"A character with this edge has further honed their abilities at singly fighting multiple foes, and deals slightly greater damage of any kind to assailants other than the one who bears the brunt of their attack."
My question:
Does Ehren Lord *only* add the damage boost, or does it *also* beef up the "other people fail their stuff against me" effect you get from Ehren Soul?
In other words, would there be any reason for a class that can't do damage to non-target opponents to take Ehren Lord (e.g. healer)?
#20431, "RE: question about ehren lord edge...txt" In response to Reply #1
I'm not trying to be obtuse...but for clarity's sake...you're saying there's no benefit to Ehren Lord other than the damage boost. (And the coolness factor of saying you're an "Ehren Lord").
#20434, "RE: question about ehren lord edge...txt" In response to Reply #4
Cool. Just an idea, but you could split "Ehren Lord" into two different mutually exclusive edges, one of which gives the current "Ehren Lord" effect and another that boosts the "Ehren Soul" effect. Classes like Invokers and APs would take Ehren Lord, while classes like Healers (and anybody else that lacks an area attack) would prefer the other.