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Death_AngelSat 12-May-01 06:40 PM
Member since 28th Jun 2024
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#875, "(DEL) Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith"


Sat May 12 20:39:34 2001

7 o''clock AM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Old Forces on the Theran calendar Mundanathnor perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:65% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith, Bob the pole monkey (Guest) (Guest), 16-May-01 02:39 PM, #16
Reply RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith, Mundy (Guest) (Guest), 17-May-01 05:29 AM, #17
     Reply RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith, Pole... (Guest) (Guest), 17-May-01 06:12 AM, #18
Reply A short addition to my role -, Mundy (Guest) (Guest), 14-May-01 11:05 AM, #14
Reply Well all that said and done...., Paelnor (Guest), 13-May-01 09:34 AM, #7
Reply RE: Well all that said and done...., Mundy (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 11:16 AM, #8
Reply Elsindai, Mundy (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 06:04 AM, #6
Reply Farewell, Mundanathnor (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 05:56 AM, #5
Reply What do you mean?, Weyum (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 04:30 PM, #9
Reply RE: Farewell, Arenthiolo (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 08:46 PM, #10
Reply RE: Farewell, Erakee (Guest), 14-May-01 01:14 AM, #11
Reply RE: Farewell, Mundy (Guest) (Guest), 14-May-01 02:18 AM, #13
Reply Salt & SAUCE! ... Salt & VINEGAR!, GrahamC (Guest) (Guest), 14-May-01 01:44 AM, #12
Reply RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith, shokai, 13-May-01 04:39 AM, #4
Reply Erm? No godbye or anything?, Amberion (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 03:55 AM, #3
Reply Wonder what happened....., Paelnor (Guest), 12-May-01 11:41 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Wonder what happened....., Mundy (Guest) (Guest), 13-May-01 02:52 AM, #2
          Reply You were such a nice person., urunivo (Guest) (Guest), 14-May-01 05:04 PM, #15

Bob the pole monkey (Guest) (Guest)Wed 16-May-01 02:39 PM

#876, "RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith"
In response to Reply #0


You know, Im glad to see you go, towards the end I thought you were pretty much worthless as a tribunal. Its like I go through the trouble of getting wanted just to see if you'll at least try to chase me, and it never happened. Its almost like none of the tribunals (current) have any kind of balls unless Gormarn is on. Mad props to Gormarn by the way, at least he deserves the title. I enjoyed the tango of relentlessly *trying* to kill you when I was mostly naked, ah well, luck with the next.


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Mundy (Guest) (Guest)Thu 17-May-01 05:29 AM

#877, "RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith"
In response to Reply #16


In my defense ..... How can I comment on this ? You are someone who tried to get wanted while naked ? Fair enough and you wanted me to hunt you down while you were naked ? And you tried to kill me over and over ? There is only one person i can think of who attacked me more than 4 or 5 times pointlessly in their life and that was the Fucknut Eagle/Lion I mentioned in my post .... Now as you were a flying shifter I have a few options - I can blind you... I can spam rot and hope you attempt to attack me - But when all was said and done and I dispelled you... you ran into the Weald where you had a snare, a wall of thorns, a ranger and a Bard .... and due to your groups incompetance you managed to take 50hps off me. Personally if you are the said shifter I felt it was a waste of time to hunt you 1. While your in form you dont even show up as being wanted. 2. Your only a threat to yourself. and 3. So your naked I kill you... you go get some snow worm and I curse the 100 mana and 10mins of my time I wasted on your worthless ass.


P.s. In future post a name I can identify with ... perhaps there was another reason I didn't hunt you.


