mharrison | Thu 11-Nov-04 11:52 AM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#542, "Grouping as a newbie"
I recently started a character which I am very proud of because I have taken the time to think out his background and goals. I started playing again recently after a long break. Before I started playing I read all the literature on how CF wanted to steer people away from solo ranking and mindless practicing and towards intereaction and RP. I totally agree with the direction CF wishes to take. The problem is I have found myself doing exactly what we are trying to discourage. This is due to the fact that I can never find someone to group with. Therefore, I wander around bored fighting alone and basically practicing my skills. Albeit by rank 7 I have mastered 4 skills. But is that what we want? I am patient and do not mind the solo bit but I game to intereact and RP a bit. Hard to do if all the old players are off doing their BOT 1-20 program banging through all the quests and collecting gear alone. So I ask is there anything that can encouage more grouping and less go it alone before rank 11??
Thank you for any response.
incognito | Thu 11-Nov-04 01:57 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#544, "What might encourage more grouping"
In response to Reply #0
at low level, is if mobs didn't always fail their skills (like trip, disarm, etc.
The fact that they are rubbish at their skills makes fighting them pretty easy, coupled with the fact that a good ac makes you near invulnerable as any class.
incognito | Thu 11-Nov-04 07:32 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#546, "You're right"
In response to Reply #3
I think the first post starts my brain ticking over, and then the second is the result.
incognito | Thu 11-Nov-04 01:56 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#543, "must be your class or something"
In response to Reply #0
I'm assuming you know about the "who group" command.
That said, there are usually plenty of people grouping even at low levels. Maybe they are just already grouped when you ask.