Subject: "(AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wrath,..." Previous topic | Next topic
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Death_AngelTue 04-Jul-06 01:08 AM
Member since 28th Jun 2024
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#49231, "(AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wrath, Captain of the Brigade"


Tue Jul 4 01:07:24 2006

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 19th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Kavan perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light


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Reply My $0.02., nepenthe, 05-Jul-06 01:54 AM, #29
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wr..., terinth, 04-Jul-06 05:48 PM, #25
Reply GOOD RIDDANCE, Nysrogh (Guest), 04-Jul-06 05:02 PM, #24
Reply You taught me alot (txt), Tyrelyn (Guest), 04-Jul-06 05:00 PM, #23
Reply Great Captain indeed!, Eacer (Guest), 04-Jul-06 04:13 PM, #22
Reply And there it goes, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:16 AM, #5
Reply Captain my Captain!, Lerimos (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:31 AM, #8
Reply Can't believe I forgot you, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 02:52 PM, #16
Reply RE: And there it goes, Nreisshe (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:46 AM, #9
Reply RE: And there it goes, Llivpgha (Guest), 04-Jul-06 05:26 AM, #10
Reply RE: And there it goes, Crulvane (Guest), 04-Jul-06 11:27 AM, #11
Reply Ah, Crulvane, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 02:57 PM, #18
Reply Great Captain!, Friarr (Guest), 04-Jul-06 11:28 AM, #12
Reply You definitely did!!, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:03 PM, #20
Reply RE: And there it goes, Anarian (Guest), 04-Jul-06 12:13 PM, #13
Reply It's really easy :P, Adhelard. (Guest), 04-Jul-06 01:23 PM, #14
Reply So it was you!, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 02:55 PM, #17
Reply To you, with love., Hyzin (Guest), 04-Jul-06 02:04 PM, #15
Reply You gotta come back, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 02:59 PM, #19
Reply A couple of people I forgot that I can remember for now, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:19 PM, #21
Reply Good fights., Xoregh (Guest), 04-Jul-06 09:41 PM, #26
Reply RE: And there it goes, Eshval, 04-Jul-06 10:24 PM, #27
Reply RE: And there it goes, Landren (Guest), 05-Jul-06 12:49 AM, #28
Reply Great character, Kharghurln (Guest), 05-Jul-06 10:31 AM, #30
Reply RE: And there it goes, Anaisah (Guest), 06-Jul-06 08:20 AM, #31
Reply RE: And there it goes, Aarn, 06-Jul-06 08:25 AM, #32
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wr..., Karel, 04-Jul-06 02:48 AM, #4
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wr..., A2, 04-Jul-06 02:06 AM, #3
Reply Got your PBF n/t, Desi (Guest), 04-Jul-06 01:58 AM, #2
Reply Thanks a lot. n/t, Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:18 AM, #6
Reply Well damn I knew you were old, Chokiare (Guest), 04-Jul-06 01:33 AM, #1
     Reply Heh, yeah. I was pretty dang old., Kavan (Guest), 04-Jul-06 03:19 AM, #7

nepentheWed 05-Jul-06 01:54 AM
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#49288, "My $0.02."
In response to Reply #0


Some ups; some downs. Some moments of brilliance and some mistakes, some good calls, and some bad ones.

For all of that, a solid Maran, and a very good all-around character. I'm hoping the next lives up to or exceeds the high standard you've set with Kavan.


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terinthTue 04-Jul-06 05:48 PM
Member since 24th Dec 2005
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#49275, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wr..."
In response to Reply #0


Sad to see you go. I never had much interaction with you other than a passing smile or the likes (except I think you yelled at me once about not coming to the Fortress). It seemed like you did a good job, though nobody who wanted to get in ever seemed able to find you. I had kind of hoped we would live long enough for me to get to group with you once, but alas it seems that won't be so.



