Just as normal keys do.
Locksmith allows you to fashion a key from studying the lock, even if you don't have the key, or to make a copy of a key that you already have. However, if the lock in question cannot be picked via advanced picklock skill, then you also cannot fashion a key from studying the lock. You CAN still make a copy of the key once you obtain it.
The best use I ever found for the locksmith skill was to copy a key that crumbles, so that it no longer does so. However, rumor has it this usage of locksmith has been changed, so that even the copied key now crumbles. I have yet to verify if that is actually the case or not. If that is the case, then my opinion of locksmith skill is that it's totally pointless.
Even in the case that a copied key does not crumble after a given time period, I still think that locksmith skill is, at best, a niche skill. My first use of locksmith skill was to get filthy rich by copying a normally crumbling key so that my copy would not crumble, and then repeatedly looting a certain chest with it, rather than having to go through the very difficult fight required to obtain the key multiple times. However, I have since found a much better location to farm gold that only requires advanced picklock and a little creativity to make the location safe. In the old design of hell, there was at least one location I'm aware of where copying a crumbling key was pretty useful, but I somehow doubt that still exists in the redesigned area. I will probably never take the locksmith skill again.