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Mmumma (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 10:48 PM

#50564, "DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."


Whoa, what a ride!!!

This will show as a rage-deletion, but it is not. I just got tired of all this.

This was my second comeback character. I didn't play for a good while (since this winter, then I've playd another comeback character after a couple of years delay). I think someone allready figured out who was those two characters.

So, this was my second empowered character (in life) and, obviously, first shaman. At the beginning I really sucked (even died to Aiyedn, though I have an excuse - I've been frozen by fillet and he got me while I was absolutely helpless). So, at the beginning I wasn't very deadly and self-relitant. But, with time, I realised strategies and powers of the shaman and begun to rock. Hope you all enjoyed this character, I tried not only to fight, but also to RP.

RP. I had tonns of fun roleplaying giant. Low int and medium wis makes it very very interesting. But should I stay in game, I would NEVER EVER play a fire giant shaman again. His low int really really hurts; no any resistance worth that (and, I beleive, in physical combat there would be not big difference between drow shaman and fire shaman anyways). The main reason why did I choose giant - RP and HP. But soon as I've hit 15 level, Irealised that he wouldn't wave much more hps, than any other race. But that was too late, I've been empowered and enjoying the role.

Empowerment. That was most strange empowerment. Guess Khas have been very very busy allready; I've talked to him only twice and no longer that few minutes. That pissed me off - if you empower characters, you MUST find time for them. I've hoped that I'll get more immterraction with him until time he deleted. WTF. This is unfair to player that following your religion - could, at least, create some mob that other immortal would RP from time to time.

Deletion of Khasotholas opened my eyes. In CF there are only two things that is funny for me - Empire and something else (I'm not going to tell, what) - something that I never achieved before (and not gonna achieve now, reason below). I knew that Grurk will not be good leader for Empire, and I was right.

Grurk. At the beginning I thought that you have ruined my character and made two last reasons, for which I'd play CF, unvavaliable. You have not pissed off character, but pissed off a player. I've rage deleted, then pondered a bit... For some reason, that was a rage deletion (though I didn't die). Then I realised your vicesious plan
So I've returned and got cheered. That was cool, harsh and unfinished. For a couple of days I've been waiting for the story to continue, but things remained same... and it's not Empire that I've been thinking about.

After deletion and reactivation this character was not same as before. something happened. I've lost a good bit of interest in him, plus #### that is going on in Empire really boring and kill any fun. I'm talking about Dhaezym. Give mahcinegun into a hands of a moron and you will have current empire. Oh well.

Finally, I decided to visit silent tower. Due to some cruel events, that happened there, I finally decided to delete (since it is area explore, I'll remain silent). All that I can add - I will never ever go there with characters into which I've put so much effort and time.
Second reason - mass logins/logouts, no matter within empire, battle or fortress. This killed most of the fun and turned game into contest of mass-logins.

Time to smoke a cigarette - hold on, I'll be back in a moment! Cigarettes are not so addictive as CF, though. Perhaps I'll break not only with CF, but with smoking too? BRB.

I hate cigarets. Don't know why I'm smoking at all. Gah!

I've been a high priest, and got demoted because of the lag (I've attacked Yuvralin in Hamsah, though I wanted to attack him in Balator). I've been led to hamsah and attack occured...
Actually, PBF of this character must be damn funny to read - empowerment, unempowerment, empowerment, promotion, demotion, demotion, promotion, demotion... Most crazy story of all characters I've ever played before.
I had no way to pay for PBF, so, if someone do it, I'll be very thankful.

Now imms!

Lyristeon: man, that was most funny immterraction I probably ever had. Well, with Cador I had fun too, but in other way; thanks for all that you did - you really made me like to play again, after Grurk's ####. I'd make an outlander, but after playing sylvans many years ago I just don't have fun with outlanders (to my taste, they are made of plastic, if you understand what I mean). I laughed when we met for the first time, and when you caught me in voralian with you know what, I didn't know what to say or to do - I've been shocked in a best way. Cool, hands down, and outlanders are damn lucky with imm like you are.

Muuloc: quite funny, though we didn't interact much. But I hope I gave you some fun. I completed that self-quest, but, I guess, too late. I didn't count those, whom I get with groups or not for the first time; with lack of foes during last week that was quite a problem. But I gathered 7 souls at the first day and been quite surprised how easily I did it . Pity that now I won't know you better.

Done with imms. Ah, wait. Nepenthe!
ST - sucks.

Now, to mortals. There are LOT of you to say goodbye, and, I'm sure I'll forget many of you; if so, don't shy to smack me.

Skilltore: great bard, great emperor... and a poor leader. When I see so-called council, I keep laughing. No offense to council, but none of them can lead, or even know what to do. They give other sect member orders, and orders are followed. Promotion became one of the easiest things ever. IMHO - this really, really sucks. But this gave Empire numbers, so...
We had lot of fun. I liked beginning - when we were together against hordes. At the end, there were no challenge. I enjoyed our fights two vs four or five (for example, when we got Adhelard on Caladaryn). That was cool, I've laughed for good while. Thank you for all the fun you provided, and hope you had fun with this character too.

Oooh. Who next?

Lafashya! I reaally reaally love blond girls. How did you know?
Mixed feelings. You did good and bad. But now you are anathema... And I'm dead. Anyways, thanks for the fun, but we couldn't marry anyways

Is a mudsex still not alowed? Yes? Damn. Playerbase allready old enough for it to be allowed.

Morior: I liked you ooc and laughed at you IC. Good strive, anyways. You really really need to stop be lazy and find preps. I tried to give you some hints, but you are still too lazy to go and explore/find it.

Dhaezym: Good luck with bootlicking, perhaps there will be something else to lick in your future.

Valryn: look above. You would become anathema soon as I'd can do it, but that not gonna happen. So, well done.

Khar: you are not a sect leader, but, from other hand, there are no one to lead. Though, well roleplayed, funny - I enjoyed you a lot. Good luck!

Craglork: you become tougher, and it's good. I liked you, though with some things I would not agree. Thanks for fun!

Mhruan: same story as with myself - weak at beginning, but seems getting stronger and stronger. Keep it on, I really wish your unholy to become stronger, that Cabdru had! (Can I wish you something better?)

Remerinarc: well... Eh. What to say? Lot of ambitions, zero of work. Or do you really think you brought sect to power? I would join empire no matter of if you are there or not; same goes for promotions. To be a sect leader, you must know your own sect members. But you had no time for that. Good thing - you tried. Good luck with your real life and tests!

Baradiseth: I know why you deleted. Our reasons are quite same. I hope you wasn't pissed as much as I've been and will keep play. You should stick it out and fight against that #### with myself... Oh well. I'm deleted too, so who cares?

Nhiilador: enjoyed you, and think you have potential. Keep it on, I hope you will success in your strive!

Barelon - I tried to help you. Playing citizen is not easy, and remember my warning, when we met for the second time. Gonna be deadly, good luck!

Other imperials - there are too many of you. I think I forgot someone, but I've allready wrote so much text that head begun to spin. It's hard to remember you all, so just remind me.

Luvaiya: we surely had some fun and good travels. Pity that you are so busy last weeks. Well done, though you are dying bit too much - but, I suppose, it's fate of every neutral conjurer. Perhaps someday they will be tweaked and it will not be so pointless to play neutral conjurers. Perhaps they will bring neutral beings, something like genies, jinns or alike. Hope you will get your con-quest. Still sad that we didn't gaunt anyone, I should convince you to do that!

Spenner: we powerranked, hunted together and fought against each other. Sorry that I've killed you, but I had to defend

Som: damn you! Deadly, evil, and stoneshattering. You stoneshattered my eog sabre! You should know price for that sabre - I've got assassinated while been gathering it by myself. Cool character, though I'd like to see more RP from your side. A bit faceless, but good asskicking.

Now, foes. Ooh. That even harder... I don't even know where to begin.

Landren, I'll begin with you. Enjoyed you, our fights and talks. At the beginning. But that duel... then you hiding from me in the cities... I've got disappointed. That's not how honorable ones act. It's VERY unlikely that paladin would walk into sand of sorrow by accident (especially that she usually do not leave fortress).

Mezrar: funny fights, funny interractions. Well done and thanks for both.

Chokiare: seen you twice before Skiltore deleted, and killed you twice. Then you begun to show. Tsk.