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Nysrogh (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 05:02 PM

In response to Reply #0


You owned me hard when I was a specter. First death to an assassinate while I was LD. I didnt feel to bad about that one. Then I went to go bring in taera and little did I know you were talking to her. Since lich we have had some interesting fights with neither of us ever coming out on top. Interesting as always good fights and you will not be missed. Awesome character all around nicely done sir.



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Tyrelyn (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 05:00 PM

#49272, "You taught me alot (txt)"
In response to Reply #0


This is one of the first characters I've had that has really had to deal with assassinate a lot. Between you and Vens I was always pretty worried. You got me twice while I was getting various daggers, and made me learn some new ones. also made me learn some more of Thera to take some more obscure backroads and alternate routes to avoid the looming sword in the back. In short, even as a drow so prone to patience, Tyr really hated you. Good job. I'm glad I got to lend you some beatdown shortly before your age death.

Good luck with your next.


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Eacer (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 04:13 PM

#49271, "Great Captain indeed!"
In response to Reply #0


All the interaction with you was great. Too bad you died before
the Brawl in the Inn or for that thing we discussed. Oh well,
had fun looking through that dome, stupid nightwalkers. Anyways,
see ya in the fields.


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:16 AM

#49241, "And there it goes"
In response to Reply #0


So I spent a lot of time in the last 6 months playing characters that
really had no aim or focus. Granted they were all maran or maran
wannabe's, but I never really poured everything I had into them. After
whining myself for a while about it taking so long to become a maran
sometimes, and a few discussions with friends and whatnot about how pre
40 pk really isn't much of a challenge, I decided to step up and see
what I could do for real.

My last couple heroes go something like


and it felt like I needed to try something new. I've been around CF
for a while. I started playing in college in 1994 and I had a baron
of chaos way back then. After my freshman year though I didn't play
again with consistency until about 2000. My first 2 heroes were
assassins, but to be honest, neither of them ever made it past mule
kick and I had a combined pk ratio with both of about 2-100. They
both age died and I was a totally new player then. Over the years
I can say now that I have 20-25 hero/near hero characters under my
belt now and I decided to see how my knowledge of pk and other things
really stacked up when it counted.

The play carrion fields mostly for the interaction and roleplay. I
do enjoy pk though, and I like the fast paced way this game evolves
around you if you just open yourself up to its fantasy side. I met
a lot of cool people on the road to maran this time around, and I met
a lot that I think needed some improvement.

The object of Kavan was to play a bonified scout. The fortress is
always being messed with by thieves and assassins and I wanted to be
the guy that was out there saying "Hey, so and so is over here." or
"Hey! Be wary of that guy, he's stalking you!". I set out initially
to play it shadowy and pick off targets of opportunity as I could. I
was a quiet and shy type of guy in the beginning and everything was
great. Kavan got raised by his father as an only child with no mother.
His pops wasn't all that nice to him though the old man did love him.
As I grew into an old man, I tried to show the way I grew from a nice
young quiet man, into my father. An old gruff hardass who didn't really
care if you were hurt, as long as you weren't dead. This may or may not
have ruffled a few feathers, but I promise it wasn't anything player
driven, it was all part of my attempt to become my own father. If that
makes sense.

My initial induction policy was not going to be easy. Hyzin and I had
schemed up what we wanted in squires, and we made it a somewhat tough
process. I hate to admit it though, as he started to fade out of the
picture and it didn't look like he was going to make it back, I started
to ease up on it. I broke our own rules for induction in a few cases,
and I started make applicants come directly to me instead of getting
reccomendations from others(which ultimately I think is stupid because
half the time the guy giving his reccomendation isn't really qualified
to do so). To be honest though, I think I make a pretty craptacular
leader. I hate making decisions that get people killed. I think my
own stupidity should be reserved for me, and I've always viewed myself
more as a veteran than a captain or marshall. This was probably apparent
when I'd look for advice from people and they'd be like "You're the Captain,
you tell us what to do.". Guh! I'm so ####ty at doing that.

