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Atrissa (Anonymous)Wed 02-Feb-22 10:09 AM
Charter member
#3665, "Atrissa Amethiste's Best Fights"


Below I'll be posting all of Atrissa's best fights. Herald human bards are really powerful, and, as you'll see, this build pretty much dominated.


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Reply Atrissa vs. Rashign, Shakiniel, Atrissa (Anonymous), 13-Apr-22 08:24 PM, #8
Reply Atrissa vs Skreenak, part III, Atrissa (Anonymous), 13-Apr-22 08:24 PM, #7
Reply Atrissa Amethiste vs Quistley Dulle Sarraze de Fontaine, Atrissa (Anonymous), 28-Feb-22 08:07 AM, #6
Reply Atrissa vs. Calithildir, part I, Atrissa (Anonymous), 21-Feb-22 12:48 PM, #5
Reply Atrissa vs. Skreenak, part II (featuring Chroursnkel an..., Atrissa (Anonymous), 14-Feb-22 08:56 PM, #4
Reply Atrissa vs Skreenak, part I (featuring a bard mob, Cela..., Atrissa (Anonymous), 14-Feb-22 08:56 PM, #3
Reply Atrissa vs. Chrournskel, part I, Ishuli, 08-Feb-22 08:23 PM, #2
Reply Atrissa vs Grintella, Atrissa (Anonymous), 08-Feb-22 07:43 PM, #1

Atrissa (Anonymous)Sun 13-Mar-22 11:10 PM
Charter member
#3674, "Atrissa vs. Rashign, Shakiniel"
In response to Reply #0


*** At some point early in Atrissa's career, everyone started complaining about this
*** monstrous fire giant who was wrecking his pk range and always yelling about being hungry.
*** He and his buddy Volmer came to my first event late and were pretty
*** funny, and then one day he walks in while me and Shakiniel are getting drunk. Shakiniel,
*** of course, was a battle rager azure-touched bard, and had already been "eaten" by
*** Rashign at least a couple times. She is safe in the Inn, and as you'll read, Rashign
*** listens to his emperor, so no fighting.

*** But, Atrissa learns some very dismaying news from Rashign. Thanks for eating the
*** sponsor of my second Heraldic event, Rashign!

The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree, it
has been finely carved, though many horrendous claw marks scar its surface. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar, filled with
boiling, thick red liquid. Shelves behind the bar that once held the rare ales
and beers have been upturned or broken, while large cracked barrels have been
strewn down below. Most of the stools near the counter are broken, but a few
have sustained working order and are scattered about for people to sit. A large
tapestry hangs over the shelves behind the bar, its finely woven surface smeared
with blood.

[Exits: north east west]
A goblet of fine elven wine has been left here.
( 2) A tankard of thick caramel stout with subtle coffee hints and a rich, foamy
head has been left here.
A glass of frothy milk has been left here.
A tankard of cold beer sits invitingly on the table.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
A wild-looking giant impatiently adjusts his furs.
(Invis) (Red Aura) Rashign the fire giant is here.
You're overwhelmed by a flurry of flapping wings and shrieking!
(Gold Aura) A headless bouncer hefts its cudgel and looks for trouble.
A hulking, hooded figure looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

civilized <748hp 791m 862mv Romantic tipsy 6 PM>
People near you:
Shakiniel The Bar of the Eternal Star
Rashign The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Atrissa The Bar of the Eternal Star


You say to Rashign 'There you are!'

Rashign says 'Yar!'

You give a stein of Akan beer to Rashign.

Rashign drinks beer from a stein of Akan beer.

Shakiniel says 'Wonder how long you've been there listening.'

You say to Rashign 'We are drunk!'

Rashign says 'Uh. Me just arrive.'
Rashign peers around himself intently.

Shakiniel says 'Fair enough.'

Rashign says 'Me huge? How yous all not see Rash?'
Rashign scowls harshly.

civilized <748hp 781m 866mv Romantic tipsy 8 PM> dr wine
You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

You say 'We are drunk!'

Shakiniel says 'You are literally under a magic spell of invisibility, you colossal brute.'
Shakiniel says 'And I am also exceedingly drunk.'

Rashign sits down and thinks deeply.
Rashign says 'Oh. Me is.'
Rashign nods.

You say to Rashign 'Drink up, giant! Bet you can't outdrink us!'
You say 'Us little hoomans?'

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 9 PM> dr wine
You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel drunk.

Rashign peers at the beer dubiously.
Rashign says 'Yous got any gnomes instead?'

Atrissa climbs back behind the bar.
Atrissa clatters some crates around.

Rashign begins to dribble in excitement.

You say 'I have some goblin eyes?'

Rashign gasps in astonishment.

Shakiniel says 'I, uh, I got svirf whiskey, does that count.'

Rashign says 'Yar! Me never had ems.'

You say 'No gnomes, I think the wight ate them all'

Rashign says 'Me only had goblin arms.'
Rashign sighs.
Rashign says 'Ems stupid and greedy.'

Atrissa gracefully spins over top of the bar and plops into a chair.

Rashign mutters something quietly to himself.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel drunk.

You say to Rashign 'You know what the secret to keeping a wight calm is?'

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You nod at Shakiniel.
You say 'Song, of course'

Rashign scratches his head with a confused look upon his face.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 12 AM> l rash

Rashign says 'Feed ems to Emperor?'
*** Haha!

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 1 AM>
This bloated behemoth pervades at ten feet, but it is his monstrous girth
which truly emphasises his size. Huge shoulders fail to demarcate the
distended bulk of his torso, the corpulence straining against the black
iron which shrouds him from neck to knee.

Atop a short neck swallowed by rolls of flesh purches a head devoid of hair
entire, somehow seeming small for the rest of him despite its giant
proportions. His eyes are a startlingly bright shade of sickly green, set
just above a mouth which perpetually gapes wide, revealing the myriad
stained teeth within.
Rashign, a male fire giant, is in perfect health.
Rashign seems to be in normal mood.

Rashign is using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) (Humming) a ring with three black pearls
<worn on finger> the Seantryn Royal Signet Ring
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) (Humming) a carved onyx medallion
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of fire
<worn on body> (Red Aura) hide armor from a yeti
<worn on head> the Seantryn Battle Helm
<worn on legs> (Glowing) a pair of sturdy wooden shinpads
<worn on feet> knee-high boots of gray snakeskin
<worn on hands> (Glowing) gloves of dancing flame
<worn on arms> (Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
<worn about body> a ragged dark-gray cloak
<worn about waist> the girdle of endless space
<worn around wrist> (Red Aura) a pitted iron bracer
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of blue coldfire
<mainhand wielded> a drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber'
<held in hand> a wand of return

Shakiniel scratches her head with a confused look upon her face.

You say to Rashign 'Can I hold your flail?'
You blink innocently at Rashign.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.

Shakiniel looks at Rashign.

Rashign pokes a finger into an ear, rooting around for a moment.

Shakiniel says 'Oh, I know about that one.'

Rashign says 'Uh. Say dat again?'

You say to Shakiniel 'No wonder he eats you, he is armored reallllly well'

Rashign grins evilly.

You say to Rashign 'Is your flail got souls in it? Can I see it'
*** It's not typos, I am drunk!

Shakiniel says to you 'Yes, well, I'm lucky to see the drillmaster once every four elven days.'
*** Zing!

Shakiniel looks more enlightened.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You do not feel thirsty.
It is now empty.


Rashign says 'Oh! Yous mean Rash's snacks?'

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Pleased, Rashign pats the hilt of a drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber',
his trusty weapon.

You say 'Snacks?'

Rashign says 'Yar!'

You say 'Soul-snacks?'

Rashign nods wisely.

You say to Shakiniel 'I thought you'd lost some color...'

You frown at what he did.

Shakiniel says to you 'More than once and to more than one antipaladin'

Rashign says 'Whuh?'
Rashign scratches his head with a confused look upon his face.

You snicker softly.

Rashign says 'This like trying work out what ems blade saying.'

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 6 AM> perform red twirls about
playfully, spilling wine on the floor.

Rashign mutters something quietly to himself.

You feel too disoriented to perform effectively.
*** Really??

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 6 AM> emote twirls about playfully,
spilling wine on the floor.
Atrissa twirls about playfully, spilling wine on the floor.
*** Can't perform when drunk, but can emote! Mechanics won't crimp my RP!!

Rashign drinks beer from a stein of Akan beer.

You say to Rashign 'I do not like that warmaster.'

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 7 AM> hic

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 7 AM>
Volzmer raises an eyebrow at you.
*** Dammit! You have no idea how often this happened! Would say something negative
*** about someone, and suddenly there they were. Maybe I gossiped more than I thought...

You say to Shakiniel 'He asked me for orbs. Orbz. '
*** ouch. don't stack your says, you never know who could walk in!

You snicker softly.

Volzmer sits down and rests.
Volzmer looks at you.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 8 AM> snicker volz
You snicker with him about your shared secret.
*** weak attempt to laugh it off

Shakiniel says 'Men should have enough orbs of their own.'
*** Eh OHHHH!

Shakiniel nods solemnly.

Volzmer laughs heartily.

You give a stein of Akan beer to Volzmer.

You say to Volzmer 'You mister-'

Volzmer opens the beer, spits in it and returns it to Atrissa
*** Well damn

Volzmer gives you a stein of Akan beer.
Volzmer goes to sleep.

Rashign blinks a few times.

You say to Volzmer 'You didn't like my story of Maddie?'
You groan loudly.

Volzmer wakes up and starts resting.
Volzmer pauses and breathes slowly, appearing more calm as he relaxes.
Volzmer goes to sleep.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 9 AM> sing rev
You haven't rehearsed the song 'reveal all'.
*** What?

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 9 AM> sing reviel
That's not a song!
*** dammit spelling!

Rashign says 'Yous see what Rash has to deal with?'
*** hold up, you don't even know what I'm dealing with! I got songs I don't even know how to type!

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 9 AM> song rev
Your ability in the song reveal all is at 0%.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 9 AM> song revielle
There is no 'revielle' song.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 10 AM> songs
Level 2: travelers march 94% 10 mana
Level 4: charismatic prelude 100% 10 mana
Level 7: adagio 97% 10 mana
Level 9: piercing dissonance 86% 20 mana
Level 10: chant of resilience 99% 10 mana
Level 11: battaglia 88% 30 mana
Level 14: canticle of the gods 88% 15 mana
Level 15: elven adagio 100% 15 mana
Level 16: lullaby 86% 30 mana
Level 17: languid carol 96% 20 mana
Level 18: anthem of resistance 100% 30 mana
Level 19: riddle of revelation 90% 20 mana
cacophonous clamor 81% 30 mana
Level 20: reveille 82% 30 mana
Level 21: pastoral of the mind 92% 40 mana
Level 22: tranquil serenade 94% 25 mana
Level 26: requiem 80% 40 mana
Level 27: elegy of tears 80% 25 mana
Level 28: bagatelle of bravado 91% 120 mana
Level 29: laborious lament 77% 20 mana
Level 32: vibrato 80% 40 mana
Level 33: nocturne of fright 93% 40 mana
Level 34: apocalyptic overture 78% 30 mana
Level 38: fantasia of illusion 78% 60 mana
Level 40: symphonic echoes 84% 20 mana
Level 42: dirge of solitude 81% 40 mana
Level 45: grand nocturne 75% 150 mana

You have 31 rehearsal sessions.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 10 AM> sing revei
You sing 'Arise, arise my own dear friends
It's past the time your dreams should end
The waking world do not forsake
You've overslept and must awake!'

*** Well that was anti-climactic

Shakiniel says 'How are you supposed to talk to someone if they just fall asleep mid conversation?'

You nod agreeably at Shakiniel.

Shakiniel sings 'Awaken, now, warriors true
The bugle cry is calling!'

Rashign says 'Well yous see.'

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 11 AM> l
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree, it
has been finely carved, though many horrendous claw marks scar its surface. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar, filled with
boiling, thick red liquid. Shelves behind the bar that once held the rare ales
and beers have been upturned or broken, while large cracked barrels have been
strewn down below. Most of the stools near the counter are broken, but a few
have sustained working order and are scattered about for people to sit. A large
tapestry hangs over the shelves behind the bar, its finely woven surface smeared
with blood.

[Exits: north east west]
( 3) A goblet of fine elven wine has been left here.
( 2) A tankard of thick caramel stout with subtle coffee hints and a rich, foamy
head has been left here.
A glass of frothy milk has been left here.
A tankard of cold beer sits invitingly on the table.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
(Red Aura) Volzmer the duergar is sleeping here.
You're overwhelmed by a flurry of flapping wings and shrieking!
(Gold Aura) Shakiniel the azure-touched is here.
A wild-looking giant impatiently adjusts his furs.
(Red Aura) Rashign the fire giant is here.
(Gold Aura) A headless bouncer hefts its cudgel and looks for trouble.
A hulking, hooded figure looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic drunk 11 AM> l volz
This male duerhar looks at you with his small, but wide eyes
as if he got the sun directly in his eyes. You find it hard
to actually see his eyes color, but you guess they are brown or black
His skin are pale and dirty, he have not been cleaning himself
for a while. His long fingernails and long hair makes you think, that
he just recently came up to the surface. He is carryin various weapons
along with him, and a small sack is thrown over his left shoulder.
His do not smile, or gives you any feelings at all, and you
notice a big wound under his right eye. He stands average in height, and
before you can have a closer look, he wanders away
Volzmer, a male duergar, has some small but disgusting cuts.
Volzmer seems to be in normal mood.

Volzmer is using:
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) a black, hooded silk cloak
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) a black, hooded silk cloak
<worn on body> some spiked body armor
<worn on head> a helmet with a long spike
<worn on face> a bronze mask of a scowling face
<worn on legs> a pair of jagged leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of spiked boots
<worn on hands> some spiked gauntlets
<worn on arms> some spiked sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a sash of black gauze
<worn around wrist> a stiff leather bracer
<worn around wrist> a stiff leather bracer
<mainhand wielded> (Red Aura) a jagged black saber
<offhand wielded> (Red Aura) a nightmare blade

Rashign says 'Other blade ems one of ems minotaurs.'

You say 'He's a spiky one'

Rashign says 'So yous can't understand what ems saying anyway.'
Rashign shrugs indifferently.

Volzmer wakes and stands up.

Shakiniel says 'Minotaurs are eaaaaasy.'
Shakiniel says 'All you got to do is.'

You snicker with him about your shared secret.

Volzmer yawns right in your face.
Volzmer leaves north.

Shakiniel says 'All you got to do, is.'

Rashign says 'Eat ems!'
Rashign licks his mouth and smiles.
*** hahaha

Shakiniel says 'If you don't know what they're saying.'

Shakiniel says 'Tell them to say what they're a different way. Tell them to rephrase it.'

You laugh at Rashign's humorous antics.

Rashign says 'Uh.'

Shakiniel says 'And usually you can get them to elab enough you know what the Nil they're on about.'

Rashign says 'Nuh. Me will just eat ems.'
*** hahahah! it never gets old, what can I say?

You groan at the sight of her.

Rashign shrugs indifferently.

You say to Rashign 'You are a hungry giant!'

Rashign licks his mouth and smiles.
Rashign buys two of a large boar steak.

Shakiniel says 'I guess ify ou're the dread lord you can eat whoever you want with a blood reckoning....'

Rashign finishes eating a large boar steak.

You comfort her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Rashign finishes eating a large boar steak.

You say to Rashign 'I have a very pro-Imperial song you would like, but it's not ready.'
*** Oh, that song will have its own story now, won't it?

Rashign says slyly 'Yous should still take oath. Then me share.'

Shakiniel leans into Atrissa's hand, humming thoughtfully.
*** creepy, Shakiniel!

Rashign gasps in astonishment.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 4 PM> hic

Rashign says 'A song?'

Shakiniel says 'I have the same problem with the Empire that I do with the archons. I'm not interested in chains whether they're made of cold iron or mithril.'
*** Always shoehorning those chains into the dialogue Shakiniel!

Rashign scratches his head with a confused look upon his face.

You say 'I'll probably have to sell it to you or something, I'm sure I couldn't publish it'
*** I actually tried to give it to Odaza with the promise to publish it if he anathema'd whatever
*** a-hole imperial would ultimately attack me when. We know who that was! And
*** boy, how differently things would have turned out if he had accomodated me! He didn't
*** so I sung it at a event.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 4 PM> hic

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

Rashign says 'We can make ems hot iron if that help, Emperor is smart!'
Rashign says 'Ems could make it happen.'
Rashign nods wisely.

You look at Rashign and wince at his remark.

You say 'Odaza, ever so fearsome'

Rashign drinks beer from a stein of Akan beer.
Rashign says 'Yar!'

You say to Shakiniel ''Tis a dark time to be brave'

Shakiniel exhales slowly from her nose.

Shakiniel says 'Yeah.'

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 9 PM> hic

You say to Rashign 'You should make time for the Scion's little debate coming up'
You say 'There will be snacks'

Shakiniel says 'The outlanders and the imperials basically take turns at it and every time I try finding somewhere else to be I get discovered.'
*** Not the Hamsah whorehouse though!

Rashign says 'Uh. '
Rashign says 'Okay, me come!'
Rashign says 'What is it?'

Atrissa tries to collect her senses.

Pausing to think, Rashign ponders what Shakiniel has done.

You say 'It's about the Rza and Whey'
*** Remember, I am still drunk. But also Atrissa was not generally well-read on things, so who can be be sure??
*** Saurians were kinda new at this time.

Shakiniel keeps leaning on Atrissa while she explains, interjecting helpfully.

Rashign says 'The whuh?'

You say 'And how the whey is all the way too whey'

Rashign scratches his head with a confused look upon his face.

Shakiniel says 'One of the Scions is gonna talk about why the world is too full of life and
how he's gonna stop all of the life by making not-life invade the life.'
*** Yes, thank you! He gave me quite the sales pitch!

You say 'It all adds up, trust me'

Rashign says 'Uh.'

You nod agreeably at Shakiniel.
You say 'What she said'

Rashign raises a fat finger.

Rashign says 'Yous stop.'

Atrissa purses her lips.

Rashign says 'Yous sure?'

Shakiniel says 'I'm , uh, that's what they've always said they're gonna do.'

Rashign says 'Yar, but...'

Shakiniel says 'That's why the Empire wants to kill them. Because they can't be
the Theran Empire if there's no thera.'

Rashign says 'Yous sure there is actually one of ems Scions?'

Shakiniel nods.
Shakiniel says 'Yeah, the black saurian.'

You say to Shakiniel 'What is his name?'

Rashign scratches his head with a confused look upon his face.

Shakiniel says 'Uh...'

You say 'Gar-something'

Shakiniel says 'Really...hissy.'
Shakiniel says 'Snakey name. Lke you'd give a snake.'

Rashign says 'Uh.'

You say 'He really poured it on me'

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel drunk.
You shrug.

Rashign says 'It nuh... grakitzel, is it?'

You say 'Something like that'

You say 'Yuh'
You say 'I mean, yeah'

Rashign coughs.

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 4 AM> hic

Rashign says 'Uh. Me no think ems going to be doing no talks.'
Rashign says 'Me ate him.'

Shakiniel says 'Like...forever, or..?'

You say 'You ate him?'

Rashign says 'Yar! Ate ems all up!'

You say 'Big eat him?'

Rashign licks his mouth and smiles.

