>As I wasn't able to find a free slot, I am curious how a few >things play out:
Keep in mind, six more goblins will be available next week, and the week after that it will be unlimited.
>From creation, can goblins join Grinning Skulls or possibly a >Goblin Village?
At character creation, you can choose GSV or Goblin Village as a hometown. If you're GSV, you're part of the clan. If you're Goblin Village, you have the option of joining one of a few (appropriate) cabals. Being very Tribal creatures (as orcs are), being part of a Clan is on par with joining a cabal for a goblin, and should be taken seriously. In the future, there may be ways that one can join/leave the Clan, but it will not be something you should expect to be able to swap back and forth over.
Or must they be inducted? Do they get >adaptations as a grinning skull goblin?
Adaptations are an orc ability. Goblins never gain such. A Grinning Skull Goblin gains the advantages of being in a Clan such as free gear, a particularly safe hometown for a class that tops at level 40.
>Which cabals are they allowed in?
Nexus, Battle, Herald. Fear the Herald Goblin.
>Will goblins have the same limit as minotaurs?
See HELP SEASONAL RACES. They have limited release over the first two weeks, which leaves you three and a half months of full playtime if you miss out until open release.