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Pole... (Guest) (Guest)Thu 17-May-01 06:12 AM

#878, "RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith"
In response to Reply #17


Ya I thought about this after I posted it, and thought maybe it was unfair. First of all Im not that shifter. But let's just say you would remember me if I chose to put my name, didnt want OOC ##### bleeding into the char at present. That is of course if I can ever find the time to play him. A couple things I thought about later on, maybe you just got tired with the char I dont know. While The snare in the weald thing is one tactic I would side with, often I was just trying to get you out of the city, most of the time on my own. Actually, I think I got a better idea than this. Drop me an email, and Id be more than happy to talk to you.


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Mundy (Guest) (Guest)Mon 14-May-01 11:05 AM

#879, "A short addition to my role -"
In response to Reply #0


Journal Entry 23: With the blood and grime washed from my hands, I look some what less gruesome, my robes are tattered once more. I feel Andros has lost some of his innocence this day, faced som much more of real battle than he ever expected as an officer of the court. Today was more chaotic than at any period in my career, It seemed like the criminals were pouring forth from the wood work like cockroaches. This plauge only seemed worsened by my inability to stem it, Perhaps I should have been a healer after all. The battles were harsh but in the end I was beaten, I felt as if all along they were just playing with me. But in my failure I have found what the Abbott sent me to seek.
Great Artifacts I have held, cherished and lost, The trust of many I have held and lost also. Adventures a plenty I have taken part in, places of ancient and new mystery I have explored and Illuminated. Yet still I spent my time seeking, searching and delving for the thing the Abbott spoke of. I was proud, so proud that I could not have understood what it was I was looking for until now. In my destruction, like a Phoenix raising from the flames, In my defeats I have found Victory. What a fool I have been, endlessly searching for some token that would prove me worthy. Now I have found the answer, in all my travels it was with me, only my pride blinded me to the answer. I have it now I hold it dear to me for it is what I had to find. It is my Humility, Not all battles can be won, no one is invincible, Mentaly, Spiritualy and Physically.. we all lose something, sometime.
I shall begin again my long journey through the frigid wastelands, I shall return as I arrived, so I have discared all of my possetions, bar a small, wooden hummingbird, for this too has taught me well.


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Paelnor (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 09:34 AM

#880, "Well all that said and done...."
In response to Reply #0


At least you and I know why you got booted A few of us had it out for you for quite some time, and indeed you were tough to kill, but rarely got any of us. So many people were angry with the law basically because you were a lightwalker hunting lightwalkers...It's sad that you're not making a new tribunal ever, it takes time and patience, but I've known them to be fun now and then. Oh well, I guess nobody will be stealing my tags anymore...(yes!!!!) Good luck with what next you roll, and if you start another shaman, take your time ranking and you'll learn the meannest things about the class.

PS(And yes, manacles were a pain when I was a ranger in the big city.)

-Paelnor, ranger third class, beneath Kiac and Flontinot.


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Mundy (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 11:16 AM

#881, "RE: Well all that said and done...."
In response to Reply #7


I wasn't booted a I removed myself I dunno I thought I had made that pretty clear *shrugs* The meanest thing about the class ? I dont know I thought Wither was pretty mean, rot too.


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Mundy (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 06:04 AM

#882, "Elsindai"
In response to Reply #0


How the hell do I forget the person who I travelled the most?

We had some great times - Humor is defined by Telling the Sphinx A stroy after it took us 1 hour to get to her in the first place
Sorry about that time in Arboria - I stuck around a bit, in the end though it all went pear shaped and that Cleric was looking pretty nasty so I'm sorry my word on you failed, it made some great campfire stories - The Trothon trip was classic as well - The rescue team was something else- The coral head mob death you got me at rank 50
ARGJHHHHHHH ehehehhe that was cool.
Silent Towers secrets - I will delve no more

P.s Great Area Neppy but some things just seem a little obvious *shrugs* But from what I've heard they are not so obvious to those who do not pay attention - Trial and Error is not the key to Silent tower Exam is your freind


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Mundanathnor (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 05:56 AM

#883, "Farewell"
In response to Reply #0


People I would like to thank for making this character enjoyable.

