¡¦m writing this). Don¡¦t mind if I forgot you or didn¡¦t mention here ¡V this scroll is getting huge already.

----- SYLVAN -----
My first hero was sylvan. I liked you a lot, and, if I would play sylvan, I would like you. Probably I would even like Sassmi (doubt it, though). Planting, setting briars, wall of thorns, and summoning there. Uh. I just regret that now (while I¡¦m writing this note) we have no altar and I cannot stop you from the hiding. Arrgh.

I barely accuse someone in ooc relationship. I won¡¦t do it this time either, though¡K never mind. Never saw you alone; never saw you coming alone; you worn the mark of the ¡¥honor¡¦ sphere (I believe your primary sphere were something else, but honor is a part of that religion), and you always have been gangbanging. You made sylvan and maran cabal the same, and I won¡¦t be surprised if someday these two cabals will unite (since there are no difference now: you raid marans and sylvans coming; you raid sylvan and marans coming). I don¡¦t like you and don¡¦t believe you did a good job for CF and for the players; yet I cannot deny your skills on the battlefield. You never spoken to me, except for the briefly insults. Up to you.

You shall speak more to your foes. Perhaps you¡¦ll find something interesting. We fought a lot, and I hope you enjoyed our battles. Think you deserved that captainship. I think you tried to split marans and sylvans into two different cabals again (if it was you), but you failed. After you gone, or was offline, the story have repeated. Alas. (if it was you, again). Cya.

You remind me Sassmi by your actions. Remind me a lot, mr. sylvanomaran. Never interacted with any of us, and quite weak. Yet you are a good runner, and for that my *tip* to you. Look farewell to Sassmi for the details (except for the last two phrases).

Rest of sylvans.
You accause us, imperials, in gangbanging, but you do the same exactly, and even worse: you always team up with marans. Always. That¡¦s disgusting. I slew a lot of you, with great, great pleasure, and alone, and with an army.


I didn¡¦t speak too much to you, mainly because I got booted. Not intentional, but when horde of marans coming for you, and you set a bladebarrier to protect yourself a little, YOU are attacking the barkeepers. This is how I got booted. I couldn¡¦t find strength/time to settle up that festival, nor do I think it¡¦s my work. After I got booted, I barely spoken to you.

Only one drow woman, that I enjoyed, but a tricky and selfish one. Despite that, I liked you. Good roleplaying, always nice to meet you and just speak. That mask¡K we had some fun with it. You should tell me why monk is coming to you (I know it now), but it would not work for me anyways. I found my own way, though¡K but don¡¦t think I have enough health for that. Another time.

Only one druid that I spoken to with a pleasure. When I gated to you to that island, I came to slay you and take the mask. But you didn¡¦t attack me (surprising), so, instead, I decided to speak with you and realize, what is going on. I¡¦m glad that instead of primitive fighting we have spoken not only once, but kept interacting until one of us are dead. I don¡¦t know how will that story end, but for some reason I don¡¦t think I¡¦ll be that ¡¥happy-chosen-boy¡¦. Would be interesting, though. Good played, solid character.

Good girl, interesting to speak with. I still have no idea, why are you marked for death. In my role I am exile from the drow city, and should be marked the same way. Though, I don¡¦t mind absence of such mark. Thank you for your aid, and sad that I cannot enter the inn, or I would spent more time with you.

Thank you for your hint. It helped me. Sorry that I couldn¡¦t settle up the festival; with my knowledge of the language it¡¦s truly difficult. Besides, alone I wouldn¡¦t do it, and since I can¡¦t get in, it¡¦s troublesome.

Rest of the Inn.
Hm¡K I think I forgot someone. Of course, I did. Remind me, if you like.

----- NEXUS -----

I like idea of the balance, but I don¡¦t like how it¡¦s realized. When I look for my range, I see three paladins, three slvans, two warlocks, myself and, say, two scions. Rest is uncaballed or not an ally and not a foe. So, against three of us we see eight or nine foes, and often ¡V a lot more. When I ask nexus of the status, often I hear answer that ¡¥dark side dominates¡¦ or the same nonsense. The calculation system must be changed. Let¡¦s say, it would involve levels of the people (one hero, 51 level, = 51 character of first level). . Or something like that. You understand what I meant.

