#2956, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Lanoch the Ranger Hero"
In response to Reply #0
*L* Don't worry...I'm an even worse PK'er...and I probably know how to mix ranger skills with sylvan skills even less...
Anyway...was fun, even though we never ran together much...
Charqua, Broken Spirited Warder at heart
#2957, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Lanoch the Ranger Hero"
In response to Reply #0
Well, I had tried to stick it out but I just couldn't contribute the time I think the Sylvans deserve from their members. Several events led to this decision so, no, Rio, it wasn't because of the knife death.
I spoke primarily to the Sylvans so I won't be saying too many goodbyes to anyone else so if you weren't Sylvan and I leave you out, I apologize. Everyone should know how bad I am with names by now...
Plyate: Thanks for inducting me. I kept thinking I was never going to make it in with all the interruptions. Our talks helped this character to evolve...
Jugynheim: You are a great leader. I am assuming your critics are just jealous. Why in the world everyone thinks you shouldn't be camoed all the time, I can't fathom. Simple equation for them: (Ranger = camo(playtime * .50)) + (Sylvan = chameleon(playtime * .50)) Hehe
I enjoyed our little forays about Thera, the fights with the skeletons were flat out exhilarating. I'm just sorry it came down to this. I would have enjoyed running around with you some more but as you could see, I pretty much sucked as a ranger. Hope you didn't mind me saying no to being a Lieutenant. Keep whooping ass.
Uller: Sorry I let you-know-what slip when I was talking to you as you-know-who.
Illvenristo: You were a strange one, in Lanoch's eyes. He couldn't understand why you wanted to go into towns and sometimes just flat out refused to answer you. I hope you figured out why rangers don't like going into town. At any rate, you were a stuck up elf who whooped ass both in roleplay and in fights and while you irritated the hell out of Lanoch, the player respected the effort you put into the char. Play a cloud sometime. ;P
Saldradien: You were a lot of fun to be around. Your concepts of Sylvan also lent a lot to this character. Lanoch had a lot of respect for you and I was glad to see you Imm. You deserved it.
Serrina: Thanks for the sancs, the heals, and the help making hero. Snare doesn't work like sleep. *laugh* You were a lot of fun to be around. It's too bad I found out about your ties to the Necro and the skeletons. I'm sure you were plotting my death.
Battle: I really hate the fact that we went to war seeing as how I am still a die-hard Battle "fan" even now. Some of you beat me, some of you didn't, about how I thought I would do in a fight against the Battle-boys...
This was my first true attempt at a ranger since the second age so it was probably a bad idea to try for Sylvan before I truly understood my skills as a ranger. This led to me "mis-firing" a lot as a Sylvan Ranger, forgetting to use either the ranger skills or the Sylvan powers. I made a lot of mistakes but I think when it came right down to it, I didn't do all that bad. I know a few people thought I was useless as a PK'er but I was sphere Seasons and that combined with my role, I didn't see the use of actively hunting 100% of the time... So, to my detractors I can only say, my heart wasn't really in the fights and seeing as how I was in quite a few fights solo and won, I don't think I was useless so Nyah!.
Well, guess that's all I have to say for now so until my next incarnation, have fun.
#2959, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Lanoch the Ranger Hero"
In response to Reply #1
Ties with the necro and skeletons???????? What are you talking about? Anyway, there goes my waste of 2 death in helping you rank..... Oh well, take care and see you hanging around again.
#2960, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Lanoch the Ranger Hero"
In response to Reply #2
Well, I very much appreciated the help getting to hero so I'm sorry you felt the deaths were a waste...
And as for the necro/skeletons thing, there was the note signed with an "S", we joked about it, Lanoch said some things... Guess I was the only one who found it funny enough to remember so never mind.
#2958, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Lanoch the Ranger Hero"
In response to Reply #1
I'm not sure why so many seem to hate me either. You were a good warder even if rarely around. *nudge nudge* But I understand, and overlook/ed alot of that with regards to those warders I knew had the wilds in mind/heart first. I understand your decision just wish I'd been there when it happened to say farewells. Good luck, I'm sure you'll need it! *wink* Ju-gynheim