Just got -1000 imp XP, yes -1000 XP for telling the outlander transmuter to go #### themselves after it has been harassing my orc for DAYS. Sure I get that there is no cursing, but that ####er has been harrassing me days after days to a point where I have to log off when he is around. Don't you see that he level sits at ranked 29th, and once I ranked pass him, he ranked up to get duo dimensions, so he can keep harrassing me?
Orcs don't get many edge points anyway, and that saps of exp effectively making sure I don't get the one edge that I like to have. Thanks immortals for your little reward.. may your Easter be blessed with the same kindness, I sincerely hope.... Was that ####ing neccessary? I didn't disrespect you imms, it was between me and the one harrassing me, but you ####ed me up, so my message to you is go #### yourself too on this fine Easter day
Please don't say that the playerbase is better off without players like me like you have told many other players, it is a broken record. You imms are the assholes. The playerbase without me is left with the level sitting, powerbuild playing piece of ####s that would avoid me like a plaque if I play a dwarf berserker #342452, but would definitely jump on an orc that is trying to rank by himself, taking hits in the ####ing face by the mobs. What the #### man, seriously.
Imms, I am ####ing speechless with some of you... so ####ing retarded... Just site ban me because we end our relationship on a really sour note. Don't expect good things coming from me.