Sanorik - You were a great help in helping me to Roleplay, the whole searching for the shrines thing, over the years I think I've found about 90% of the shrines but I wanst about to just turn up now was I.

To those at the Inn when I was just a little rank 8 I thank you for your assistance as well.

I have to say I used Ansellius Instant Empowerment tactic, Although it didnt really work, It took me 40 mins to rank to 8 including role playing with various people, then 18 hours to get a response, of course Bria was really nice about the whole thing and so I was empowered.

To those I travelled with ... Where do I begin ?
Amberion - I hate you OOC, I cant be hating lightwalkers in character so I tried to help you as much as possible, you will Note that day you left my group because you didn't think you would learn well with me, next I checked you were the same title and I was a hero. I was really pissed off when I took my first death at rank 39 due to a little bit of lag and not enough thought. Never mind though you do well enough. Feel free to spam wrath if you hit more than a Mangle with it.

Elvam - Amberions perma buddy, you do well enough. Had some good times together.

Arthilio(DeatchClawsAssassin) - You used to crack me up by trying to give me spam holy word tacticical tips. And maybe if I had ever been in that situation I might have even used it, However I Had about 3 or 4 pk fights when I was ranking up most consisted of Com Pla, and then wondering where they went.

Carmenella - So long and thanks for the steak, the 'adventures', the roleplay you are a gem

Kamba - The little hissy fit you pulled in Arboria fucking rocked what can I say - Little Kamba said lets go somewhere else, but no you dont listen to little Kamba. That was great man I loved it. I loved your guts, your determination. *chuckles* You did a much better job than with Emile - I believe your chargeset scratched one of my other characters.

Fellicitinia - I dont know, we had some good times didn't we ? I think this is the last Tribunal you are going to get out of me, I always said I would roll up one, well now you've had two. You do just fine, Its not about the gear its about your Role Play.

Lokilith - Mundy started off respecting you, He put so much effort into the Investigation after you were wanted, and when it was clear to him that you had done it and made a botch of your coverup his respect for you just went. Personally I think your doing a Fooking good job and you should keep it up. Love the Gargoyle - good thing I never figured out its weakness.

Hejduk - You were a curiosity indeed, That mad night with the 2 bards the Invoker and the mongoose, you could have swung the fight for Scion so easily if you had commited yourself - you didn't and hell I am glad you didn't I'm sure you had a good reason too. I lived in fear of you not because you hit hard, but because I was convinced a worldbind would not be pretty.

Turgesn - Hey when I went up against you for the first time, I had no clue how to fight another shaman, due to my lack of pks in the low ranks I had no clue how to fight anyone really. So I came up with a whack plan - I walked into the area with you
you summoned me, did your stuff and I simply took notes
fled out quaffed a teleport rested up then came after you. Used your own tactics against you, then your link seemed to begoing on you so I decided to leave you be.

Makinso + Ruqqawyth*sp*
That was a harsh thing to do to a rank 45 shaman. Its all Doralions fault! if only he had cast fly when I said. Ah well I died and learned. And Later Gormarn and I took you apart.

Dariana - Oh how my nemesis laughs now ? With Myadar I could do nothing against you, with Mundy I was clueless, I tried to use the tactics I had learned on Turgesn, but you obviously had your sups better than mine, and some pretty nifty saves to boot. I was impressed by the player, The character seemed a little limp to me *shrugs* just my opinion I liked the whole support you had from Uller it adds a nice dimension to your character, the whole plants sprouting forth and all that.

Daemealin*sp* - what can I say ? Dol Guldar, eastern road, Galadon. Those were the battles, after that though we mostly just bartered alot. Most people cursed me for trading with the 'Devil' - Devil you say ? He's just a man who knows what he wants. Mundys spin on Good and Evil went
Evil = (wanted), Neutral =(Occasional Criminal), Good = Tribunals, Non-criminals.
Needless to say I aquired the Mask from Jonni, whom I had also hired to steal the Pendants from you, sadly he died before the contract was carried out so I had to barter them out of you instead. In the End I got the best deal due to Hejduks untimely toasting. You were a great character and I enjoyed playing alongside you - 'Of course I'm sure you can use it more than once!' Doh - Even down to the idea of a hell trip last night, I wasn't sure whether you were offering to come with me or just telling me I could go catch up with the others. Thanks for making this char that bit more fun for me.

