ilanthas | Thu 23-Jul-09 10:16 AM |
Member since 26th Apr 2009
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#2489, "A question about making coin?"
Hello all, I was wondering if someone could give me some tips on making coin. Everytime I try to sell something the shopkeeper seems to never have any coin. Thanks, Ilanthas/Greg
Yesterday is forever gone, tomorrow may never come, today is the day of all days
Bell | Fri 24-Jul-09 04:10 PM |
Member since 18th Aug 2005
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#2491, "RE: A question about making coin?"
In response to Reply #0
Try to find more out of the way shopkeepers that might see less traffic. For instance, all else being equal, the armorer in Galadon will probably be running low on coin before the armorer in Seantryn. The more remote the shopkeeper, the more likely they will still have coins, so keep an eye out for random shopkeepers that aren't in towns. Also, when you get to the mid-ranks, you may be able to find shopkeepers that you can kill. When they repop, they'll have more gold. Viola.
Also, there are a few lowbie quests around that give you coins for killing low level mobs. The money's not great, but it's something.
One other idea is finding/looting decent gear and selling it to high level characters who have lots of gold. 10 gold at hero is worth waaaaay less than 10 gold at level 15.
Dwoggurd | Thu 23-Jul-09 10:48 AM |
Member since 20th Jan 2004
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#2490, "Tips"
In response to Reply #0
Do it after reboot. This is a flaw of the whole system. Shoppers money wears down significantly over time since the last reboot.
Isildur | Sat 25-Jul-09 03:11 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#2492, "RE: Tips"
In response to Reply #1
Depends on the merchant. If it's one people are constantly buying stuff from then he'll almost always have cash on hand.
Here's my advice:
1. Look for "high dollar" items. Typically these will be magical things like scrolls, wands, potions, etc.
2. Once you've found some of these, try to find multiple merchants who'll buy them. Most towns have some sort of "magic dealer" guy.
3. Note that most "magic dealer" guys don't buy scrolls. Typically there's a separate "scroll dealer" guy.
4. Note that not all merchants are located inside cities.
5. One way to "make" money is simply to "save" money. Barter when you can. Try to find the cheapest versions of return potions, teleports, etc. (Sometimes "cheapest" = "free").
6. Try to get up to the commerce skill that juices your ability to haggle. This will usually only happen later in a character's life, but it's pretty potent. I think I was buying return potions for 1/2 the normal price. You also get more money in return from merchants when you sell stuff.
7. When you get up to approximately level 40, depending on class, there are usually easier ways to accumulate gold than gathering and selling stuff. But you'll have to find those out IC.