Anyhow, I've rambled for a while now, I'll get on with the farewells.
Don't hate me if I miss you, its been 550 hours and I'll likely forget
a whole ####load of you.

Shokai - Thanks for the visits you gave me, and thank you so much for
the tattoo. I've always wanted a shokai tattoo and I rolled this guy
with you specifically in mind for what I wanted. I was so chicken ####
scared to pray to you though, so I never did and I'm sorry for that.
Thanks for having faith in me, and thanks again for the tattoo and the
story of the bell. Spending that hour with you in trothon was definitely
a highlight of this character, and I can only hope that I didn't let you
down in the end, and I played like you thought a follower should. Thanks
for the chance, and thanks for everything.

Aarn - Thanks for the promotions and the friendly banter over CB. I hope
I didn't suck too badly as Captain, and I appreciate everything you did
for me.

Crysseara - Sorry I uninducted that dude . I don't even think he was
in the cabal but for a couple hours when I booted him. I thought it was
the right thing to do given the circumstances of me meeting him for the
first time, and if anything, I'm thankful it added a little flavor to
our relationship. Thanks for all the questy type reminders and fun, and
thanks for the countless number of times you provided us with very very
appreciated info that was key to finishing things we had going on.

Corrlaan - Not all maran are bad . I dig you dude, even if you did
sorta cut on me at your shrine in front of a dark-elf . Thanks for
all the fun.

Eshval - Okay, this is a two parter - First, thanks for bringing me to
your shrine for the fun interaction on defining the light. It seemed
early off that you weren't interested in the usual selfless, loving, boring
answers that most probably give, so I thought I'd bust out with something
completely original and thought up on the spot. I mean come on man! The
light is like the color white! ####, I'd have smited me all to hell and
back for babbling off that stupid stuff . I'm surprised I made it through
that interaction with some sort of idiot title. Second, I kinda didn't like
the fact that you transferred your follower(Jastren) inside the fortress
when there was a cabal guardian at the gates. I thought it was in poor
taste, and it kinda bothered me as a player. Granted I can see where the
interaction might be a fun one, but this guy basically just talked ####
and sat there as a ghost. We were powerless to get him out, and all our
people die willingly to keep those kinds of guys out. I guess overall its
not that big of a deal, but I was kinda disappointed that it happened.

Anaisah - You are a spectacular healer. I always felt safe riding shotgun
next to you for big raids or just exploring. Hell, I don't even think I
had to ask for a single supplication the entire time I knew you. You always
just seemed to be popping them off whenever they fell. It was awesome. I
would say by and far you were my best friend in the fortress. We were so
opposite eachother it wasn't even funny and you always managed to smack me
down good when I was being a rude ass to someone. Thanks for hanging out
with me, and thanks for maintaining another leadership presence when Hyzin

Hyzin = Its all on you now man. I told you this was coming. I don't know
what happened to you, but I really wish you would have shown up more in the
last 150 hours. I never felt like the leader of the fortress. I thought
you were, and I was just a glorified sidekick. I was cool with that, then
you left and everything fell into my lap. Maybe not a move I was ready for
and I did as I thought was best. I just hope you show up to move the fort
back into a position of power, because at this point, I think they are going
to have it rough for a while to come. You are a great character, let other
people see that. Please come back.

Adhelard - You are the type of character I wish I could play. I watched you
own the living #### out Kharthak from the shadows in Udgaard once and you
just had the most brutal flurry I've ever seen through a resisted rager. I
remember sitting there thinking, "Man, I wish I could do that.". You are
an awesome maran, and I wish you all the best. Keep on trucking, I'm sure
you'll have back up eventually.

Chokiare - I'm glad you finally made full maran. I gotta be honest though,
you'd ask me for advice and this was my first assassin past mule kick with
a perfected kote/kanset combo, so ultimately I was learning too. I hope I
didn't steer you in a wrong direction or anything. I did my best, and I
appreciate you not calling me a total n00b for it . Keep up the strong
work bro, you're getting better and better everytime I see you.

