#17591, "How about some updating of the CF Webpage?"
***Aarn a mithril warhammer shrouded in golden flames ***Amaranthe an ornate mandala Cyradia the mark of the onyx scarab Eshval a shimmering black flame Grurk a circle of molten steel, wreathed in blue flames ***Innis a golden chalice ringed with nine sunstones Khasotholas a skull swarmed by hornets Lyristeon a gaping maw ***Ordasen a great white bear Qaledus a small, leather coin purse Sebeok a flaring emerald sunburst tattoo ***Shokai a silver-winged phoenix Thrakburzug an infected grinning skull scar Trabryn the mark of the indigo triangle ***Valguarnera the mark of the hydra Yanoreth a waxing silvery moon Zulghinlour the Flaming Crown tattoo
More than a few missing and more than a few in the wrong place.
Dormant Religions Arvam a diamond ringed by multi-hued stars Beroxxus a festering tattoo with three interlocking rings Guerric the brand of the great white lion Jullias a black crow Kastellyn a constellation of five stars Pico the chromatic flame tattoo Scarabaeus mark of the ruby scarab