I am curious as to what the justification of the guards keeping my Orc from walking through galadon is.
I get that Orcs are completely destructive etc.
So are outlanders/scarab (Outlanders pose more of a threat to the city than orcs, or at least I feel they do)
On that note, Galadon accepts all creed of evil doers (drow/Fire giants/Duergar) all of which are arguably just as nasty/vile/likely to bash people into the dirt as an Orc.
Please let Orcs walk into Galadon unopposed by the guards? It makes little sense, and truly is only an annoyance since you can just go in via the river. Furthermore, Orcs can walk into voralia (city of good) completely unopposed - Galadon is supposed to be the most 'accepting' of alignment/race/etc