Landren - Enjoyed the roleplay. You're a strong shaman and I'm glad we
never had to go head to head about anything. If it means anything, I wrote
a note about an hour before I died to have you promoted to full maran. I
dunno if it'll be taken with anything but a grain of salt, but I felt like
you deserved it. Keep it up, you're the next generation of maran, and I know
you'll rock it man. Just do me a favor, keep that smugness forever as a
reminder of me . Corny I know, but I was only trying to motivate you to
get your ass in gear so I could watch you grow into a fantastic soldier.

Legressil - I respect you for playing that role you have chosen to a T. I
gotta admit though, I absolutely hate it. Nothing I did was driven from any
sort of OOC hatred for you, Kavan sorta looked on you as presenting a clear
and present danger(shameless movie title plug) to his soldiers, and he wouldn't
stand for that. Hope theres no hate between us. Good luck with your elf.

Anarian - I know we clashed some, but I was only doing what I thought was right.
It mighta been, it might not have been. Glad we left on good terms.

Brinton - You annoying the ever loving #### out of me. HEEEEEEEELLLOOOOOOO FORT!
GUH! I'm not that kinda bubbly personality, and it was easy to RP that because
by the time I met you, I was a gruff and grumble kind of guy. I hoped you did
notice how I sorta kinda accepted you as time went on. You kinda grew on me like
cancer too .

Kiamae - Kavan sorta looked at you as the protector of his enemy. I tried to
make that come across in character, and I know we clashed heads at times, but
it was all good. It just added flavor to my characters life and thanks for all
the fun interactions.

Adalanthal - Thanks for all the gold and gear hook-ups .

Vens - See your farewell dude, I said pretty much everything there.

Cabdru - You were tough . Real tough. I couldn't do anything against you, and
the couple times I did bust out and try to flex on you solo I just wanted to test
myself out to see how well I could do against the most impossible character I've
ever had to face. I wanted to tell you this too. When we were in the lower 40's,
you were 43 and I was 41 I went up to the top of kiadanah and I had about 12 stalks
on you by the time you ranked out of my range. I was not happy man . My best
chance at assassinating you foiled by ranking.

Kharthak - Assassinating Fire Giants is not my idea of a good time . I'm glad
you finally stopped pincering me(I could get away) and switched over to bashing.
Once you did that, you completely owned my skinny human ass. Good fights.

Delakan - You PWNED me in the Underdark. One of only two times I gave someone a
duel. I had it written into my role to be a dirty fighter, and that honor had
absolutely no place in my game, so consider yourself lucky. Besides, after
assassinating you a handful of times, I figured it was time to give you your proper
chance at whipping the #### out of me.

Bjic - Good fights, hate to say it though, you didn't have to die. It always felt
like you handed me the fight on a silver platter. It was fun regardless, and I'm
curious - Did you take the anti-shadow legacy because of me?

Friarr - Man, you are a tough ass bastard. Tough Tough Tough. I hear people talk
#### about you, but man, you are badass. I really enjoyed our interactions. Thanks.

Llivpgha - You went OOC on me when we were in the teen ranks, and you went OOC again
on me at hero level. You also refused to ever fight. I'm not sure how you got made
shadow lord.

Khargurln - You rock man, enjoyed our talks and you beat my ass at hero . Fun stuff.
Good to see the empire strong. Good to see a strong leader at the helm too.

Xoregh - Ouch

Nreishe - I sat out in those mountains trying to lure an airform, then got smoked by
you reading dios forums . Thanks for the hard lesson. I didn't even know you were
online. Guess my wanted attention got me the kind of attention I didn't really want.

Nordravalk - You seem really new. Focus on the roleplay man, the pk will come later.

Dezmonthal - We fought a lot and I gotta admit, I never really feared you. I just hated
losing all my preps. I was always curious too about why you never took my haste preps and
just turned around and beat my ass with them. The majority of the time you always seemed
to just walk away after stealing everything. I vowed after about the 20th fight to never
fight you solo again. I always brought friends for the sole purpose of not losing my bag
of preps.