Shakiniel says 'Damn. Killed him so hard he didn't come back.'
Shakiniel says 'So much for your event, Atrishhsa.'

Rashign says 'Nuh, me ate him.'

Rashign frowns at what Shakiniel did.

Atrissa stares at Rashign, awestruck.

Shakiniel says 'Okay, well, did he come back like me or did he not come back like...chicken.'

You say to Rashign 'Well, that is one event I need not worry about!'
*** Or do I??? I went through with it after all, but that is a different story. Yep,
*** just my luck to be talked into hosting my second event and set it up without Gwendelya's
*** permission and then the salesman himself gets eaten by Rashign and deletes.

Rashign says 'Nuh, ems were more like...'
Rashign sits down and thinks deeply.

You music 'I. Choose. Wine!'

Rashign says 'Turkey, nuh chicken.'
Rashign nods happily.

You say to Rashign 'That is quite amusing! Oh, I think I can write a funny
missive about that.'

You say 'Seems Sza quite one the debate!'
*** Drunk, not a typo!

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM> hic

civilized <748hp 791m 866mv Romantic tipsy 10 AM>
Rashign says 'Well. Me think me ate him...'

You say to Rashign 'Good thing you didn't slurp me into that flail before my dance!'

Rashign peers about himself suspiciously.

You say 'I thought it odd his name wasn't in my missive, I thought, "Atrissa,
did you forget to put his name in that missive?"'
*** Heh, well it *did* actually change after I posted it. Plus, I got Sra and Weh mixed up.
*** If you are bad with names and terminology, it's always good to RP a character who is bad with
*** names and terminology too!

You say 'I think magics took it out.'
*** Magic barb for you Shakiniel!

Rashign scratches his head with a confused look upon his face.
Rashign says 'Me must've really ate ems good.'
Rashign pats his stomach.

Shakiniel's hunger hits her.
*** heh

Shakiniel finishes eating a side of deer venison.

You say to Shakiniel 'Something tells me this foe of yours, is not going to be
unhungry any time soon'


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Atrissa (Anonymous)Sun 13-Mar-22 09:14 PM
Charter member
#3673, "Atrissa vs Skreenak, part III"
In response to Reply #0


*** Today, a very spicy battle! The Goblin King again pops into the Inn,
*** this time with a most unscrupulous gift for Atrissa. Calithildir is at the bar
*** with me this time.

*** I fired up the log engines after he pops in. so we join in a little late. Pretty sure
*** he just made some rude comment about Cal doing something with Atrissa.

Skreenak says to Calithildir 'Soon as yer done witter.'

You shudder at the thought.

Skreenak says to you 'Only came ta give yer sometin.'
Skreenak gives you a red and black corset.

Calithildir says to Skreenak 'Ah, me and Gwen are of the mind to keep her for a
while, yea?'

You say to Calithildir 'Have you give the king any watermelon wine?'
*** uh oh, typo

Skreenak says to you 'Yer uniform fer when yer comin ta tha throne.'

Your ears perk with interest at something Skreenak said.

Seeing the humorous events before him, Skreenak chortles loudly.

You say 'Oh...'

Skreenak nods at Calithildir.

Atrissa bites her lip.

Skreenak says to Calithildir 'Yer keep 'er 'ere fer now, trainer up.'

civilized <748hp 821m 840mv Romantic sober 12 AM> l skreenak
Standing nearly as high as the waist of a human, this vile creature shines
like a star in the night. His long, bat-like ears are studded with at least
fifty gold earrings of different shapes, sizes, and styles. An uncountable
amount of scars mar the greenish-black skin of him, but each has been
meticulously filigreed with gold and silver, creating an almost beautiful, yet
hideous pattern of interconnected lines that cover all of his exposed flesh.
A paunch belly, not obese but overweight to be sure, pushes out the bottom of
his gilded leather breastplate. His hooked nose and been capped with a silver
cover that has an emerald and a ruby mounted on either side, and a part of
his left nostril is missing completely. Beady, amber eyes scan the area about

His armors show signs of combat and filth, the former being mended by what
looks like molten gold being poured into the wounds. A wicked looking bow
with arm caps of brilliant silver hangs off one of his tiny shoulders, and
a hideous spear across his back. Painted with dried blood, a ridge-lined
circle adorns his breastplate, outlined with silver and gold spiraling rings.
Skreenak, a male goblin, is in perfect health.
Skreenak seems to be in normal mood.

Skreenak is using:
<worn on finger> an opulent gold ring, studded with gaudy gemstones
<worn on finger> a brilliant silver ring with a thick, engraved band
<worn around neck> a massive, glittering gold necklace, encrusted with vibrant
<worn around neck> a tattered, black cloak trimmed in solid gold
<worn on body> a gold-patched leather breastplate, embossed with a
ridge-rimmed circle
<worn on legs> a pair of golden vambraces, studded with pure diamonds
<worn around wrist> a brilliant bangle of glittering gold, engraved with a
ridge-rimmed circle
<worn around wrist> a thick leather bracer, ribbed with iron bands
<mainhand wielded> a gore-soaked spear named, 'Gut Spiller'
<tattooed> (Glowing) a bloody, gaping hole with teeth marks

Skreenak says to Calithildir 'Gotsta be da best fer ah king, aye?'

You say to Skreenak 'This gift better not be cheese.'
*** Chrournskel jab #1!

Calithildir says to Skreenak 'If she resists instruction? What are we to do!'

Skreenak says to you 'Yer holdin' der wench. Open yer eyes.'

civilized <748hp 821m 840mv Romantic sober 2 AM> i
You are carrying:
a red and black corset
*** oh, a corset...
a fine ink pen
a serving of a serving of elven salad in a large bowl with bindeleaf, vale
blossoms, roasted dates, and grated white cheddar.
a goblet of fine elven wine
a beautiful spruce-topped bouzouki
a bracer of dragonscale
a chipped longsword named 'Snowfall'
a ring of braided silver and jacinth
(Glowing) the Orb of the Twilight Lords
a dragonscale staff
a mithril shield faced with dragonscales
(Glowing) an everfull skin
the chest of inebriation
a dragon boat
a large sack
an exquisite goldenwood harp
*** And yes, Atrissa definitely carried more than 50% of her weight.

civilized <748hp 821m 840mv Romantic sober 2 AM> l corset
Made of red silk, this corset is extremely tight fitting in the waist to
better accentuate the curves of the body. Sewn along the edges, black lace
provides a striking contrast to the bright blood red. Black, lacy thread
runs down the the front and back, providing a way to tighten and loosen the
piece based on the desired tightness. This garment reeks of death and sex.

A red and black corset is clothing worn on the body, made of silk, and weighs 1
pounds 12 ounces.

You say 'Oh my'

Skreenak says to Calithildir 'Beater. Bite'er. Give ta me.'

You say 'It reeks...'

Skreenak grins, his sharp teeth prominent.

You say 'It reeks of death and sex'

civilized <748hp 821m 840mv Romantic sober 3 AM> lore corset
a red and black corset can be referred to as 'corset red black'.
It is worth 3110 copper, and is of the 51st level of power.
It is clothing worn on the body.
It is made of silk and weighs 1 pounds 12 ounces.
When worn, it affects your damage roll by 2 points,
your hit roll by 2 points, your armor class by -12 points and
your dexterity by 2 points.
It is meant for a woman.

You say 'But...'

Skreenak says to you 'Good ainit?'

civilized <748hp 791m 840mv Romantic sober 3 AM> brb
Hope to see you soon!
*** Atrissa is feeling a measure of control over the Goblin King today! We best
*** give him the slightest of impressions that one day we might go to him willingly.
*** First: we wish not to upset him, and Second: maybe we'll get more gifts!

civilized <748hp 791m 840mv Romantic sober 3 AM> w
The Feasting Tables
Rows of long wooden tables fill this corner of the Inn. The pale blue glow
from the fire illuminates the many broken platters filled with mysterious meat,
served bloodied and flung down on the table. Most of that meat is attached to
human bones, and one tray features fingers sandwiched between slices of bread.
The smell of the rotting flesh wafts thickly in the air, sending waves of nausea
through the living visitors. Scraps of bones and other foods litter the floor.
Howls of vile indulgence echoes from the undead clan and even some of the meal
itself still moans as it clings to life.

( 8) A stein of Akan beer has been left here.
A small silver locket is here.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
A very large zombie stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
A devil rushes about with a human leg stuck in his mouth.
*** Halloween decorations at the Inn.

civilized <748hp 802m 838mv Romantic sober 4 AM> wear corset
You stop using a flowing robe of ethereal black silk.
You wear a red and black corset on your body.

civilized <748hp 802m 838mv Romantic sober 4 AM> e
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree, it
has been finely carved, though many horrendous claw marks scar its surface. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar, filled with
boiling, thick red liquid. Shelves behind the bar that once held the rare ales
and beers have been upturned or broken, while large cracked barrels have been
strewn down below. Most of the stools near the counter are broken, but a few
have sustained working order and are scattered about for people to sit. A large
tapestry hangs over the shelves behind the bar, its finely woven surface smeared
with blood.

A tankard of cold beer sits invitingly on the table.
A shot of embossed soapstone with intricate sylvan motifs and the number
thirteen, filled with 'Calithildir's Legendary Reserve' has been left here.
A jigger of the 'Good Stuff' has been left here.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
A giant spider crouches here on long, thin legs.
Skreenak the goblin is here, mounted on a giant spider.
Calithildir the wood-elf is here.
Back arched and tail fluffed, a black cat hisses its disagreement.
A headless bouncer hefts its cudgel and looks for trouble.
A hulking, hooded figure looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

Calithildir chuckles politely.

civilized <748hp 802m 836mv Romantic sober 4 AM> perform cyan prances about
Atrissa prances about playfully.

Skreenak says to Calithildir 'She playin hard ter git.'
Skreenak grins evilly.

Calithildir says to Skreenak 'Yea. The vixen!'

You say 'Well... hm'

Calithildir looks at you.

Skreenak says to you 'Ol'skree told yer. 'e always gits whate wants in da end.'

You say 'I think this might distract the listeners a bit...'

Skreenak winks suggestively at you.
Skreenak says to you 'Dats da point, silly ####e.'

You say to Skreenak 'You are more lewd than this barkeep here!'

Skreenak drinks local specialty from a drink called 'Screaming Maiden'.
Skreenak drinks local specialty from a drink called 'Screaming Maiden'.

You say to yourself 'Goodness'

You stop using a red and black corset.
You wear a flowing robe of ethereal black silk on your body.

Calithildir drinks whiskey from a shot of embossed soapstone with intricate
sylvan motifs and the number thirteen, filled with 'Calithildir's Legendary

Calithildir drinks whiskey from a shot of embossed soapstone with intricate
sylvan motifs and the number thirteen, filled with 'Calithildir's Legendary

Skreenak says to you 'Yer kin letter slide down every once iner while, ifin yer feelin... frisky.'
Skreenak grins evilly.

You say to Skreenak 'For special occasions, ah, yes'

Skreenak says to you 'Now yer comin'round. Dats da good gurly.'

You say to Calithildir 'I think I could use a glass of that Amethyst'
You give Skreenak a crooked smile.

Calithildir gives you a drink called 'Amethyst Fame'.

Skreenak pats you on your head.

Skreenak drinks local specialty from a drink called 'Screaming Maiden'.
Skreenak burps loudly.

You say to Skreenak 'You always did have good taste.'
You shrug.

Skreenak says 'Da best.'

You drink local specialty from a drink called 'Amethyst Fame'.
You feel tipsy.

You say 'I mean, not in your followers....'
*** Chrournskel jab #2!

Skreenak inspects the glass in his hand.
Skreenak finishes eating a drink called 'Screaming Maiden'.

You say 'But certainly in other regards!'

Skreenak licks his mouth and smiles.

You drink local specialty from a drink called 'Amethyst Fame'.
You feel tipsy.

Calithildir says to Lamrauth 'Hey there!'

You finish eating a serving of a serving of elven salad in a large bowl with
bindeleaf, vale blossoms, roasted dates, and grated white cheddar..
You are sober.
You feel completely full.

Lamrauth sits down and rests.

You say to Skreenak 'I must confess, your majesty...'
You twitch uncomfortably.

Skreenak says to you 'Dat cheese head bein ah gudin. Likes ter talk bout me whole lots.'

You say to Skreenak 'I was concerned you might not see the humor in my one song.'
*** Oh, the goblin song from a halloween event! yes, best that he never got wind of that one,
*** not the smartest idea to poke the bear Atrissa! Or mention to him that you poked him.

Lamrauth stands up.

You drink local specialty from a drink called 'Amethyst Fame'.
You feel tipsy.
You are full.
Lamrauth leaves north.

You thank Calithildir heartily.

Skreenak says to you 'Yer talkin' bad about Ol'Skree?'
Skreenak raises his hand menacingly, daring you to say another word!

You say 'Bad?'
You wave a hand in a dismissive manner.
You say 'Quite praiseworthy'
*** Yes, walk it back.

Skreenak grins evilly.

You say 'The ghosts truly enjoyed it, too'

Calithildir says to Skreenak 'I mean.. she even complimented the smell, yea?'

Skreenak winks at Calithildir.

You say 'Death and sex, a ah...'
You say 'potent mix.'

Skreenak sits down and thinks deeply.

You shudder at the thought.

Calithildir looks at you.

Skreenak says 'Really gud ah hidin da rotten meat smell.'
Skreenak grins evilly.

You say 'Ugh.'

You say to Calithildir 'You know, he was actually,'
You say to Calithildir 'One of the first to appreciate me.'
You say to Skreenak 'Perhaps, you would like to hear a sweet song for you?'

Calithildir says to you 'In those stinkholes you used to perform in Galadon?'
*** meanie

Skreenak says 'Nah, aint got no time now. Gotsa tip off oh a wagonful o'gold ah need ter gets ma hands on.'

You give Skreenak a crooked smile.

civilized <748hp 821m 840mv Romantic sober 4 PM> glare cal
You glare icily at him.

You say to Calithildir 'Voralia. How could you forget his crimes there?'

Skreenak grins evilly.

Calithildir says to you 'Voralia, right!'

You shake your head in dismay at Skreenak's actions.

Skreenak says to you 'SO love dere, slave-ta-be.'
*** I think someone meant to say "long" not "love!" A Freudian slip, Skree?

Skreenak gooses you tenderly!

You sigh.

Throwing back his head, Skreenak cackles with insane glee!

Skreenak leaves.
A giant spider leaves north.

You say to Calithildir 'Fans.'

*** Now, for some bonus Calithildir content! Warning, the spiciness doesn't end yet!

You shrug.

Calithildir says to you 'Yea.'

You drink local specialty from a drink called 'Amethyst Fame'.
You feel tipsy.
You are full.

Calithildir drinks whiskey from a shot of embossed soapstone with intricate
sylvan motifs and the number thirteen, filled with 'Calithildir's Legendary

civilized <748hp 821m 840mv Romantic tipsy 7 PM> wear corset
You stop using a flowing robe of ethereal black silk.
You wear a red and black corset on your body.
*** Now, this corset - it was too powerful to put in a container, and I wasn't about to
*** throw away a gift from the Goblin King. It was something of a relief, then, when
*** Quentin stole it. Though I did quite enjoy showing off an item that had the phrase
*** "It reeks of death and sex" in its description.

You grin evilly.

Calithildir says to you 'A thin line with that one, yea?'

You say to Calithildir 'You've no idea'

You say to Calithildir 'I am glad you were here'

Calithildir says to you 'You should get to keeping some hidden teleportation means, just in case, yea?'

You say to Calithildir 'No telling what would have happened to the place if he ramaged through alone!'

Atrissa rummages through her things.

A tiny charm of a swirling potion expands to to its prior size as you unhook it
from the Bracelet of Charms.
You get a swirling potion from the Bracelet of Charms.

You nod at Calithildir.

Calithildir gets the orb of travel from the girdle of endless space.
Calithildir gives you the orb of travel.
Calithildir says to you 'And that. Keep that close.'

You say 'Oh, goodness'
You say 'I will surely misplace it!'
*** Yep! Actually, not knowing how they worked, I tested it one day and poof it went

Calithildir says to you 'We'll get you another one when you do, yea?'
Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?

You thank Calithildir heartily.

Calithildir says to you 'I've had fans that talked about chains and bondage.. mine have actually gone through with their ideas.'

You say 'They have?'

Calithildir says to you 'Yea!'

You say 'Ewe'

Calithildir says to you 'And a few of them at that too.'

You say to Calithildir 'I could never go for that-'

Calithildir says to you 'Really?'
Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?
Calithildir looks at you.

You say to Calithildir 'Really need my free range of movement, you know?'

Atrissa shakes her hair out of her eyes.

Calithildir says to you 'You'd be surprised the creativity imposed constraint can breed!'

You say to Calithildir 'Imposed constraint? What a horrid phrase!'

Calithildir says to you 'But the not being able to leave when you please part is the downer.'

You say to Calithildir 'Sounds like marriage.'

Calithildir says to you 'It is a great phrase if there is consent.'
You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.
You are full.

Calithildir says to you 'Ew.. Whiysdan Forbid!'

You nod agreeably at Calithildir.

Calithildir taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

You say 'I mean, you have it so easy as a male minstrel, Cal'
You say to Calithildir 'One slip for me, my career is OVER'

Calithildir says to you 'Oh? Why?'

You say to Calithildir 'Nothing more damaging to a career than getting oneself pregnant.'

Calithildir says to you 'Children? You can deny their existence too, you know!'
*** Hah!

You say to Calithildir 'I can only imagine how many little bastards you have running around Thera'

Calithildir says to you 'Whow knows, right?'
Seeing the humorous events before him, Calithildir chortles loudly.

You snort.

Calithildir says to you 'We elven lovers are careful in those matters.'

You say 'Notoriously so, 'tis true'

You say to Calithildir 'I am quite careless in most things-'
You say to Calithildir 'But in some, I am ever so careful.'

You say to Calithildir 'You should have heard them all talking about the Hamsah whorehouse...'

You shudder at the thought.

Calithildir says to you 'Yea? Who is 'them'?'

You say 'Well'

You say 'Shakiniel, for one. That one discovered that the whorehouse is quite safer than'
You say 'Everywhere else'
You say 'An Azure-Touched, whoring around.'
You say 'With girls, at that!'

Calithildir says to you 'That is great! Why wouldn't he be?'

You say ''Tis a she! Such trysts are best left behind at Aubade, if you ask me'
*** Lies. Where did you go, Harlendra?

You say 'Oh, she even made a pass at me, though, that's not really anything surprising.'
*** Uh oh - Sorry Dohri, I never told you! But technically, you'll never know.

Calithildir says to you 'Oh come on, don't be a prude! If it is fun, what the hell does the gender have to do with it?'
*** Hey now don't get defensive!

You say to Calithildir 'It was most fun, then. Perhaps again. '
You give Calithildir a crooked smile.

Calithildir winks suggestively.

You say 'No risk in getting pregnant, that's for sure.'

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

You snicker softly.

Calithildir says to you 'There you go! Solves one big problem.'

You ponder the question.

You say to Calithildir 'There truly is a shortage of dashing men about these days. I mean, Celathi, of course, but'
You shrug.
You say to Calithildir 'And yes, Cal, you are a given.'
You groan loudly.
You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

Calithildir says to you 'I am the legend, of course none can compare to me.'
Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?

