NNNick | Mon 04-Mar-02 03:43 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#36, "External knowledge policy"
There is a loooooooong thread on battlefields. But these questions belong here I believe.
I would like to get general answer from immortals and one regarding Silent Tower from Nepenthe (his privilege).
What is current policy regarding using AREA knowledge (i.e. eq, maps quests, etc) you learned with one char with another ?
And as far as I remember there is no mention of such things in RULES.
You can not expect people relearn outlay of Galadon every time they make a new char. How about quest knowledge ? Do I need to pretend I do not know where to get rat trap every time I do that quest ? Basically where is the point I should stop using information I learned with my previous chars (deleted and forgotten by now) ? Also how I suppose to role-play such knowledge where permitted ?
How about sharing such questionable knowledge with other people (totally IC) ? This obviously upset Nepenthe.
I see no difference in : "Learning with current char and sharing this info with cabal mate/IC friend/etc." vs. "Learning with past char, and claiming my current one had a divine insight/found an ancient scroll/was told by drunk bard/etc"
Oh regarding Geramin - correct me here Steve - he was denied because he did not listen/lied/was rude to you. Not because he shared Silent info. But I agree there should be more of "warning system" before character would punished. Also I humbly suggest to immortals make clear to people why their char are denied.
About AP collecting charges: As current system goes - You would not get charge if you kill same person again without killing somebody else. And it does not matter - just after he unghost or 5 hours latter. Immortals - correct me here if I am wrong.
But just because AP grows stronger by killing people (same with lich) - this alone encourages multi-killing where it would not happen overwise. Oh certain people enjoy multi-killing for sake of it. But APs get additional bonus.
How about: a) Lower number of kills required for controls. b) Make 'iron grip' undispelable by 'dispel magic' spell. PLEASE. c) Watch for unjustified multi-killing.
Never mind Arolin. You are biased against him. He is a bad boy no matter what… (intended to be sarcasm)
Pico | Wed 06-Mar-02 09:33 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#37, "RE: External knowledge policy"
In response to Reply #0
Aside from rules such as "no advertising" the underlying principle of all of the rules is that: a character (note a "character" and not a "player") may only gain an unfair advantage over other characters by in character (IC) means.
I think your question revolves around what is "unfair" since there doesn't appear to be any question about the fact that some amount of OOC knowledge is shared from character to character of the same player
Of course "life isn't fair" and what is "fair" is very subjective, but as a practical matter, the Immortals have a duty to keep the playing field as level as possible. My interpretation of "fairness" in this context is based on what information can it reasonably be expected that a large majority of the players will possess.
For instance, I think it reasonable to assume that most players know where to get a jewelled broadsword and Cloak of Nightwing. Thus, while this OOC information is giving your character an advantage over a newbie who only knows of TV guards' eq, it's not "unfair" per se.
Intricate quests that were meant to challenge a player and the character, by their very nature, will not be known by many players. Thus, transferring such information from one character to another can easily be considered "unfair" to the vast majority of the other players who do not have access to such information.
Those are the extremes, the real questions come with the examples that fall in between. The Immstaff doesn't have a formula; we use our best judgment about what is beneficial to the game and fair to other players of the game. Chances are that the greater the reward one gets from the transfer of information, the less likely we'll be to condone it. If you're unsure whether you can use information gained with a previous character, I would suggest you play it safe and don't. If it's really agonizing you, email the Imms.
Dallevian | Wed 06-Mar-02 10:04 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#38, "Not a troll post"
In response to Reply #3
Ok, I want to pose a situation.
A character in the same cabal as me had to get an item for his imm. It just so happened to be on the sixth circle. A few of us knew of the item with previous characters. We created a group (a rather poor group) and ventured down to get it. To get from the fifth to the sixth, the group had to do something, it was imperative. I kept my mouth shut, and we got hosed.
So a bit later we try again. We get to the fifth, but this time I let everyone in on what must be done, and we do it, and we get by. The only way I knew that we had to do this 'something' was from carrying over information from a previous character that had done it before. Granted, we got hosed again from some shady looking multiplying devils, but was the line crossed? Hell is a great area but I see absolutely no way of getting far in hell without using knowledge from other characters or from various parts of reading the Divine Comedy.
Here is where I would insert other people doing the same thing I did but three or four years ahead of me.
nepenthe | Mon 04-Mar-02 04:39 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#39, "RE: External knowledge policy"
In response to Reply #0
My take on this at the moment is as follows:
If your character has not done a quest, they shouldn't be talking about it as if they did. Do I expect you to pretend to discover the happy boot quest anew with each new character. . . not necessarily. Would I be grumbly if you said "Oh, well, you do this thing, and then this thing, and then this happens" if your character had never done the quest. . . probably. If you're playing a character who has never solved the Vivarium Puzzle, I don't think you should be telling others how to do it.
This the kind of thing I pulled Geramin aside to talk to him about. The Geramin character had been into the Tower, but had never really gone anywhere inside, done anything significant, or been through any of the little quests or puzzle solutions that he was talking about. I got tired of him telling me that I was making assumptions and that I couldn't prove anything, and I told him several times that I was quite certain and not making assumptions. I even went so far as to tell him to not say that (being that I couldn't prove anything) again. He said it again and I decided to stop wasting my time. Beyond that, just try to put yourself in my (or whoever wrote the area's) shoes, and the shoes of the person you're telling things. I'd like to think you can balance not completely ruining an area and the fun of exploring it with not being a total ass.
Of course, I now tend to write quests and do things in areas that don't behave the same from character to character. Let he with previous knowledge beware.