Wederdun - Sorry for the wait, Good thing I got you before I died .

Lyevora - I know you'll hate hearing this now. I broke the 25 rule once with Landren, and
knowing that age was coming soon I had debating doing it again for you. Mostly so we could
have people in the cabal with everyone dying as of late. I had faith man, after our talk at
the gates, you had what it took, and I was cool with bringing you in. Hope Hyzin shows up to
give you some induction love soon.

If I missed anyone(which I know I did) I'm sorry. Drop me a line and I'll reply back to you
guys. Its been a long ride and there are sooo many people that I met that I don't recall.

Overall I will say that to me being a goodie hero assassin is not easy. In my pk range in one
night I remember having 2 foxes(which could see me), a duergar, 3 assassins, a thief, and a
conjie that had a quasit(could see me also). It seemed like all my enemies had a way to see me
and it wasn't all that easy to take them down. If I could assassinate you, you were likely a
fire giant or some other larger form that could bash the living #### out of me. Its not easy
getting the nerve to assassinate those kinds of characters. You see those big ass axes and pray
to god that you don't miss. I did my best, and I really wanted to perfect assassinate, but I
guess it just wasn't in the cards. Also, I will mention Martial trance. This is a great skill,
but in the end I think it gives too much damage redux to assassins . I know it probably doesn't
but haste up and martial trance and you can pretty much break down anyone.

Also, on a sidenote - I didn't perfect kote/kanset/tigerclaw until about 340 hours into my character.
In fact, they were sitting pretty at about 83% until one night I had no enemies and I took about 2
hours and perfect them all. Hate to say it too, but I think my guy was cursed. Once perfected, I'd
miss sooo many kote/kanset and I couldn't tigerclaw to save my life. All perfected. All missed all
the time . I was just one unlucky dude.

It was fun - Thanks for Everything


ps - If I forgot you, let me know. I have a crappy memory.


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Lerimos (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:31 AM

#49244, "Captain my Captain!"
In response to Reply #5


What can I say? We fought a few times, you did well most of the time, sometimes I did decently. Overall I enjoyed our interactions. You were a good Captain from what I could see. Good luck with the next, and perhaps you can apply your skills to the true War.


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 02:52 PM

#49264, "Can't believe I forgot you"
In response to Reply #8


When you ordered war be brought on all fronts against hiding mages it caught be my total surprise. I have to say I didn't like it at first because guys are designed to kick our asses . It definitely threw an interesting twist into everything, and it allowed me to interact more thoroughly(sp?) with people I might not have. I enjoyed our talks to, and I'm not sure I could swing battle because I have a serious addiction to return potions .



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Nreisshe (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:46 AM

#49246, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


Heh, sorry.

I had been stalking you for a while and when I saw you hide I figured you were going to move, and had to act now or never... I knew you were the type to slip away far too often, having stalked you like that about half a dozen times in various places only to have you quaff unexpectedly or otherwise disappear. If it makes you feel any better, you sure tooled me that time when you interrupted our siege on the palace, I wasn't expecting you at all and with you having martial trance up (I think?) I had no chance. Saved by wilderness fam, I guess.

All in all, good job, you made me stay on my toes when I saw you sneaking around.


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Llivpgha (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 05:26 AM

#49250, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


>Llivpgha - You went OOC on me when we were in the teen ranks, and you >went OOC again
>on me at hero level. You also refused to ever fight. I'm not sure how >you got made
>shadow lord.

Uhm, I don't think I did, if so I don't remember. Once you taunted me at the Palace, and I said that I got something in my ear, maybe that's OOC to you.

I fought you a few times, sometimes you ran, sometimes I ran.

Rest is reserved for my death.

Good luck.


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Crulvane (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 11:27 AM

#49259, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


I thought you did good for your first assassin. We didnt really get to interact as I was coming uo the ranks and you were on your way out. Only got to fight you a few times during raids or with me retrieving from you. You seemed to use good tactics agaisnt a prepped shifter.

