El was made to enter Masters, but the tower vanished whille I was trying to get hold of the leader, even had my recomandation. Masters gone, my role didn't fit anything else so I thought - delete delete. But then, LG-conji with archon was just to easy to hero to say no. So I basicaly used him to explore and play around with. The fact that my pk is 45% is just insane. The only people this guy killed was people that attacked and died by mistake. It was fun mapping bits of hell, and all the rest of the places all other dies when going. Needless to say I died going there as well since Con ran out but I didn't really care. I made a few friends along the way, but never played consistently enugh to keep them. Two things I regreat, playing Lich-game in arboria and being to tired to continue the quest when it was a one-night thing. Sorry Imm-guy. The second was not showing up to Lokileth, since that was extremly cool sesssions. Sorry there. Just plain boring playing a conji unless it's for the exploring. To Padget, getting that assassin in on me was well - incridible. AGood job and please learn how do spend your time better.
To the few not mentioned that I interacted with, You know who you are and that we had fun - Do not tell stories to the sphinx.