Subject: "(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Remerinac the Affirmation of Life, I..." Previous topic | Next topic
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Death_AngelThu 24-Aug-06 06:56 PM
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#50245, "(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Remerinac the Affirmation of Life, Imperial Acolyte"


Thu Aug 24 18:51:42 2006

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 15th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Remerinac perished, never to return.

Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire


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Reply What is done is done, SPN, 28-Aug-06 10:24 AM, #3
Reply RE: What is done is done, Qaledus, 28-Aug-06 05:42 PM, #4
Reply Obviously, regardless of what happened, I got what I wa..., Dhaezym (Guest), 28-Aug-06 06:46 PM, #5
Reply RE: What is done is done, Jagaub, 28-Aug-06 08:51 PM, #6
Reply I felt bad seeing you die, Gerandiel (Guest), 30-Aug-06 05:47 PM, #7
Reply What happened? The demotions? Or just lack of time?, Dhaezym (Guest), 25-Aug-06 07:52 AM, #1
     Reply RE: What happened? The demotions? Or just lack of tim..., SPN, 28-Aug-06 10:04 AM, #2

SPNMon 28-Aug-06 10:24 AM
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#50380, "What is done is done"
In response to Reply #0


I just want to thank everyone that made this fun, both friends and enimies. My time has just got sucked up pretty hard core with the starting up of this semester which is bringing changes to my schedualing even more so than the past(I am starting an Honors Thesis).

The roll had promise, but having played healers in the past I had forgotten how little offensive punch they really have, which I needed to help myself survive more. Eventually I got to the point where I was dying left and right to save other Empire people's asses with no thanks so I decided to say screw it all.

I had a grand scheme with this character that I am pretty sure could have worked had Khar stayed on the throne, but as soon as she was demoted and I heard Skiltore got it, it went out the window. Mabey I will save it or something like it for a future char.

Imms: Thanks guys, you do a great job with this game and making it fun. I think I only really interacted with two of you, but if I did with more, thanks.

Qaledus: Thanks for giving it a go, sorry about never getting that two gold back to you. I was not sure how open you would have been to me attempting to do what I did but I am glad you gave me the shot. And I am pretty sure if I had not been a follower of yours I would not have donated over 700 gold to the empire to get the Divine off their butt.

Khasotholas: Man, you made it hard for me to try and pull the wool over your eyes. And I think you just played along. I can only wonder what it looked like from your perspective as I passed all your followers in the Sect, and constantly out donated them.

Morts: If I don't mention and you have your piece to speak, just pipe up and I will get back to you.

Divines: Well getting this sect back on its feet was my goal, and I think I had formed a core group of Divines to carry on that legacy for awhile. When I joined there were only 2 oaths(myself and Dhaezym) and one Voice. Look at it now, and I deleted knowing I accomplished one of my goals.

Skiltore: Good job on getting Emporer, though I would like to know when that vote took place. I mean I had taken a week and a half break or so, came back for aweek or so and you were no where to be found. I go away for three days or so, and BAM! your the big guy, that kind of peeved me, not that I wanted to position. But anyways we had alot of fun fights together, like fights we had where it was just us two vs 4+ on the Lake outside the Fort. Fun times. Keep the empire going in the right direction I am sure you will.

Mmumma: Well I knew I was eventually going to be demoted to allow room for you, but oh well. I know it was not because I could not get the gold in the coffers but rather because I was no where near as deathful as I should or could be. Keep the sect strong, and find a way to replace all that gold that you lossed with my deletion.

Dhaezym: I really did not want to do what I did, but all the crap I had kept hearing from everyone inside our sect and throughout the empire just had me a bit miphed and unsure what to do about you. And probably what makes me feel the worst is that big confrontation between us was one of the last things I did with this character. I really did not mean to screw you over then have all my time sucked up with school. Your a good player from what I have seen and I am pretty sure you will recover good enough.

Gerandial(or how ever it is spelled): We had some knock down drag out fights that would take for ever, I think mostly because I was a healer. But it was fun and I am glad you gave people the respect for a 1v1 fight.

