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Top General Discussions Gameplay Topic #29916
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YoungRanger (Guest)Mon 11-Jan-10 08:21 PM

#29916, "Questions about Beastmaster Skills"


Tame- seems rather interesting, and pretty cool just from the help file. But, there are alot of complaints about the skill hardly working on any mobs that are around the beastmasters level. Is this just RNG working, or is it not meant to tame creatures of the same level as the beastmaster to actually help him in fighting?

Serpent/Bear/Wolf kinship- The bear is the only one that works outside of battle? Is there a reason to this? Might be cool to walk around with a wolf, but just curious. Also, the bear is kind of weak, or much weaker than the wolf. Was this done on purpose to balance out the three?

Bearcharge- Is it very reliable with a felar, or should you go for the bigger builds when trying to bearcharge?


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Daurwyn2 (Guest)Tue 12-Jan-10 03:54 AM

#29928, "RE: Questions about Beastmaster Skills"
In response to Reply #0


Tame: Can't say, since when I had it is was still nice. As beastmaster too, you can tame some pretty handy mobs. For example, I used to tame one that tripped people.

Serpent kinship and wolf kinship are completely different skills to bear kinship.

Serpent kinship is an in combat skill (or spell, if I remember correctly), where snakes slither out from around you and bite the guy. It can have lots of nice effects, from poison to freezing someone's muscles.

Wolf kinship does a lot of damage if called in combat and chases people down. To be honest, bear kinship was probably the weakest of the 3 by far, since bears aren't great and you take pretty big damage when they get killed (which happens pretty quickly).


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Many Rangers (Guest)Mon 11-Jan-10 10:13 PM

#29923, "RE: Questions about Beastmaster Skills"
In response to Reply #0


Tame currently works on a very small fraction of all the mobs in the game and as a result, it is a lot less useful than it once was and hence it's borderline useless. It still has a very small niche but I could see making a ranger that didn't bother with it at all.

It's been a while since I had a beastmaster but serpentkin is in essence just an additional attack spell, wolfkin calls a wolf to attack your current target but it won't attack any other targets and it won't rescue you. The bear you can call at any time in the wilds and it acts pretty much like any other pet.

Bearcharge depends not only on size but on specialty. I can't recall if Beastmasters have a more or less effective lagging bearcharge relative to other specialties. I do know hunters cannot lag at all with bearcharge regardless of size.

Also, bearcharge, like a lot of other ranger skills, work less well in civilized areas.


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Asyguest (Guest)Mon 11-Jan-10 08:26 PM

#29917, "RE: Questions about Beastmaster Skills"
In response to Reply #0


>Tame- seems rather interesting, and pretty cool just from
>the help file. But, there are alot of complaints about the
>skill hardly working on any mobs that are around the
>beastmasters level. Is this just RNG working, or is it not
>meant to tame creatures of the same level as the beastmaster
>to actually help him in fighting?

My last ranger could tame most aggro mobs I ranked on. They've tweaked it since then, but my understanding is that the changes were about mob type (sentient/non-sentient, etc) and not level.

>Serpent/Bear/Wolf kinship- The bear is the only one that
>works outside of battle? Is there a reason to this? Might be
>cool to walk around with a wolf, but just curious. Also, the
>bear is kind of weak, or much weaker than the wolf. Was this
>done on purpose to balance out the three?


>Bearcharge- Is it very reliable with a felar, or should you go
>for the bigger builds when trying to bearcharge?

Bearcharge, like most skills that involve a body slamming into another body, is primarily about size, specifically size difference. Obviously, giant's have an advantage here.

Sulye, a recent felar ranger with no bonuses to bearcharge from terrain/expertise (if I recall right) seemed to do just fine against most non-giants with enlarge.

As a newer player, I wouldn't worry about this too much. Being more defensive and survivable whilst still having pretty effective bearcharge is probably going to suite you more than being a one-trick bearcharge pwny.


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