Take care.


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 02:57 PM

#49266, "Ah, Crulvane"
In response to Reply #11


Nothing more frustrating than fighting a prepped up air shifter. I could axe kick, blind, nerve....and use regular kicks, but then you'd shift into the mongoose and it'd be like nothing I could do would hit you . You definitely seemed tough, and for what its worth, you were the air shifter I was trying to bait when Nreisshe smoked my ass. Wish we coulda done more against eachother.

Take care


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Friarr (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 11:28 AM

#49260, "Great Captain!"
In response to Reply #5


From what I've seen anyway. Hey and I deserved wayyy more #### than you gave me, but you know how it goes . Take care, you'll be missed.



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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:03 PM

#49268, "You definitely did!!"
In response to Reply #12


The thing I was struggling with was the neutral aspect. When my PBF comes up you'll see that I killed way more neutrals then I wanted to. Nothing initiated on my part that I can recall, but the fact still remains that I didn't want to do it often unless they were death marked by shokai. Its always a grey area where neutrals are concerned and the more time that transpires between the act they committed and the fight I bring makes it feel less warranted. I don't know, I could never come to clear terms with how I wanted to face neutral threats but they were definitely viable this time around with as many times as you and other villagers would raid the fortress. Overall though, yeah - You did deserve a lot more and I probably shoulda brought it your way more often.

Thanks for everything


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Anarian (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 12:13 PM

#49261, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


Man, I have to say that I liked you a lot. I liked a Captain that would tell you that you were being stupid because sometimes us newbies need to hear it said to us. IC I tried to stay cold to you because I thought that is what the character would have done, but I dug the hardcoreness that you usually do not see in the Fortress.


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Adhelard. (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 01:23 PM

#49262, "It's really easy :P"
In response to Reply #5


>Adhelard - You are the type of character I wish I could play.
>I watched you
>own the living #### out Kharthak from the shadows in Udgaard
>once and you
>just had the most brutal flurry I've ever seen through a
>resisted rager. I
>remember sitting there thinking, "Man, I wish I could do
>that.". You are
>an awesome maran, and I wish you all the best. Keep on
>trucking, I'm sure
>you'll have back up eventually.

High avg non-physical attack swords, type flurry Now, surviving after you type flurry is another matter...

Anyway. This is the first good align I've played in a very long time, and you taught me a lot about doing it the right way. The best example is how I kept leaving evil gear in the Fortress chest, and you said you would uninduct the next person that does it. Well, sure enough, the same login after I read your message, I logged off after dropping off someone's evil gear into the chest. About five minutes later it hit me "Oh ####.. I think that belt has a red aura." So I actually logged in just to take the belt out of the chest and destroy it. There were other things, too, like not killing neutral guildguards, things that sometimes didn't cross my mind until you said something.

So, to make a long story short, great job. Out of all the leadership positions, I think the Fortress is the one with rewards that are truly "what you make of it." Meaning, there aren't fancy powers, there aren't RP desc tweaks, and sometimes there isn't even a leader weapon. And on the flip side, there are a ton of apps. So great job and good luck with your next!


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 02:55 PM

#49265, "So it was you!"
In response to Reply #14


Don't worry man, the order of induction would have gone like this

induct adhelard none
induct adhelard fortress

My intention was to only bust people down a notch. If they were full then they'd go back to squire/scribe. If they were squire/scribe then they woulda been booted and would have had to start the process all over. . For you though, I mighta made an exception because you were such a brutal hoss. You inspire me to do great things in this game.

Take care, and glad you came back to the goodie side of things.

Also, I think the note worked. There hasn't been a single piece of tainted gear in the chest that I've seen in a month now.


