Bayres123 | Mon 10-Dec-12 06:26 PM |
Member since 24th Oct 2011
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#48032, "Hey guys, I just had a great idea on how to get more people to play CF..."
So how many total connection to the game could there be before the game just crashes from sheer number of players? Could over 500 people constantly playing cause the game to crash? Ow! My ovaries!
Tesline | Mon 10-Dec-12 09:42 PM |
Member since 25th Jun 2010
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#48035, "I'm avidly against cloning...unless your making 500 fun..."
In response to Reply #0
This would become the best game ever. I've got a single #### to give...and it's just for you.
Tac | Mon 10-Dec-12 07:10 PM |
Member since 15th Nov 2005
2050 posts
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#48033, "I don't know the answer to this..."
In response to Reply #0
but generally speaking muds are pretty low tech. I mean they were developed to run on 80s era PCs. CF is currently on a shared server I believe, but with dedicated newer hardware, I imagine even 500 wouldn't be a significant challenge.
I notice you didn't say what your idea was...