Atrissa rolls her eyes.
*** I never could remember that eyeroll social exact command

Calithildir says to you 'Talk to Galath, he is quite the fellow.. if you like that type.'

You say to Calithildir 'Who in Thera is that?'

Calithildir says to you 'Galathaniel Cordatus!'

You say 'Oh, I've been trying to meet him'

Calithildir says to you 'High elf! Had the great idea to study necromancy!'

You say 'Is that his tale?'

You say 'Alas, but I am late for a date of my own'
*** It's called your boss randomly conferencing you on Zoom. This is why we Herald.

You curtsey to him.


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Atrissa (Anonymous)Sun 27-Feb-22 11:05 PM
Charter member
#3672, "Atrissa Amethiste vs Quistley Dulle Sarraze de Fontaine"
In response to Reply #0


*** Human bard, 23 charisma, vs. human conjurer, also 23 charisma. ***
*** Another tough matchup, but in this first meeting I give a good fight ***

*** We start after "Quistley Dulle Sarraze de Fontaine" asks me to publish ***
*** a note for him, and in an unusual move, Atrissa publishes it almost immediately. ***

civilized <818hp 423m 909mv Romantic sober 12 AM 73 waxing> note show
From : Atrissa Amethiste
To : all
Subject: From Quistley Dulle etc etc: "The Gold Chain Diaries"
*** "etc etc" - I crack myself up ***

The Gold Chain Diaries.

May this personal ad reach the eyes of the lovely lady who visited
me while deep in sleep. I, Quistley Dulle Sarraze de Fontaine, will
not rest until I place this gold chain back upon your neck with all
the love and adoration you so deserve.

Ladies of Thera, tell me your sultry tales of love and erotica so
that she who resides in the watery sea may rise from the bosom of
the ocean and grace us with her ever loving presence once more.
I wish to understand why she of the sea, Rayihn would leave us to
suffer without her. Let your stories of love heal us all and may
these tales nurture our desires forever and ever.

I adore you all,

Quistley Dulle Sarraze de Fontaine, Thera's Premiere Magistrate.

Penned by Atrissa Amethiste, Executant of the Eternal Star

civilized <818hp 423m 909mv Romantic sober 12 AM 73 waxing> ponder
You ponder the question.

You flash everyone a wry little smile.

civilized <818hp 467m 909mv Romantic sober 2 AM 73 waxing> note post

*** Later, I see him online, and I reach out to this naughty fancypants conjurer.

You tell Quistley 'Oh, you must tell me of this Golden Chain!'

Quistley tells you 'A beautiful thing you did.'

You tell Quistley 'It was all yours! I've never once published a solicitation verbatim as such, of course...'
*** This is true. How I made it 400-some hours without more people asking me to publish
*** their stuff, I'll never know. I think I published maybe 6 things for other people, 4
*** were poems. Atrissa wanted her name to be rare and important in that note list, and
*** announcements/cabal junk were beneath her. But I actually only rejected a few folks -
*** I guess word spreads fast to... not bother asking?

Quistley tells you 'I do not know what lucky lady... Or man wore it, but they it is a clue for her to rise from the sea. I know it!'

You tell Quistley 'I know so little of Rayihn... you may be surprised that I don't read a lot.'
You tell Quistley 'I am working up the energy to go into the Lyceum and root around, but perhaps you can save me the trouble?'

Quistley tells you 'She of the sea Rayihn once had a beautiful bathhouse where tales of love flowed through the waters.'
Quistley tells you 'I know this because of a lucky gnome lady I had bedded in Hillcrest.'
*** There he goes, Captain Kirking again!

You tell Quistley 'A gnome? Really? What was that...'

Quistley tells you 'Gnomes are wise they are in there years.'

You tell Quistley 'Ah, what was that like?'

Quistley tells you 'The gnome spoke of her as unspeakable beauty. Like beuatiful lotus flower swirling in the sea of purple.'
*** Ah, Quistley with the first typo of this RP fight. Point Atrissa!

You tell Quistley 'Oh, I quite hiked all the way to Hamsah to meet you. Where are you?'
*** He was shown as on duty there. I was being proactive!

Quistley tells you 'I would love to meet you in Hmasah'
*** Another typo. Atrissa is quickly seizing the advantage here.

You tell Quistley 'Lovely. I'm at the Drunken Efreeti.'

Looking quite pleased, Quistley beams with pride at his recent success.

You curtsey to him.
*** I died never learning about the fancy curtsey socials. A crime. But maybe Atrissa
*** wasn't the kind to put that kind of effort into a curtsey. Anyway...

Quistley looks at you.

Quistley says to you 'Breathtaking.'
*** I'm like 60-something years old here you stinker

PROTECTED civilized <958hp 921m 909mv Romantic tipsy 10 PM 73 waxing> l quist
This slender half-elf examines his immediate surroundings with a snooty
look of disdain. Looking completely out of his element, he appears to
be more accustomed to a pampered lifestyle then one of adventuring and
*** We are of the same mold! ***
peril. Thick curly blonde locks of hair sit atop his head like a crown
of gold as he runs his fingers through it in an overly primping manner.
His gangly frame is on the verge of manhood with muscles beginning to
develop from training. Tufts of bright white feathers drift down from
around his neck from a garish boa scarf. Its ends come to rest upon the
open breast of a light blue one piece suit he wears with white satin
ruffles that extend out from underneath the velvet material. Matching
blue colored pants, void of any wrinkle of blemish, tuck tightly into a
pair of knee-high alligator skin boots. Lastly, a slight jitteriness is
presence in his mannerisms as he glances down at a badge on his lapel
with smile and a gleam in his bright blue eyes showing it off proudly.
*** Reallllly getting a pimp feel from this description, Quistley

Quistley, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.
Quistley seems to be in normal mood.

Quistley is using:
<worn on finger> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) the Ring of Wizardry
<worn on finger> a blemished ring of gold
<worn around neck> a heavy gold chain strung with a crystallized drop of water
<worn around neck> (Gold Aura) (Glowing) a heart-shaped ruby on a silver chain
<worn on body> (Glowing) (Humming) a robe of invocation
<worn on head> a silver-horned helm
<worn on legs> some worn studded leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of black steel boots
<worn on hands> (Red Aura) (Glowing) some leather gloves with black inscriptions
<worn on arms> a pair of silver-gray vambraces
<worn about body> (Red Aura) (Glowing) (Humming) a black robe of the Magi
<worn about waist> a studded belt with a sterling silver buckle
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of golden chain
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a topaz encrusted bracelet (12hp/12man)
<mainhand wielded> a jagged onyx shard
<worn as shield> (Gold Aura) (Glowing) a shield made from a mirrored scale of a silver dragon

Quistley says 'I adore you already.'

You say to Quistley 'You are most kind.'

Quistley says to you 'Oh one moment.'

Quistley says 'Just to protect myself.'

You say 'Oh, look at you, such curls!'

Quistley says 'I have a few ladies that I adore here in the city as well.'

Quistley gets a hall pass from a large sack.

PROTECTED civilized <818hp 921m 909mv Romantic sober 12 AM 73 waxing>
Quistley stops using a shield made from a mirrored scale of a silver dragon.
Quistley holds a hall pass in his hands.

You peer intently at Quistley.

Quistley says 'One must always carry a hall pass for such things.'

Quistley blinks a few times.

You say 'The hall pass?'
*** Quistley you are gonna have to explain this

You say 'It gains you favor here?'

Quistley says 'Yes. Like a get out of jail free card with the ladies.'

Looking quite pleased, Quistley beams with pride at his recent success.

You say 'I'd no idea!'

Habib the Bartender nods.
Habib the Bartender lifts a decanter of arak and fills a shot glass.
Quistley buys a shot of arak.

Quistley gives you a shot of arak.

You drink arak from a shot of arak.
You feel tipsy.
It is now empty.

You thank Quistley heartily.

Quistley says 'Now then.'

You nod.
Atrissa shakes her hair out of her eyes.
*** Canned emote. Bring it, Quistley!

Quistley says 'What do you wish to know of Quistley?'

You say 'Firstly, is this your home?'

Quistley gazes into your eyes with a look of complete adoration.
*** Strong emote. It came so fast it might even be a canned alias!

Atrissa glances about her surroundings.
*** Manual emote!

You say 'This city.'

You drink wine from a cup of spiced wine.
You feel tipsy.

Quistley says 'Oh no. Though it is like my second home.'
Quistley sits down and thinks deeply.
Quistley says 'However. I do like Blackclaw as well.'
Quistley says 'I bed up at many a place.'
Looking quite pleased, Quistley beams with pride at his recent success.

You shudder at the thought.

Quistley gets a whole chicken from a black robe of the Magi.

Quistley comforts you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

You say 'Blackclaw, truly'

You say 'We get our coffee from there... I'm ever picking hairs out of it.'
*** Blackclaw joke! Trying to gain the advantage again here.

Quistley says to you 'You are still number one in my eyes.'
*** Aww. But you aren't the first to say this. Let's move on.

You say 'Even moreso than Grintella?'
Atrissa smiles softly at you.

Quistley says 'I play second to no one.'
Quistley says 'Even a..'
Quistley gasps in astonishment.
Quistley says 'Greasy duergar.'
Quistley grimaces painfully at the thought.

You flash everyone a wry little smile.

Quistley lets out a soft hiss as a black-green pit viper silently slithers past his feet.
Quistley says 'Now my snake.'

Atrissa takes one small step backward, looking down.

Quistley says to a black-green pit viper 'This one. Not that one.'
*** Really, Quistley. Atrissa has learned to ignore such. But I was laughing

Quistley points excitedly at a black-green pit viper!

You say 'Is it friendly?'

Quistley says 'She and I dwell mostly in Galadon.'

You say 'She is beautiful...'

Quistley says 'She does not bite. Unless I will it.'

Quistley pats a black-green pit viper on its head.

You say 'May I touch her?'

Quistley says 'She is me and I her.'

You stop using the hands of a flame.
*** removing eq for extra detail. He'll have no counter for sure!!

A black-green pit viper slowly slithers towards you as its eyes fixate upon yours.
*** is this a familiar emote??? Need to come back with something...

Atrissa squats down slightly, eyeing a black-green pit viper.
*** "squat," really? bend or kneel would have been much better.
Atrissa holds her arm out, calmly.

A black-green pit viper coils up slowly as its tongue flicks out into the air brushing against the flesh of your arm.
*** Oh hell. Conjurer RP is very powerful with familiars!

A joyful smile graces Quistley's face as he looks toward a black-green pit viper.

Quistley says 'Gentle.'

Atrissa widens her eyes.
*** Turns out there is a "eyeswide" social already. I typed this emote out a ton.

Quistley says to a black-green pit viper 'She is beautiful lady.'
*** Heh, typo. Bard so far has made it the entire RP fight with no typos!
Quistley pats a black-green pit viper on its head.
A black-green pit viper seems to be ignoring Quistley.
*** Hah! didn't count on her ignoring you, did you Quistley?

You say to a black-green pit viper 'And you are a beautiful creature!'

Quistley says 'Yes. Yes I am.'
Quistley says 'She is I and I am her.'

PROTECTED civilized <793hp 896m 909mv Romantic tipsy 4 PM 73 waxing> glance quistley
Quistley, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.

Looking quite pleased, Quistley beams with pride at his recent success.

You grin at a black-green pit viper mischievously.
A black-green pit viper looks at you blankly.
*** Hm. oops. Better than being ignored!

Atrissa stands up.
*** Yeah, I emoted standing up. Because I emoted squatting down. Remember?

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

You say 'Now then, goodness-'
You say to Quistley 'You are most distracting.'

Quistley says 'Speaking of greasy duergar I must go aid him'
*** You could have used a comma there. And got her gender wrong! What have I told
*** you all about characters whose names end in "a"?

You say 'She'

Quistley says 'I shall be but a moment.'

You nod.

Quistley says 'Her. She.'
Quistley says 'We are but sins of the flesh.'
*** Ah, well done.

You say 'You will not make the mistake again, after you meet her!'
*** and he's off ***

You tell Quistley 'Oh, do pass on a message to her? "Atrissa was able to get it off. Hot springs."'
*** He'll have fun with that one.

Quistley tells you 'Hot springs! We will bath there together!'
*** You randy magistrate!! ***

You tell Quistley 'Alas, a fountain, Quistley. Calm yourself.'

Quistley tells you 'I love and adore you.'

You tell Quistley 'I'm sure you say that to all the world.'

Quistley tells you 'I must. They need such reassurance.'

You tell Quistley 'You would make a fine bartender, Quistley.'

*** Ok, he's back for round 3! ***
PROTECTED civilized <933hp 795m 909mv Romantic sober 7 AM 73 waxing> l
The Drunken Efreeti Inn
The smell of cooking meat and fresh-baked bread rises from the plates
of the travelers, sailors, and merchants that are dining here at the Inn
during the daylight hours. At the east end of the room a raised platform
serves as a stage for bards and story tellers. A couple of young women work
at cleaning up the bar for the crowds due that night as the bartender pours
out chilled wines and sweet arak for those that are dining here.

(Red Aura) (Slimy Sheen) Black scales interrupted by bands of green, a pit viper silently slithers through here.
(Red Aura) Quistley the half-elf is here.
Reciting tales of wonder, a bard is here plucking an old zither.
Grizzled Habib works the bar here.
(Gold Aura) Dining on the fine fare of the bar, a young man sits here chatting.
A pretty young woman drinks with the fishermen here.
An old man dressed in faded clothes sits here, smoking.
(Gold Aura) A woman dressed in the dark garb of Arkham sits here, drinking.
(Gold Aura) A lightly-armored man sits here, glaring around the room.

PROTECTED civilized <933hp 795m 909mv Romantic sober 7 AM 73 waxing> smile quist
You smile at him.

PROTECTED civilized <933hp 795m 909mv Romantic sober 7 AM 73 waxing>
Quistley says 'to atr My lovely Herald.'
*** Hah, another point for Atrissa!

PROTECTED civilized <933hp 795m 909mv Romantic sober 7 AM 73 waxing>
Quistley coughs loudly.

PROTECTED civilized <933hp 795m 909mv Romantic sober 7 AM 73 waxing> sayto quistely Tell me what you will do with these tales you collect.
Sayto whom or what?
*** Oops. Luckily, the world will never know of this typo

Quistley spits out some sand.
*** A good recovery!

You say to Quistley 'Tell me what you will do with these tales you collect.'

Quistley says to you 'Create a diary of all of them.'

You tell Quistley 'Will you share them with us all?'

PROTECTED civilized <793hp 811m 909mv Romantic tipsy 8 AM 73 waxing> cough
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!
*** No idea why I did this. Not a strong choice.

Quistley says to you 'I hope the tales will stir the waters of the sea to incite Rayihn's rise from the depths.'

You say 'Will you share them with us all?'
*** Oops, command repeat in tt++ burns me here. Quistley swiftly regaining the upper hand!

Quistley says to you 'One does not hide such erotic tales.'

Looking quite pleased, Quistley beams with pride at his recent success.

Quistley sighs.

You say 'It would make a fine event.'

Quistley says 'Do excuse me. Riazle is attacking the Captain. We will finish this later dear.'

Quistley kisses you gently.

You curtsey to your audience.

You say 'Good luck.'

Quistley tells you 'I am a busy man of course.'

You tell Quistley 'Of course. Luckily, I am not so busy a woman, and ever so easy to find.'
*** Strong finish - the last word is mine! ***
*** But things will not go so well for Atrissa in her next meeting with Quistley! ***


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Atrissa (Anonymous)Mon 21-Feb-22 12:21 PM
Charter member
#3671, "Atrissa vs. Calithildir, part I"
In response to Reply #0


*** Rank 51 human herald bard, with taletelling and performing artistries, vs
*** Rank 51 wood-elf herald bard, with full High Herald powers. It's a terrible matchup
*** all around for the human bard, every time, but she puts up a fight!

*** Today, some elements from the "magicky quest" that pops up in some immortal comments
*** in various PBFs. It starts with a weird loud crash local echo of something behind the Inn.
*** Unfazed, Calithildir immediately CB's "Oh no, the secret stash!!"
*** I start logging a little bit after. Euric, me and Calithildir go behind the Inn and
*** investigate, as well as the battlerager minotaur Mwauka, uncomfortably with Euric
*** the shapeshifter. Cal gets a few mobs to talk to him and give him some clues, including
*** a painting that he gives to Euric, who then quits with it in hand. Actually,
*** DELETES with it!

*** But enough about spontaneous immteraction potentially clueing into the arrival of
*** a new god of magic, let's focus on Atrissa. Cal finally reaches a stalemate with
*** all the mobs of the Inn, so one of us gets the idea to sing to the fire and maybe it
*** it will talk. It had been taunting us not too many days ago, after all.

Atrissa bows her head solemnly, signaling the end of the song.

Calithildir gives you a round of applause. You must have done something good!

Mwauka exhales slowly, glancing away.

Atrissa peers at the fire out of one eye.

Calithildir says to you 'A friendly suggestion? Pace your tempo. Your delivery is very good

*** Pace my tempo??? Is this what I get for manually copying and pasting in lines, instead
*** of scripting them by millisecond with a macro? Noted, Cal.

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

You say to Calithildir 'A very early composition of mine, I truly have not performed it in some
time. But, if you bothered to come to Hamsah, you'd have seen a well-paced song or two!'

*** Yes, some bitterness that he didn't come to any of her events... a little barb,
*** but didn't think it would escalate...

You snort.

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 10 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Mwauka The Fire of Living Ghosts
(PK) Calithildir The Fire of Living Ghosts
(PK) Atrissa The Fire of Living Ghosts

Calithildir says to you 'Oh come on, Atrissa, I did you a favor that night, don't pout.'
A mischievous look in his eye, Calithildir grins at you.
*** Ok it's gonna escalate you bastard

You say to Calithildir 'Ugh!'
You say 'You are so arrogant!'
Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Calithildir says to you 'You don't believe me?'

You pace up and down irritably.
You pace up and down irritably.

You say 'You try!'
You say 'Get that fire to talk!!'
Atrissa sits down in a huff!

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 12 PM> pout
Ah, don't take it so hard.

Looking determined, Mwauka cracks his knuckles.
Mwauka steps up, metaphorically and literally.

Calithildir says to you 'Some things aren't to be rushed. You'll learn with time.'

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 12 PM> glare cal
You glare icily at him.

Calithildir says to you 'Actually, most things are to be drawn out and savored.'

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

You mutter quietly to yourself.

Mwauka says 'Oonnce uboonn a dimme, dere wath a hery ugly arial.'

You say to Mwauka 'I always knew he was jealous.'
*** Uh oh, don't go there Atrissa...

Calithildir chuckles politely.

You say to Calithildir 'Give me that stuff. Give it all to me!'
*** I mean the clues and stuff he got.

Atrissa grabs at you!

Calithildir says to you 'Me? OF you?'

Mwauka says 'He wath boornn inn de gudderth oov Ayr'Drinnal annd all hith veaderth were black widooil annd grimme.'
*** Mwauka, even if I understood you, I don't think I would know what you were talking about

Calithildir gently places a hand on Atrissa's shoulder.

Atrissa smacks your hand away!

You yell 'I'll make a deal!'
*** This is for the weird voices/noises we experienced at the inn moments before
*** Swiftly regretting getting into an insult fight with Calithildir and hoping to change subject

Calithildir says to you 'I am willing to take a roll if you wish. But do you really want an
audience while we do that?'