Impressive and amazing machine of destruction. I do not imagine you with battle powers ¡V it would be sick. Perhaps Minlacar was something like you (or was it you?). Always had fun when we were together; clear roleplaying of true cloud giant. Good work, and tons of fun. Especially when I cleaved you in half.

Sokoerker and Zherukin.
With you we had a lot of fun as well. Strong, almost same as Urzkoo, and not less skilled, both of you. We made a good team, and I cannot recall time when we failed each other. Well done. When you gone, nexus became empty, despite it¡¦s members.

I can¡¦t remember many of you, partly because I don¡¦t remember you, or I cannot recall your name. Don¡¦t be offended if you don¡¦t see yourself here.


Since there are very few of you, I¡¦ll unite you in this group. I interacted with any of you, and can¡¦t say I regret that. Interesting, usually uncommon characters, and usually very interesting to interact with. Perhaps someday a group of zealots will re-open these cabals, like we (bah! I know it¡¦s not dependant on us) are re-opening Empire cabal.


Where to begin¡K I¡¦ve no idea. A short story of it¡¦s beginning I wrote above. So, I suppose, I describe it¡¦s current status and my feelings about it. Later I¡¦ll add something, if I¡¦ll live long enough or if something will change¡K will be interesting to watch it, and for myself, and for you, perhaps.
Empire is not in full power, as of before. We still have no official cabal, and still nothing changed in the Imperial City. But we have weekly (plus-minus some days) immterractions, informing us that ¡¥Empire will form very soon¡¦. Soon seems a bit different for players and Immortals, but I believe to implement Empire, sects, powers, help files, and whatever else is required takes a lot of time ¡V maybe more, than implementers thought. They could also have a RL stuff, so we are waiting (most of us do). Some of imperials stopped showing, some deleted.
But even without cabal channel, guardians and powers, most of us feel ourselves as a real imperials, and acts according this status. I noticed some changes, such as help file added to Khasotholas religion.

Now, some farewells to the imperials, dead or not at the moment.

You are first, of course. I know that you don¡¦t like me and my character, but that doesn¡¦t hurt me much. Despite your disliking, you roleplayed well with Thornarcrull, and I would never suspect any dislike from you. I especially posted that ¡¥I symbolize empire¡¦ thing to see, who and how will react. You, by advertising your own character, disappointed me a lot. But still, you are one of my favorite imperials, even when you are dead.
About my vanishing and reappearing, It begun when I caught influenza. Not usual one, but some mutated disease which nearly ended my life. Soon as I recovered, I had a lot of things to do. Even then, I would show up, if I wouldn¡¦t leave my city to visit some conference, where I got stuck for a long, long time ¡V much longer than I expected to be.
I suppose, you counted my character dead and tried to take authority, which I had. You would, of course, success, if I wouldn¡¦t return ¡V but you should remember, that I promised to return. You even tried to order me¡K that was very nice turn in your life.
So, again, well played, good character. And, I don¡¦t like you as a player too, but that¡¦s not a secret. Good thing many can split character from the player¡K but even more cannot do so.

My favorite anti-paladin. It¡¦s a shame that you lasted so short; I couldn¡¦t support you enough to gather enough souls and enough protective things for you, such as rods and wands. I still hate you for deleting ¡V should you stick around, you wouldn¡¦t have problems with your axe, rods or whatever else. We were a good team, even if these bastards called us ¡¥gangbangers¡¦. I don¡¦t care what idiots saying, though, and you shouldn¡¦t¡K but, again, I believe loose of the miraculous Axe can piss anyone. Good played character, enjoyable and interesting ¡V and very, very mean.

