Like riposte, it's checked for on every successful parry. In a sense, the biggest factors to swiftstrike are often therefore whatever helps you parry, since if you don't parry the attack you have a 0% chance to swiftstrike.
You also have to be able to see your opponent (generally) to swiftstrike. (Note, for example, the Sightless Eye edge which allows you to semi-circumvent this restriction.)
Once you clear those hurdles, non-marginal factors are: Swiftstrike skill DEX Haste/slow exerts a very small effect (directly, anyway -- it's really overshadowed by, say, how much haste helps you parry and therefore swiftstrike more) A couple other generic fighting skills (basically, SS works a little better for a warrior, who has stuff like third attack, than it does for an invoker that doesn't)