Mwauka pauses for a moment to grumble, and falls silent instead of completing his story.

You say 'Huh?'
You say 'No...'

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 4 PM> pout
Ah, don't take it so hard.

You say 'I'm just frustrated.'
*** There's no getting out of this Atrissa-

Calithildir says to you 'Then don't grab me, I might get ideas.'

Atrissa crosses her arms.

Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?

You say 'I sing my heart out to Sir Voiceless Flame here, looking for clues...'

Calithildir says to Mwauka 'Fame comes at a price.'
Calithildir winks at Mwauka.

You say to Calithildir 'And you think it's time to criticize my rhythm?'

Calithildir says to you 'Yea.'

Mwauka says 'I dooughd yoou were thubboothed doo dell thdoorieth here, nnood bicker while
thoommeoonne'th dryinng doo dalk.'

You say to Calithildir 'Give me that fiddle back!'
*** The fiddle had a history. Hiilos came across it, gave it to me, mentioned Cal was
*** looking for it, and for whatever reason, I gave it to Cal at some point when he
*** he noticed I had it. See how nice I was?

Calithildir says to you 'Why?'

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 7 PM> glance mwauk
Mwauka, a male minotaur, is in perfect health.
Mwauka seems resolute.
*** This is the "Scrutiny" edge at work. Not really useful if you aren't pk'ing and
*** draining morale, but Atrissa was supposed to be an astute judge of character so I took it.

Mwauka is using:
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of frost
<worn around neck> a dull gray cloak of woven spidersilk
<worn on body> ancient green dragonscales
<worn on horns> a set of titanium horn guards
<worn on legs> hardened mithril leggings
<worn on hooves> (Glowing) (Humming) the Hooves of the Beast
<worn on hands> a pair of eog-lined gauntlets
<worn on arms> slime-covered armguards made of charcoal dragonscales
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn around wrist> a brass dragonscale bracer
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<mainhand wielded> a wicked lochaber axe

Calithildir says to you 'It was a gift, from a loved friend.'
*** He means from before he lost it, but whatever

You say to Calithildir 'Because I know you like it!'
You say to Calithildir 'And I don't want you to have it!'

Calithildir says to you 'Oh, you want to hurt me now, do you?'

You say to Calithildir 'As you have hurt me, Cal?'
You blink innocently at Calithildir.

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 8 PM> i
You are carrying:
a bottle of Cap'n Hawkwind's whiskey
(Glowing) a potion of return
black, fishnet stockings
a pair of black leather boots with red stitching
(Glowing) the Orb of the Twilight Lords
*** Damn you Quentin that orb was awesome!
a dragonscale staff
a mithril shield faced with dragonscales
a great battleaxe rimmed in slime named 'Flesh Render'
*** no idea what I'm doing with that
(Glowing) an everfull skin
the chest of inebriation
a dragon boat
a large sack
the Bracelet of Charms
*** I didn't wear this for a long time because it wasn't pretty. It stressed
*** Alyce out that I didn't, which was a bonus, too. But then Quentin came along!
a flowing robe of ethereal black silk
(Glowing) a banded ring
an exquisite goldenwood harp

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Calithildir looks at you.

You say 'Fine.'
You say 'The flames aren't telling us anything.'
*** Again trying to get out of the corner I painted myself into

Calithildir says to you 'A helpful bard should never be a source of pain, Atrissa.'
Calithildir stops using a gleaming white fiddle with golden-made strings.
Calithildir gives you a gleaming white fiddle with golden-made strings.

Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?
Calithildir says to you 'I even signed the thing for you.'
*** ZING ***

You try to give Calithildir a gleaming white fiddle with golden-made strings, but he declines.
You say to Calithildir 'UGH!'
You pace up and down irritably.

Calithildir points at himself, obviously very confused.
Calithildir says to Mwauka 'A legend.'
Calithildir winks at Mwauka.

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic tipsy 12 AM> glower
*** you ever type a verb just to see if there is a social for it?

Mwauka snorts, still giving off hints of petulance.

Atrissa hurls a bottle of Cap'n Hawkwind's whiskey into the fire!

Calithildir says to you 'You will have to clean that up, you know.'

*** There were a couple more playful incidents with me and Calithildir before
*** this one. Notably was the occasion where Rarywey popped up and he randomly
*** recites stuff from the Lyceum, and we try to stump him and failed every time. Atrissa
*** tried to one-up him with some greps from her recent visit to the Lyceum, but
*** was outmatched handily.

*** When conceptualizing Atrissa I considered if she was going to hate all competition and be really vain,
*** but thought that too predictable. Instead, being the aloof-but-useless Starbucks barista that
*** she was, younger Atrissa had a "I could get straight A's too if I wanted to" attitude.

*** It was really when she had to face the fact that she couldn't that she'd blow up,
*** then try to back out of her mess. Neither Cal nor Atrissa were really jealous,
*** in fact probably so arrogant that others seeking the spotlight were no concern.
*** But Atrissa was definitely more insecure than Cal, and was used to getting
*** anyone she wanted to fawn over her. Not so with Cal!

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

civilized <733hp 750m 854mv Romantic tipsy 2 AM> glare cal
You glare icily at him.

You say 'ENOUGH'

Seeing the humorous events before him, Calithildir chortles loudly.

You say 'Take back your fiddle, and let us accomplish something.'
You drop a gleaming white fiddle with golden-made strings.

Calithildir says to you 'Oh no, it WAS a gift from a loving friend, but you wanted to see my
pain. Enjoy.'

Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?

You shrug.

Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'As I close my eyes and fall asleep,'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'a lovely vision my mind does keep.'
*** oh hell now he sings. precisely paced, too!

Mwauka grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Mwauka fills the air with his hatred of magic.
Mwauka looks tougher.
Mwauka looks more enlightened.

Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'The Starlight shines down, soft and blissful,'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'on her beautiful smile so wistful.'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'Silently through the night does she glide,'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'her eyes as blue as the morning tide.'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'And in the glistening morn so fair,'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'deep red roses shall adorn her hair.'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'But in the dawn's light she fades away,'
Calithildir sings in a clear tenor 'leaving me to go my lonely way.'

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 7 AM> l cal
Dressed in extravagant clothing you see a tall and lanky wood-elf in his
prime. His long dark brown hair is tastefully ungroomed and it falls loosely
over his shoulders as it frames his face. Underneath the classically elegant
elven eyebrows, two deep blue sapphires of eyes regard the world around him
with a mischievous glint, while underneath the slender and narrow nose, one
corner of his mouth is twisted to form a slightly smug grin. On the left
side of his neck, sitting at an odd angle, you see the top of a beautifully
ornate neck tattoo of the number thirteen that disappears underneath the
lapel of his maroon shirt that remains unbuttoned to his chest. The black
regular fit pants are perfectly clean and unadorned, while his black
overcoat is richly embroidered with intricate sylvan motifs and the number
thirteen in silver thread. As he moves you smell very distinctive woody
blend of spiced sandalwood, peach and cinnamon.
Calithildir, a male wood-elf, is in perfect health.
Calithildir seems confident.

Calithildir is using:
<worn on finger> a sparking band of interwoven silver
<worn on finger> a sparking band of interwoven silver
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
<worn on body> a suit of mithril chainmail
<worn on head> (Glowing) a delicate crown of golden holly
<worn on face> the Mask of Saphyr'a Azh'ral
<worn on legs> a pair of ridged plate leggings
<worn on feet> firewalker boots
<worn on hands> the hands of a flame
<worn on arms> a phylactery of potence
<worn about body> a brown hunting cape
<worn about waist> the Torc of the Nightmare Dragon
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of burnished platinum
<worn around wrist> an aquamarine bracelet
<mainhand wielded> the flaming rib of an elemental
<tattooed> (Glowing) the number thirteen

Atrissa wipes her forehead with her sleeve.

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

Calithildir drops a shot of embossed soapstone with intricate sylvan motifs and the number
thirteen, filled with 'Calithildir's Legendary Reserve'.

You say 'It would have sounded better with a fiddle.'
*** heh

Mwauka rolls his eyes, disgusted.

civilized <733hp 760m 854mv Romantic sober 10 AM> apol cal
You might as well apologize because he sure as hell won't.

Calithildir says to you 'it is always performed a capella.'

You say 'Doesn't mean it wouldn't sound better with a fiddle.'

Calithildir says to you 'Maybe. Depending on the mood.'

You say 'My sense, that is all.'

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

You sigh.

You say to Calithildir 'I've always resented you. You are too perfect. I'm sorry.'
*** What is greater, Atrissa's pride, or her need to charm those in power?

Calithildir says to you 'Thank you.'
Calithildir has a mischievous gleam in his eye. What is he up to?

You say 'I know not a fraction of the songs you know.'

Mwauka says 'Hummannth rethenndinng elheth ith coommmmoonn. Dey hahe unnvair adhanndage.'
Mwauka says 'Doooo mmanny yearth doo lihe.'

Calithildir says to you 'It comes with time, Atrissa.'

You say to Calithildir 'I've not lived a fraction of the lifetimes you have.'

Calithildir says to you 'Well, lucky for you, bards are immortal.'


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Atrissa (Anonymous)Mon 14-Feb-22 12:59 PM
Charter member
#3670, "Atrissa vs. Skreenak, part II (featuring Chroursnkel an..."
In response to Reply #0


*** Today Skreenak visits Atrissa in person, after Atrissa and Chrournskel were bickering
*** about him over cabal channel. It's just a few days before her next big performance.

*** The log starts with Atrissa getting harrassed to publish missives for
*** some randos. I start logging manually right here after some super-annoying
*** freshly-rolled elf starts harassing me. I should thank him!

whois yotel
< 2 Elf Shf> Yotel the Spell Student

Yotel tells you 'Your entire life.'
Yotel tells you 'But, I will only offer it once. '

You tell Yotel 'Is this about everlasting life?' *** heh, Arkham joke!

Merallus tells you 'I wonder if you might publish a song for me?'
*** And immediately after, a rank 51 healer elf of the Fortress asks the same thing.
*** Atrissa did not publish for others, but could be persuaded if it is was a poem.

Yotel tells you 'Exclusives, with me. You don't know what that means yet.. So I will tell
you this. It will change your life. My story.'

You tell Merallus 'You have a gift for words, Merallus, I would gladly.'
*** I think he already published one thing? But Yotel vs Merallus, how Atrissa handles
*** either is straight from her role. A hero healer, he can be of benefit. A
*** rank 2 random shapeshifter, she can be her rude self.

Yotel tells you 'In return, you will secretly, fund me.'
Yotel tells you 'Do we have a deal?'

You tell Yotel 'Fund you?'

Yotel tells you 'The elcusive I am going to give you. And you only, and worth of coin in
exchange from time to time.'
Yotel tells you 'Do you want the exlusive or not, human?'

You tell Yotel 'Elf, do not trifle me with your schemes.'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 8 PM> who
<40 D-Elf Asn> Sadeha the Entrance to Owaza, Shadow Dweller
<51 Human Hea> (PK) (WANTED) Allavia Lilyx the Sister of Nature's Salutations
<20 Gnome Shf> Gnanibbnort the Shapeshifter
< Elf IMM> Baerinika the Pure, Ghost of the Misty Ruin
<48 Gnome Shf> (PK) Chryskopain the Grand Eldress of Changelings
<18 Storm War> Duraun the Overseer
<36 W-Elf Bar> Rinn the Mistress of Song
< 2 Elf Shf> Yotel the Spell Student
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Chrournskel the Fanatic of the Goblin Court, Deranged
Fromager of the Eternal Star
<46 Felar Ran> (PK) Erortarbe the Vanguard of the Vernal
<51 Elf Hea> (PK) Merallus the Affirmation of Life, Elder Prophet of the Light
<33 Elf War> Nalley the Warrior of the Gauntlet
*51 Human Bar* (PK) Atrissa Amethiste the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Taleteller
of the Eternal Star
<47 Human Nec> (PK) Gyrthira the Spectre, Magistrate of Hamsah Mu'tazz

Players found: 14

Yotel tells you 'Do you accept, yes or no?'
You tell Yotel 'I will give you my answer tomorrow.'
*** Just hoping to get rid of him, plus, making people wait is fun

Yotel tells you '9pm tomorrow. '
*** yeah who knows when that even really is?

Yotel tells you 'If I do not hear from you, I will make another bard famous.'

You tell Yotel 'My sweet elf, I am already famous.'

Chrournskel: The Cheese King isn't sure there is a song that can be written, no
matter how great it is, to fully encompass the greatness of Our Lord and Savior, the Most
Cunning and Strong, One and Only, Goblin Lord of Thera.
Chrournskel: He's just simply THAT wonderful.

Atrissa: You naturally assume the song is meant to encomapss his greatness.

Chrournskel: You meant to disrespect Him?
Chrournskel: For you see, Goblin-ness is Greatness.

Atrissa: I will not tell you what I mean, you will have to see for yourself. If
you had bothered to hear me in Voralia, you would have had chance to see him in the
*** OH, my song in Hamsah, a day or two away, is for him. About not controlling flames,
*** just appreciating them, blah blah. I sing some bars of it below.

<civilized 100%h 97%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 2 AM>
You have received a note from Merallus.

<civilized 100%h 97%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 2 AM> note list
< 0 > Rinn: Alternative to the enslavement of the Coin (Marked by the Sunwarden)
< 1 > Ergush: Role Contest Winners!
< 2 > Atrissa Amethiste: "Dutiful Lover"
< 3 > Darvel: Joining The Heralds.
< 4 > Rinn: The Lifetime of a Stick (Inspired by Mojabosombo's love of sticks)
< 5 > Amriith Monk: A Swig for A Friend
< 6 > Eyteliana: Event ideas needed: A nautical party fit for pirates, sirens, and more
< 7 > Calithildir Tauredheldur: Herald Neutrality
< 8 > Imphre Spellman: Return to the Veil as all creatios Must
< 9 > Amriith Monk: Home
< 10 > Merallus: Battle hymn of the dawn
< 11 > Calithildir Tauredheldur: "Battle hymn of the dawn" by Merallus and the grace of
the Golden Host
< 12 > Halrilz the Bounty Hunter: The Hunted...
< 13 > Calithildir Tauredheldur: A rallying Cry for Soldiers of the Light
< 14 > Calithildir Tauredheldur: The Umbrand Ardenwood Scholars of Light (an update)
< 15 > Calithildir Tauredheldur: A Warning About the Light
< 16 > Atrissa Amethiste: Delivery request
*** I'm asking Cal to do the promoting for me. He told me yes!
< 17 > Atrissa Amethiste: An invitation from the Sultan! *** just my copy to him
< 18 > Calithildir Tauredheldur: A Celebration of Faith - an invitation from the Sultan
*** My third performance - Getting Calithildir to send out the invitation because
*** "his words carried more weight" would help make him like me, plus, it was true, and
*** Atrissa wanted a crowd at her show. Win win!
< 19 > Atrissa Amethiste: Regarding: Event ideas needed
*** Random reply to Eyeteliana. Where did you go?
< 20 > Atrissa Amethiste: Request for costuming
*** Beseeching Boldr for clothes. Where did you go?
< 21 > Atrissa Amethiste: Request for Heightened Protection
*** Greasing the wheels with Galanthiel. Tribunals love concerts, right?
< 22 > Rinn: A Moot Held by the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
*** Too bad I could not make this. Events on a weekend, really??
< 23 > Rinn: My Plot Though Knows No Gilding
< 24 > Halrilz the Bounty Hunter: The Hunted...
< 25 > Rinn: Birds Flock to the Southwest Emerald Forest: The Moot Begins
*** Oh Rinn, good thing you are wood-elf, not arial
< 26 > Zeti: Herald's Pledge
*** Zeti was a stinker
< 27 > Galathaniel Cordatus: Re: Request for Heightened Protection
*** Galathaniel was/is awesome
< 28 > Atrissa Amethiste: A song before the Sultan's Celebration of Faith
*** Extra promotion!!
< 29N> Merallus: A calling from the Golden Sun
*** and here is his request.

<civilized 100%h 97%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 2 AM> note read 29
< 29> Tue Oct 5 10:40:30 2021
From : Merallus
To : atrissa
Subject: A calling from the Golden Sun

"They will call you hypocrites, brethren. They will call
your liars. They will scoff and they will jeer, even as they
are unable to recognise their pain, and their need for
the light. Yet you are called today, scribes, because that
which is within the deepest well of your spirit, from
which flows the power of light and life, has been heard
by your soul. Ours is a calling of peace, but also of preparation,
a calling of mercy and compassion, but one of judgement
and discernment. You have answered the call of the light,
now go forth, and let your strength be ever renewed!"

"Excerpt from a lecture of Merallus, "A welcome to service".

The Acolytes of the Golden Sun welcome all who seek service
to the innocent, the weak, and those who need healing and
redemption. It is a path of quiet contemplation, ready action
and the Light's purpose. Should this be a call that pulls
you, come to the Fortress, and pledge yourself to the Maran.

*** WTH that's not a poem!!

Merallus tells you 'I have sent you one of two which I would humbly ask you to publish.
The first is a call for those who seek to serve as scribes.'
Merallus tells you 'The second is an old village song unearthed by the scholar monk.'

You tell Merallus 'So you wish me to send out two separate missives, on your behalf?'

Merallus tells you 'Yes please, as they deal with different matters.'

Chrournskel: When the cheese is ready, it needs tending. It's really the most
important thing, you know?
*** Oh SHUT up

Merallus tells you 'Do you see the two posts?'

You tell Merallus 'I've received one missive from you only'

Merallus tells you 'Ah a moment'

You tell Merallus 'And I thought I was publishing art, not propaganda'

<civilized 87%h 62%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 11 AM> note
< 30> Tue Oct 5 10:45:12 2021
From : Merallus
To : atrissa
Subject: An old village song

My love she came a running came
a running came my love
My love she said she knew her gift
A gift to me my love was she
To me a gift was she
My love came running with a gift
A gift she was to me
A Wedding gift she said to me
A Wedding gift to me
She knew not how I loved her so
How dear she was to me.

"From the desk of Merallus"

You tell Merallus 'A lovely little song'

Skreenak yells 'Slave dancer! Git yer arse over here an git yer lord a drinks.'
*** OH SH#T

You tell Merallus 'Oh, dear, Skreenak is here'
*** I have a healer friend. He will protect me!

<civilized 96%h 73%m 99%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 1 PM> w
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree, it
has been finely carved, though many horrendous claw marks scar its surface. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar, filled with
boiling, thick red liquid. Shelves behind the bar that once held the rare ales
and beers have been upturned or broken, while large cracked barrels have been
strewn down below. Most of the stools near the counter are broken, but a few
have sustained working order and are scattered about for people to sit. A large
tapestry hangs over the shelves behind the bar, its finely woven surface smeared
with blood.

A tall glass of orange and raspberry smoothie has been left here.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
A giant spider crouches here on long, thin legs.
Skreenak the goblin is here.
Back arched and tail fluffed, a black cat hisses its disagreement.
A headless bouncer hefts its cudgel and looks for trouble.
A hulking, hooded figure looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

Skreenak grins evilly.

Atrissa skips into the room playfully.
*** Try and look not scared!

Skreenak gooses you tenderly!
*** rude

You smile at him.
You say 'The Goblin King, here?'

You give a long-necked bottle of sweet watermelon sparkling wine to Skreenak.
*** Thanks Darvel!