Fengle - Thanks for the Pep talk bud.

Arvidor - Aligator and Crocodile yeah that worked well

Plyate - Moron

Paelnor - let me just say I never removed any flags on you.

Eagle/Lion - All you ever did was run, which is fair enough.

Raukyr - That unspeaks was mearly 479 hps or something, still enough to make me think though.

Saldradien - Your doing better now than when you started - Thanks for lettine me gank you, I was begining to think I'd never kill anyone.

Biedenbach - You are a fool, and an Arse. You full looted my corpse, And I still gave you things back - Note I am never allowed to return weapons. I doubt it would have been the other way. Tribunals are under no obligation to return anything.
P.s. You cant tell your mobs to eat things you fucknut.

Ymmar - Thank you for your Aid with the High Lord.

Seralyn - You do a very good job and I am glad you took me up on my Devilish plan in Drow city.

Pwent - You kick some ass but it was still 4 - 0 to me. Har Har.

The other Dwarves - I think there were 7 ? ehehe no I enjoyed all the dwarves I travelled with. Respected you all for your Rp.
Thats you Warborf

The Tribunals -

Weyum - I heard bad things about you ooc, And I dont want to think about them. P.s. I still didn't loot your corpse

Frik - you can Frik off, My only other Uninduction

Eahjri - I liked to think of you as the Yo Yo Tribunal, you would log on and quit, you did this often It annoyed me. And that time you spat on me - A ligtwalker spitting on a Hero Lightwalking shaman who is your Boss technically - Yeah right if I had been Justiciar at the time you'd have been gone.

Vlara - Your roleplay was fine, you seemed to do ok if only you would spend a bit of time with the character. *shrugs*

Kittywrathpuss - Well, I had you attack one of my characters who was regearing, you didn't kill me but it did lower my estimation of you from, average tribunal, to petty murderer and thief - Then I heard your nick name *snickers* wasn't much I was going to do to you as Mundy never saw any Transgressions.

Trillox - those fights were Phat *snickers* I died 5 times that day ....Why ? Why not. Still sore about the shield.

Bria - Hrrmn well we'll get to that in a minute

Kravidian - Damn I thought I was Invincible, you showed me I was not.

Talnic - Well damn Stoneform, Sanc and a Wall of thorns ? Yeah I was ganked good. Serves me right I suppose, but you know it had to be done. Put some more effort into the char I knew you were going to be in the realms at that point, Else you would use your gear, Either play or dont *shrugs*

Vilaeren - *shrugs* My bad, Greeds cool isn't ?

Shokai - Whats the name of your spear big guy because It's definatly wanted! ehehe Not often I have to investigate such things, but your right it was none of my buisness.

Now I dont have my whole role so I will post What I have - I doubt anyone cares.

Added Wed Mar 21 06:25:47 2001 at level 1:

