Well, what can I say? It was a bit of an experiment, and started off as a bet with Joshu that I couldnt empower a healer. So I did it. The rest is history. I didnt do that well with the healer, mind you, but at times it was alot of fun... other times (ouch lich) it was less fun. Sometimes after the third mega-scion-raid-spearheaded-by-lich in which I was stupid enough not to stay away and let things happen, I started playing CS and then there wasnt anytime for CF.
Sharukin knew alot of people, thanks to all of you who made it fun. I have never been any good at roleplaying, and I think Uller noticed that, so a special thanks goes to you Uller for not kicking my butt..
As to others, well there is the Sylvan gang, Alysrith, Danical, Daoemel, Sahannara, and that little spider form, cant remember your name. Also Perry, you deleted too early methinks. You were all fun. Sahannara, sorry you had to die with me against the lich, we should have just fled, but hey, we did have fun eh? Danical, liked you, always wanting to fight and tagging me along, but I felt inadequate with a healer. I have never played anything other than a fighter type. And the trick of gating and "Strike to the seas" just didnt make it.
Scions: Damn, you kicked my ass, mainly because I stayed there to fight it, knowing damn well I didnt have a single chance.
Dwoggurd (sp?): you were a beast, though I was that close getting ya, back when Danical had spelled you up in High Lords keep, but that flurry at the Chasm was a huge blow to me selv-esteem
Naumjair: Hehe, I should have made it two kills on you, both times you teleported and mobdied. You were my favourite hate-char, yay!
Krivohan: I was pretty afk when you and Naumjair got me... after our first encounter in Chessmasters I knew you knew what you were doing.
The Lich: What can I say, I hated you!
Vomalice: Hated you! Heh, you hit me way way too hard on Aryth, it wasnt even funny.
Somna: Didnt hate you at all. Still feel very bad about the full-loot incident in Galadon.
And to my favourite I-hate-you scion Daiken: I really really hated you, you little missy! But seems you are doing pretty well with that healer, all credits to you...
To the rest of you scions I have one word only: bandwagon
Umfath: Wow, if it wasnt for you I would have never heroed I think. I get too bored with long exp sessions and tend to delete. But you sliced through maus and Aridhol/SH for the fastest exp-sessions I have had since I deleted my arial warrior knight.
The rest: many of you were good, some kicked ass, others kicked less ass. that drow warrior, you rocked I think. I felt a bit bad gating ya, when I knew that scions were after you too, but hey, it was my duty
I am not good at names, so I cant remember the name of that kick-ass invoker who helped me in Trothon, kuo-tua and many other places. You know who you are, you rock.
Also another invoker, an entorpy one, I cant remember your name either, you helped me down under the waves, in kuo-tua. You are one funny characters, and a very powerful one too.
That jumpy storm paladin, Ardhara (spelling?), you know who you are. You were like Danical. You log on, then send tell to the effect of "lets go kick some ass". I liked you alot.
The elven warrior in maran (what is your name damn it!) : you were fun, both ranking with and fighting alongside. Played an elven warrior surprisingly well, I must say I was very impressed.
Any others I have forgotten?