#47257, "What's the deal with quiet lynx?"
This is a tier three form and it barely hit for devastates-MUTILATES 2-4 times on unprotected people. Can someone explain to me this? Is avg dodge, sneak, and swat the balance? How can an offensive tier 3 form be so not offensive?
laxman | Tue 25-Sep-12 09:28 AM |
Member since 18th Aug 2003
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#47258, "that form rocks"
In response to Reply #0
It has the most defense of any offense form. Enough that it wins a lot more fights that many 3rd tier forms with higher damage output cannot.
TMNS | Tue 25-Sep-12 11:00 AM |
Member since 10th Jun 2009
2670 posts
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#47261, "Don't forget it has pounce in forests too."
In response to Reply #1
At least, I seem to remember it does.