I read this thingamajig on the New Player Q&A board and it got me thinking; does it make sense for giant's to have 100% enhanced damage right out of the gate?
My Argument:
The strength of a giant obviously should help enhanced damage, but I always figured that some aspect of the skill involved...well...skill! A veteran warrior knows where to hit and when to flex his muscles just right to get the best result...a rookie giant might have the muscle part down, but he does not have the skill yet to make him a master of it.
My Proposition (Nep, don't get all excited :p):
As I'm a pro-sliding-scale kinda guy, how about making enhanced damage have a sliding scale, starting at 75%, which is based on strength. This scale would increase sharply for 24+ str characters. The end result would be that no one is able to get 100% enhanced damage to start with (thinking 90% for fire/cloud giants), but most would get a little boost. Orrrrrr you could just make it stay at 75% for str < 24, and then tack on 10% for a strength of 24 and an additional 5% for a strength of 25.
Any takers?