The stars were aligned, all the preparations were complete, all Lord Kiadan-Rah had to do was enter the city on the eve of the dance and seduce a young storm maiden.
I know not what the purpose was, only that he suceeded with the aid of a few spells and won her heart, and her soul. The irrisitability of the incantations he carried with him made her succumb to his touch and they were joined as one briefly.
With the light of dawn however her mysterious companion was gone and her heart was broken.
For days the once maiden wandered around looking in every face at the court trying to find the thief of her heart.
Alas to no avail, no face smiled quite like his, no face stirred her being the way his had, she felt joy break through her sadness however when she found herself to be with child.
She spent the long term of her pregnancy happily dreaming of her lost lover and the life they would of had together. As the child was nearing birth however complications began to arise.
The child she was carrying seemed too big. This is a puzzle in itself but was almost certainly something to do with the movement of the stars at the time of conception ... or so it was whispered.
During the child birth the size became to much of a problem and the maiden begged for the child to be saved that the memory of her union be saved. Her pleas were so strong that they were obeyed.
The maiden perished in the bitrthing and all who knew her mourned the loss.
The child however was more of a problem, it screamed constantly, and although its skin had been pale to begin with after two or three days it started to darken until it took on a midnight
blue, the features as well were not quite 'stormish the looked more brutish, harsher some how.
Mages were consulted and the true race of the father was discovered. The people caring and trusting though they were decided the child could not be trusted and he was sent to a small out of the way monastry.
His life here was far from easy, he would begin early with the morning prayers, then he would go with the other monks to toil in the fields or work the fishing traps to collect food for the afternoon and evening meals.
Once this was done the monks went to miday prayer, and then ate the afternoon meal.
The afternoon was divided into two, training of the body and training of the mind.
Mundanathnor excelled at fighting, but had a vicious streak in him and had a tendancy to go to far.
The monks were appaled at his savagery and set about the teaching of control, they instilled deep mental mantras constantly praying for him, and teaching him the ways of inner self control.
This too he mastered although he found it difficult at first and was likely to snap just hen the monks thought they had suceeded.
They knew however that his control was complete when he passed a final test of the rest of the monks taunting him, kicking at him and throwing things at him for a full week. During this period the giant was allowed no rest and knew only moments
of meditation before the barrage continued through out it all he gently sung hymns to himself and the control startled even some of the older monks.
The training of the mind was much harder to accomplish for Mundanathnor it took great periods of time to introduce new concepts to him.

But slowly he mastered all that was set before him, the monks decided not to delve into Astral Theology to much however.
on his 129th birthday the monks told him that his initial training was complete and that he had to see the world and to to discover something worthy of the monastry before returning.
Mundanathnor did not take this well he felt exiled and isolated once more but a small part of him was curious and wanted to show the world his beliefs to teach right from wrong.
As the doors thudded closed behind him Mundanathnor began his journey, he travled northwards, encountering snow for the first time, he did not know why but the snow and the cold sent shivers of displeasure through him.
He encountered some kindly rangers who lead him to a watchtower where he shared a fine meal and spent the night before travelling onwards.
He ment Shillgar a willy merchant who was travelling along a dried stream bed, he was travelling to a city he called Galadon and that he would pay Mundanathnor 50 gold coins to be his guard.
Mundanathnor explained he had no need of gold, the merchant just chuckled and told him when he reached the town he would have.

Added Wed Mar 21 06:29:19 2001 at level 1:
Journal entry 1: I have arrived in Galadon and have be instructed by the cityguards that in order to enter a guild I must first visit the academy... it should prove fairly simple. Shillgar is collecting supplies to travel to a place called hillc
Journal entry 1: I have arrived in Galadon and have be instructed by the cityguards that in order to enter a guild I must first visit the academy... it should prove fairly simple. Shillgar
is collecting supplies to travel to a place called hillcrest so I have bid him farewell.
The city is quite interesting so far, I love the way it is like a creature with all of its parts moving in union although I have noticed a few things that seem out of place.
I shall see what I can do about that once I have passed through this academy.

Added Wed Mar 21 09:36:00 2001 at level 8:
Journal Entry 2: I have traveled far and wide around the city of Galadon and feel that I am quite the explorer.
I have also joined the Galadonian guild of shamans which I am using as a base of opperations whilst I search for the Blessed HEA 25 one.

