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Death_AngelSun 14-Oct-01 07:17 PM
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#3293, "(DEL) Terenvil the Hero of Alteration"


Sun Oct 14 21:15:50 2001

12 o''clock PM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Dragon on the Theran calendar Terenvil perished, never to return.

Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
PK Ratio:53% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply Another one bites the dust., Tibaloa (Guest) (Guest), 22-Oct-01 01:37 PM, #21
Reply RE: Another one bites the dust., terenvil (Guest) (Guest), 22-Oct-01 07:13 PM, #22
Reply buh-byesies, terenvil (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 06:09 AM, #3
Reply RE: buh-byesies, Kaada (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 07:06 AM, #4
Reply RE: buh-byesies, Vahlen, 15-Oct-01 11:00 AM, #5
Reply RE: buh-byesies, terenvil (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 11:06 AM, #6
Reply I don't believe it!, Emeris (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 04:12 PM, #7
Reply rift powers are not poor!, Szchada (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 04:14 PM, #8
Reply actualy, terenvil (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 04:35 PM, #9
Reply Ouch., Karnavex (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 04:56 PM, #10
Reply Farewell, Yazaulyzt (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 07:25 PM, #11
Reply It was fun, Teeka (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 08:43 PM, #12
Reply RE: It was fun, Wemnar, 16-Oct-01 10:42 AM, #16
     Reply the telling thing, terenvil (Guest) (Guest), 21-Oct-01 06:54 PM, #19
Reply *sniff* Bad gnome leave me all alone., Yeta (Guest) (Guest), 16-Oct-01 12:55 AM, #13
Reply RE: buh-byesies, Burtykin (Guest) (Guest), 16-Oct-01 01:31 AM, #14
Reply its all your fault!, terevil (Guest) (Guest), 21-Oct-01 07:00 PM, #20
Reply RE: buh-byesies, Rooqweaz, 16-Oct-01 03:03 AM, #15
Reply RE: buh-byesies, Caelph (Guest) (Guest), 16-Oct-01 08:27 PM, #17
Reply RE: buh-byesies, Grolgthus (Guest) (Guest), 17-Oct-01 09:26 AM, #18
Reply good job, Emeris (Guest) (Guest), 15-Oct-01 04:48 AM, #2
Reply RE: (DEL) <NEXUS> Terenvil the Hero of Alteration, Grolgthus (Guest) (Guest), 14-Oct-01 09:05 PM, #1

Tibaloa (Guest) (Guest)Mon 22-Oct-01 01:37 PM

#3294, "Another one bites the dust."
In response to Reply #0


Now I only have to out live annalena and I'll be the longest running char in Thera...*chuckles* Sad to see you go, hated it when you killed me in the air cause I lost all my gear. But what do you expect from a vulture (fourth) against a bloodhawk (third) And as for wands and such...I never bought into them. I think forms can do just as well on their own. Only times I ever carried aura or any of that is when someone gave it to me. Sorry to see you go and I hope to interact with your next one. Latez,

Tibaloa Shal Kodar, Mighty Peacock of the Dawn.


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terenvil (Guest) (Guest)Mon 22-Oct-01 07:13 PM

#3295, "RE: Another one bites the dust."
In response to Reply #21


yeah as a falcon and a mongoose you really wouldn't need wands would you? vulture could fare okay without but the lion was as much a punchingbag as a deadly cyclone of doom, it could outmatch a single warrior one on one without any protection and usualy have about 200 hp left(starting with about 900) having convinient barrier rods made my lion much more deadly.


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terenvil (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 06:09 AM

#3296, "buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #0


well I finally deleted, when i pushed that second delete button I was so pissed off at myself. No it was not a rage deletion but I had wanted so much to con death or age death but I just couldn't do it. Those who interacted with terenvil I think had a good time with him and I really loved this char. The things though was I was just getting depressed cause there were no other nexans ever and Vahlen jazur and nol refused to let me become magister so that maybe we could get some in. By the way caelph has auto-deleted.

just a few questions why was I not appointed magister?