The edges of a diamondback rattlesnake's being stretch and twist and he returns to
*** The Cheese King arrives

Skreenak sits down and thinks deeply.

<civilized 100%h 76%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 3 PM> l
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree, it
has been finely carved, though many horrendous claw marks scar its surface. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar, filled with
boiling, thick red liquid. Shelves behind the bar that once held the rare ales
and beers have been upturned or broken, while large cracked barrels have been
strewn down below. Most of the stools near the counter are broken, but a few
have sustained working order and are scattered about for people to sit. A large
tapestry hangs over the shelves behind the bar, its finely woven surface smeared
with blood.

A tall glass of orange and raspberry smoothie has been left here.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
(Translucent) Chrournskel the half-elf is here.
A giant spider crouches here on long, thin legs.
Skreenak the goblin is here.
Back arched and tail fluffed, a black cat hisses its disagreement.
A headless bouncer hefts its cudgel and looks for trouble.
A hulking, hooded figure looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

Chrournskel dances wildly in front of you!

You glare icily at him.

Skreenak grins evilly at Chrournskel.

Chrournskel offers an awkward bow.

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'How yeas doin' gutter ####e?'

Chrournskel says to Skreenak 'We here to kidnap this mouthy one, Lord?'

You are sober.

You say to Skreenak 'It is a specially sweet wine, just like you like.'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Throwing back his head, Skreenak cackles with insane glee!

Skreenak grins evilly in your direction.

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Skreenak says to you 'Ya knows it.'

Skreenak drinks wine from a long-necked bottle of sweet watermelon sparkling wine.

<civilized 100%h 77%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 4 PM> mix wine
You successfully mix the intended drink!

Skreenak drinks wine from a long-necked bottle of sweet watermelon sparkling wine.
Skreenak drinks wine from a long-necked bottle of sweet watermelon sparkling wine.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

You peer intently at Skreenak.

You say 'I thought you killed them, you know.'

Skreenak says 'Nows, whats dis im hearins ya dont wanner come ta ma throne?'

Skreenak peers at you intently.

Chrournskel says to Skreenak 'The Cheese King thinks that if you put her in a nice, low
cage, I could provide enough cheese to bring the rats.'
Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.
Chrournskel winks suggestively at you.
Chrournskel looks at you.

Skreenak bonks Chrournskel on the head for being such an utter moron.

You say 'Skreenak, your Highness...'

Chrournskel utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Chrournskel's skin turns to stone.

You say 'You know I love to sing for you,'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Know yer heads fullo cheese, but she beein' ah lady, we
don' need ta gits da rats.... yet.'

You say 'But I simply cannot be kept. My voice will wilt.'

Chrournskel nods grimly toward Skreenak with a serious stare.

Skreenak frowns.

You music 'Treat my smile,'

Skreenak says to you 'Dats nu da right answer, bu' Skree tinks he has ah counter. Yer
wanner hear it?'

Chrournskel says to you 'You really should go willingly. It's LOVELY in the treasure
room. And you should see it fully packed! You'd trip over the most priceless trinkets
in all of Thera.'

You music 'like a flower in the wild... don't take me home...'

You say 'I am interested.'

Skreenak grins evilly.

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

The edges of Chrournskel's being stretch and twist and he becomes a diamondback

You shudder at the thought.

A diamondback rattlesnake's skin hardens with the shell of the armadillo!

A diamondback rattlesnake hisses at everyone, trying to appear dangerous.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

A diamondback rattlesnake slowly floats to the ground.
You no longer feel such bravado.

<civilized 119%h 93%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 10 PM> l skree
Standing nearly as high as the waist of a human, this vile creature shines
like a star in the night. His long, bat-like ears are studded with at least
fifty gold earrings of different shapes, sizes, and styles. An uncountable
amount of scars mar the greenish-black skin of him, but each has been
meticulously filigreed with gold and silver, creating an almost beautiful, yet
hideous pattern of interconnected lines that cover all of his exposed flesh.
A paunch belly, not obese but overweight to be sure, pushes out the bottom of
his gilded leather breastplate. His hooked nose and been capped with a silver
cover that has an emerald and a ruby mounted on either side, and a part of
his left nostril is missing completely. Beady, amber eyes scan the area about

His armors show signs of combat and filth, the former being mended by what
looks like molten gold being poured into the wounds. A wicked looking bow
with arm caps of brilliant silver hangs off one of his tiny shoulders, and
a hideous spear across his back. Painted with dried blood, a ridge-lined
circle adorns his breastplate, outlined with silver and gold spiraling rings.
Skreenak, a male goblin, is in perfect health.

Skreenak is using:
<worn on finger> an opulent gold ring, studded with gaudy gemstones
<worn on finger> a brilliant silver ring with a thick, engraved band
<worn around neck> a massive, glittering gold necklace, encrusted with vibrant gems
<worn around neck> a tattered, black cloak trimmed in solid gold
<worn on body> a gold-patched leather breastplate, embossed with a ridge-rimmed
<worn on legs> a pair of golden vambraces, studded with pure diamonds
<worn around wrist> a brilliant bangle of glittering gold, engraved with a ridge-rimmed
<worn around wrist> a thick leather bracer, ribbed with iron bands
<mainhand wielded> a gore-soaked spear named, 'Gut Spiller'
<tattooed> (Glowing) a bloody, gaping hole with teeth marks

A diamondback rattlesnake slithers around Atrissa in a circular pattern.

Skreenak says 'Skree'll leave yer ta walk freely, but when yer ready ta keel over, or
stop venturin' ya gunner live in ma shrine for ever.'
*** actually he was serious. That would have been pretty cool, I guess?

A diamondback rattlesnake rises off the ground.

Atrissa peers around her sides.

Skreenak says 'So, yer git ta do whatcher want fer now, but when yer done, ya come ta

The edges of a diamondback rattlesnake's being stretch and twist and he returns to

Skreenak grins evilly.

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say to Skreenak 'That sounds like a horrible offer, your highness.'
*** That's right Atrissa!

You feel less confident.

You are slapped by Skreenak.

<civilized 100%h 98%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 12 AM> fume
Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Skreenak says 'Ah dinner say it were good fer ya.'
Skreenak says 'But yer git whatcher want.'

Chrournskel says to you 'On the contrary, the Cheese King could think of NO higher
compliment that could be paid.'

You say 'The two of you!'
You say 'UGH!'

Skreenak says 'And Skree'll git what he want.'

Chrournskel grins evilly at Skreenak.
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say 'You can have what you want, but not how you want it.'

Atrissa presses her hand to her side.

Yotel tells you 'Your answer?'
*** Oh jeezus, you still??

You drop a goblet of fine elven wine.

Skreenak says 'AN hows dat?'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 1 AM> shiver
Brrrrrrrrr. You shiver uncomfortably.

Leaning towards Skreenak, Chrournskel whispers something to him.

Chrournskel nods grimly toward Skreenak with a serious stare.

You say 'I...'

Skreenak says 'Skree always gits what'e wants.'

You say 'I always willing to sing for an appreciative audience. Not matter the
You say 'But I will never, ever'
You say 'Be anyone's plaything. No matter the risk.'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 4 AM> shiver
Brrrrrrrrr. You shiver uncomfortably.

Chrournskel says 'The Great and Glorious Goblin Lord does, because He deserves it! He
has earned it! He is the Greatest and Most Powerful of all the Lords and Ladies!'

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 4 AM> pray rarywey Oh, Rarywey,
anyone, please aid me!
You pray to the heavens for help!

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 5 AM> shiver
Brrrrrrrrr. You shiver uncomfortably.

Skreenak says 'Yer ain' ah play ting. Yer get ta dance, ferever. An perform. Skree'll
bring in some audiences ifin dats whatcher want.'

You say 'You two come in here, bullying me?'
You say 'I know I have what you want.'
You say 'And only I can release it.'

Chrournskel boggles at you.

You music 'Give me room, to blossom and to bloom...'

Skreenak says to you 'Dats where yer wrong.'
Skreenak grins evilly.

Skreenak says 'You'll see dat when da time comes.'

You snort.

Seeing the humorous events before him, Skreenak chortles loudly.
Chrournskel nods grimly toward Skreenak with a serious stare.

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Now, Fanatic.'
You are sober.

You say 'Then, I'll bloom so bright, for you. '

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 7 AM>
Chrournskel utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Chrournskel turns translucent.

You smile, pleased with yourself.

Chrournskel struts proudly.
Chrournskel bows awkwardly.

You music 'Be not surprised'
You music 'that your dark designs,'

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Yer see Ol' Skree be likin' da words ya spits at people
bout him.'

You music 'Are not feared by me...'

Chrournskel nods grimly toward Skreenak with a serious stare.

You tell Merallus 'I am threateneed, will you aid?'
*** Some Acolyte!

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'How yer gittin' dat outta da world?'

Merallus tells you 'Where are you?'

You tell Merallus 'The Inn'

Skreenak says 'Needs dem ta hears me glory.'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 9 AM> who
< Gobln IMM> Skreenak the Goblin Lord, Plague of the Prosperous
<51 Human Hea> (PK) (WANTED) Allavia Lilyx the Sister of Nature's Salutations
<21 Gnome Shf> Gnanibbnort the Student of Levitation
< Elf IMM> Baerinika the Pure, Ghost of the Misty Ruin
<48 Gnome Shf> (PK) Chryskopain the Grand Eldress of Changelings
<36 W-Elf Bar> Rinn the Mistress of Song
< 3 Elf Shf> Yotel the Spell Student
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Chrournskel the Fanatic of the Goblin Court, Deranged
Fromager of the Eternal Star
<51 Elf Hea> (PK) Merallus the Affirmation of Life, Elder Prophet of the Light
*51 Human Bar* (PK) Atrissa Amethiste the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Taleteller
of the Eternal Star
<47 Human Nec> (PK) Gyrthira the Spectre
< 2 Srian Ran> Karmanzi the Rustic

Players found: 12

Chrournskel nods at Skreenak.

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Yer doin' dat here in da inn?'

Chrournskel says to Skreenak 'The Cheese King will do just that, Lord of Lords!'

You say 'He never mentions you.'

Chrournskel boggles at you.

You say 'Cheese cheese cheese. That's what he worships.'

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Chrournskel waves a hand at you as if to dismiss you.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.

Merallus closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Merallus shudders slightly, and looks more vigorous.
*** My hero!

Skreenak says to you 'Didjer say summin?'

Merallus closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Merallus shudders slightly, and looks more vigorous.

Chrournskel says to you 'The Cheese King finds you cute.'

Atrissa shuffles to Merallus' side.

Chrournskel beams a smile at Merallus.

Skreenak grins evilly.

Merallus closes his eyes and hums for an instant.

Skreenak says 'Elder prophet.'

Merallus says 'Greetings, Goblin Lord.'

Skreenak says to Merallus 'Whatcher hidin up in dat fortress? Anytin dat Skree kin

Merallus says 'Nothing of any consequence that my interest the Goblin Lord.'

Skreenak sits down and thinks deeply.

Skreenak says 'Dunno ifin ah believin' dat.'

Chrournskel says to Skreenak 'The Cheese King will be Your Preacher, Lord of Lords.'

Skreenak says 'Yer always gots some gold ####e up dere.'

Merallus says 'The Fortress is warded with sigils of angels and archons, not a place of
welcome for everyone.'

Atrissa holds her stomach and leans over, then stands back up.

Merallus smiles softly.

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Yer gunner do dat, but ah got one consideration fur ya.'

Merallus says 'Perhaps. But consider the discomfort of having blessed and consecrated
relics in your pilferer's bag.'

Chrournskel nods awkwardly and listens carefully.

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Don' be shovin' it down everyones troats daily. GIvin' some
time in between.'

Merallus says 'The light would shine through, revealing your location.'

Chrournskel cackles gleefully at Skreenak.
Chrournskel nods at Skreenak.
Holding forward a spiked staff, Chrournskel uses it to nudge you, checking for a
Chrournskel says to you 'Still salty?'

Merallus tells you 'You do not seem to be in any danger..'
*** WTH Merallus

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> dagger chrou
That skill is automatic, and requires no input. See also: 'help automatic skill'.
*** damn dagger social bug!

Chrournskel looks at you.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 7 PM> emote stares daggers at
Atrissa stares daggers at Chrournskel.

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

Skreenak says to Chrournskel 'Gits me some cheese.'

Chrournskel says to you 'That bracelet you were blessed by His Holiness to wear looks
very nice.'

Merallus says to Skreenak 'What takes the Goblin Lord here, so far away from his halls of

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel nods.
Chrournskel leaves west.

You say 'It was a gift, and I'm keeping it!'
You snort.

Merallus looks at you.

Skreenak says to Merallus 'Oh, yer know. Checkin' on ma investments.'

You say 'You know how great I could make you seem to the world?'
*** uh oh, now going to try to play the tactic of boldness...

Seeing the humorous events before him, Skreenak chortles loudly.

Merallus nods thoughtfully.

Chrournskel gives a serving of colby jack baked to a crunchy crust inside a shallow bread
bowl to Skreenak.
Chrournskel gives a serving of hickory smoked gouda cheese aged four years to Skreenak.
Chrournskel gives a serving of sweet brie topped with a dark chocolate drizzle to

You say 'And you choose instead to, abuse me? Scare me?'

Skreenak cackles gleefully at you, a strange look in his eye.

You snort.

Skreenak says to you 'Yer know how much ah ain' care whatcher tinkin ya can do fer me,
witout yer bein' mine?'

You say 'My voice will be snuffed by you, if you wish. It will never be sweet for you, if
you wish.'
*** not sure what I was trying to say here

Skreenak says to you 'Yer want Ol'skree? Yer turn yerself over ta Skree.'

Chrournskel says to you 'Just think, you could live forever young in the Halls of the
Great and Powerful Goblin Lord!'

The edges of Chrournskel's being stretch and twist and he becomes a diamondback

You say to Skreenak 'The only thing I want from you, is your appreciation.'

Merallus closes his eyes and prays, barely perceptible in hearing.

Skreenak says to a diamondback rattlesnake 'Yer will preach ta tha masses. Spread tha
word o'ma glory.'

The edges of a diamondback rattlesnake's being stretch and twist and he returns to

Skreenak says to you 'Well, yer got more den dat honey.'

Chrournskel nods grimly toward Skreenak with a serious stare.

Throwing back his head, Skreenak cackles with insane glee!

Merallus says to you 'Discernment I bless you with, wisdom walk with you.'

With confidence Skreenak mounts a giant spider and settles in for the ride.

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Merallus closes his eyes and hums for an instant.

You say to Skreenak 'Perhaps you found the draft of my song at the Knight's Crest. I
wrote it before your incident.'
*** You think you can cow him with flattery Atrissa? (turns out you could, but a long
*** time til that!)

Merallus closes his eyes and hums for an instant.

Skreenak says 'Dis be borin' now.'

Chrournskel pats a giant spider on its head.

Skreenak leaves.
A giant spider leaves north.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 12 AM> smile mer
You smile at him.

Chrournskel swoons in absolute ecstasy.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 12 AM> l
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree, it
has been finely carved, though many horrendous claw marks scar its surface. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar, filled with
boiling, thick red liquid. Shelves behind the bar that once held the rare ales
and beers have been upturned or broken, while large cracked barrels have been
strewn down below. Most of the stools near the counter are broken, but a few
have sustained working order and are scattered about for people to sit. A large
tapestry hangs over the shelves behind the bar, its finely woven surface smeared
with blood.

A goblet of fine elven wine has been left here.
A tall glass of orange and raspberry smoothie has been left here.
A thick mass of spider webs awaits its next victim.
(Translucent) Chrournskel the half-elf is here.
Merallus the elf is here.
A headless bouncer hefts its cudgel and looks for trouble.
A hulking, hooded figure looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

Chrournskel says 'Isn't He just the best?'

You yell 'He is the worst!'

Merallus wipes a single bead of sweat from his forehead in an elegant fashion.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 1 AM> fume
Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Chrournskel rolls his eyes at you.

Merallus says to you 'Well that was interesting.'

Atrissa slams a glass of fine elven wine to the floor!

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 2 AM> perform magenta kicks the
shards of glass at Chrournskel!
Atrissa kicks the shards of glass at Chrournskel!

<civilized 100%h 98%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 2 AM> fume
Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Chrournskel says to Merallus 'Watch out, she's got a temper. And she's fiery hot right
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say 'He think he can just...'

Merallus says to you 'You were never in any danger. The star of Baerinika shines
brightly, she would have come if one of the orcish immortals dared breach the agreement
with mortals.'
*** Yeah Baerinika I got issues with you. I saw her vis right before I took the stage,
*** sent a tell inviting her and she was all "i gotta fight evil blah blah blah"
*** Then, don't get me started on her taste in Captains.

You say to Merallus 'I prayed... Merallus'

Chrournskel boggles at the concept.
Chrournskel looks at Merallus.

You say to Merallus 'If not for you, here alone I would have been at their mercy.'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 4 AM> shiver
Brrrrrrrrr. You shiver uncomfortably.

Chrournskel says to you 'But He was offering you the gift of all gifts! And you
practically slapped his face.'
Chrournskel shakes his head in dismay at your actions.

You say to Chrournskel 'Such hate you embrace?'
Chrournskel boggles at you.

You say to Chrournskel 'Such bullying...'
You snort.

Chrournskel says to himself 'Maybe you just don't understand the opposite sex.'
Chrournskel drinks milk from a glass of frothy milk.
Chrournskel drops a glass of frothy milk.
Chrournskel sacrifices a glass of frothy milk to the gods.

You say 'It is no matter. I know it is because he simply admires me so.'

Merallus stops using a rectangular buckler of demon chitin.

You say 'Probably all the more that I won't just up and be his.'

Merallus wears a rectangular buckler of demon chitin as a shield.

Merallus says to you 'Will you please post the notes I sent you, before you rest?'
*** omg are you f'ing kidding me Merallus

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 6 AM>
You feel a divine presence guide you to new found experiences!
You are focusing your skill learning on symphonic echoes.
You have learned 3% of your reveille song.

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 6 AM> fume meral
You stare at him, fuming.

You say to Merallus 'Seriously???'

Chrournskel falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

Merallus raises an eyebrow.

Chrournskel moves over, still rolling on the floor, making sure to avoid the glass

You say to Chrournskel '"I know you were almost accosted by an evil goblin deity, but"'

Chrournskel gets up, still bent over cackling!

You say to Chrournskel '"Don't forget to do this thing for me"'

Chrournskel nods grimly in your direction, seeming serious.

You say 'I will post the song, because I liked it.'

Chrournskel says to you 'Do what you do best, do what other's ask of you.'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say to Chrournskel 'You know me so well.'

Atrissa crumples a piece of paper and tosses it at Merallus' feet.

You say to Merallus 'Someone else can post that. '

Chrournskel says to Merallus 'The Cheese King thinks you might have done it now.'
Chrournskel nods grimly toward Merallus with a serious stare.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 12 PM> apol merall
You might as well apologize because he sure as hell won't.

Merallus says 'Interesting behaviour.'

You say 'I am just ever so shaken. Thank you for coming.'
*** Oh wait you have a show coming up, be nice!
You sigh at yourself.

Merallus says 'I came as quickly as I could across the astral plane, when you summoned me
in danger of an orc god.'
*** Did you though?

You nod at Merallus.

Chrournskel boggles at Merallus.
*** damn right, cheese king!

Merallus says 'Your.. behaviour is very odd.'
Merallus disappears.