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Hyzin (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 02:04 PM

#49263, "To you, with love."
In response to Reply #5


I knew you never went in for the love and hugs stuff. Thats why it always amused me to play 'whiney bitch' and get you to hug me - man style, of course. *cough* I wet myself when you break down those angry little barriers to do something loveable. By far the best part of your character. You seemed to succeed with all your goals, and I'm glad. You earned it with quality roleplay and fighting. The fact you age died - wins too many awards in my book to count. That alone is worthy of my lips on your feet. Hope the next time round is as fun.

I seriously wish I had more time to devote to the Fortress, but at present the most I can do is 'surf and sigh'. I'm already looking at the blurb on this ranger crap and twisting my knickers to get my hands on it. Fingers crossed, I'll be back soon.

Hyzin Taddlerick, Flying Fortress Goof.


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 02:59 PM

#49267, "You gotta come back"
In response to Reply #15


I mean, you were the real leader of the fortress. Your character is sooo neat. Even if I did have to listen to the same story/quote/poem for the ten billionth time in one sitting . Thats what I loved about it. Its not everyday that you find a shifter willing to revert and just sit around and talk. I liked that and you got everything you deserved you sissy poet.

Take care


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:19 PM

#49270, "A couple of people I forgot that I can remember for now"
In response to Reply #5


Lauraine - You were a lifesaver on several occasions, and I enjoyed our interactions immensely. Thanks for all the gear, gold, and HASTE hook ups! Man you spoiled the living crap out of me and it was hard to be gruff and grumbly towards you. You play a great healer, keep up the awesome job.

Saroiya - You were such a tough paladin. Thanks for being willing to share your knowledge of ST with me, and thanks for hooking me up with that great diamond gear. It was always nice when you were around because I knew the codex/scepter would be secured in the next ten minutes. You were another great player that I wish had stuck around longer.

Nysrogh - You definitely had some bad luck against me bro. That time in halfling lands I think you failed 3 word of recalls. I'd have been pissed dying like that, but you definitely managed to carry on. Also, when I got you on the docks it was an assassinate. There was no way to tell you were afk or linkdead at all. I kept watching and about 2 minutes before I made the strike you were on a boat so I just assumed you were resting and waiting for the next. You definitely had your #### straight though whenever you were prepped up, and those mobs you used the other day for zombies were a bitch with all the trips, bashes, and dirt kicks they were throwing out. Take care and good luck.

Maedhro - Thanks for all the daggers and scouting reports.

Cordango - Not sure I ever used your weapon poison but the offer was definitely appreciated and I wanted to thank you for all the scouting reports as well. Sorry if I seemed a little preoccuped at times, but stepping out as the captain got me bombarded by a billion tells from all sorts of people.

Ihranhyia - Man, you definitely didn't pick an easy spec and race to go maran with. I could sense your frustration and I'm sorry there wasn't more I could for you. I wish you hadn't given up so early and we could have tried to get you fixed up right and good. I've played the elf maran warrior before and it wasn't easy. Props for picking that combo.

Cotryln - I'm still a little miffed by your deletion. I tried to save that particular headache that caused it by uninducting, but I got overthrown in my decision by fort Imms. You seemed really really solid and I would have liked to see what you could do.

Stalvagan - You only lasted 2 days man. You should have stuck it around some more. We had a sweet plan in place for the lich and it woulda taken you to do it. You gotta come back bro! I know you died a couple times but you seemed really solid.

Aeria - Thanks for not jacking me up everytime I walked through your briars! And I'm glad I could lead people into your little traps! You play a tough druid, and I always enjoyed being called "a kavan". Hah, I hope you end up going out in style thats deserving of such a great character. Take care.

Erisen - You got the bard thing down. You were a tough fight and for the life of me I couldn't land an assassinate on you .

More to come when I think of them.


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Xoregh (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 09:41 PM

#49276, "Good fights."
In response to Reply #5


Good char. I look forward to the next. See you in the fields.


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EshvalTue 04-Jul-06 10:24 PM
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#49279, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5



I enjoyed the interaction. It kind of had me at a loss for words.