Where did nol go?

what did the imms think of terenvil



burtykin- still my favorite nexan companion damn when you con died it was over really. That happened when i was at 63 hours at 247 hours i delete in that time there were 8 hours when there were other nexans i could bond with on.

yarron- where the ##### did you go? you helped me rank and i go on vacation and when i come back you are gone!

caelph you were fun but never on that much maybe once a week had fun going everwhere and getting all those instruments for you

chawnyth- another of my inspirations

ulgethur- you helped me rank to level 15 way back in the day we were gonna be magister and marshal together but well at least you will still become marshal (as there are literally 2 warriors-types in nexus and graintuilus is never on)

nakor- my money is that you will be the new magister good luck was gonna show you were to get barrier rods really really easy but couldn't find you.


nikhirath- damn you for raiding i had to defend and i knew you would just sleep me and after crimson scourge and forget i would be dead as a duck but still fun

maldikor- gotcha! hehe

deuras- the time you beat me you were lucky, had my barrier and aura not just fallen you would have survived about 4 rounds. yes I know that wilderness familiarity and stuff is good but nothing can last against a lion with decent damage reduction for very long(not even defense majors)

karnavex- I remember fighting you and killing you and you were like holy ##### that lion hits hard, yes weith vulture lions can get around giant and felar weapon resistances fun ehh? hehe

zelquavos- thanks for helping me rank back in the day


jugynheim- sorry i got ya kicked out of sylvan way back when, but I was having a bad day and when you killed me I just had to chew you out, ont he broght side as a result of that you became leader and now an imm.

illvenristo- was fun ehh? all the trips through trothon and almost getting me killed every 5 minutes.


everybody loved terenvil cause he was the bestest gnomsie!

wow a lot of you to talk about

yaz- we had some good times, and yeah i killed you 2 times by the way, once you were unshifted the second time you were bobcat and shifted into porquipine. I was surprised i beat ya with the lion.

angella- had some fun times sorry didn't respond when ya told me ya deleted but i try to stay in char all the time

tibaloa- bird boy! I was bestest gnomie at your wedding, btw Had you not all left right after it would have been a huge blood bath as light was tipping heavily, that was the only time i did not enforce the balance when i could.

yeta- man we were always together when the light did not trip, no the gnome does not tip and the trees don't neither! hehe

the rest of you know who you are... I hope


grolgthus - as a lion you didn't stand much of a chance against me unless ya hit a hell of a lot of db's but i give ya credit, by the way neither lion nor vulture forms can solo the giant without resting.

goapa- I hated getting jacked hated it hated it hated it!

by the way for all you battle fans i was terosse too by the way


vahlen okay now your 53 make a religion do somethuing with the rift its basically been decimated caus it has poor powers and wether people admit it or not they join a cabal for protection or the ability to pk. The rift offers none of those things.

pohanad-garenth-others- I thought it was funny as hell when i asked you lal to act evil to try to untip the balance, i was just waiting to get smited

also It was funny when i played tag with the immortal executioner

well past chars I have had lets see

first there was enthrack( dawn elf bard- was there when shokai left and selric came)

then there was laxman(felar hand/spear spec also in dawn called himself the teapot and stuff)

then came pintose(cloud mace/polearm rager won the rites he participated in but was not made leader or veteran)

then I took a long break

then I was Orduno(dwarf maran shaman)

then I was terenvil(you know who!)

next I made Terosse(felar rager ranger who deleted before terenvil!)

now i playun sumone elsums but you never gunna guesums who!

buh bye!


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Kaada (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 07:06 AM

#3313, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #3


I still can't believe you killed me. Man, what a botch job on my part. I teleport into that room in Eryn Galen, but fail to notice there are no exits except a locked door. Then, when you fly down, instead of wording I try to "flee;c tele" about twice, without pass door up. Smaaaaaart. Oh well. Good kill on your part.


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VahlenMon 15-Oct-01 11:00 AM
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#3311, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #3


Well, I wasn't planning on responding but I guess since you asked I might as well give you a response. Fair warning though, I'm usually blunt and straight to the punch as I don't ##### much.

"just a few questions why was I not appointed magister?"

Well, there are a few things that fall under this question. First while I'm sure you as a player is nothing like Terenvil, Terenvil was just too damn annoying for me to name Magister. While this alone isn't enough for me to not appoint them, it just added to the pile. The other was you were a bit pushy, in thinking that you should have been named Magister to begin with. Yes you were interviewing applicants, but then again ALL nexi's should have been doing this as well. With no Magister, I was inducting those who had received an interview.