Legressil and Auenna: I unite you because I've seen you always together. Oh wait, no, I'm lying. I've seen you separated... and you died those times. Though I've got Auenna with another character, I must admit. Faceless and usual, powercombo to lay provide a surekills. Perhaps I'm wrong, since all my attempts to interract with you met or silence, or arrogant mockery. Tsk. Learn to respect your foes.

Lauraine: quite offensive healer, good work. I liked your skill, and despised your habit to full loot those, who do not deserve that. For example, massive gang on Skilltore, who never loot. That was ugly, though I didn't see it - but when I kicked Gerandiel's thin elven ass and got orb, I fought good bit of Skillotre things in the chest. Ugly.

Gerandiel: we had good fights. At the beginning, I've been scared of you. Becasue you kicked ass of my warrior in 100% of times But when I realised strength of my shaman... oh, I felt pity for you. Where did you gone, btw? I've missed your boasting! Enjoyed fights. Think I should full loot you, but for some reason I didn't.

Merenwen: girl... Stop damn dying like that! Good one, liked you, felt sorry for you when you have been dying like that. Most respected by me character amongst fortress, no matter if you can't kill good. Played no matter of how many foes been around. I shouldn't rot you that much, so I'm sorry... But otherwise you would run alive.

Eruruu: faceless. No idea if you are good inside cabal or with your friends, but from the side - abolutely blank character. Learn to interract with your foes, this can be interesting sometimes.

Aiyedn: that wasn't very honorable. I've got you back, and you deleted. WTF? I wanted to fight you more.

Kryss: good ranger! Kicked my ass from time to time. Good played, and almost nice interractions, though a bit too much boasting and whining. Learn to loose! Good one, like you.

Kiamae: I'd laugh if that wouldn't be so sad. Honestly, I didn't know - or would not do that. You know what about I talk... you died in the middle of a duel, and I've been quite pissed. Good one!

Phazinan: I KNEW you would join scion. I knew it since time Crulvane been talking to you and you told me that you finally learned iceshield. Damn you - I've enjoyed you no less that Skiltore. Tough, deadly, self-relitant and very evil. But all those talks about awakening... I've expected you to join scarab. And you should. Damn you, power-hungry mage! Well done.

Crulvane: pity that we didn't talk much... fighting displacer beast was a pain.

Krultis/Zeldah: I sincerely don't know why you are not denied still. This is ugly. But despite all that ####, we kicked your butts, and that made my day bright and sunny. Only regret that I couldn't grab claymore.

Kuchu: coming with the paladin, that healed you up and, I guess, frienzied, been a bit strange to watch before you tripped me to death. 24 rank against 21 I promised that I'll turn your life into a nightmare. And I did it. I'll pose some of our fights! You even made me retreat couple of times. Good luck, well done with a good ranger. Sad that you deleted so fast.

Yuvralin and Merrwyn: damn kamikadzes! Well done. Yuvralin, you kept breaking my weapons. I don't know how many of them did you break; I think about thirty. Merrwyn, be patient. You could land a good assassination on me that time you sneaked into our lands; more more more stalks, and you will be fine. Good talks, good fights, thanks for both!

Brulgor: though! At the beginning - sent me packing all the time. At the end... well, I've learned some tricks, isn't it? Best anathema I've ever met, keep it on.

GISTLE! Cool. Very, very cool. Made me worry all the time. Every hour (or even more often) I've been locating things that you possessed. I've sacrificed about 300 hps to have about -70 vs para. Just because of you. I've been giving away longeveties to have aquamarine bracelets. You didn't kill me, but harmed my feelings badly! I'm still sorry that you got looted and glad that you didn't got screwed. Pity that we didn't talk too much. Btw, -70 vs para helped lot - you paralyzed me couple of times. When you paralyzed me, while I've been fighting Brulgor, I thought that I'm dead. But now I think I know how neuro works... and glad that I've bothered with vs para. Good, deadly char. I've had a muter of 40 level, and couldn't stick it out - not my setyle. I envy your patience and skill. Good luck!

Elven bards: your saves are just unfair. Made to totally screw fire giant - I couldn't do anything to you, even summon. No chance against you... except for rot-n-run. Which I did quite succesfully.

Palmer/Nysrogh: shamans are not designed to fight you. No single chance, so I've stayed away from you two. Palmer, nice talks. Nysrogh... faceless and mysterious. Strange combination. I couldn't understand - is it so cool RP or is it absolutely absence of RP. Still puzzled.

Done with players. Now, some minor notes.

Donations: speed of your decreasing is annoying. Turns game from game to work. And kills fun.

Preps: Hate you. Reason - look donations.

Mask: MAE GOT YA! No idea how did you appear there - guess a pure luck. I've killed mummy just out of boredom - and whoa, my mask is there! I like to see shawtabies dancing.

Armageddon claymore: poor ya... Ya be hooaarded. Mae aand ya, we wooulda kiick aasses good!

Blademaster gloves: ya maade mae daays so good aand bloody! Eenjooyed ya aa lot!

Well... I'm done with CF for another 6-12 months. Good luck to all of you!


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Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., Gerandiel (Guest), 08-Sep-06 06:17 AM, #38
Reply Wait a minute, Gerandiel (Guest), 08-Sep-06 06:22 AM, #39
     Reply RE: Wait a minute, Mmumma (Guest), 09-Sep-06 09:58 AM, #40
          Reply I won't deny you outmatched me, Gerandiel (Guest), 10-Sep-06 02:41 PM, #41
Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., Kharghurln (Guest), 06-Sep-06 12:33 PM, #37
Reply Mmumma, Merenwen (Guest), 04-Sep-06 11:37 PM, #35
Reply Enjoyed running around for you!, Morior (Guest), 04-Sep-06 06:19 PM, #34
Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., merrwyn (Guest), 03-Sep-06 04:16 PM, #30
Reply You are funny., Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 04:47 PM, #31
     Reply RE: You are funny., merrwyn (Guest), 05-Sep-06 04:04 PM, #36
Reply Good with the bad, Gistle (Guest), 03-Sep-06 11:38 AM, #22
Reply RE: Good with the bad, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 03:25 PM, #26
Reply Long paranoidal farewell, Palmer (Guest), 03-Sep-06 10:19 AM, #21
Reply RE: Long paranoidal farewell, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 03:28 PM, #27
Reply Poor leader?, Jagaub, 03-Sep-06 07:55 AM, #19
Reply RE: Poor leader?, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 03:16 PM, #24
Reply Good run at it, Craglork (Guest), 03-Sep-06 06:43 AM, #16
Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., Valryn (Guest), 03-Sep-06 06:30 AM, #15
Reply Yes., Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 06:47 AM, #18
Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., Khasotholas, 03-Sep-06 06:19 AM, #14
Reply Twice?, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 06:45 AM, #17
Reply I'd like to know why I made you think the character was..., Dhaezym (Guest), 03-Sep-06 06:04 AM, #13
Reply Aww shucks..., Luvaiya (Guest), 03-Sep-06 02:04 AM, #11
Reply Silent 30,000 Mmumma 1 n/t, Guy (Guest), 03-Sep-06 01:09 AM, #10
Reply Aiyedn, silencedstatik, 03-Sep-06 12:50 AM, #9
Reply RE: Aiyedn, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 03:32 PM, #29
Reply Pro, Lyristeon, 02-Sep-06 10:51 PM, #8
Reply Wasn't intentional., Pro-man (Guest), 03-Sep-06 09:13 AM, #20
Reply I dont remember fighting you at all. n/t, Crulvane (Guest), 02-Sep-06 10:42 PM, #7
Reply Hmm...I can't say I'm surprised though., Draktel (Guest), 02-Sep-06 10:37 PM, #6
Reply I am glad that you gone. Bye. nt, Auenna (Guest), 02-Sep-06 10:25 PM, #5
Reply Um, Chokiare (Guest), 02-Sep-06 09:39 PM, #4
Reply I couldn't find logs where I'm alone and you are not ru..., Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 04:32 AM, #12
     Reply Um ... your calling that 2 v 2?, Chokiare (Guest), 03-Sep-06 11:37 PM, #33
Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., Lyristeon, 02-Sep-06 09:13 PM, #3
Reply RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell., Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 05:28 PM, #32
Reply The good with the bad, Landren (Guest), 02-Sep-06 09:03 PM, #2
Reply Bleh. Didn't mean to steal your topic heading =P nt, Gistle (Guest), 03-Sep-06 11:55 AM, #23
Reply RE: The good with the bad, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 03:22 PM, #25
Reply I wondered how you got that mask, Cruk (Guest), 02-Sep-06 09:00 PM, #1
     Reply RE: I wondered how you got that mask, Mmumma (Guest), 03-Sep-06 03:31 PM, #28

Gerandiel (Guest)Fri 08-Sep-06 06:17 AM

#50686, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #0


I've not had internet access, nor is that likely to change in the short term. Only able to post this as I have the day off work to take my gf to the airport.