Added Wed Mar 21 09:41:17 2001 at level 8:
Journal Entry 3: I talked with several people to day and had no sucess in locating 'Where the Humming Bird rests on her laurels'

Just as I was begining to give up for the day I met a gnome named Sanorik.
He seems to be a warder of the balance or some such, upon talking to him he pointed out that perhaps it was how I was asking my questions. After a short while he concluded that he had heard some rumours that the Humming bird could be located on
'The New Continent' - As he put it, I have cross referenced this with the maps I remember from the Monastry.
I believe he was talking about the lands of Seatryn Modan and there abouts.

Added Wed Mar 21 09:45:00 2001 at level 8:
Journal Entry 4: The journey across the ocean was tense. I swam most of the way dragging spot along on a raft that held my sack.
Sanorik was happy to inform me of all sorts of dragons *shudder* That I might encounter on the way.... we made it safely however.
The lands here are much unchanged by the tocuh of man, I am not sure whether I like that or not. everything is so wild, but beautiful at the same time.
Spot keeps chasing small creatures, but he too is enjoying this journey.

Added Wed Mar 21 09:50:31 2001 at level 8:
Journal Entry 5: I am weary and tired.. we have scouted the Jade Mountains and there are indeed dragons, I have searched to the south of Atruri and all around.
My robes are in dire need of repair, but today when I was preparing to leave the continent. I could hear a small humming in the back of my mind, I found that if I moved the noise got louder or quieter.
I turned to the west and I felt an explosion of warmth rush through me. I tracked my way through the light forest with spot bounding along in tow with me.
And then I stepped into the most amazing clearing, I can think of no better place in all of Thera to call for Lady Bria's touch, to let my soul fly free from body- so that I might continue my quest.

I had about 20 Journal entries, Mostly mundane things like goals I was trying to achieve and such.

Now why did I delete ? Why did I leave Tribunal ?

The reasons for leaving were the amount of Heros I had who were wanted, The Character felt Inadequate to the task. Personally I realised it was time to quit when I noticed a bard could just walk in and sleep me and my guards while wanted. See tribunal guards attack on the tick so it can be aslong as 1 minute before they do anything - They also cant see in the dark, cant go underwater and cant fly - Pretty nifty eh ? Manacles - Only a problem if you are a mage that relies on spells - I doubt a Conjie, Shifter, Necro, would be bothered to much - Even a bashing Fire Ap, Warriors aren't too worried about them either, Shamans/Paladins/Healers Dont care and Bards - Well they have nothing to fear either. I began to feel that the only thing special about my guards was they need a little Special help with education. The Justiciar power /not the Badge/ I think all Magistrates should get it, It seemed it could aid greatly with Investigations - Not even sure it worked correctly most of the time but from an IC point of view I could place people at a scene if they denied being there - its a weak excuse that many people use. No one is ever guilty not even when they attack me.
har har. Vigilance I think is a good power. Wanted is powerful, necessary and abused by morons. I have a few not overpowered Ideas as to how the Tribunal could be improved.

Thats why I left, I'm not moaning or whinging I was aware of all these things from when I played Myadar.

Why Did I Delete ? - Well I had this huge speech all planned out Bria, I knew you would not be around my playing times really, So I went to your Shrine at 1 am my time , and was Praying roughly every 20 mins until 2:40am. When you bear in mind I unindcuted myself at 10am the morning before - I was really tired, I didn't get to go into the details that I wanted to cover - I wanted to explain to you why I left and I wanted to ask you what you thought of me becoming a Tribunal Immortal. But I really couldn't handle the situation or the way it was going. I dont know maybe I am a fool. I can see your point and I respect the position you hold *shrugs* So I just walked away, worded, dropped all my equipment and deleted.
I thank you very much for the Empowerment - In five years it was my first empowerment character so I was clueless. You made it go so much easier, I nearly jumped out of my seat when you just turned up.

Thank you all for your Time.



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Weyum (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 04:30 PM

#888, "What do you mean?"
In response to Reply #5


What do you mean you heard bad things about Weyum OOC? Like what? ( Sorry i havent been on lately, too much work and school to worry about. I need sleep too! I tried to be on early in the mornings (5 - 6 am), but not many people were on at those times.