I never knew you; but I know what you lost. You lost tons of fun, you lost innumerous events which you¡¦ll never experience now. Your deletion was a worst mistake in your life as of the player. And as of the character too. I¡¦ve no idea what are you up to, but I feel sorry for you.
I used your name to throw myself into it, and glad that I did it. These, who disagreed with my presence, I got dead¡K with some aid, of course¡K and it went smooth. I usurped what belonged to you and to Kalmah. But weak do not deserve such power. (it¡¦s not me, it¡¦s Thorn speaks - *innocent*).

You had good intentions, but you always have been choosing the worst ways to reach your goals. I, honestly, tried to save your life, though I already took your authority and you was not a treat to me. But you didn¡¦t listen. Even after I solved that quarrel between you and Zekasiq (which I quietly initiated to decrease your influence), you kept doing strange, and from time to time, stupid things. At the end, you angered every single member of the Foundation and I decided not to interfere. You got killed and deleted for your own mistakes. End of the story.

Horkanpz, my Apprentice.
When you, as a rank 20-25 asked for some heals (or aura?), and promised to be my apprentice, I didn¡¦t pay attention, since I often receive such promises or offers. Later, when some warrior asked me for something and called me a ¡¥master¡¦, I was quite surprised. I didn¡¦t recognize you, until you reminded me. Since that time, I accepted new apprentice, and tried to guide you as well as possible. We had great battles, good and bad times, and, I truly hope, you enjoyed that. It¡¦s a shame that you deleted when I¡¦ve been gone for a while. You haven¡¦t been most skilled warrior I ever met, but you sure had faith and dedication (using terms of Thornarcrull). Be well, requiesant in pace.

Gramukzul and Fedhiob.
Are you twins? I like each of you, though Gramukzul seems works on Sakard! But that doesn¡¦t matter. We fought a lot, won a lot, and had to run a lot. Both strong in spirit, and on the battlefield.
Gamukzul, I would be much happier, if you could entwine more often, and use eyejab or chock from time to time. Good and worthy blade, I¡¦m glad you decided to suffer together with us such outnumbering.
Fedhiob, not less worthy blade of the Empire. Good skills, good roleplaying. I laughed so much when you voted for me at the temple, but not on the situation, but because the reason you voted for me. Good and already old times!

Perfectly roleplaying evil priestess. Not much to say, you are good in roleplaying and, as most of the womans, not so good on the battlefield ¡V but I always been glad to travel with you, since it meant a good bit of interaction. I hope you¡¦ll find a business within the Empire sooner or later, and good luck with your job.
29.04.2003 - you just immed and completely pissed me off. I expected you to work with us. Blast.

That was funny as hell. First thing I see when I return, it¡¦s note of some unknown to me bard, who calls himself as a ¡¥Leader of the Imperial Blades¡¦. What the f$%k. We did so much work, and someone else sneaks behind our backs and proclaims himself as a some ¡¥leader¡¦?! Kill him, my first intention, followed by the order.
We meet in the Palace, debate, I¡¦m getting angry (Thornarcrull didn¡¦t believe in your story) and I kick you out of there. That mace surprised you, I bet.
Next, I¡¦ve been told that you have been chosen by the minotaur himself. But it¡¦s too late, and Thornarcrull do not believe in that ¡¥nonsense¡¦.
Next Thornarcull meeting the Minotaur in kuo-toa, who is going to cleave him in half for disliking his ¡¥chosen¡¦. Whoa, I¡¦m telling to myself¡K he is truly chosen. But not that fact made me happy¡K the fact that Minotaur treating us as an imperials.
I had no choice but end the quarrel, and we gone ¡¥bringing order to the lands¡¦ together.
Glad you are here (there), enjoyed and you, and your skills.