I liked Mmumma a lot. There was a sudden transition from you being pretty ineffective to being very dangerous. Also you really did feel like a fire giant shaman (if you were Blughurn, you didn't feel much like a minotaur to me then).

As far as full-looting me goes, you didn't ever kill me that I recall? I might be wrong because I had a spate of deaths, but I didn't think I ever died to you. I can only recall dying to three groups and I don't remember you being in any of them. But if you did, and didn't full loot me, thanks, because I wouldn't have full-looted you (probably -- depends on whether I was being forced into a massive gank to defend the cabal at the time maybe). And when I died to Skiltore and Khargurlin it took me ages to try to get back to my corpse because of lag, then the mud crashed and I couldn't log on again, so I lost everything anyway. That's actually kind of good though since otherwise I'd be hoarding whilst unable to play.

I'm hoping to make it back before auto-deletion hits me, because I like Gerandiel even if no one else does. )


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Gerandiel (Guest)Fri 08-Sep-06 06:22 AM

#50687, "Wait a minute"
In response to Reply #38


You kicked my ass and got the orb?

What happened was that Fezzo came and stole the orb from me and counterfeited it. Then he and you both attacked me. Then he hid so I left.

Did I die then? I am pretty sure I didn't. Maybe I did. All a bit hazy now.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sat 09-Sep-06 09:58 AM

#50735, "RE: Wait a minute"
In response to Reply #39


No, you managed to survive, though my plan worked and you lost the orb. I've been weak by that time yet, had no idea how to fight you.
But when we met second time, I've raided fortress alone against you and took maran's orb Impressed myself. Before, I've been always affraid of paladins. If there a class, designed to kick paladin's ass, it's a shaman.

And this is why I will play a shaman again, one day. I hope.

Not sure if you died to me one-on-one. Too many deaths


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Gerandiel (Guest)Sun 10-Sep-06 02:41 PM

#50756, "I won't deny you outmatched me"
In response to Reply #40


Once you got the hang of the class (mainly dispel), you did indeed outmatch me, even when I defensed at the inner. I should point out that is largely because my role-play prevents me carrying much gold at all, and thus I can't heal at the healer much. So once plagued I do just drain away or have to abandon the fight to get cures, since I can't just pay the healer. I gave away 170 gold if I recall earlier that session and then had about 3 when you attacked, plus ran out of plague cures I was carrying. In that situation, there's a very limited amount I can do against a shaman using the right tactics. At that stage, you definitely were.

However, I'd also say that you need to remember it took you maybe half an hour to take the orb once I arrived, when you'd already got the maran convulsing (or was it writhing) whilst I was in ST and thus unaware that you were raiding to try to draw me out. In fact, I came very close to just dying in ST and saving you the trouble of fighting me at all. heh. That's why I came out to find you raiding, which I hadn't expected. I guess we were both a bit bored so you raided to find me whilst I went off exploring. But anyway, I won't deny you did well. But I felt I did a pretty good job holding you off for as long as I did that time. Fun fights all round, especially with Gistle wanding up in duo in the fortress. I was never sure which of us he was going to go for, which is why I was running around that time that you got annoyed by me running. I was waiting to see if he'd jump you since I was out of mana and low on hp. In the end he decided not to, I guess because he probably didn't know how messed up I was and thus might have worried that out of us would stop him landing the kill on whoever he went for.


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Kharghurln (Guest)Wed 06-Sep-06 12:33 PM

#50645, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #0


I thought you were a powerhouse shaman from my perspective, though I obviously never fought you. Your RP was great for a fire giant shaman. Sometimes, rot is the way to go, sometimes not. I thought you were pretty versitile to be honest. I thought it was pretty funny how you kept getting demoted, but I was proud of the fact that you didn't sacrifice your RP just to keep the position.

Good luck with your next!


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Merenwen (Guest)Mon 04-Sep-06 11:37 PM

#50633, "Mmumma"
In response to Reply #0


Thanks for the kind words. Admittedly I fall a lot, but you've seen my odds so I don't feel as bad.

I have to admit OOC I really wanted to hate Mmumma. He was posturing, overbearing, one-sided on conversation and generally obnoxious, but the more I got to know him, the more I truly liked him. I really wish we could have had the chance to finish our conversation on imprial politics, but it was not to be.

Funny enough, it was whispered to me, "When this guy looses his set, hes gone." I though not a chance. He is too good for something like that. Then you did it!! Amazing. I know you could have put something easily together after that. You had the skills easy. Certainly the desire.

I just wanted you to know that without a doubt you have been one of my most memorable foes and thats coming from the old and feeble. (Circa 94 player)

As for rot. Well it has counted for around ten deaths I believe. Perhaps not all you, but certainly the majority. When we had fights where it was not an issue they always seemed to drag out with bizzare tactics that I really learned from. Thanks for all but the first mentioned and I hope we cross paths again.

Merenwen's player


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Morior (Guest)Mon 04-Sep-06 06:19 PM

#50624, "Enjoyed running around for you!"
In response to Reply #0


Thanks for the tips, and it was good fun playing with you, though you are probably right, preps would have saved my ass many times. But...

Prepping is for people with too much time on their hands. I play this game to have fun, not to waste ten hours exploring some random place in the middle of nowhere for a slight advantage in my next fight. I just don't have the patience. I don't think I did too bad in my PKing, though I will admit to lots of mistakes and fights that could have gone better.


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merrwyn (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 04:16 PM

#50604, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #0


My char doesnt sit and stalk for long periods of time hoping for a one hit wonderkill for a reason, much unlike you sit behind centurions waiting for a strike so you can cross your fingers and hope rot lands right. I only attempted an assassination on you because I had five stalks, and wanted to get this over with quickly if possible.

I didnt respect you much, you talk about mass logins-logouts, you only stayed when others logged out to sit behind centurions when they were placed in that certain spot in north of balator where you were completely and utterly safe, and hope for rot to work.
Succeed or fail then you left.

On another note, when I heard skiltore deleted I expected you to follow suit real fast. Didnt dissapoint me at all.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 04:47 PM

#50605, "You are funny."
In response to Reply #30


I've been playing about 6-10 hours per day, sometimes - more. During those periods I've had PK full of foes and full of imperials. I never logged in 'because someone else is playing', just because I've been allready logged in. But sometimes I need to eat, to smoke, to meet my friends-girlfriends and just to have some RL fun. So sorry that I wasn't logged 24/7 - 10/7 surely not enough.

Bah. Learn to separate character from player.


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merrwyn (Guest)Tue 05-Sep-06 04:04 PM

#50638, "RE: You are funny."
In response to Reply #31


I am not being amusing, I am not being funny, I am stating exactly what I saw


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Gistle (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 11:38 AM

#50595, "Good with the bad"
In response to Reply #0


I'll start with good:

Mmumma was a character I was wary of. I knew after you took me down I couldn't be cavalier towards fighting your character, and also couldn't rely on a great svs to stop your supplications from working. You obviously know a great deal about the game, and I always enjoy an opponent that poses a real threat, which you did. Much like you, I was constantly locating your items to see just how preppred you were should I get the drop on you. I also liked the fact that you didn't seem to roll over to the other imperials, and were headstrong and demanding, at least the times I got to follow you around duo.

Now for the bad:

You seemed to confuse OOC with IC trash talking. Case in point, posting the log of me getting full looted after I had the balls to stick around to fight the three of you, saying how sorry you are as a player about the full loot, and then editing out the tells afterwards bragging about how great the stuff was you took. Then, pretty much every subsequent conversation we had was you bragging about the crown you took and trying to egg me on. I don't really have a problem with trash talking, or even with getting full looted, but when every conversation eventually devolved into "Haha I took your great item" I quickly lost interest and hence the duo and noreply. I also somewhat agree with Adelhard's post about how every imperial eventually developed a "case of the balls" except Mmumma. It's perhaps true that you took on fights at bad, but I never saw it. All I saw was you word at disgusting whenever I tried to fight you, or just rot/flee/word. That also doesn't give me an incentive to fight, when I know or am pretty sure that unless I keep you permalagged the entire fight, unlikely given the measures you mentioned, you're going to be out as soon as you get the rot.