The rest of fortress I had no respect for because they would gang like a pack of hungry puppies. Now this seems like the pot calling the kettle black coming from an empire player, but good god, the fortress in this time period put many years of the Empire's ganginess to shame IMHO.

Anyways if anyone has anything else to say just pipe up and I will respond.

Sosran, Lloradas, Golgec, and now Remerinac.


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QaledusMon 28-Aug-06 05:42 PM
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#50401, "RE: What is done is done"
In response to Reply #3


>Qaledus: Thanks for giving it a go, sorry about never getting
>that two gold back to you.

Don't worry about it, I just took it.

>I was not sure how open you would
>have been to me attempting to do what I did but I am glad you
>gave me the shot. And I am pretty sure if I had not been a
>follower of yours I would not have donated over 700 gold to
>the empire to get the Divine off their butt.

It was a pretty ambitious undertaking, and I'm willing to give
people enough rope to hang themselves if it's a fair deal/trade/
gamble to me at the outset.

The danger, especially for Imperial healers, is the tipping
point in perception between using their powers in such a way
as to gain stature vs. becoming the 'healer bitch'. It did
occur to me that you weren't getting the traction you wanted
because you were doing a little too much for others.

I'm glad you had a good ride either way.

See you in the Fields.



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Dhaezym (Guest)Mon 28-Aug-06 06:46 PM

#50402, "Obviously, regardless of what happened, I got what I wa..."
In response to Reply #3



And yes, I remember when it was me, you, and the Divine Voice (Garrook) who oathed me, and that was it

All in all, I've rolled with one of your characters with another of mine, and I dig your roleplay, we just didn't mesh with these characters.

And while IC I was pissed, OOC I was just wondering what kind of alliance you had with that Oath to take his side over mine I am really beginning to enjoy the Imperial role play (remember this post when I lash out at everyone when I get Anathema'd for kneeing Skiltore).


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JagaubMon 28-Aug-06 08:51 PM
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#50406, "RE: What is done is done"
In response to Reply #3
Edited on Mon 28-Aug-06 08:51 PM


I saw you in game a few times and liked your char. Nice job.


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Gerandiel (Guest)Wed 30-Aug-06 05:47 PM

#50436, "I felt bad seeing you die"
In response to Reply #3


My one piece of advice would be to pay a little more attention to gear. Just whip up stuff like sandy cloaks etc so that you don't drop too quickly?

I did enjoy our fights. As you said they were very long. What made me laugh though was the last time I came to the palace and was trying to take the codex from you, I had to break off because four rangers attacked the maran. They had obviously got bored sitting on the path to the fortress. I found it quite funny because four rangers is enough to have taken the codex. Instead they all sit in ambush outside the fort for ages.

You had a lot of spirit. I knew you'd always be trying to retrieve etc and that time that Crulvane was also trying you came really close on account of the healing curse.

Healing curse is very nice for retrievals, I've noticed!

Shame you got demoted, because there's no way a healer can be anything like as deadly as a shaman. Shaman are basically designed to kill anyone that draws out a fight or anyone that succumbs to rot, and between those two you've got a decent chance against a lot of people. Healers on the other hand are not designed to kill, and generally need rare gear to do it. So I wouldn't feel too down about not comparing with a shaman when it comes to combat.

That said, I've never seen you mess up your tactics. The shaman, on the other hand, used terrible tactics until someone advised him to change on Dio's, whereupon he became my bane.


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Dhaezym (Guest)Fri 25-Aug-06 07:52 AM

#50276, "What happened? The demotions? Or just lack of time?"
In response to Reply #0


Really want to hear what you have to say man.


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SPNMon 28-Aug-06 10:04 AM
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#50378, "RE: What happened? The demotions? Or just lack of tim..."
In response to Reply #1


I am pretty sure the demotions where from a lack of showing up on my part, and yes it was a general lack of interest and time. I should have deleted weeks ago.


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