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say 'Well, he was rude.'

Chrournskel says to you 'The Elder Prophet had better things to do.'
Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.
Chrournskel says to you 'You probably shouldn't have insulted my cheese. That's
definitely what turned the tide for the worse.'
Chrournskel shrugs awkwardly, grinning.

You shrug in response to his question.

You drink wine from a goblet of fine elven wine.
You feel tipsy.
You do not feel thirsty.

You say 'You upset me.'

Chrournskel says to you 'But you look so pretty and behave so wonderfully erratically
when you're angry.'

Chrournskel pats you on your head.
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say 'And how you've got a home here, following one who amuses himself with torture
and mayhem, I'll never know. I guess your cheese is just that good.'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl tipsy Romantic 6 PM> blush
Your cheeks are burning.

Chrournskel nods grimly in your direction, seeming serious.
Chrournskel says to you 'It is THAT good.'

You say 'I hate it.'
*** I secretly liked it, but hated it out of principle!

You give Chrournskel a crooked smile.

Chrournskel cackles gleefully at you, a strange look in his eye.
Chrournskel says 'The Cheese King should see to some writing.'
Chrournskel waves happily.

You snort.

The edges of Chrournskel's being stretch and twist and he becomes a diamondback
A diamondback rattlesnake's skin hardens with the shell of the armadillo!
A diamondback rattlesnake hisses at everyone, trying to appear dangerous.
A diamondback rattlesnake leaves north.

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

You sigh.

*** snip posting Merallus' poem ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> note post

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 16466tnl sober Romantic 11 AM> who
< Gobln IMM> Skreenak the Goblin Lord, Plague of the Prosperous
<44 Svirf Shf> (PK) Capathok the Master of Shapeshifting
<22 Gnome Shf> Gnanibbnort the Student of Speed
< Elf IMM> Baerinika the Pure, Ghost of the Misty Ruin
*** Where were you when the goblin king was loose? You are no Azorrine, clearly!
< 5 Elf Shf> Yotel the Advanced Spell Student
*** 3 ranks in the time all this went down!
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Chrournskel the Preacher of the Goblin Court, Deranged
Fromager of the Eternal Star
*51 Human Bar* (PK) Atrissa Amethiste the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Taleteller
of the Eternal Star
<47 Human Nec> (PK) Gyrthira the Spectre, Magistrate of Hamsah Mu'tazz
<25 H-Drw Shf> Nighel the Animorph
< 2 Srian Ran> Karmanzi the Rustic
<18 Storm War> Duraun the Overseer
<43 Human Shf> (PK) Azmesakurith the Elder Sorcerer of Transformation
<21 Human Shf> Siwyir the Student of Levitation
*** he was an asshole

Players found: 13

Chrournskel: Got guilted into it after all, eh?

A chill fills the air as the candles gutter momentarily.

Atrissa: How could I turn down an opportunity for more publicity, Chournskel?

Chrournskel: The Cheese King understands all too well.


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Atrissa (Anonymous)Mon 14-Feb-22 11:48 AM
Charter member
#3669, "Atrissa vs Skreenak, part I (featuring a bard mob, Cela..."
In response to Reply #0


*** So, after Atrissa yelled at Chrournskel for missing her first Herald performance and always making cheese,
*** She commenced complaining to all her friends who didn't show up and then bragging to
*** them about the two gods who did - including about the flattering threats she got from
*** Skreenak the Goblin King. Then one morning I see this on twitter gechoes:

In Voralian City, a terrible commotion, clashing of swords, and screams of terror echo
outside the bards' guild. As the noise dies down, a fearsome goblin stands with his spider
before a cowed and beaten folk band.

Voralian onlookers shiver as he begins to rope them up, boasting, "Listen up ya ####es,
yer gunner be singin' yer heart out in service of the goblin court, an' yer gunna likes it."

With little warning, a brightness appears behind the goblin, and he casts a wide shadow
over his victims. Skreenak turns to face his new foe, a small, glowing girl. While his
attention is divided, the folk band scatters.

Before she has a chance to confront him, Skreenak attacks, savagely stabbing with his
spear at the child and biting, trying to tear her to pieces.

She falls, and the goblin grins, holding his spear high for the final blow. Skreenak
chortles to himself as he pants. "Got yer number dis time, golden host."

Azorinne stares up at him with wide eyes and whispers one word, "Kitty."

Skreenak plunges his spear straight for her heart, but before he connects, a swift blur of
golden fur and wings swoops down and carries the child away to safety.

In a rage, Skreenak chucks his spear directly into the heart of a nearby onlooker, howling
in frustration. "Damn gob####e! She gottaway!"

*** So, it's pretty cool seeing your character be tied to a global game echo.
*** But, this was a big deal for my quasi-evil Atrissa, who'd been steadily becoming
*** quasi-good. She wouldn't rank in Voralia - not gonna murder the citizens who you want
*** to entertain now, right? But after this, now she was forced to pretty concretely
*** decide if this kind of thing was darkly flattering, or, appropriately unsettling.
*** When I logged in, I had her go to the scene of the crime with Gwendelya, throw
*** away the song she wrote for Skreenak (many years later she'd give it to him for
*** Yuletide!), pray to Azorrine, then march to Rarywey's shrine with my paladin
*** good-influence friend.

*** Now, it didn't help that in my excitement I initially read the "screams of terror"
*** in the global echoes as, like, a buncha people getting killed, so, Atrissa was also
*** all "omg there was a massacre at the Knight's Crest it's all my fault" to everyone,
*** really playing up the drama. This came back at her in an amusing way when one of
*** the bards from the incident showed up at the Eternal Star!

*** We start with me hanging out with my crush, the elven Tribunal thief Celathi
You say 'You, sir'

Celathi waggles his head in despair.

You say 'You, left me most rudely last time we saw each other!'

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Celathi says 'Part of my charm. If I leave while you still want to talk to me, it keeps you coming back for more.'

You give Celathi a crooked smile.
You say 'Well, it works.'

Celathi says 'Alyce is awake now'
Celathi chuckles politely.
Celathi nods.

You say 'How do you two get along?'
You say 'She is quite fair for a human, no?'

You drink spiced rum from a double shot of rum.
You feel tipsy.
It is now empty.

You open the chest of inebriation.
The chest of inebriation rattles slightly as you open it.

Celathi says 'I keep distance between us.'

You get a mug of spiced wine from the chest of inebriation.

Celathi says 'Scion and all.'

You say 'Ooh'
You drink burgundy from a mug of spiced wine.
You feel tipsy.

You close the chest of inebriation.
You say 'Ah'
You say 'She tried to convert me of course'
You say 'Had me feeling ever so shameful of some of my darker content'

Celathi says 'But, neither of us has given the other cause to hunt each other.'

You feel less confident.

You sing 'For the source of my prosperity
Is something beyond measure;
Around me always are my friends,
And they're my greatest treasure.'

You feel confident and charismatic.

Celathi says 'Darker content. It sounds scandalous.'

You say 'Alas, I thought it funny, awakening... I don't know'
You say 'What is dark fiction for some-'
You say 'Is quite literal murder and hate for others'
You shudder at the thought.

Celathi says 'That indeed sounds dark.'
Celathi gallantly tips his hat to someone.

Alyce steps out of the shadows.
Alyce says 'Hello'
*** And now my favorite evil friend! The human Scion thief Alyce. too bad I don't have
*** her description for you, she's very pretty.

You say 'Ah, speaking of'
You smile at her.

Alyce says 'Speaking'
Alyce blinks a few times.

You say 'Why, yes'

Celathi says 'Careful, Alyce. The village might actually attack you before me.'

You say 'I tell everyone about your hair, I just think its gorgeous'

Atrissa pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.
Alyce blushes.

You say 'But I do have dark tidings'

Alyce says to Celathi 'Maybe, maybe not'

You say 'Dark dark dark'

A wry little smile crosses Celathi's face.
Celathi nods.

You sigh at yourself.

Alyce raises an eyebrow at you.

You say 'Neither of you attended my performance at the Knight's Crest, but'
You say 'Two notable deities did'
You say 'Rarywey, and Skreenak'
You say 'I was most flattered when he threatened to imprison me, and make me sing for always'
You say 'I told him when I would next be performing, and even wrote a song for him, but'
You say 'Well Alyce, sometimes us writers'
You say 'Don't realize fiction is inspired by reality'

Celathi says 'Captive audience, indentured entertainer.'

You say 'He came for me at the Knight's Crest'

A bard sighs heavily and falls into a nearby plush chair.
*** Woah, right on queue!! Here comes my first mob immteraction!

Alyce says 'I don't know much about the goblin lord'

You say 'Hurt a lot of people, tried to kidnap the band that was there'

Alyce peers intently at a bard.

You smile at him.

Alyce looks at a bard.

Celathi gallantly tips his hat to a bard.

Alyce says to a bard 'Tired, or glum?'

A bard says to Alyce 'It's been the worst day.'

l bard
Before you stands this melancholy bard with dark, bushy hair that falls
into his eyes. Agile hands adeptly play careful fingerwork on his oaken
shawm. The tunes that emerge are bittersweet, possessing a somber beauty
that sings a theme of his home's tumultuous past. Dark tones relay a story
of strife and renewal alike. The bard sways gracefully as he plays his
sweet and passionate music.
A bard is in perfect health.

Celathi says 'A bit beat up, if he was part of Atryssa's performance, by the sound of it.'

Alyce says to a bard 'How so?'

You glare icily at Celathi.

You drink burgundy from a mug of spiced wine.
You feel tipsy.

A bard says to Alyce 'Almost got enslaved this morning!'

You say 'Oh'
You shake your head in dismay.
You say 'Oh....'

Celathi says to you 'That's what you told us!'

You nod at Celathi.

A bard says 'Which in itself wasn't so bad...'

Celathi mutters something quietly to himself.

Alyce says to a bard 'Well better that it was almost instead of did'

A bard says 'But now there's a rumor going around that me and the whole band were slaughtered!'

You say to a bard 'Ohhhh...'
*** oops

A bard says 'I'm sure you can imagine how bad that is for our reputation.'

Celathi says 'Obviously you were only mostly dead.'

A bard says 'Canceled show after canceled show...'
A bard says 'I need about twelve beers.'

Atrissa shuffles nervously.

Celathi says 'And after, a latrine.'

Alyce says to a bard 'Well is anyone of the band dead?'

A bard says to Celathi 'You get it.'

Celathi says 'I do.'

A bard says 'We might starve to death if we can't get our shows back.'

You say to a bard 'It was my doing... I'd misheard, and I was so paralyzed with fear because'
You say 'He had told me he wanted to imprison me'

A bard snorts at you.

You say 'But'

Celathi says 'A small thing, but here are a few gold to keep you in fiddle.'

You say 'I have an idea'

Celathi gives a bard some gold.

A bard says to you 'Who starts a rumor like that?'

A bard boggles at you.
A bard thanks Celathi heartily.

You say 'Oh, you must understand, I was so terrified, horrified'

Alyce says to a bard 'I'm sure that is a bit extreme, but you might consider visiting these places and proving you aren't dead yet'

You say 'And there was blood all over the room, to be fair'

A bard says to Alyce 'That's the tedious, previously unnecessary plan.'
A bard glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.

You say 'I am sorry what has happened.. '
Brrrrrrrrr. You shiver uncomfortably.
You say 'I truly mourned for you'

A bard says to Alyce 'Shh! You're disrupting my performance!'

Celathi chuckles politely.

You say 'Perhaps'
You say 'I can try to arrange'
You say 'A performance alongside my upcoming one?'

Celathi says 'An opener?'
Celathi says 'Intermissions, maybe.'

You say 'It will be in Hamsah, and is supposed to be about faith and prayer and what have you'
You say 'But I am ever so sure you would be welcome,'

A bard says to you 'I dunno, we got a few members owe a lotta tax to the palace.'
*** it was advertised as "free to all residents in good tax standing"

You say 'Well, I could see that you were, and show everyone you are not slaugthered.'
You say 'Oh dear'

Celathi says 'You know, there is a fellow around here with sharp eyes that hooked me up with a comedic mask.'

Alyce says ' Hamsah...the rogue guild will be in full force there I bet, and with no bandit king, no one to quell their greed.'

A bard says 'How's about just give me a few beers and we call it even.'

You say 'Oh dear'
You hold up one finger.

A bard says 'And maybe you stop telling everyone we're dead.'

<civilized 100%h 98%m 100%v 13069tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> mix beer
You successfully mix the intended drink!
You give a stein of Akan beer to a bard.

You say 'That's one'
You say 'Where does he keep the others...'

Celathi says 'Then have the big reveal, escape the city, and use that to promote you and yours.'

Atrissa rifles through some drawers and chests.

You successfully mix the intended drink!
You successfully mix the intended drink!

<civilized 100%h 98%m 100%v 13069tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> sigh bard
You sigh as you think of him.
You drink beer from a stein of Akan beer.
You feel tipsy.

You say 'Oh, it's still good, actually'

You drink beer from a stein of Akan beer.
You feel tipsy.
You say to a bard 'At least, tell me your name-'

Celathi leans against the arm of a chair, his chin in his palm.

You say to a bard 'I can put in a word for you, or sing a tale'

Alyce says to a bard 'But who are you exactly? What's your band's name?'

A bard says to Alyce 'Shh! You're disrupting my performance!'

You say to a bard 'You did after all, survive Skreenak'
You say 'Least I can do is you survive misinformation'

Leaning towards Alyce, Celathi whispers something to her.

You say 'is ensure you survive it, I mean.'
You say to a bard 'Truly, I am ever so happy you survived. I was feeling so guilty.'

You drink beer from a stein of Akan beer.
You feel tipsy.

Celathi says 'It would be great publicity. "Rumors of my demise were somewhat exaggerated."'

You nod at Celathi.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 13069tnl tipsy Romantic 12 AM> l
The Tale-Telling Fire
A huge gray stone fireplace lies in the west wall. Small statues sit atop a
thick oaken mantle; their shadows dance against the wall in the fire's
light. The fire seems to move with a beat of its own, slow and rhythmic,
moving back and forth. Despite its large size the fire barely whispers a
crackle and its heat only surrounds you in a warm glow. Plush couches and
chairs surround the fire and a large rug covers the floor. As if respecting
the tales to be told, the noise from the rest of the inn also seems to quiet
and dim to a dull mutter. A painting hangs above the mantle, swirling
with colors. People sing and dance to the east in a cleared area. To the
north more soft chairs and tables sit about while to the south lie long
tables stacked with food.

Some makeshift leggings from a white worm rest here.
A bard is here, fingering bittersweet tunes on his shawm.
Alyce the human is here.
A wild-looking giant impatiently adjusts his furs.
Celathi the elf is here.
A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
Resting in a deep chair by the fire an ancient dwarf opens his eyes and motions for you to sit and
listen to a tale.

Alyce whispers to you 'Just becareful of any deals you make, you don't want to be upstaged by this group'
*** Ever trying to ply my prideful heart, you naughty Morian

Atrissa widens her eyes.

You drink beer from a stein of Akan beer.
You feel tipsy.

You successfully mix the intended drink!
You give a stein of Akan beer to Alyce.

You successfully mix the intended drink!
You give a stein of Akan beer to Celathi.

You say 'To the troubadours who survived the Goblin King!'

Celathi says 'Oho!'

You drink beer from a stein of Akan beer.
You feel tipsy.

A bard says 'Sorry I lost track of things for a moment there. Must've been the trauma.'

You nod at a bard.

Leaning towards a bard, Celathi whispers something to him.

A bard says to Celathi 'Shh! You're disrupting my performance!'
A bard says 'I best get back to work. Not being dead or enslaved.'

You might as well apologize because he sure as hell won't.

Alyce whispers 'Atrissa If Hamsah only gossips about these troubadours instead of the wonderful Atrissa...'
*** (this event was way before I came up with the idea that Atrissa's mom prayed to Morius
*** for her, btw. Who knows, if not for Gwendelya/Rary, Atrissa mighta gone Morian)

You sigh.

Alyce mutters something quietly to herself.

You say to Alyce 'No, you must understand'

You say 'I truly thought they were all murdered by him!'

Celathi says 'Oh, he slipped away.'

Celathi peers under a table.

You say 'And I thought I was to blame'

Celathi says to Alyce 'now I know what everyone else feels like when I'm about.'

*** So, ok, no literal Skreenak in this log, but he's coming, don't worry!!! ***


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IshuliTue 08-Feb-22 08:23 PM
Member since 13th Feb 2017
2210 posts
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#3668, "Atrissa vs. Chrournskel, part I"
In response to Reply #0


*** So, for those who don't know, Chrournskel was a Herald half-elf
*** shapeshifter who worshipped the Goblin King Skreenak.
*** He would login and make all sorts of varieties of gourmet
*** cheese and spread servings of it all over the roads, everywhere. That's
*** what he did. He was awesome, on so many levels.
*** I don't have the log of Atrissa's show at the Knight's Crest, but it was
*** woefully attended until Skreenak and Rarywey showed up at last second.
*** Before all that, Chrournskel was telling me
*** good luck etc. and then he says something about cheese and
*** quits right before I took the stage! Of course, we did have a small
*** history before that incident, too...
*** Some days later he logs on while I'm talking to my friend Ethel,
*** whom I promptly ditch to yell at Chroursnkel.

*** chit chat with Ethel, pushing my next performance ***
You say 'So, I highly suggest you do not miss my show in Hamsah, if I can get
the courtyard of the Sultan's palace lined up!'

Ethel says 'Meh bein there, less Moja attendin'
Ethel says 'Then meh goin someplace else'

You laugh at Ethel's humorous antics.

You say 'Well, the Sultan is most notoriously hard on criminals, so you'll have
that going for you!'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Feasting Tables
Ethel The Feasting Tables

You say 'Just hope he doesn't throw me in prison if I, ah, go "too far"'

You get a revealing jeweled shift from a makeshift wooden trunk.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 9 AM>
Olar the Tale-Teller: The Tale-telling fire grows brighter, welcoming
Chrournskel to Thera.
*** Oh hell there he is! ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 9 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Feasting Tables
Ethel The Feasting Tables
(PK) Chrournskel The Inn's Kitchen

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 9 AM> wear shift
You stop using a flowing robe of ethereal black silk.
You wear a revealing jeweled shift on your body.

*** He was always so chipper! ***
Chrournskel: Top of the curd to you! The Cheese King greets the

You yell 'Chrournskel! You madman!'

You hold up one finger.
*** Sorry Ethel ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> s
The Inn's Kitchen
Beads of sweat break out on your forehead as soon as you step in. Large
stoves line all of the walls stacked with cauldrons and pots. Stone fire
pits hiss as roasts turn on spits and drip their juices. Pans clatter as mugs
are brought in, filled, and immediately taken back out. The servants don't
seem to notice you as they sing and cook for the gathering crowds. A small
door lies in the floor, and a wide open door leads back into the inn to the
north. You can also go south through the backdoor. The beautiful smell of
a flower garden can be smelled from the south even over the smells of cooking.

(Translucent) Chrournskel the half-elf is here.
A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
A widely smiling, aged woman stands here baking wonderful confections.
Towering to the ceiling, a giant woman tends to the kitchen.

You glare icily at him.

You say 'What do you have to say for yourself?'

Ethel yells 'Oi'

Chrournskel says 'Cheese!'
Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.
Chrournskel looks at you.

You say 'Cheese?'
You yell 'CHEESE??'