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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 03:25 PM

#50599, "RE: Good with the bad"
In response to Reply #22


Topic stealer!

While I've been mocking you and talking about the crown (actually, only twice that I can remember), I tried to provoke you on the attack. You have been coming only with numbers and never alone since time I've got you. I wouldn't like to get frozen and beaten to death by your camrades and been wording (I still not sure how good svp works and would it help me enough to remain alive). I've been looking for with with you one-on-one, but such fight you was evaiding. Anyways, we had good fun, I guess, and I regret nothing. Hope you too!


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Palmer (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 10:19 AM

#50594, "Long paranoidal farewell"
In response to Reply #0


Well, that was a difficult read. I enjoyed alternating between working with you and betraying you. I sort of avoided fighting you too much for the reasons you suggest, but that did not stop me from occasionally stabbing somewhere near your back.

Who knows, maybe I will still be about when you return. For some reason I still enjoy this character.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 03:28 PM

#50600, "RE: Long paranoidal farewell"
In response to Reply #21


It would be great if I'll meet you after such long period as I am planning. Hope you will become more deadly/feared... Like Zorszaul or Istendill - now you have goal to achieve!

Btw, I remember that once, when you've been about 32, I told you that 'true follower of Zurcon won't remain on such low rank forever and would become undead'. I've gone after that for months... and when I've returned, I found that you became a mummy. Well done, good that I've helped you!


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JagaubSun 03-Sep-06 07:55 AM
Member since 28th Oct 2003
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#50591, "Poor leader?"
In response to Reply #0


I already wrote my farewell to you in my deletion post, so I'll focus on me because I like me.

Yeah, so I'm ignoring the praise and looking at the criticism. You seem to be criticising my choices for sect leaders as to your evaluation of my leadership abilities. My choices for council were you, Khar (who I opted to keep, not really a selection on my part), Valryn and Morior.

Khar was/is great for a Dread Lady and fits the requirements for it very well. As far as her leading the 1 other person in his sect, well, it was 1 other person.

Morior I wasn't sure about, but I decided to give him a shot even though he seemed new because there really weren't any other suitable, highly active Blades at the time. I'm not counting Hram, because all he ever did was explore a certain area. I later decided Morior wasn't fit for War Master and that there were others who could replace him, so I demoted him. I deleted before I made my next War Master, though.

Valryn, well, I won't go too much into it since he's still active. But while he might not be the most popular Imperial (possibly least popular), he kept things interesting, which was something that my character wanted. You also wanted to anathema him, and I wanted to keep him around without giving you an order not to. You also hated him, and I wanted a council that didn't like each other.

Despite the intentional foils within the council, the Empire was the strongest it's been in I don't know how long during my time as Emperor. Picking a council that's all buddy-buddy with each other, who will want to run around Thera all the time holding hands is not and has never been my idea of a proper council.

And if you're upset about Dhaezym's promotion above you - I'm not the one that promoted him and he never gave me a reason to demote him. As a matter of compliment to you, in a way Skiltore was more comfortable with Dhaezym as High Priest than you because you were a stronger, more powerful and feared leader than Dhaezym and thus presented more of a threat to the throne.

> Is a mudsex still not alowed? Yes? Damn. Playerbase allready old enough for it to be allowed.

Okay, you need to stop right there and realize that Lafashya is probably a guy. Even if it's a female RL, that's just wrong.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 03:16 PM

#50597, "RE: Poor leader?"
In response to Reply #19


I disagree. Sect leader MUST increase number of his sect. No matter how will he do it. When I've been a dread lord, there have been two persons in sect. I've increased number at least to six. Notes, good leadership, constant presence and other things will increase numbers.

No matter how good sect leader in RP/PK, if he is playing once per week, he will NOT increase number of sect members. Except, probably, for blade sect, since this sect is most popular and at all times blades had numbers.

Council that hate each other is probably good for you, since they will not overthrow you. But it's bad for whole cabal, IMHO. Bad because they do not work organized, they can't work out good tactics/strategies, they do not share information (even about foes dislocation). Such council is a weakness (but again, it's just my opinion). This is why I BELIEVE that you was not the best leader and made a weak council. You can agree or disagree here.

And you don't need a reason to demote someone. You are emperor, and if you don't want this person to lead a sect, it's allready a reason to demote him and put on his place someone else.

And about mudsex I was, obviously, joking
Though I still remember Tharena and her rape, lol. And now I know one very nice girl that plays girls - girlish RP usually can be sensed.

Anyways, you made game more funny and interesting, so my blame on your leader's abilities is not very important.


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Craglork (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 06:43 AM

#50588, "Good run at it"
In response to Reply #0


I honestly thought you'd end up the Emperor, you started acting like one so I just went with it until you really put the pride on thick; you were no longer the high priest and skiltore seemed to have the position taken up so I had to fall back into better blade roleplay.

Solid player, solid character, good job.

Stop smoking


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Valryn (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 06:30 AM

#50587, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #0


> Valryn: look above. You would become anathema soon as
> I'd can do it, but that not gonna happen. So, well done.

As much as Mmumma and Valryn didn't get along, I actually didn't mind you, as a player. Keep in mind, that ability as High Priest is one of the most massive advantages you can have in the Empire. As Skiltore mentioned in his farewells though...some of why I was picked as Shadow Lord was BECAUSE you and I hated each other.

I was fully aware of your intent to anathema me, and that there was a good chance I'd end up that way when Skiltore was selecting his council. It's the Empire though. Take risks to get far.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 06:47 AM

#50590, "Yes."
In response to Reply #15


I have nothing against you as a player. Moreso, I think you are playing fine shadow. But I'd like to see you more 'leaederish'... Though now I don't really care. Good luck!


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KhasotholasSun 03-Sep-06 06:19 AM
Member since 23rd Apr 2003
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#50586, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #0


- Empowerment. That was most strange empowerment. Guess Khas have been very very busy allready; I've talked to him only twice and no longer that few minutes. That pissed me off - if you empower characters, you MUST find time for them. I've hoped that I'll get more immterraction with him until time he deleted. WTF. This is unfair to player that following your religion - could, at least, create some mob that other immortal would RP from time to time.

I actually had plenty of time to interact with you, and watched you a good bit. When I lowered your empowerment (twice) and had a long talk with you, I paid even more attention to you. You really never changed what I thought was wrong with you as a follower of mine. So I didn't really go out of my way to interact. Maybe I should have a bit more, sorry about that.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 06:45 AM

#50589, "Twice?"
In response to Reply #14


I'm aware only of once.

Anyways, I've played a stubborn one. But I've changed some of his view after talks with you and your explaination of your role 'on thera and heavens'. Well, perhaps he couldn't speak good enough for you to notice changes

To me, it's much easier to play high-int characters, but hope I did well anyways.

Good luck with RL, it's my turn to organize my own real life!


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Dhaezym (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 06:04 AM

#50584, "I'd like to know why I made you think the character was..."
In response to Reply #0


Just because I'm not the powerhouse you were in the last couple weeks, doesn't mean I don't have my own merits.

I was as surprised as you with what Grurk did, especially considering my history with him. Truth be told, I would have been happy if you had stayed High Priest. But, things happen for a reason, and so I have to do the best I can.


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Luvaiya (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 02:04 AM

#50580, "Aww shucks..."
In response to Reply #0


I should have some time to play Luvaiya soon (I think)! Anyway, it was fun running about with you exploring what we did. And I do enjoy neutral conjies by far I'll post my thoughts on them when I die. Yea, I guess I did die alot, but that's the way it goes with all my 'bum-around' chars heh..just don't really care about the con-factor. And yeah sorry, I only gaunt people for personal revenge being neutral and all :p

Anyway, sad to see you go! I really did enjoy your company and visiting places, and how you'd be patient and watch my back nicely for me. You take care and enjoy your CF break!


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Guy (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 01:09 AM

#50579, "Silent 30,000 Mmumma 1 n/t"
In response to Reply #0




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silencedstatikSun 03-Sep-06 12:50 AM
Member since 13th Aug 2005
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#50578, "Aiyedn"
In response to Reply #0



Aiyedn: that wasn't very honorable. I've got you back, and you deleted. WTF? I wanted to fight you more.