"Where did nol go?"
Don't know. Next?

"what did the imms think of terenvil"
Annoying and childlike.

"vahlen okay now your 53 make a religion do something with the rift its basically been decimated caus it has poor powers and wether people admit it or not they join a cabal for protection or the ability to pk. The rift offers none of those things."

A religion I'm working on, you will just have to wait for a little bit. Next, no, the Rift hasn't been decimated because of the "poor" powers, as the powers are quite good and powerful. The Rift has been decimated by the people who just quit showing up and playing. This can perhaps be attributed to a few things about Nexus, which I'm currently working on. All I will say on that is, there are things to come to perhaps make it more fun and interesting to play a Nexi once again.


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terenvil (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 11:06 AM

#3312, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #5


the fun chars are always the silly ones! If you had watched terenvil much you would have seen that although childish in appearance he was rather wise and understanding and responsible. Starting the whole thing with telling everyone who was itpping I thought was a nice touch.


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Emeris (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 04:12 PM

#3310, "I don't believe it!"
In response to Reply #3


Having spent all that time with you as Terenvil, I just realised I'm still spending more time with you than anyone else. Must be our playing hours or something.

Your new incarnation seems a pretty good one.


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Szchada (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 04:14 PM

#3308, "rift powers are not poor!"
In response to Reply #3


but you spent most of your life unable to bond (and the link in the village), so you wouldn't have seen them too often.


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terenvil (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 04:35 PM

#3309, "actualy"
In response to Reply #8


yes i can count the number of times i bonded on my hands and some aspects are okay but I would prefer to just have transform although even without any bond i was usualy able to equip to ablout 950 hp after bonds once i got up to 1500 (yeah but i had caelph sing dance with jack as well).

on the subject of the ragers taking the head... well only did it once ever after i got my final form, and only 3 times total after i got my lion. The only times they took the head was when i was not there, and i can't blamce them, i would be scared as ##### going up against a lion who has 2 cabal guardians between him and you, i believe nkhirath is the only one to effectively rape me. only 3 chars ever killed me more then one time, nerylana, nkirath, and trianna.

nerylana I hated your damn fiends! if i fought you directly i could destroy you but lion against a fiend is just almost immpossible even with barrier and aura and shield. although you never killed me directly your fiends lost me 2 con points. nkhirath would just summon me and spell me up and when i woke he would sleep and keep me plagued and then finally he would attack and have an armadillo keep him from dieing. triana i just didn't know were to get rods yet when i fought him.


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Karnavex (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 04:56 PM

#3307, "Ouch."
In response to Reply #3


There has only been two times I woke up at the pit and wondered what happened, you own one of those. That really had me looking for a little payback. I think I may have made it to the end of the lag from my first sup *grumbles*. I remember even scrolling back up to see if I was wearing a shield and weapon, or checking if my sanc had was ugly. See ya around the fields.


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Yazaulyzt (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 07:25 PM

#3306, "Farewell"
In response to Reply #3


I liked your charactor, and yes Nexus needs a change. You were indeed childish, but it was consistant and you always roleplayed the part. Tough little child! *grin* I cant believe they didnt make you magister or reward you for at least sticking with a cabal that hardly anyone does. I think its time for the Nexite Imms to sit back and ask themselves "Hmmm, why is it that everyone deletes or stops playing their Nexites?"

I still can only recall you killing me on the east road when I was running along. I didnt have any protections up, wasnt expecting a thing, BAM, my porcupine was being outdamaged by A LION!! heheh

Cya later. It was fun.


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Teeka (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 08:43 PM

#3303, "It was fun"
In response to Reply #3


I interacted with you with Orduno, when we were littler we did some good pk'ing. We could have had all three of them dead if It didn't take me three times to try and altruism you.

I ended up killing you with Terenvil though with the help of Wemnar when you came to attack us. It really sucked that the lowbie came in and looted you. We left all your things except the wands then when the lowbie looted you, I gave back the wands.

I thought you played a nexus how it should be played. Always giving people full warning who tipped the scales.

Keep up the good work, you make the game much better.