Chrournskel says 'That's right. Cheese!'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel gives you hardened moss troll hide bracer.
Chrournskel gives you hardened moss troll hide bracer.

Atrissa picks up a hunk of dried gouda and hurls it violently in your direction!

You say 'What is this...'

Atrissa looks at a hardened moss troll hide bracer.

Chrournskel awkwardly ducks out of the way and makes some pots fall to the
ground in the process.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 12 PM> lore bracer
hardened moss troll hide bracer can be referred to as
'hardened moss troll gray hide bracer'.
It is worth 300 copper, and is of the 30th level of power.
It is armor worn on the wrist.
It is made of hide and weighs 1 pounds 5 ounces.
When worn, it protects you against piercing for 7, bashing for 9,
slashing for 9, magic for 7, and the elements for 7 points each.
When worn, it affects your hp by 20 points.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.
Chrournskel shakes his fist toward the heavens, cursing his fate.

You say 'It's hideous!'

You give hardened moss troll hide bracer to Chrournskel.
Chrournskel has his hands full.
You drop hardened moss troll hide bracer.

Chrournskel says 'Women! I knew you hated the Cheese King!'

Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'paghz'.
Chrournskel gets hardened moss troll hide bracer.
Chrournskel shrugs indifferently.

You say 'You hurt my feelings!'
You say 'You nearly derailed my entire performance!'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Atrissa picks up a hunk of moldy brie and hurls it violently in your direction!

Chrournskel says 'Because the people all wanted the Cheese King's cheese?'
Chrournskel says 'It happens.'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Chrournskel utters the words, 'oculoinfra waouq'.

You say 'UGH!'
You pace up and down irritably.
You say 'Well! Just so you know-'

Chrournskel looks at you.

You say 'My concert was attended by the Goblin King himself!'

You snort.

Chrournskel dances around awkwardly at the mention of the Goblin Lord!

You say 'He said, I sang so well he wanted to imprison me and torture me to make
me sing forever, always!'
*** This is true ***

Chrournskel says 'He's the best, the very BEST!'

You say 'He said, "You are far superior to the Cheese King, Atrissa!"'
*** not so true ***

Chrournskel says 'You watch out, he gets his way.'
Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.

Chrournskel waves a hand at you as if to dismiss you.

Chrournskel says 'So he was drunk?'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say 'He said, "He's more like a Cheese Duke!"'

Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Chrournskel looks at you and mutters something nasty under his breath.
*** Hah, that one stung! ***

Chrournskel utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Chrournskel turns translucent.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Chrournskel flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

Chrournskel says 'Now you're just being mean to the Cheese King!'

Atrissa grabs a glob of dried cheddar off the wall and looks at you.

You yell 'UGH!'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Inn's Kitchen
(PK) Chrournskel The Inn's Kitchen

Chrournskel backs away slowly.
Chrournskel utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.
Chrournskel's muscles surge with heightened power.

You sit down.
<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> pout
Ah, don't take it so hard.

Chrournskel puts his hands up in defense.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Chrournskel's skin turns to stone.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.

Atrissa nibbles on a hunk of old cheddar, idly.

Atrissa sniffles.

You say 'I don't know why you- hate me.'
*** Atrissa suddenly decides to shift to emotional manipulation... ***

Ouch! Chrournskel pokes you in the ribs with a spiked staff.
Chrournskel says to you 'The Cheese King hates you?'
Chrournskel boggles at the concept.

You glare icily at him.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 PM> list
The shop's hours are 12 AM until 11 PM.
The shopkeeper will purchase: food

Item (Type)
< 1 31> some bread dough (food)
< 1 26> plain vanilla pudding (food)
< 1 5> a sugar cookie (food)
< 1 26> a handful of plain candy (food)
< 1 14> a chocolate petit four (food)

Gobnait tells you 'Anything whet your fancy?'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 PM> buy pudding
You buy plain vanilla pudding.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 PM> eat pudding
You finish eating plain vanilla pudding.
You still feel slightly hungry.

You say 'You know you do. You are so rude to me.'

Chrournskel says 'You were so nice to me once. Then mean. Then nice. Then
mean. The Cheese King doesn't understand these up and down emotions.'

*** This is true. We ranked together in Azreth and Atrissa somewhat bullied him
*** Who knew she'd have to share the Inn with him one day??

Chrournskel boggles at the concept.

You say 'Don't call me emotional!'

Chrournskel says 'Because I had to tend to the cheese before your performance?
I told you about the second step of the cheese making process!'

Atrissa throws a half-eaten, old chunk of cheddar at you!

You grumble distractedly to yourself.

You say 'I hate your cheese!'

Chrournskel ducks out of the way at the VERY last minute.

Chrournskel sighs.

You say 'Cheese cheese cheese cheese!'

Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.

You sob quietly to yourself.

Chrournskel says 'That's all there is!'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Atrissa slouches down, back sinking against the wall.

You drink firebreather from a bottle of hyena's brew.
You feel tipsy.

Chrournskel says 'Are you going to be okay? Do you need some cheese? Or a
troll hide bracelet or two?'

You say 'Make your cheese.'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel looks at you.
Chrournskel says 'What about a sword?'
Chrournskel points excitedly at a jagged short sword!

*** This is probably one of my favorite descriptions ever ***
<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl tipsy Romantic 12 AM> l chrou
At a roughly six feet one inch tall, this young man is dressed quite
comically. He wears a mishmash of clothing and armor all seemingly found or
taken as a hand-me-down from others. The only things that really stand out
about this half breed are his emerald green eyes and his ears that curve
beautifully and point upward, showing off his Elven heritage. Shaggy light
brown hair with just the slightest bit of kink adorns his head and it looks
at least three days unwashed. His frame is slight and you can tell that he
does a lot of traveling and keeps in decent shape. The slightly tanned,
ivory skin that covers his body reveals that he spends some time in the sun.
Scars dot the skin up and down both of his legs and his arms. Obviously made
in pairs, each of the scars look like tiny bite marks. Full of nervous
energy, the young man is almost constantly itching or scratching various
parts of his body as his beautiful green eyes dart around taking in the
surroundings. Despite his rather unkempt appearance, he smells quite
pleasantly of a mixture of both pine and fresh cheese.

Chrournskel, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.

Chrournskel is using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) the Ceawlin signet ring
<worn on finger> a silver ring enameled with a black rose
<worn around neck> a living Boa Constrictor
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
<worn on body> a lightweight suit of gold chainmail
<worn on head> (Glowing) a silver tiara studded with rubies
<worn on face> a green mask formed of layered leather leaves
<worn on legs> a set of polished mithril legplates
<worn on feet> firewalker boots
<worn on hands> the hands of a flame
<worn on arms> (Humming) crimson dragon scale sleeves
<worn about body> a robe of fine green silk
<worn about waist> the belt of life
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<mainhand wielded> a spiked staff
<tattooed> (Glowing) a bloody, gaping hole with teeth marks

Chrournskel slowly floats to the ground.
Chrournskel says 'As long as you promise not to use it on the Cheese King.'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel utters the words, 'yrl'.
Chrournskel's feet rise off the ground.

You say 'I wish not your cheesy sword.'
*** You cannot buy forgiveness from Atrissa Amethiste, Chrournskel! ***

Chrournskel says 'There are those calling the Cheese King to go on an adventure
in Trothon. Do you wish to come along?'

You say 'I just want you to like me.'

Chrournskel peers at you intently.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.

You say 'Trothon? You are quite mad!'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl tipsy Romantic 2 AM> who
< 9 Gnome Shf> Zilxim the Scribe of Magic
*45 Human Bar* (PK) Atrissa Amethiste the Student of History,
Taleteller of the Eternal Star
<51 Storm Pal> Thormmstein Stormstrike the Champion of the Virtues
< 7 Human Nec> Raejin the Advanced Spell Student
< 4 Elf War> Vexseris the Recruit
< 5 Storm Ran> Zutellun the Rugged
<51 Human Asn> (PK) Terath the Unloved Son, Drillmaster of Battle
<16 Felar Asn> Znixeluae the Seiken
<32 Human Inv> Ailill the Wizard of Earth
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Salzaren the Grand Master of Changelings
<51 Elf Hea> Merallus the Affirmation of Life
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Chrournskel the Fanatic of the Goblin Court,
Deranged Fromager of the Eternal Star

Chrournskel says 'Who told you I didn't like you?'
Chrournskel nods grimly in your direction, seeming serious.

You say 'Who calls on you?'
*** Uh oh insecurity ***

Chrournskel says 'Quite made! Quite!'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel says 'Merallus and Keinte.'

You say 'They didn't invite me...'
You sigh at yourself.
You say 'I went to Maethien with Merallus the other day.'

Chrournskel says 'But the Cheese King did! And that's the only invitation you
Chrournskel tickles you - hee hee.

You say 'I guess since now he's a big hero elf he doesn't need me.'

Chrournskel says 'Chin up, let's go have an adventure together!'

Atrissa pushes you away!

Chrournskel utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Chrournskel's skin turns to stone.

You say 'I have no energy for anything. I'm going to stay here and drink.'

Chrournskel says 'Do you just want the Cheese King to leave you here in the
kitchen being all pouty by yourself?'

You say 'Tell them I hate them! I don't care.'

Chrournskel looks at you.

You nod at Chrournskel.

Chrournskel says 'I've got it! I know what will make you happy! The Cheese
King has JUST the thing!'

Chrournskel gives you the Bracelet of Charms.
Chrournskel's ears perk with interest at something you said.

You say 'Oh'
You say 'Ooh'
*** Well maybe her favor can be won after all! ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl tipsy Romantic 6 AM> l charms
The charms seem to resemble miniature pieces of armor and weapons. Several
personal items, various pieces of food and water containers can also be seen.

The bracelet of charms is a container, made of gold, and weighs 3 pounds 8
When you look inside, you see it is empty.
The Bracelet of Charms contains:

You drop a makeshift wooden trunk.

Chrournskel does an awkward little dance around the kitchen!

You say 'Oh, this is perfect'

Chrournskel resorts to cheering for himself... how sad.

You say 'I have so many costumes and things to keep up with!'

You hug him.

Chrournskel says to himself 'You did it! See, always trust in the Cheese King!'

You thank Chrournskel heartily.

Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.

You get a beautiful emerald gown trimmed with golden thread from a makeshift
wooden trunk.
You get a scroll with a glowing eyeball seal from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a round locket of bright silver from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get black hair braids threaded with beads from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a white cotton dress from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a white cotton haik from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a pair of cuffed brown canvas pants from a makeshift wooden trunk.

Chrournskel nods at you in agreement.
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

A pair of cuffed brown canvas pants suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you
place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a pair of cuffed brown canvas pants in the Bracelet of Charms.
A white cotton haik suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a white cotton haik in the Bracelet of Charms.
A white cotton dress suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a white cotton dress in the Bracelet of Charms.
Black hair braids threaded with beads suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as
you place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put black hair braids threaded with beads in the Bracelet of Charms.
A round locket of bright silver suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you
place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a round locket of bright silver in the Bracelet of Charms.
A scroll with a glowing eyeball seal suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you
place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a scroll with a glowing eyeball seal in the Bracelet of Charms.
A beautiful emerald gown trimmed with golden thread suddenly contracts into a
tiny charm as you place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a beautiful emerald gown trimmed with golden thread in the Bracelet of
A bottle of hyena's brew suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a bottle of hyena's brew in the Bracelet of Charms.
A potion of returning suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a potion of returning in the Bracelet of Charms.
A shimmering blue potion suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a shimmering blue potion in the Bracelet of Charms.
The chest of inebriation suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put the chest of inebriation in the Bracelet of Charms.
An everfull skin suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put an everfull skin in the Bracelet of Charms.
A water skin suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a water skin in the Bracelet of Charms.
A large sack suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a large sack in the Bracelet of Charms.
A dragon boat suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a dragon boat in the Bracelet of Charms.

You say 'Oh it holds soo much!'

You are sober.
You are hungry.

Chrournskel says 'You are sure you don't want to come along to Trothon then?'

You stand up.

Chrournskel tickles you - hee hee.

You say 'Oh, I do wish I could, but I truly must rest.'

Chrournskel waves his hand in a dismissive manner.

Atrissa does a happy twirl!

Chrournskel says 'Sure, sure, just like all the other women in the Cheese King's
Chrournskel leaves north.

You music 'Bracelet of Charms...'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Inn's Kitchen
(PK) Chrournskel The Bar of the Eternal Star

You music 'Keeps my things safe from harm...'

You music 'Smells like warm mozzarella...'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Inn's Kitchen

You are hungry.

*** And that's the story of where Atrissa's Bracelet of Charms came from


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Atrissa (Anonymous)Wed 02-Feb-22 03:55 PM
Charter member
#3666, "Atrissa vs Grintella"
In response to Reply #0


Dioxide's Log Formatter

*** This day our heroine awakens feeling anxious, fresh from a terrible nightmare in
*** which her good friend Aranir, whom she has not seen for ages, suffers a grim fate.
*** She believes the dream to be farsight, and rushes to pen out a missive to him, hoping
*** hoping to warn him.

*** Unfortunately for Atrissa Amethiste, her restless anxiety this day would leave her
*** most vulnerable to the sinister designs of one female duerger Elite Imperial blade, Grintella.

Olar the Tale-Teller: The Tale-telling fire grows brighter, welcoming A
trissa to Thera.

civilized <961hp 964m 894mv Comedic sober 3 AM 72 waning> who
< Gobln IMM> Skreenak the Goblin Lord, Plague of the Prosperous
<38 Srian Inv> Sazven the Elder Invoker
< 1 H-Elf Inv> Ruthus the Apprentice of Magic
<37 D-Elf Hea> Zatel the Bestower of Health, Divine Voice
<15 Fire War> Hagmalor the Pugilist
< 4 Srian Shf> Selza the Spell Student
< 7 Gnome Inv> Zaxl the Advanced Spell Student
<40 Duerg War> Grintella the Mistress of Weapons, Elite Imperial Blade
<25 Orc Ber> Shagul the Throat Cutter
<31 Gnome Shf> Fselim the Master of Levitation
*51 Human Bar* (PK) Atrissa Amethiste the Sensational Chanteuse, Executant of the Eternal Star

Players found: 11

civilized <961hp 964m 894mv Comedic sober 3 AM 72 waning>
You feel less confident.
*** I told you!

*** snip, writing a note to Aranir ***

civilized <833hp 971m 894mv Comedic sober 2 PM 72 waning> note show
From : Atrissa Amethiste
To : Aranir
Subject: A Nightmare!

My dearest Aranir,

I do hope my missive finds you in time, for I fear you are in dire danger.

Or do you already know?

I awoke from a terrible dream... it was you, on a beach, alone against
wave after wave of black water... ever being punished, standing fast
as a storm would in the waters, while others beside you washed away.
But then the black waters transformed into... well... parchments. Waves
of tidal parchments flooding you and immobilizing you, until they were all
lit afire, and you with them.

I found you too late, alone on the sand, waters calm, storm past, but
but you, motionless.

civilized <833hp 966m 894mv Comedic sober 7 PM 72 waning> note + Leave the Spire, Aranir. Please find me. You will be destroyed.

civilized <833hp 966m 894mv Comedic sober 7 PM 72 waning> note +

civilized <833hp 966m 894mv Comedic sober 7 PM 72 waning> note + Love,

civilized <833hp 966m 894mv Comedic sober 7 PM 72 waning> note + Atrissa

civilized <833hp 966m 894mv Comedic sober 7 PM 72 waning> note post

*** And then, almost immediately after posting the missive... ***

Grintella says 'Oh. Ye.'

You say 'Ah, Grintella'

You give a tankard of Proudfoot ale to Grintella.

*** There is some history between Grintella and Atrissa...

*** F L A S H B A C K #1 ***
civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM 70 full>
Grintella yells 'Tha prettiest woman in Thera!'

civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM 70 full> whois grinte
<36 Duerg War> Grintella the Victorious Champion, Imperial Blade

civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM 70 full>
Jefan looks more enlightened.

civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM 70 full>
Grintella yells 'But yer hafta settle fer tha flat-chested hussy fer now!'

civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM 70 full>
Jefan fills the air with his hatred of magic.

civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Romantic tipsy 9 AM 70 full> fume
Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

*** Then she ran off
*** But next day Atrissa would find her in Cragstone ***

*** F L A S H B A C K #2 ***civilized <793hp 592m 882mv Romantic sober 10 PM 71 full> s
The Great Stone Circle
You are standing directly east of the Great Stone that supports this
chamber. Merchants and commonfolk mill around you barely noticing your
presence. On the upper part of the wall you see a magnificent fresco made
from different colored gems and crystals. Adhered to the wall to create a
beautiful picture depicting a great war with the dark-elves and beasts of the
Underdark, you begin to realize why they made their settlement so intricate and
impenetrable. The hum from the stone is very apparent now and you see the
various veins of gemstone pulse like the beating of a heart. The svirfneblin
base all their amenities on the power that comes from this stone and it seems
to be the center of the entire community.

(Red Aura) Grintella the duergar is sleeping here.
A nervous svirfneblin sergeant stands here, unsure of his next move.

civilized <793hp 592m 881mv Romantic sober 10 PM 71 full> l grin
Grintella is a squat figure of winding curves and twisted muscle. The muscle
is on her arms and legs and indicates a life of rigorous exercise and
training. The curves are everywhere else. She is unmistakably female, even in
full armor, with an hourglass figure and at least ten inches of exposed
cleavage. Typically, an adventurer's bosom is beneath notice, but in
Grintella's case, the sheer enormity of hers cannot escape anyone's notice.
Even a blind man would feel the shade beneath.

Thick, jet-black hair explodes from her head, wraps around her chin in a
fabulous beard, then cascades around her broad, muscular shoulders. Her skin
is milky white and covered in thick makeup. Blue eyeshadow is smeared on her
eyelids, her eyelashes are thick with black gunk, her cheeks are brushed in a
too-red rose, and gaudy pink lipstick has been liberally applied to the parts
of her mouth not covered by her beard.

All this might seem comical to the average person until they look into
Grintella's eyes. Though they are not alight with any particular
intelligence, they are possessed of a certain cunning, and a danger that is
hard to ignore.
Grintella, a female duergar, is in perfect health.
Grintella seems secure.

Grintella is using:
<worn on finger> (Humming) a granite ring
<worn on finger> a white gold band set with a fire opal
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) a black, hooded silk cloak
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) a black, hooded silk cloak
<worn on body> some spiked body armor
<worn on head> a helmet with a long spike
<worn on face> a full mask of clear glass
<worn on legs> a pair of jagged leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of boots woven from spider silk
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> some spiked sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a waistband of woven spider silk
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<mainhand wielded> (Red Aura) a bejeweled sacrificial dagger
<offhand wielded> a curved elvish dagger

civilized <793hp 612m 894mv Romantic sober 11 PM 71 full> rev
You sing 'Arise, arise my own dear friends
It's past the time your dreams should end
The waking world do not forsake
You've overslept and must awake!'

You yell 'Flat-chested???'

Commoners bustle about here comparing wares and enjoying fresh made delicacies.

Grintella wakes and stands up.

You say to Grintella 'HMM??'

Grintella looks at you.

You cross your arms across your chest.

Grintella says 'Yep.'

Grintella says 'No hips neither.'

You say 'Hmph!'

You say 'You are a greasy mess!'