Maybe next time I'll just sit there and let you flee like you always did when you faced me alone. You got me back yeah, but it took the help of Skiltore. Anyhow, I'm not much for #### talkers who don't really back up their play. I see no dishonor in tracking you down after I attacked you, you fled(see above), and ate some prep that maledicted you, and then I killed you. But hey whatever.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 03:32 PM

#50602, "RE: Aiyedn"
In response to Reply #9


Yes, this is how I would RP honorable character. I would not stike a helpless foe, especially if I play a paladin.


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LyristeonSat 02-Sep-06 10:51 PM
Member since 02nd Jan 2004
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#50576, "Pro"
In response to Reply #0


If you just want to be an ass, we can just make it so you don't post here at all.


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Pro-man (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 09:13 AM

#50592, "Wasn't intentional."
In response to Reply #8


Just looked like he was starting a big flame so I brought a cigarette.

I'll refrain from smoking here.


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Crulvane (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 10:42 PM

#50575, "I dont remember fighting you at all. n/t"
In response to Reply #0




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Draktel (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 10:37 PM

#50574, "Hmm...I can't say I'm surprised though."
In response to Reply #0


You always came across to me as Skiltores little biatch, no offense, but you guys would always go off ganging down together. That is the way of the Empire unfortunately though. I'm not saying you didn't do well on your own, and I definately didn't see much of your time, but the bits I did see, you just came off as a lapdog. I'm sure I could be wayyy off, but that was just my thought. I liked you tho, for the most part. I think Grurk is great for Empire ooc, and of course Draktel things so ic, but you had a bad experience. I hope someday you elaborate on it more when you and Dhaezym are both gone. I want to hear that story. Don't leave man, make someting and come back to kill us all. Its more fun that way.

Good luck with quitting smoking.


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Auenna (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 10:25 PM

#50572, "I am glad that you gone. Bye. nt"
In response to Reply #0




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Chokiare (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 09:39 PM

#50571, "Um"
In response to Reply #0


>Chokiare: seen you twice before Skiltore deleted, and killed
you twice. Then you begun to show. Tsk.

Um, hehe. No.

You saw me a number of times before Skiltore deleted. If Skiltore wasn't at your side, you fled. Before Skiltore deleted I never saw you farther than 1 area from him. The only time(s) (2?) you ever managed to kill me was when you got a last hit maybe in in a 2 on 1, when I would attack the Emperor and you together and fall.

Feel free to prove me wrong however, I am sure you have a log of you killing me solo, would love to see it. Doubt I will.

This isn't to say Skiltore needed you around, just that you seemed to be his shadow.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 04:32 AM

#50583, "I couldn't find logs where I'm alone and you are not ru..."
In response to Reply #4


But I found log 2 vs 2. Shamans have no way to prevent assassin from escape, and rest of the time you were just running. Or 2 vs 2 is unfair too?


<1016/1016hp 745/745m 795mv 3 PM>
Morior: Yuvralin eastern

Kharghurln grins evilly.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 771mv 3 PM>
Gadrozan: assassin as well
In the River Canal

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 765mv 3 PM> Khalid River

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 759mv 3 PM> w
where pk
Khalid River

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 753mv 3 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 753mv 3 PM> aff
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 753mv 3 PM> n
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Khalid River
(PK) Mmumma Khalid River

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 753mv 3 PM> n
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect invis' for 36 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 35 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 6 for 35 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 8 hours.
Physical effect: 'water breathing' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 753mv 3 PM> Khalid River

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 747mv 3 PM>
Morior: South into dwarf forest

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 747mv 3 PM> Khalid River, Beneath the West Bridge

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 741mv 3 PM> get 'belt pouch' charms
op pouch
get 2.potion pouch
quaf 'black potion'
You get a belt pouch from the Bracelet of Charms.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 741mv 3 PM> It's already open.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 741mv 3 PM> You get a black potion from a belt pouch.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 741mv 3 PM> You quaff a black potion.
You feel better!
You are surrounded by a force shield.
You raise your arms to the skies and begin to glow with serenity.
A wave of calm passes over Kharghurln.
A wave of calm passes over Mmumma.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 741mv 3 PM> com frenzy khar
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Kharghurln.
Kharghurln doesn't look like he wants to fight anymore.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 741mv 3 PM> w

Kharghurln utters the words, 'znquguai'.
Kharghurln glares angrily at Kharghurln, and a sleek sienna rod shudders.
Kharghurln is surrounded by a force shield.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 741mv 3 PM> Rocky Riverside Slope

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 735mv 3 PM> w
where pk
where pk
A Field of Rocks and Brush

You see a brief flash of silver-white as someone swiftly strikes Kharghurln!
Kharghurln yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Mezrar steps out from his cover.
Mezrar's pierce devastates Kharghurln!
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 728mv 3 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln A Field of Rocks and Brush
(PK) Mmumma A Field of Rocks and Brush
(PK) Mezrar A Field of Rocks and Brush

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 728mv 3 PM> Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 2) A steel shield lies here.
( 2) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A well-dressed woman moves crisply along the road.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 724mv 3 PM> n
People near you:
(PK) Mmumma Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 724mv 3 PM> A Field of Rocks and Brush

Kharghurln is here, fighting Mezrar.
Mezrar is here, fighting Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 720mv 3 PM> co illum mez

Kharghurln utters the words, 'znquguai'.
Kharghurln glares angrily at Kharghurln, and a sleek black rod shudders.
A mystical barrier forms around Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 715/745m 720mv 3 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Mezrar yells 'Die, Mmumma, you sorcerous dog!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
You invoke your deity to reveal Mezrar!

<1016/1016hp 710/745m 720mv 3 PM>
Kharghurln's hammer pendant glows briefly.

<1016/1016hp 710/745m 720mv 3 PM>
You slowly float to the ground.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 811mv 4 PM> co mez
You don't know any prayers of that name.
Kharghurln's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Mezrar's pierce injures Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 811mv 4 PM> com rot mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Mezrar yells 'Die, Mmumma, you sorcerous dog!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
Your rotting of flesh injures Mezrar.
Mezrar has a few scratches.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln utters the words, 'sraojz'.
Mezrar has a few scratches.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM> com wither mez

Mezrar keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Mezrar keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Mezrar has a few scratches.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln utters the words, 'sraojz'.
Mezrar has a few scratches.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Mezrar keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp *** DEMOLISHES *** Mezrar!
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM> You can't concentrate enough.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Mezrar keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Mezrar's pierce wounds Kharghurln.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 695/745m 811mv 4 PM> co blind mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
Mezrar appears to be blinded.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 690/745m 811mv 4 PM> com weaken mez

Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp DISMEMBERS Mezrar!
Mezrar's pierce injures Kharghurln.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 690/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln utters the words, 'uqzbarr'.
Mystic frost manifests itself at Kharghurln's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
Kharghurln's iceball MASSACRES Mezrar!
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 690/745m 811mv 4 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 680/745m 811mv 4 PM> co damn mez

Mezrar keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Mezrar's pierce wounds Kharghurln.
Mezrar's pierce wounds Kharghurln.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 680/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Morior: They on eastern
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 680/745m 811mv 4 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
The fires of Hell are reflected in the eyes of Mezrar, who sags with the burden of the damned!
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 655/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln stops using an iron tower shield bearing an inverted cross.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 655/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Mezrar keeps himself safely out of the range of your attack.
Mezrar's pierce wounds Kharghurln.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 655/745m 811mv 4 PM> com weaken mez

Kharghurln dual wields the Hammer of Muspellsheim.
Mezrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 655/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln drops low and swings the Hammer of Muspellsheim, smashing it into Mezrar's leg!
Kharghurln's crippling strike DISMEMBERS Mezrar!
Mezrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 655/745m 811mv 4 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
You failed to weaken Mezrar.
Mezrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 635/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln's acidic bite MASSACRES Mezrar!
Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Mezrar's pierce injures Kharghurln.
Mezrar's pierce wounds Kharghurln.
Mezrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 635/745m 811mv 4 PM> co plague mez

Gadrozan: chokiare as well.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
Mezrar screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Mezrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 615/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln's beating DISMEMBERS Mezrar!
Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp EVISCERATES Mezrar!
Mezrar's pierce injures Kharghurln.
Mezrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 615/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Kharghurln utters the words, 'uqzbarr'.
Mystic frost manifests itself at Kharghurln's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
Kharghurln's iceball *** DEVASTATES *** Mezrar!
Mezrar is gushing blood.