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WemnarTue 16-Oct-01 10:42 AM
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#3304, "RE: It was fun"
In response to Reply #12


LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-01 AT 11:43 AM (CST)

>I interacted with you with Orduno,
>when we were littler we
>did some good pk'ing.
>We could have had all
>three of them dead if
>It didn't take me three
>times to try and altruism

Hey I interacted with you alot when you were Orduno too I hated we couldn't get you to hero.
>I ended up killing you with
>Terenvil though with the help
>of Wemnar when you came
>to attack us. It
>really sucked that the lowbie
>came in and looted you.
>We left all your things
>except the wands then when
>the lowbie looted you, I
>gave back the wands.

Yeah that absolutely sucked that little cloud punk came and looted and I don't even know how or why he showed up like that call it coincidence.
>I thought you played a nexus
>how it should be played.
> Always giving people full
>warning who tipped the scales.


email me

Wemnar Sur'Hamma, Master Smith


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terenvil (Guest) (Guest)Sun 21-Oct-01 06:54 PM

#3305, "the telling thing"
In response to Reply #16


I thought that was very original on my part, when i made terenvil i didn't even think of it, just as i ranked i tried to make as many allies as i could on both sides, as a result terenvil became friends with many of them so he did not want to have to kill them, so he started telling those he had to fight that he had too, surprisingly it was not uncommon for 3 people to log off right after i tell them they tip, *snicker*, and yes this is all one sentance with horrible grammer and i am not even gonnah put a period in so ha

sorry writing too many college essays and tired to hell with grammer

if you want my email is feel free to write


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Yeta (Guest) (Guest)Tue 16-Oct-01 12:55 AM

#3302, "*sniff* Bad gnome leave me all alone."
In response to Reply #3


Shouldnt feed you too much you get to fat to be king *hehe*
You'll be miss *sniff*.

Ps You still heavy on my scale *snicker*


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Burtykin (Guest) (Guest)Tue 16-Oct-01 01:31 AM

#3300, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #3


Ah... my little gnommy...
sad to see you delete, i hoped you would age or con die...
i know how boring it may be being all alone...
still, i'm having lots of RL things to do now,
so can't come back to Nexus... but i will, i will...



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terevil (Guest) (Guest)Sun 21-Oct-01 07:00 PM

#3301, "its all your fault!"
In response to Reply #14


after you went and con-died I was basically alone 99.9% of the time! I even had to find the wands all on my own, okay with a little help but the help almost got me killed so many times and got me killed a couple times. who was I suposed to get shields from... hmm? I had to go all the way from 39 to hero without my brutykin and that was tough. hehe you were always terenvils favorite nexite.


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RooqweazTue 16-Oct-01 03:03 AM
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#3299, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #3


>..... No it
>was not a rage deletion
>but I had wanted so
>much to con death or
>age death but I just
>couldn't do it.

What's up with this DEATH WISH?
Why so many players put their efforts
to achieve age/con death and why they want it so bad?


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Caelph (Guest) (Guest)Tue 16-Oct-01 08:27 PM

#3298, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #3


Sorry Caelph couldn't be around more often,
he liked you, even though you did get on his
nerves at times. He saw potential in you
from early on.



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Grolgthus (Guest) (Guest)Wed 17-Oct-01 09:26 AM

#3297, "RE: buh-byesies"
In response to Reply #3


grolgthus - as a lion you didn't stand much of a chance against me unless ya hit a hell of a lot of db's but i give ya credit, by the way neither lion nor vulture forms can solo the giant without resting.

I know this, but I just can't allow you to go hitting the giant and NOT defend him. It's not in Grolgs role.


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Emeris (Guest) (Guest)Mon 15-Oct-01 04:48 AM

#3314, "good job"
In response to Reply #0


we had some good times, my form sharing buddy. Shame the nexus leadership dwindled to nothing though, because you deserved the position, since you did virtually everything as it was.


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Grolgthus (Guest) (Guest)Sun 14-Oct-01 09:05 PM

#3315, "RE: (DEL) <NEXUS> Terenvil the Hero of Alteration"
In response to Reply #0


You were good at getting me to come out and fight you, because you knew I wasn't going to let you kill the giant. I always hated your timing. I'd be sitting there thinking "I really ought to have more on than just opal axes. I'll go get dressed in a few, after I finish talking to this applicant guy" then you'd show up and call me out. All in all successful at getting what you wanted.


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