The stuff I posted on the Dioxide forum was a joke in response to the other people's responses. In case you didn't notice. If that is indeed what you're talking about.

Weyum learned a lot of things from you...Mundy was probably the only lighwalker friend that Weyum had outside of his fellow really understood Weyum and his moral dilemas. Arenthiolo was the other.

Yeah i Know you didnt loot my corpse when i died in the sewers.(at rank 9 or 10 or so)

Mundy was a great character, Why did you delete?

I must say i am sorry to see you go and I wish you the best of luck with the next character.


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Arenthiolo (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 08:46 PM

#887, "RE: Farewell"
In response to Reply #5


>Arthilio(DeatchClawsAssassin) - You used to crack
>me up by trying to
>give me spam holy word
>tacticical tips. And maybe if
>I had ever been in
>that situation I might have
>even used it, However I
>Had about 3 or 4
>pk fights when I was
>ranking up most consisted of
>Com Pla, and then wondering
>where they went.

Right, well not sure exactly what you were referring to, only remember heading out with ya once, that was to the drows, and I believe I was asking for frenzy, which doesn't require using holy word, but it really doesn't matter. You seemed like a good enough guy, never really hung out with ya much. Of course, I don't know, having 4 or 5 people attack me with Rac, holy word seemed like a good idea at the time *wink*. (BTW: I tried to not ask for holy word in char, simply because it would've not only been offensive to most shamans and paladins, it shouldn't be something that people expect, but you don't need to holy word to give out frenzy). Anyhow, I'm honored to be mentioned despite our few interactions, even if I am mentioned in a slightly insulting manner, but the name was Arenthiolo, adios.


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Erakee (Guest)Mon 14-May-01 01:14 AM

#885, "RE: Farewell"
In response to Reply #5


Had one character that interacted with you which will remain anonymous. But a hint to you was that you wanted a certain sash from me for a real long time. Last I saw you, you finally had one and I still got to keep mine. The one adventure we tried together was fun but you know your rot won in the end. Keep in mind without me the rot probably wouldn't have taken place. *grin* See ya in the fields and not a single word if you get the hint as to who my current character is. At least not until I decide to croak...


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Mundy (Guest) (Guest)Mon 14-May-01 02:18 AM

#886, "RE: Farewell"
In response to Reply #11


Hey I can guess seperatly just from the sash or the 'adeventure' Your doing well keep it up


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GrahamC (Guest) (Guest)Mon 14-May-01 01:44 AM

#884, "Salt & SAUCE! ... Salt & VINEGAR!"
In response to Reply #5


Kick ass role boyo!


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shokaiSun 13-May-01 04:39 AM
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#889, "RE: (DEL) <None> Mundanathnor the Holy of Faith"
In response to Reply #0



Our one chat was amusing as hell, and if I clean the log up a bit, I may post it...I don't think anyone has ever thought of flagging weapons before, but let it be known by all that my spear is indeed an outlaw.


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Amberion (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 03:55 AM

#890, "Erm? No godbye or anything?"
In response to Reply #0


Damn! Why did you go? You where a whole bunch of fun... My friends was always wanted and you was my friend and hunted my friends. I had quite a struggle with the RP there and about everything else aswell... I'll miss you.


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Paelnor (Guest)Sat 12-May-01 11:41 PM

#891, "Wonder what happened....."
In response to Reply #0


You willing to tell?

-Paelnor, ranger third class, beneath Kiac and Flontinot.


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Mundy (Guest) (Guest)Sun 13-May-01 02:52 AM

#892, "RE: Wonder what happened....."
In response to Reply #1


Sure I got so guilty about randomly removing your flags I deleted *winks*


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urunivo (Guest) (Guest)Mon 14-May-01 05:04 PM

#893, "You were such a nice person."
In response to Reply #2


I just wished I could have traveled with you. sigh.


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