<1016/1016hp 615/745m 811mv 4 PM> co demonfire
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments === OBLITERATES === Mezrar!
Mezrar is writhing in agony.

<1016/1016hp 595/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Mezrar dodges your cleave.
Mezrar's pierce injures Kharghurln.
Mezrar is writhing in agony.

<1016/1016hp 595/745m 811mv 4 PM>
Morior: Where be you two?
Mezrar is writhing in agony.

<1016/1016hp 595/745m 811mv 4 PM> co demonfire

Kharghurln utters the words, 'uqzbarr'.
Mystic frost manifests itself at Kharghurln's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
Kharghurln's iceball MANGLES Mezrar!
Mezrar is convulsing on the ground.

<1016/1016hp 595/745m 811mv 4 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments MANGLES Mezrar!
Mezrar has fled!
Mezrar leaves.

<1016/1016hp 575/745m 811mv 4 PM> s
co demonfire mez
Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 2) A steel shield lies here.
( 2) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A well-dressed woman moves crisply along the road.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 807mv 5 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 807mv 5 PM> where pk
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River
(PK) Mmumma Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 807mv 5 PM> A Field of Rocks and Brush

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 804mv 5 PM> e
where pk
Rocky Riverside Slope

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 797mv 5 PM> Khalid River, Beneath the West Bridge

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 791mv 5 PM> co demonfire mez
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Khalid River, Beneath the West Bridge
(PK) Mmumma Khalid River, Beneath the West Bridge

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 791mv 5 PM> where pk
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 791mv 5 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Khalid River, Beneath the West Bridge
(PK) Mmumma Khalid River, Beneath the West Bridge

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 791mv 5 PM>
Kharghurln mutters something quietly to herself.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 791mv 5 PM> w
Rocky Riverside Slope

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 785mv 5 PM> where pk

Kharghurln stops using the Hammer of Muspellsheim.
A Field of Rocks and Brush

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 778mv 5 PM>
Kharghurln wears an iron tower shield bearing an inverted cross as a shield.
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln A Field of Rocks and Brush
(PK) Mmumma A Field of Rocks and Brush

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 778mv 5 PM> cb bruush
Mmumma: bruush

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 778mv 5 PM> s
where pk
Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 2) A steel shield lies here.
( 2) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A well-dressed woman moves crisply along the road.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 774mv 5 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River
(PK) Mmumma Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 774mv 5 PM> e
where pk
On a Bridge Over the Khalid River

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 773mv 5 PM> Approaching the Gates of Hamsah Mu'tazz

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 772mv 5 PM> e
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Approaching the Gates of Hamsah Mu'tazz
(PK) Mmumma Approaching the Gates of Hamsah Mu'tazz

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 772mv 5 PM> e
where pk
Outside the Bahiyaa Gate

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 2) A steel shield lies here.
( 2) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A sign points north towards Balator and south towards the Desert of Araile.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 771mv 5 PM> Inside the Bahiyaa Gate

east south west]
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A brightly-dressed man with a broad smile is here talking.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 765mv 5 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Inside the Bahiyaa Gate
(PK) Mmumma Inside the Bahiyaa Gate

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 765mv 5 PM> w
Outside the Bahiyaa Gate

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 2) A steel shield lies here.
( 2) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A sign points north towards Balator and south towards the Desert of Araile.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 762mv 5 PM> where pk
Approaching the Gates of Hamsah Mu'tazz

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 758mv 5 PM> On a Bridge Over the Khalid River

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 757mv 5 PM> w
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln On a Bridge Over the Khalid River
(PK) Mmumma On a Bridge Over the Khalid River

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 757mv 5 PM> w
Approaching a Bridge Over the Khalid River

( 2) A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
( 2) A steel shield lies here.
( 2) A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
A well-dressed woman moves crisply along the road.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 756mv 5 PM> where pk
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 755mv 5 PM>
Kharghurln says 'Him cursed?'
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 754mv 5 PM> aff
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 754mv 5 PM> You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect invis' for 34 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 33 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 6 for 33 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'calm' modifies damage roll by -5 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'calm' modifies hit roll by -5 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 4 hours.
Physical effect: 'water breathing' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 754mv 5 PM> w
Along the Eastern Road

A map of Arkham is here.
( 2) A rolled up map is here.
A rolled up map lies here on the ground.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 753mv 5 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 752mv 5 PM> You nod.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 752mv 5 PM> w
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 751mv 5 PM> where pk
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 750mv 5 PM> Along the Eastern Road

(Ghost) Morior is here.
Kharghurln has arrived.
Morior leaves east.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM>
Morior has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM> bec
You beckon for everyone to follow.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM>
Morior now follows you.

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM> gr mor
Morior joins your group.

** ghost **

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM> l mor
The duergar stands before you, looking rather bored. He carries a spear that
looks taller than he is with practiced ease, and you notice weapons scarred
with use strapped to various easy-to-reach places around his armor. His dark
skin is full of pockmarks and scars of a brutal past, but he is not
bad-looking, as far as duergar go. One thing you notice is that he seems to
be clean-shaven, a rarity among both dwarves and duergar. You see a faint
hint of a smile tug at his dark, bruised lips, but his eyes are in a constant
scowl, feral and angry.
Morior, a male duergar, is gushing blood.

Morior is using:
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn around neck> a brass-studded collar
<worn around neck> a brass-studded collar
<worn on body> a suit of darkened armor
<worn on face> some shimmering lapis beard braids
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn about waist> an elaborate beaded onyx belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<wielded> an envenomed steel stiletto
<dual wield> a straight razor

<1016/1016hp 652/745m 749mv 5 PM> w

Kharghurln slowly floats to the ground.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 811mv 6 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Morior has arrived.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 810mv 6 PM> inv
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.
Morior has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 809mv 6 PM> You are carrying:
a belt pouch
a potion of transportation
a crude water skin made from the corpse of Jenh
(Invis) (Humming) gauntlets of black death
(Humming) a pair of black enameled gauntlets
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) (Humming) a bejeweled gittern
the Eagle-Marked Sword
a flawless two-headed Pickaxe named 'Earthquake'
the Bracelet of Charms
(Glowing) the flaming crown of giants
some spider-skin leggings
(Humming) a shield of blackest pitch
an eog sabre with a jagged edge

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 809mv 6 PM>
Kharghurln utters the words, 'sfainfrauai'.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 809mv 6 PM> w
Along the Eastern Road

Morior has arrived.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 808mv 6 PM> Along the Eastern Road

A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
A steel shield lies here.
A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
Kharghurln has arrived.
Morior has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM>
Kharghurln gets a gorgeous peacock feather from purple robes.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM> w

Kharghurln utters the words, 'znquguai'.
Kharghurln glares angrily at Kharghurln, and a gorgeous peacock feather shudders.
Kharghurln's feet rise off the ground.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM> where pk
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM> n
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Yuvralin Along the Eastern Road
Morior tells the group 'Need ter go do some ####e'

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM>
Morior leaves east.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 807mv 6 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 806mv 6 PM> w
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 805mv 6 PM> where pk
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 804mv 6 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 803mv 6 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 803mv 6 PM> Kharghurln puts a gorgeous peacock feather in purple robes.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 803mv 6 PM> w

Morior tells the group 'Before I unghost'

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 803mv 6 PM> w
Along the Eastern Road

A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
A steel shield lies here.
A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 802mv 6 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 802mv 6 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 802mv 6 PM>
Kharghurln nods.

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 802mv 6 PM> ;see hiidden?
You tell your group 'see hiidden?'