I don¡¦t like your character, and you know this. I suppose, you don¡¦t like me, so, vice versa. I don¡¦t think you truly understand way of the Empire, or our ideology. It¡¦s understandable, you missed a lot. But what is sad, you seems do not wish to learn anything that we are telling you, except for Khasotholas. Very sad.
I didn¡¦t like you for one more reason: every time we traveled or hunted, you tried to command my group. When I¡¦ve been saying ¡¥west¡¦, you was saying ¡¥east¡¦, which pissed me a lot and confused the whole group. I had soooo much fun when I decided not to group you and you and you followed us like the little puppy to every place we were going to.
You had enough of this and had no choice to keep your mouth closed. I almost believed that you are not so ill person, when I took the oath and lost my powers. You immediately tried to usurp the ¡¥authority¡¦ that I had. I realized today that you are or truly idiot, or you are very young person. Perhaps you need to play dolls instead of interacting with other players.

Good mage, tell me, you have innumerous value of constitution? You seems do not care for your health, rushing in battle and staying often until death. Must be funny. Didn¡¦t see any roleplaying attempts, though, but always enjoyed your company.

And two neo (at the moment) imperials, Zhekril and Navarro.
I¡¦ve been told not to recruit new applicants, and deny existence of the Empire or it¡¦s arising. Despite that, people didn¡¦t believe in that, and I couldn¡¦t convince them that Empire doesn¡¦t exist. But following Khasotholas¡¦s order, I stopped recruiting new applicants. You two came to me by yourself, and both completed tasks, that could piss off a lot of players.
Zhekril, you begun as not very skilled invoker, but with every day I saw your progress. Using different tactics and showing creativity, you becoming a truly strong invoker. Perhaps I¡¦m mistaken, but I think it¡¦s your first invoker, and seems you enjoy him. I¡¦m glad that you also do not quit away when you see twenty people in your range and only one evil ¡V yourself. Keep the good work.
Navarro. Perfect work. Nothing else to say. Good style.

Rest of us, Weengroht, Naldaeruth, Mufasaw (I think you¡¦ll get ¡¥in¡¦ soon enough).
I didn¡¦t interact or travel much with you, so I can¡¦t say much. Skilled it seems, you caught a good time to join us, otherwise you would have to speak with me much more, as well as battling our foes. You are barely online, or playing something else ¡V and I hate that.


Of course, it¡¦s you. Most sweet invoker I ever met. Sorry for that cleaving, not intentional, but again, funny as hell. We always been exploring, and, hopefully, with pleasure. Though I¡¦ve been nearly everywhere now, I cannot remember every place, and it¡¦s a good thing. A year of delay, and Octagonal tower is a mystery again. Especially if it was revamped or even changed slightly. It¡¦s a shame that there are so few areas to explore ¡V except for player killing or interacting not many things left to do for us now¡K
Very skilled, sniggering gnome ¡V that¡¦s a living nightmare to the drow. Thank you for the gift, though I lost it (with my presence in the fields it¡¦s not surprising; I¡¦m 100% not a hoarder and prefer to loose stuff and regain it, but play, instead of remaining offline). A bit sad, you stopped showing when you got rings of regeneration. Don¡¦t become a hoarder. Sacrifice them, and ¡¥live a full life¡¦!

All of you. Overpowered characters. I¡¦ve no idea, who are behind the characters, but I believe it¡¦s some sick people, who try to satisfy their ego (or something else) by playing these machines. Do you really enjoy it? I bet you do. I knew a person, who always played Doom with IDDQD and IDKFA. I believe, you are of that kind.
I truly believe that this class must be or removed (yes, I¡¦m not crazy), or completely revamped. I¡¦m not whining, since I know them from the both sides ¡V and as a foe, and as a friend, and I had a paladin by myself. To prevent blaming, I¡¦ll admit, that I deleted him at fourty ranks, since I had no interest in playing with cheat codes.
I¡¦m not saying they are invulnerable or unkilliable. We slew many of them and more to come. Bah, you know reasons of people, who believe that paladins are overpowered, and I won¡¦t repeat them.
Despise. All of you, and doesn¡¦t matter, how well are you roleplaying.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end of farewells.

PART 3, ¡§Some famous last words¡¨

I never had so much immterraction before, even if I sum up all my characters together. Same I could say about the fun. Imterractions always brings fun, even if some Imm slays you in cold blood, after he slays rest of your group. I laughed a lot.