As far as moving Jastren...I miscounted the rooms and sent him to the incorrect one...unintentional entirely. It happens now and then, and I try not to repeat is. (Thanks for bringing up my f/ makes me feel so good. )

Good job on the rp.

Eshval's email

Eshval's slightly off-center (unofficial) blog.


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Landren (Guest)Wed 05-Jul-06 12:49 AM

#49284, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


Landren - Enjoyed the roleplay. You're a strong shaman and I'm glad we
never had to go head to head about anything. If it means anything, I wrote
a note about an hour before I died to have you promoted to full maran. I
dunno if it'll be taken with anything but a grain of salt, but I felt like
you deserved it. Keep it up, you're the next generation of maran, and I know
you'll rock it man. Just do me a favor, keep that smugness forever as a
reminder of me . Corny I know, but I was only trying to motivate you to
get your ass in gear so I could watch you grow into a fantastic soldier.


If you remember, you originally offered gold in the bet which I turned down. The bet was nice, gave me a little extra push in something that is slightly masochistic and highly frustrating. Fort is going to take a hit losing you. Even hiding most of the time, I think your presence helped offer a sense of security having one of the obvious strong members of the fortress lurking around or just jumping in and mixing it up. Hero an evil character and recharge your maran-juice. Here's looking forward to your next.

Thanks for the note by the way, the least you could do for those teleport potions, heh.


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Kharghurln (Guest)Wed 05-Jul-06 10:31 AM

#49293, "Great character"
In response to Reply #5


I really liked everything I saw from you. I took great pains to fight you solo every time I could. When I offered to fight you straight up and let you retake the Orb if I lost, I was dead serious - though I completely understand why you might not accept the offer at face value!

Thanks for the complements, I appreciate them. Good luck with your next one!


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Anaisah (Guest)Thu 06-Jul-06 08:20 AM

#49319, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


It was always fun. Thanks for always being there and offering the kind of friendship that I wanted/needed from the character. Kavan was really intense and such a ####wad sometimes that I wanted to smack him upside the head, but the next breath, he was this wonderful guy that I absolutely adored. I think we made a good team. See you in the 'gray' real soon, guys gotta have a healer.


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AarnThu 06-Jul-06 08:25 AM
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#49320, "RE: And there it goes"
In response to Reply #5


Nice job with Kavan. I was always impressed when you were a lowbie and would log on and immediately scout out everyones PK range for them. If you hadn't ended up as a leader, you surely would have ended up with some sort of "scout" title.

Anyway, your deathfulness seemed to wax and wane over the course of your life - it seemed like you peaked around the time you got Maran. You were pretty deadly for a while there! Sorry to see Kavan go, good luck with your next.


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KarelTue 04-Jul-06 02:48 AM
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#49240, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wr..."
In response to Reply #0


Liked you with all the characters I got a chance to interact with you with. Solid all around.

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendrix


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A2Tue 04-Jul-06 02:06 AM
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#49239, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [FORTRESS] Kavan Lassion the Light's Wr..."
In response to Reply #0



I've actually dealt with this char with a couple of mine(I only play one at a time) from both sides of the fence. Top notch either way.

I'm kind of disappointed no one on the staff could send you out in style. You age deathed a Maran Tattooed Captain ffs. If I missed it somehow, sorry.

Good job.


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Desi (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 01:58 AM

#49236, "Got your PBF n/t"
In response to Reply #0




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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:18 AM

#49242, "Thanks a lot. n/t"
In response to Reply #2




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Chokiare (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 01:33 AM

#49232, "Well damn I knew you were old"
In response to Reply #0


But not THAT old

I'm going to miss you ya cranky old bastid, hehe.

I appreciated you pushing me to "be all that I could be" so to speak, and thought you played the role of a gruff old leader well. You'll be missed.


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Kavan (Guest)Tue 04-Jul-06 03:19 AM

#49243, "Heh, yeah. I was pretty dang old."
In response to Reply #1


I thought for sure I had another 50 hours or so. I guess I just got leader age too late or something.



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