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 802mv 6 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 720/745m 802mv 6 PM> e

You are hungry.
The white aura around your body fades.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 811mv 7 PM> where pk
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 810mv 7 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 809mv 7 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 808mv 7 PM> co sanc

Kharghurln utters the words, 'ufai ofus ay akakzr'.
A shimmering halo of unhallowed light flares behind the head of Kharghurln. With a cry of agony her forearm swells, fingers thickening into hooked claws, clenching her unholy weapon with an unbreakable grip.
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 745/745m 808mv 7 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
The aura flickers for a moment but ends up untainted.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 808mv 7 PM> s
whois m
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 808mv 7 PM> <27 Human Nec> Muqtazdar the Master Animator
<51 Fire Sha> (PK) Mmumma the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
<49 Duerg War> Morior Maltriethez the Disciple of Ancient Ways, Imperial War Master
<51 Felar Ran> (PK) Mezrar Larpess the Courageous Dweller of the Wilds
<18 Gnome Inv> Macgrillan the Sorcerer

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 808mv 7 PM> e
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 807mv 7 PM> where pk
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 807mv 7 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 807mv 7 PM> s
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 807mv 7 PM> s
Along the Eastern Road

A simple white cloak lies crumpled here.
A steel shield lies here.
A chainmail vest is here, made of a fine mesh of tiny links.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 806mv 7 PM> where pk
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 806mv 7 PM> e
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 806mv 7 PM> e
where pk
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 805mv 7 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 804mv 7 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 803mv 7 PM> e
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 803mv 7 PM> e
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 802mv 7 PM> wher
Along the Eastern Road

Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 801mv 7 PM> People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 801mv 7 PM> where pk
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 801mv 7 PM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mmumma Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Mezrar Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 801mv 7 PM>
Mezrar has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 801mv 7 PM>
Mezrar leaves.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 801mv 7 PM> n
Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse

(Invis) A duergar in heavy armor sits sprawled at a table, one arm hung lazily over
the back of his chair.
Standing haughtily behind the curved bar is a tall, enormously fat half-elf.
Kharghurln has arrived.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> where pk
Kharghurln utters the words, 'gjwwai'.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
(PK) Mmumma Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
(PK) Mezrar Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 670/745m 800mv 7 PM> co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.
You are hungry.
Your shield fades away.

<1016/1016hp 732/745m 811mv 8 PM> co demonfire mez
Kharghurln utters the words, 'gjwwai'.
Mezrar arrives suddenly.

<1016/1016hp 732/745m 811mv 8 PM> co demonfire mez
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Mezrar yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mezrar's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments *** DEVASTATES *** Mezrar!
Mezrar is DEAD!!
You hear Mezrar's death cry.

<1016/1016hp 712/745m 811mv 8 PM> exa corpse
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 712/745m 811mv 8 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
They aren't here.

<1016/1016hp 712/745m 811mv 8 PM> The corpse of Mezrar is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
The corpse of Mezrar contains:
an onyx and obsidian bracelet
a polished mithril girth
a gleaming silver sword
a barbed tail ring
a gem of seeing
a yew bow
a pair of steel-clawed frontpaw gauntlets
( 2) a charred ivory claw ring
crimson-stained claw pads
(Glowing) an ice-cold brooch
Five-Color Dragonscale Mail
(Glowing) a mantle of fire
a primitive fertility mask
a green potion
( 4) a small bunch of freshwater seaweed
a thick leather bracer
a brown poncho
a pair of silver-lined sleeves
a silver-horned helm
a pair of spiked leggings
( 2) a small yellow root
a sheet of yellowed papyrus in a heavy bronze tube
4 gold coins
79 silver coins
12 copper coins

<1016/1016hp 712/745m 811mv 8 PM> Kharghurln gets 4 gold coins from the corpse of Mezrar.
Kharghurln gets 79 silver coins from the corpse of Mezrar.
Kharghurln gets 12 copper coins from the corpse of Mezrar.

<1016/1016hp 712/745m 811mv 8 PM> co 'protective shield'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

<1016/1016hp 642/745m 811mv 8 PM> s

Chokiare steps out of the shadows.
Kharghurln yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Chokiare!'

<1016/1016hp 642/745m 811mv 8 PM> Along the Eastern Road

<1016/1016hp 642/745m 810mv 8 PM> get mail corpse
Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse

The corpse of Mezrar is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
Chokiare is here, fighting Kharghurln.
Kharghurln is here, fighting Chokiare.
(Invis) A duergar in heavy armor sits sprawled at a table, one arm hung lazily over
the back of his chair.
Standing haughtily behind the curved bar is a tall, enormously fat half-elf.

<1016/1016hp 642/745m 809mv 8 PM> You get Five-Color Dragonscale Mail from the corpse of Mezrar.

<1016/1016hp 642/745m 809mv 8 PM> co illum chok

Chokiare's slash misses Kharghurln.
A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' blazes a bright silver as Chokiare lunges at Kharghurln!
Chokiare's flaming bite heats Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 642/745m 809mv 8 PM>
Kharghurln utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Chokiare appears to be blinded.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Chokiare yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
You invoke your deity to reveal Chokiare!

<1016/1016hp 637/745m 809mv 8 PM> co damn chok

Kharghurln's acidic bite MUTILATES Chokiare!

<1016/1016hp 637/745m 809mv 8 PM>
Kharghurln sends Chokiare sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kharghurln's bash grazes Chokiare.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Chokiare yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
The fires of Hell are reflected in the eyes of Chokiare, who sags with the burden of the damned!

<1016/1016hp 612/745m 809mv 8 PM> com rot chok

You are hungry.

<1016/1016hp 637/745m 811mv 9 PM>
Kharghurln's acidic bite EVISCERATES Chokiare!
A searing wound of bubbling flesh bursts forth at the touch of Kharghurln's acidic weapon.
Chokiare's claw wounds Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 637/745m 811mv 9 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Chokiare yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
Chokiare begins to waste away before your eyes!
Your attempted rotting hits Chokiare.
Chokiare has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 587/745m 811mv 9 PM> com wither chok

A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' blazes a bright silver as Chokiare lunges at Kharghurln!
Chokiare's flaming bite burns Kharghurln.
Chokiare parries your cleave.
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp devastates Chokiare!
Chokiare has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 587/745m 811mv 9 PM>
Kharghurln feints to one side and quickly slams her body into Chokiare.
Kharghurln's bash hits Chokiare.
Chokiare has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 587/745m 811mv 9 PM> flee

Kharghurln's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Chokiare's slash hits Kharghurln.
Chokiare's claw misses Kharghurln.
A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' blazes a bright silver as Chokiare lunges at Kharghurln!
Chokiare's flaming bite roasts Kharghurln.
Chokiare deflects your cleave with his defensive spin.
Chokiare parries your cleave.
You execute the form Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind!
You yell 'Mia ayende!'
Chokiare parries your cleave.
Chokiare has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 567/745m 811mv 9 PM> You can't concentrate enough.
Chokiare has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1016/1016hp 567/745m 811mv 9 PM> Along the Eastern Road

Clad in the loose-fitting uniform of the Sultan's guards, a man paces the road.
Clad in the loose-fitting uniform of the Sultan's guards, a man paces the road.
You flee from combat!

<1016/1016hp 567/745m 810mv 9 PM> You aren't fighting anyone.
One of the Sultan's patrolmen leaves west.
One of the Sultan's patrolmen leaves west.

<1016/1016hp 567/745m 810mv 9 PM> n
com wither chok
Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse

The corpse of Mezrar is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
(Pink Aura) Chokiare is here, fighting Kharghurln.
Kharghurln is here, fighting Chokiare.
(Invis) A duergar in heavy armor sits sprawled at a table, one arm hung lazily over
the back of his chair.
Standing haughtily behind the curved bar is a tall, enormously fat half-elf.
Kharghurln's acidic bite MUTILATES Chokiare!
Kharghurln's acidic bite MUTILATES Chokiare!
A searing wound of bubbling flesh bursts forth at the touch of Kharghurln's acidic weapon.
Chokiare's slash hits Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 567/745m 809mv 9 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Chokiare yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
You lost your concentration.

<1016/1016hp 480/745m 809mv 9 PM>
Kharghurln sends Chokiare sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kharghurln's bash wounds Chokiare.

<1016/1016hp 480/745m 809mv 9 PM> com wither chok

Chokiare's slash misses Kharghurln.
A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' blazes a bright silver as Chokiare lunges at Kharghurln!
Chokiare's flaming bite blisters Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 480/745m 809mv 9 PM>
Kharghurln's acidic bite MUTILATES Chokiare!
Chokiare's slash injures Kharghurln.
Chokiare's claw injures Kharghurln.
A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' blazes a bright silver as Chokiare lunges at Kharghurln!
Chokiare's flaming bite burns Kharghurln.