Very likely that it¡¦s my last character. I have no addiction, and I took everything that I could take from CF. Idea of leveling up someone else, idea of writing role, idea of making him interesting stuns me in shock. Hell no. Between my successful characters I always had a break (year or two), so, I believe, it¡¦s time to take a break. Perhaps I¡¦ll return someday, but if not, none will miss me.

Khasotholas, I¡¦d like to post the ¡¥Brief story of the Empire creation¡¦ ¡V a log, compiled from our imterractions and probably some interactions with other involved players. It will take a time to find it all, sort and edit, so, if you don¡¦t like to see it here (or somewhere else), I won¡¦t waste my time on needless work.

I didn¡¦t try to make this ¡¥note¡¦ so huge. It¡¦s a brief farewell, honestly.
My email: I do not check it often, though.

I¡¦m out. Safe.

Felgaire, shut up.


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HOT Topic[DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy [View all] , Thornarcrull (Guest), Mon 19-May-03 01:12 PM
Reply Couple things, Shadowmaster, 27-May-03 12:00 AM, #73
Reply RE: [DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy, Alvoroiz (Guest), 26-May-03 02:23 AM, #72
Reply Ah, craps!, Airael (Guest), 24-May-03 08:17 PM, #70
Reply Secret of the lastname (popular question), Thornarcrull (Guest), 21-May-03 10:09 AM, #62
Reply By the special request: Zharaluzar, Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 11:50 AM, #53
Reply Nice run you had there., Anith (Guest), 20-May-03 09:30 AM, #48
Reply Hey!, Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 11:25 AM, #51
Reply RE: [DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy, Khasotholas, 20-May-03 06:08 AM, #43
Reply RE: [DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy, Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 06:22 AM, #45
Reply sorry to see you go, penlerixid (Guest), 20-May-03 01:51 AM, #38
Reply Yep., Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 06:08 AM, #44
Reply (longish)Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy ???, Narissa, 19-May-03 10:34 PM, #32
Reply RE: (longish)Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy ???, Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 05:57 AM, #42
Reply Boulwrin = Merzofyzan =, Dugruain, 19-May-03 04:08 PM, #28
Reply What I'd like to know, Dranthaax (Guest), 19-May-03 02:41 PM, #23
Reply Ha!, Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 05:29 AM, #40
Reply What can I say?, Lruthlor (Guest), 19-May-03 02:08 PM, #20
Reply Well I have to say I disagree with at least one thing, Sylvrin (Guest), 19-May-03 01:57 PM, #19
Reply hasta la bye bye, shokai, 19-May-03 01:55 PM, #18
Reply I am continually amazed by..., Zulghinlour, 19-May-03 02:36 PM, #22
Reply And I'm cool with that!, Sakard, 19-May-03 03:35 PM, #25
Reply RE: I am continually amazed by..., confused (Guest), 19-May-03 03:36 PM, #26
     Reply hrm..., shokai, 19-May-03 03:48 PM, #27
     Reply RE: hrm..., Isildur, 20-May-03 12:38 AM, #35
          Reply RE: hrm..., Narissa, 20-May-03 01:06 AM, #36
          Reply Well ya see..., shokai, 20-May-03 01:22 AM, #37
               Reply RE: Well ya see..., Isildur, 20-May-03 09:59 AM, #49
                    Reply Someday I'll tell you..., Sylvrin (Guest), 20-May-03 02:28 PM, #57
     Reply A response (and a few comments for Thorn as well), nepenthe, 20-May-03 12:23 AM, #34
          Reply RE: A response (and a few comments for Thorn as well), Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 05:43 AM, #41