Grintella says 'Tha mens love me, an' der tell me yer don't got what it takes.'

Grintella says 'Der all say I'm tha prettiest in Thera.'

You say 'Don't got what-'

Commoners bustle about here comparing wares and enjoying fresh made delicacies.

civilized <793hp 648m 894mv Romantic sober 2 AM 71 full> fume
Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Dohri tells you 'Just offer her redemption..they hate that.'

Grintella says 'Thas right.'

You pace up and down irritably.

Grintella says 'Yer jus a flat-chested hussy. I'm beautiful.'

You say 'You leave me and my hips out of your escapades!!'

Dohri says 'Oh dear..'

Grintella says 'Like tha gods lef em off yer body?'

Grintella shrugs indifferently.

Grintella says 'Okay.'

Grintella gets a tender leg of lamb from the girdle of endless space.

Grintella finishes eating a tender leg of lamb.

Her mouth hanging open in an expression of amazement, Dohri simply stares forward.

You say 'UGH!'

Grintella says 'No hips. No teats. No strut.'

You say 'You are a mountain of flesh!'

Grintella struts, hoping to get your attention.

Some children rush by you, tripping on their own feet and sprawling into the dust.
Sitting up and laughing hysterically, some children brush themselves off and continue playing.

Grintella says 'Zactly.'

You say 'Surely your back aches.'

Grintella pulls a mirror from her pack and regards her reflection with puckered lips.

Dohri looks at Grintella.

Atrissa holds a gleaming dagger horizontal to her eyes, then quickly brushes a few strands of hair to the side.

Grintella says 'Oooh, mama.'

Some children rush by you, tripping on their own feet and sprawling into the dust.
Sitting up and laughing hysterically, some children brush themselves off and continue playing.

Dohri says 'Oh dear..'

You say 'Enjoy your ample assets.'

You snort.
*** E N D F L A S H B A C K #2 ***

*** And then in she struts. Atrissa has not the energy for beauty sparring, she is weighted with
*** concern for her friend. She will try to pry underneath the duergar's harsh-but-fleshy shell.
*** Plus, she's bored.

Grintella gallantly tips her hat.

Grintella drinks ale from a tankard of Proudfoot ale.

Grintella says 'How do I be lookin', dear?'

Grintella says 'Tha purtiest, right?'

Grintella holds a gleaming dagger horizontal to her chest, then quickly brushes a few strands of her beard out of her cleavage.

You smile at her.

Atrissa flips a length of brown hair behind one shoulder with the back of her hand.

You say 'You know...'

You drink gin from a giant bottle of gin.

Grintella drinks ale from a tankard of Proudfoot ale.

You say to Grintella 'You are very beautiful, Grintella.'

Grintella sits on a barstool.

Grintella tries to cram her gams behind the bar.

You say to Grintella 'Do you enjoy the attention from them?'

You drink gin from a giant bottle of gin.
You feel tipsy.

Grintella struggles, trying to find a spot.

Grintella sighs dramatically, her bosom heaving.

You say to Olin the Innkeeper 'Can you help her?'

Grintella turns sideways on her stool, giving up.

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic tipsy 8 AM 72 waning> mimic Olin She seems fine.
Olin says 'She seems fine.'

Grintella says to you 'It be tha burden I bear.'

You say to Grintella 'I can see that.'

You sigh.

You say 'I will not lie...'

You say 'I oft wished I were more shapely.'

Grintella says 'Tha mens do love tha Beauty o' tha Empire.'

Grintella looks at you.

Grintella says 'An' yer face were better shaped too, eh?'

You chuckle at her joke.

Grintella says 'It be a'right. We kin do yer makeup.'

Grintella says 'Yer never be as purty as me, but...'

Grintella pulls a mirror from her pack and regards her reflection with puckered lips.

Atrissa backs away from you, slightly.

Grintella applies yet more color to the mask of glop already adorning her face.

A tiny charm of an ivory hair brush expands to to its prior size as you unhook it from the Bracelet of Charms.
You get an ivory hair brush from the Bracelet of Charms.

Grintella says 'We kin try ta cover up tha flaws...'

You give an ivory hair brush to Grintella.

You say 'You really ought to-'

Grintella says 'Oh thank ye!'

You nod at Grintella.

You say 'A few knots-'

Grintella runs the brush through the grease and blood in her hair until it practicatlly drips.

Grintella jooges and teases her mop back into place.

Grintella gives you an ivory hair brush.

You stop using a maple alto dulcian.
You hold an ivory hair brush in your hands.

Grintella gets a loosely rolled cigar from the girdle of endless space.

You ponder the use of an ivory hair brush.

Grintella says 'Smoke?'

Grintella stops using a curved elvish dagger.
Grintella holds a loosely rolled cigar in her hands.

You say to Grintella 'Ah, please.'

Grintella gets a loosely rolled cigar from the girdle of endless space.

You stop using an ivory hair brush.
You hold a beautiful silver harp strung with pure light in your hands.

Grintella gives you a loosely rolled cigar.

Atrissa uses two fingers to place an ivory hairbrush in a bag.

You thank Grintella heartily.

Grintella holds her cigar between pink-painted lips and puffs contendedly.

Grintella takes a long draw from a loosely rolled cigar and exhales thick rings of smoke.

You stop using a beautiful silver harp strung with pure light.
You hold a loosely rolled cigar in your hands.

You light a loosely rolled cigar and take a long, soothing draw.

Grintella says 'Ooh, thas good.'

Grintella takes a long draw from a loosely rolled cigar and exhales thick rings of smoke.

Atrissa smiles softly.

You say to Grintella 'Much needed.'

Grintella drinks ale from a tankard of Proudfoot ale.

Grintella drinks ale from a tankard of Proudfoot ale.

You drink gin from a giant bottle of gin.
You feel tipsy.

Grintella says 'Aye?'

Grintella says 'Rough day at work?'

You say to Grintella 'You've no idea.'
*** Where are you Aranir??

Grintella tosses away a loosely rolled cigar and extinguishes it.
A loosely rolled cigar crumbles into dust.
You toss away a loosely rolled cigar and extinguish it.

Grintella buys a large boar steak.

Grintella finishes eating a large boar steak.

Grintella dual wields a curved elvish dagger.

You say 'But then,'

You say 'I am not the one,'

You say 'With no emperor, no soldiers, in my palace.'

Grintella says 'I dunno, bein' on tha front lines ain't exactly a walk in tha park.'

*** snip some Imperial politics talk. I find it fascinating, but let's focus on the fun stuff ***

You say 'A double-edged knife, beauty ever is.'

You say 'It grows tiresome, being a flame for such moths.'

Grintella says 'Oh doll, ye can only imagine.'

You say 'I relished it, for so long.'

You flash everyone a wry little smile.

Grintella says 'If ye let me do yer makeup, we might help ye attract a menfolk!'

You say 'Oh Grintella, I've actually never wore makeup before...'
*** Atrissa never needed to! She was "effortlessly" beautiful ***

Grintella says 'Ye really need to.'
*** Oh, guess maybe I do!

You say 'I truly despide the effort.'

Atrissa holds a gleaming dagger horizontal to her eyes, then quickly brushes a few strands of hair to the side.

Grintella rifles around in her girdle.

You say 'The wrinkles, isn't it...'

Grintella produces a bulbous sack labeled, "Gruntella's Fancy Kit."

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

Grintella digs in her kit and pulls out a jar of something gloppy.

You peer intently at Grintella.

Grintella digs two thick fingers in the glop.

You say '...what's in that...'

Grintella says to you 'C'mere.'

Grintella says 'It's purty cream.'

You say '...oh, allright...'

Atrissa approaches you...

Atrissa closes her eyes.

Grintella grabs the back of your head with a thick hand.

With nothing better to say, you grunt something vague.

Grintella says 'Dis'll smooth out all 'em ugly bits.'

Atrissa steps back from you.

You say to Olin the Innkeeper 'How to I look?'

Grintella reaches back into her kit and pulls out a thing of blue bloop.

civilized <952hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 12 AM 72 waning> mimic Olin Like Grintella.
Olin says 'Like Grintella.'

civilized <952hp 911m 894mv Tragic sober 12 AM 72 waning> l grintella
Grintella is a squat figure of winding curves and twisted muscle. The muscle
is on her arms and legs and indicates a life of rigorous exercise and
training. The curves are everywhere else. She is unmistakably female, even in
full armor, with an hourglass figure and at least ten inches of exposed
cleavage. Typically, an adventurer's bosom is beneath notice, but in
Grintella's case, the sheer enormity of hers cannot escape anyone's notice.
Even a blind man would feel the shade beneath.

Thick, jet-black hair explodes from her head, wraps around her chin in a
fabulous beard, then cascades around her broad, muscular shoulders. Her skin
is milky white and covered in thick makeup. Blue eyeshadow is smeared on her
eyelids, her eyelashes are thick with black gunk, her cheeks are brushed in a
too-red rose, and gaudy pink lipstick has been liberally applied to the parts
of her mouth not covered by her beard.

All this might seem comical to the average person until they look into
Grintella's eyes. Though they are not alight with any particular
intelligence, they are possessed of a certain cunning, and a danger that is
hard to ignore.
Grintella, a female duergar, is in perfect health.
Grintella seems to be in normal mood.

Grintella is using:
<worn on finger> (Humming) a granite ring
<worn on finger> a white gold band set with a fire opal
<worn around neck> a black, hooded silk cloak
<worn around neck> a black, hooded silk cloak
<worn on body> some spiked body armor
<worn on head> a helmet with a long spike
<worn on legs> a pair of jagged leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of boots woven from spider silk
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> some spiked sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a waistband of woven spider silk
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<mainhand wielded> a bejeweled sacrificial dagger
<offhand wielded> a curved elvish dagger

Grintella smears blue glop above your eyes as you speak.

Grintella says 'Ooooh.'

You blink several times.

Grintella coos to herself.

You say 'Ah'

civilized <952hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 1 AM 72 waning> l
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red
tree, it has been finely carved and oiled so that it shines in the dim light.
The bar top is clean and well-cared for, but even this has not prevented the
presence of water stained rings and dings in its surface. Garlands of full
evergreen boughs hang from the edge of the counter, complete with bows,
pine cones and silver bells that jingle with each jostle of the passing
customer. Shelves behind the bar hold the rare ales and beers while large
barrels sit stacked with the poorer drinks. Stools are scattered about for
people to sit, but most stand so they can stomp and dance when the moment
takes them. A large tapestry hangs as a centerpiece between stocked shelves,
partially obscured by a large decorative wreath. People swarm in and crowd
around, pressing to be nearer, calling out drinks and stumbling to hold on
to their own. To the north the crowd swirls, dancing and singing in a common
area. Eastwards, patrons cheer and groan noisily and long tables stockpiled
with food can be seen to the west.

A tankard of Proudfoot ale has been left here.
A piping hot cup of coffee is here, smelling faintly of cinnamon.
A tankard of cold beer sits invitingly on the table.
Zicci the arial is here.
Grintella the duergar is here.
A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

civilized <952hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 1 AM 72 waning> wher
People near you:
Grintella The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Atrissa The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Zicci The Bar of the Eternal Star

civilized <952hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 1 AM 72 waning> sayto Zicci Hi!
You say to Zicci 'Hi!'

You blink innocently at Zicci.

Grintella says 'Now jus a little on tha lips...'

You say to Zicci 'Do I look younger?'

Grintella pulls pink glop from the kit.

Grintella says 'C'mere.'

You say to Grintella 'On the wher-'

Zicci says 'A stunning array of beauty heress'

Atrissa backs away from you slightly.

Grintella silences Atrissa by smearing pink glop across her lips.

Zicci sits down and thinks deeply.

With nothing better to say, you grunt something vague.

Grintella says 'Ooh! There ye go, doll!'

Grintella regards her handiwork.

Atrissa smiles awkwardly.

Zicci says 'Having some difficultiesss speaking'

Grintella says to Zicci 'Take a breath. I know it be hard ta collect yerself in me Beauty.'

Atrissa pulls the hem of her robe up to her face, then stops.

You thank Grintella heartily.

Grintella says to you 'Now tha makeup last 'bout a month...'

Grintella says ''En we can try other colors on ye!'

You say in a muffle voice 'Hank ewe.'

Grintella looks delighted.

Grintella says 'Ye are welcome, doll!'

You say in a muffled voice 'I feel bootiful.'

Looking toward you, Grintella nods wisely.

Grintella says 'He look ten years younger too, thank tha gods.'

You smile at him.
Grintella says 'Now if we kin jus find somethin' ta stuff in yer brasserie!'
*** Ok you crossed the line!! ***

Looking directly at Zicci, Grintella's eyes narrow dangerously.

You say to Zicci 'It's not too much?'

Grintella says 'Feathers. Maybe.'

You cringe away from her.

You say 'I will not!'

Atrissa tightens her robe across the front of her body.

Grintella sighs dramatically, her bosom heaving.

Grintella says 'Atrissa, we ain't gonna find ye know mens if ye got no teats!'

You say to Grintella 'UGH!'

You say to Grintella 'My teats are fine!'

You cross your arms across your chest.

Grintella says 'Zicci, what do ye think o' Atrissa's "teats."'

You nibble on a tender leg of lamb to keep hunger at bay.

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 12 PM 72 waning> glare zicci
You try to glare at somebody who is not present.

Grintella says 'If ye kin find 'em ta judge...'

You peer around yourself intently.

Grintella snorts.

You stare at her, fuming.

Grintella says 'Tha hell.'

Grintella says 'He ain't even say goodbye!'

Grintella says 'Bloody rude, tha.'

Atrissa shoves the length of her robe onto her face and rubs vigorously.

Atrissa glances at the end of her robe.

You say 'It's not coming off!!'

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 2 PM 72 waning> wher

Grintella says 'Oh don't worry, tha won't come off fer weeks.'
People near you:
Grintella The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Atrissa The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Zicci A Shadowed Alcove

Grintella says 'But good on ye ta test.'

You yell 'Get back here!'

You say 'Weeks??'

Atrissa shoves the length of her robe onto her face and rubs vigorously.

Grintella says 'It's gotta hold up on tha campaign!'

Grintella holds a gleaming dagger horizontal to her chest, then quickly brushes a few strands of her beard out of her cleavage.

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 3 PM 72 waning> wher
People near you:
Grintella The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Atrissa The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Zicci A Shadowed Alcove

Atrissa tilts her head down, lifting her hair up above her neck and tying it with a band.

Atrissa shoves the length of her robe onto her face and rubs vigorously.

Grintella flips a length of beard hair behind one shoulder with a long, painted fingernail.

Atrissa collapses into a barstool and takes long drink from a giant bottle of gin.

Grintella says 'Don't worry. Drink as much as ye want!'

Grintella says 'Tha pink glop fer yer lips won't run no matter how much ye get it wet. It be special!'

Looking quite pleased, Grintella beams with pride at her recent success.

Atrissa glances at you with one eye.

Atrissa produces a small mirror from her purse.

Looking quite pleased, Grintella beams with pride at her recent success.

Atrissa puts away a small mirror.

You shake your head in dismay, displeased with your actions.

You say 'This will keep me off stage for ages...'

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 8 PM 72 waning> sneak
You attempt to move silently.
You have become better at sneak (85%)!
*** haha this would sting the maxxers if they even bothered to read this far in an rp log! ***
*** Sphere sloth! All my affects were routinely down, I just hated song/casting spam when ***
*** I'm trying to have a conversation! ***

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 8 PM 72 waning> e
The Rabbit's Corner

south west]
A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
A man peers at a deck of cards and gives you a suggestive wink.

civilized <818hp 921m 892mv Tragic sober 8 PM 72 waning> rem veil
You stop using a long veil of spider web and diamond.

civilized <793hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 9 PM 72 waning> w
The Bar of the Eternal Star

A tankard of Proudfoot ale has been left here.
A piping hot cup of coffee is here, smelling faintly of cinnamon.
A tankard of cold beer sits invitingly on the table.
Grintella the duergar is here.
A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

You wear a long veil of spider web and diamond on your face.

Grintella says 'It's tha cross we bear.'

You say 'There.'

civilized <793hp 921m 892mv Tragic sober 9 PM 72 waning> wher
People near you:
Grintella The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Atrissa The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Zicci A Shadowed Alcove

You say 'What is he doing back there?'

Grintella says 'Yeah. Maybe yer right.'

Grintella says 'Maybe jus cover tha mugg up.'

You nod at Grintella.

Grintella says to you 'Oh doll. Ye ain't wanna know.'

Grintella says 'Mens have a look at me, 'en go off alone in shadowy corners an'... do things that ruffle der feathers.'

Grintella says 'If ye get me drfit.'

You say 'Better off in a corner than all over you.'

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 11 PM 72 waning> desc
Your description is:
= = = = = = = = = = =
The famed singer Atrissa Amethiste is here, a portrait of
effortless elegance. She adorns herself in silk robes and
rare jewelry, and is of a surprisingly short stature. Today
her hair falls over one shoulder in a clean sheet of unnatural
sandy gold, shimmering something like a frozen waterfall in
the sun. Twin amethyst earrings sparkle from behind the cascade,
and bright green eyes glimmer with a stoic, distant allure. Her
skin is fair and pale, her face petite and beautiful, if muted
by small riverbeds of faint wrinkles. Above her bare collarbone
a small tattoo of a spyglass garners your attention, sparkling
with a bright silver energy that defies the otherwise sleepy
serenity this small, majestic woman projects.
= = = = = = = = = = =

You sigh.

Grintella says 'Well thas gross.'

You say 'I must see what his issue is.'

Grintella nods.

Grintella says 'Aye.'

You say 'We emotional Heralds are ever so needy.'

You say 'Hopefully...'

Grintella says 'Ye gonna... give 'em a hand?'

You say 'I won't be interrupting anything.'

You groan at the sight of her.

You curtsey to her.

*** I go and deal with the consequences of letting a duergar put makeup on me ***

civilized <818hp 921m 892mv Tragic tipsy 5 AM 72 waning> op e
You open a finely carved door.

civilized <818hp 921m 892mv Tragic tipsy 5 AM 72 waning> e
Room of the Raging Boar

A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
A tall woman stands quietly in the corner ready to serve you.

civilized <818hp 921m 890mv Tragic tipsy 5 AM 72 waning> cl w
You close a small wooden door.

civilized <818hp 921m 890mv Tragic tipsy 5 AM 72 waning> lock w
With a *click*, you lock a small wooden door using boars-head key.

civilized <818hp 921m 890mv Tragic tipsy 5 AM 72 waning>


*** snip ***

civilized <818hp 921m 894mv Tragic sober 4 PM 72 waning> desc + side of her face.
Your description is:
Atrissa Amethiste is here, looking a hideous mess! Her petite face
is covered in thick makeup. Blue eyeshadow is smeared on her eyelids,
her eyelashes are thick with black gunk, her cheeks are brushed in a
too-red rose, and gaudy pink lipstick has been liberally applied to
her lips, chin, and cheeks.

She hides herself in finery, but the brilliant garments only amplify
the terrible contrast of overdone makeup against otherwise elegant
silks and jewels. She spies your gaze, and brushes her hair to your
side of her face.

*** Rokzar and Odren got to enjoy the fruits of Atrissa's latest drama. If Odren ***
*** hadn't thought of the hot springs in Cragstone to wash this off I would have ***
*** gotten a lot of mileage out of this episode! ***

*** So anyway, Grintella PK'd me pretty good here. PROPS. ***


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