<1016/1016hp 480/745m 809mv 9 PM>
Gadrozan steps out of the shadows.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Chokiare yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
You wither the flesh of Chokiare!
Your withering DISMEMBERS Chokiare!
Chokiare is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 305/745m 809mv 9 PM>
Kharghurln feints to one side and quickly slams her body into Chokiare.
Kharghurln's bash grazes Chokiare.
You are hungry.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
Chokiare is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 358/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Kharghurln's acidic bite EVISCERATES Chokiare!
Kharghurln's acidic bite EVISCERATES Chokiare!
A searing wound of bubbling flesh bursts forth at the touch of Kharghurln's acidic weapon.
Chokiare parries your cleave.
Chokiare is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 358/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Mezrar tells you 'Mrrr. Guess..not good ponder things when eyes blare'
Chokiare is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 358/745m 811mv 10 PM> co demonfire

Gadrozan steps out of the shadows.
Turcomano steps out of the shadows.
Chokiare is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1016/1016hp 358/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Kharghurln's acidic bite MUTILATES Chokiare!
A searing wound of bubbling flesh bursts forth at the touch of Kharghurln's acidic weapon.
Your cleave EVISCERATES Chokiare!
Chokiare is gushing blood.

<1016/1016hp 358/745m 811mv 10 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments MASSACRES Chokiare!
Chokiare is gushing blood.

<1016/1016hp 338/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Circling around Chokiare Kharghurln launches herself at him from his blind side.
Kharghurln's bash injures Chokiare.
Chokiare is gushing blood.

<1016/1016hp 338/745m 811mv 10 PM> wher

Zorlach the Black Knight grins lazily at nothing in particular and takes a slurp of his ale.
Chokiare dodges your cleave.
Chokiare parries your cleave.
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp maims Chokiare!
Chokiare is gushing blood.

<1016/1016hp 338/745m 811mv 10 PM> co demonfire
People near you:
(PK) Kharghurln Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
Gadrozan Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
(PK) Chokiare Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
(PK) Mmumma Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
Mezrar Along the Eastern Road
Chokiare is gushing blood.

<1016/1016hp 338/745m 811mv 10 PM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments *** DEVASTATES *** Chokiare!
Chokiare is writhing in agony.

<1016/1016hp 318/745m 811mv 10 PM>
A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' blazes a bright silver as Chokiare lunges at Kharghurln!
Chokiare's flaming bite burns Kharghurln.
Chokiare dodges your cleave.
Chokiare is writhing in agony.

<1016/1016hp 318/745m 811mv 10 PM> co demonfire
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Chokiare's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments MASSACRES Chokiare!
Chokiare is convulsing on the ground.

<1016/1016hp 298/745m 811mv 10 PM> Kharghurln stops using an iron tower shield bearing an inverted cross.
Chokiare is convulsing on the ground.

<1016/1016hp 298/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Kharghurln dual wields the Hammer of Muspellsheim.
Chokiare is convulsing on the ground.

<1016/1016hp 298/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Circling around Chokiare Kharghurln launches herself at him from his blind side.
Kharghurln's bash grazes Chokiare.
Chokiare is convulsing on the ground.

<1016/1016hp 298/745m 811mv 10 PM>
Kharghurln's beating MASSACRES Chokiare!
Kharghurln's beating MASSACRES Chokiare!
Chokiare is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your cleave MANGLES Chokiare!
Chokiare is DEAD!!
A pale white spear named 'Freedom's Light' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Chokiare's ear is sliced from his dead body.


It was beginning of the char, while I didn't play well enough yet.
When I became more skilled, you never stayed to fight, except for a time when you had numbers, I believe. I could be wrong - feel free to prove different.


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Chokiare (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 11:37 PM

#50613, "Um ... your calling that 2 v 2?"
In response to Reply #12


Mezrar and I were never in the same room together let alone fought you both together. So you agreeing with me and saying you have NEVER killed me alone. Thanks for proving my point though, appreciate it.

As a general rule for future criticism however ... only make statements when you have a clue. Thanks.


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LyristeonSat 02-Sep-06 09:13 PM
Member since 02nd Jan 2004
1282 posts
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#50569, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #0


>Lyristeon: man, that was most funny immterraction I probably
>ever had. Well, with Cador I had fun too, but in other way;
>thanks for all that you did - you really made me like to play
>again, after Grurk's ####. I'd make an outlander, but after
>playing sylvans many years ago I just don't have fun with
>outlanders (to my taste, they are made of plastic, if you
>understand what I mean). I laughed when we met for the first
>time, and when you caught me in voralian with you know what, I
>didn't know what to say or to do - I've been shocked in a best
>way. Cool, hands down, and outlanders are damn lucky with imm
>like you are.

I just saw an opportunity to keep you interested that just fit my actions extremely well. Now that both Skiltore and yourself are gone, I will have to find a couple of other non-cabaled/follower folks to have some fun with. Outlander and Sylvan are different in some major ways. Evil outlanders are almost all loners. It is made for a hunter who knows what they are doing. I think you would have fun with that. Perhaps in 6-12 months we will find out. Thanks for the compliments and good job on picking it back up as quickly as you did.


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 05:28 PM

#50608, "RE: DEAD: ST finally got me. Long paranoidal farewell."
In response to Reply #3


Someday I'll play your follower, 100%. If only I'll return to CF, I mean. Thanks again for the cool things that you made!


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Landren (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 09:03 PM

#50567, "The good with the bad"
In response to Reply #0


<Landren, I'll begin with you. Enjoyed you, our fights and talks. At the beginning. But that duel... then you hiding from me in the cities... I've got disappointed. That's not how honorable ones act. It's VERY unlikely that paladin would walk into sand of sorrow by accident (especially that she usually do not leave fortress).>

I enjoyed them too. When I delete, I'll post the full unedited log, I did not call the paladin there. Our talks and fighting were fun for the most part, heavily frustrating. At first I could tell you were still getting a feel for the class, and then I felt like I was fighting a mirror. I'd dispel, you'd dispel (which you began to lead with on everything with a pulse), I'd ED, you'd ED. Which under most circumstances would be fine until you got what I would consider a perfect set for a shaman. Every fight I was getting overpowered by your gear. Then you got the shawtabies and it became even more rediculous. At the end fighting you was leaving a bad taste in my mouth, it was obvious that between the gear and dark channel I had a very minimal chance, I would say less than that of a snowball surviving the inferno and yet you gave me attitude (which was starting to feel more like the player than the character) because I wasn't handing myself over to die at your feet at your will. As for retreating into the city, think about that for a moment. You can use my limitations against me but I can't use yours against you when it doesn't conflict with my own role? Honor and valor does not mean "pad X's pkratio". Like I said, overall I enjoyed our interactions. I was hoping we would get a chance to fight after you finally lost your set, so I could show you that I wasn't the push over I surely seemed, but I kind of figured you would go when your set went.


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Gistle (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 11:55 AM

#50596, "Bleh. Didn't mean to steal your topic heading =P nt"
In response to Reply #2




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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 03:22 PM

#50598, "RE: The good with the bad"
In response to Reply #2


Still, hiding from the city was cowardly and not fitting to the role of your character. OOC I knew that Merenwen came almost accidentally (though I don't beleive that you did not inform cabal about your fight in sands). But on duel, you should not let her heal you, because that's duel and honorable person would prefer to die instead of being dishonored.

About loosing set - I didn't loose my set; I figured out how to regain it, but it would take too much time. I'd take most valuable items, and other things I'd regain after crash - but I was too bored and interest in character been gone before. So I decided not to bother and used happened crap as a reason to delete.

Probably without that I'd still play inertly, which is not good - waste of time and my own nerves.


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Cruk (Guest)Sat 02-Sep-06 09:00 PM

#50566, "I wondered how you got that mask"
In response to Reply #0


It was looted from my corpse by a lowbie and the next day I see it on you. I was like, wtf?

Anyways, I hope that shield I stole off Palmer and gave to you helped out. Your deletion post is WAY too long to read, did you post a character list?


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Mmumma (Guest)Sun 03-Sep-06 03:31 PM

#50601, "RE: I wondered how you got that mask"
In response to Reply #1


I've been checking pyramid from time to time. I knew that healer been holding it, but anti-hoarding code should hit him sooner or later. So one day I've got lucky and found mask on the mummy.

Btw, bug with mummy: I've opened sarcophagus, mummy went out and followed me (he had only talisman). Next day I login, run to pyramid, open it and kill mummy (now with mask). And on a way out I meet mummy from the previous day, quite alive and with amulet. So, theorethically, there can be unlimited amount of mummies. I wanted to post it on the bug board, but forgot.


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