laxman | Tue 19-Apr-05 04:46 PM |
Member since 18th Aug 2003
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#8317, "Some interesting statistics"
Edited on Tue 19-Apr-05 04:58 PM
After playing Grarruk and getting the impresion from the playerbase they thought he was overly agresive towards non mages and ganked too much I decided to go about proving them wrong and did some statistics on the last 10 berserkers of the village in the premium battlefield. Here are the statistics I gathered. The HPK stands for hours per kill .and MK is the number of kills that were mages. % Mage is the percent of their total number of Pkils that were mages.
Name____Hours___Kills___Deaths__MK______Gank____% Mage__HPK Kjelror_324_____48______45______17______1.7_____35.42___6.75 Grarruk_152_____63______51______43______1.32____68.25___2.41 Tuggluk_194_____88______48______43______1.14____48.86___2.20 Huindaro149_____22______23______8_______1.61____36.36___6.77 Khard___249_____51______45______24______1.41____47.06___4.88 Arrazn__426_____71______55______30______1.5_____42.25___6.00 Ackuol__160_____18______54______11______1.73____61.11___8.89 Acaga___427_____133_____66______42______1.75____31.58___3.21 Yuyuya__192_____24______18______10______1.19____41.67___8.00 alnon___170_____29______21______15______1_______51.72___5.86 Average_244.3___54.7____42.6____24.3____1.435___44.42___4.47
I was a bit surprised to find out the average berserker had less then half there kills as mages, Obviously berserkers are fighting a lot of people who are not mages such as imperials, scions, and people grouped with them, but I still think that a berserker should have or at least shoot for 50% mage kills since they are suposed to attack them at every chance. What are other peoples opinions on this?
as a side note acaga, sphere courage tated by ordasen renouned as being a solo fighter had a higher gank o meter then kjelror, a warrior kicked from the village for ganging. Not to troll obviously acaga's kills were more in raid situations but perhaps parity should be more respected in raid and retrieval situations a bit more?
Also for the critics who said berserkers were overpowered it seems that they seem to average about the same number of kills as deaths that does not seem unusual for a cabaled character and note that for being overpowered their average number of deaths is multiple times greater then your average character.
Straklaw | Wed 20-Apr-05 10:30 AM |
Member since 10th Mar 2003
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#8335, "Here's the difference though..."
In response to Reply #0
The biggest problem is, these stats only show KILLS. While you may gun for mages 90% of the time, mages are MUCH better at escaping than non-mages, hence if you win a fight versus a mage, they are quite likely to get away, versus a warrior who thinks "Oh ####", and eats a deathblow in the back as he's running away. This is why Immortals actually *WATCH* characters, rather than sit back and rely on stats alone. As to parity in raids...there quite likely IS parity. Remember, gankometer *ONLY* reads # of people grouped with you when enemy dies. It doesn't care how many people are in their group. You might take one friend with you, and the two of you beat down a group of six, but gankometer reads it as ganking them down.