Reply Re: Tonguelessness:, Valguarnera, 19-May-03 04:41 PM, #29
Reply ROFL, Lruthlor (Guest), 19-May-03 04:45 PM, #30
Reply RE: ROFL...DITTO!, Sylvrin (Guest), 19-May-03 04:57 PM, #31
     Reply RE: ROFL...DITTO!, Lruthlor (Guest), 20-May-03 01:27 PM, #55
Reply RE: Re: Tonguelessness:, Vlad (Guest), 19-May-03 11:50 PM, #33
Reply RE: Yaofhil, Valguarnera, 20-May-03 02:52 AM, #39
     Reply RE: Yaofhil, Vladamir, 20-May-03 11:02 AM, #50
          Reply agreed, Sossaphrin (Guest), 20-May-03 05:36 PM, #61
Reply heh, Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 06:31 AM, #46
Reply I see your point and agree, but..., Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 11:39 AM, #52
     Reply wherein we go to the log for commentary:, shokai, 20-May-03 02:05 PM, #56
          Reply My impression, Ulthur, 20-May-03 02:32 PM, #58
          Reply This really shows, Nightgauntish (Guest), 20-May-03 03:09 PM, #59
          Reply Bad Rp? Not really and here's why, Gwyn, 20-May-03 03:35 PM, #60
               Reply RE: Bad Rp? Not really and here's why, Doge, 23-May-03 01:01 PM, #63
                    Reply Now let me say why I did not like it., Nightgauntish (Guest), 23-May-03 01:55 PM, #64
                         Reply RE: Now let me say why I did not like it., nepenthe, 23-May-03 03:33 PM, #65
                              Reply But, Thornarcrull (Guest), 24-May-03 08:45 AM, #67
                                   Reply RE: But, Zulghinlour, 24-May-03 11:40 AM, #68
                                   Reply *sigh*, shokai, 24-May-03 05:18 PM, #69
                                   Reply RE: But, -TSM (Guest), 26-May-03 02:19 AM, #71
          Reply Sorry, I can't keep myself from this comment., permanewbie, 24-May-03 02:11 AM, #66
Reply RE: Note re: roles:, Valguarnera, 19-May-03 01:07 PM, #14
Reply Thank you for..., The bandwagon (Guest), 19-May-03 12:50 PM, #12
Reply I don't really think..., Thornarcrull (Guest), 19-May-03 01:06 PM, #13
     Reply RE: I don't really think..., Zulghinlour, 19-May-03 01:35 PM, #16
          Reply Yea, don't say you were the reason you got the Empire b..., Sakard, 19-May-03 03:30 PM, #24
               Reply It wasn't me! I did nothing! I HAVE NO CONNECTION TO TH..., Thornarcrull (Guest), 20-May-03 06:39 AM, #47
Reply Don't be an asss., Sassmi (Guest), 19-May-03 12:06 PM, #9
Reply But I am!, Thornarcrull (Guest), 19-May-03 12:20 PM, #11
     Reply RE: But I am!, Isildur, 19-May-03 02:10 PM, #21
Reply RE: [DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy, Lys (Guest), 19-May-03 11:35 AM, #7
Reply Um. Excuses. I wrote that in word and cut-n-pasted. Don..., Thorn-ar-Cruel (Guest), 20-May-03 11:53 AM, #54
Reply RE: [DEAD] Thornarcrull U, The Public Enemy, Zepachu, 19-May-03 10:23 AM, #5
Reply Hey Valg, this time is it really true?, Sakard, 19-May-03 09:29 AM, #4
Reply your talent is not as great as your ego, troll spotter (Guest), 19-May-03 09:26 AM, #3
Reply Doh. Screw that. I didn't mean to be such badass., Thornarcrull (Guest), 19-May-03 10:50 AM, #15
     Reply Was? I'm still alive and still kicking!, Sakard, 19-May-03 11:26 AM, #6
Reply Well I was going to say some nice things, Corealis (Guest), 19-May-03 09:03 AM, #2
Reply ok now a constructive response, heh, Corealis (Guest), 19-May-03 11:58 AM, #8
     Reply RE: ok now a constructive response, heh, Thornarcrull (Guest), 19-May-03 12:16 PM, #10
          Reply RE: ok now a constructive response, heh, Theerkla, 19-May-03 01:52 PM, #17
Reply God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of S..., Ulthur, 19-May-03 08:19 AM, #1
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