Subject: "(CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden" Previous topic | Next topic
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Death_AngelThu 01-Jan-04 03:32 AM
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#23184, "(CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden"


Thu Jan 1 02:31:07 2004

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Nydosin perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:16% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden, Nydosin (Guest), 01-Jan-04 03:40 AM, #1
     Reply You were always willing to give your all., Aereglen (Guest), 01-Jan-04 04:36 AM, #2
     Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden, Khasotholas, 01-Jan-04 08:42 AM, #3
     Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden, Kheldahl (Guest), 01-Jan-04 11:33 AM, #4
     Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden, kalvalker (Guest), 03-Jan-04 02:19 AM, #5
     Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden, Pelthaas (Guest), 08-Jan-04 09:42 AM, #6

Nydosin (Guest)Thu 01-Jan-04 03:40 AM

#23185, "RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden"
In response to Reply #0


Well I can not really say I am all that suprised at my Pk Ratio, but I don't really care.. I had fun

And it is done. Well I will start off by saying that this was my first real character. The first to make it over level 20, the first to get in a cabal, and the first to really do anything with. I had a lot of fun playing him, learned a lot about the world and the game.

A few thanks out to people I met and such.
Most of them not any real interaction, but that is ok I was not looking for any, new to the game and all.

To Choranek and Blachmianan, I had a lot of fun before you rose to the next level, both of you where good leaders. Not a lot else to say as far as that goes.

Well where to start..
Pelthaas- Always a great time when you where around, a good strong leader, I hope the grove gains back some strength, lost a lot in the last little bit. Keep it up.
Voronil- I said most of what I wanted to say when we talked that time. You truly are a good, able , and strong leader. I will admit that at first when you where given the leadership role I was a bit offended, since I was older and had been with the grove longer. But I realized that I did not have what was needed to perform as a leader. You do, keep it up.
Kalvalker- You always where the sneaky one. The grove lost a lot when you died.
Kheldahl- My furry friend, we had some fun there, and I told the bear to stop eating so many elves and such, the grove needs the strength.
Flarkle- You seem to be a strong one, it is a shame I did not have more time around.
Lots of others who have come, and gone. It has been a lot of fun

Oblain- I never actually fought you but you always seemed tough, but fair.
Kelrizza- When ever you where around I new that if you all had the sapling I was not getting it back, and if you did not have it you likely would soon. Damn the fire and the water spells.. We have just started to get some older Invokers around again.

Dahrozern (or something like that)- Always a pain when you where around, because Imperials would be sped and slip past my snare and when I came to take it back you would make me frozen.
The Emporer- Have not seen you around for a bit, but I hated when you where around and you all had the sapling.

Goronik- You are the only one I really had interaction with often, Never could seal any sort of kill on you.. But then again I never could seal a kill on much of anyone.

You all helped me to retrieve a few different times, when the odds where really bad. Other then that can’t think of much.

Fought some of you, new that I never really had a chance against you all but it was fun.

To others that I met in one way or another. Let me know if I forgot.

I found that Felar Rangers ok but maybe it was just me, but I never could find a way to seal a kill. I also hated there strength. Made it where you could not do a lot. But this may all just be me. As I said this was my first real character. If you would give me some feedback and thought on what I can do to improve with the next one.


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Aereglen (Guest)Thu 01-Jan-04 04:36 AM

#23186, "You were always willing to give your all."
In response to Reply #1


Sad to see your devotion gone. You were cool and rp'd to have fun it seemed. And we had a LOT of fun. Good luck on the next, the grove could use some more headstrong poeople, and happy new year.


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KhasotholasThu 01-Jan-04 08:42 AM
Member since 23rd Apr 2003
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#23187, "RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden"
In response to Reply #1


There were times when you showed a serious amount of guts in raiding and retrieving. Alone, against several opponents in range. Always like to see that.


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Kheldahl (Guest)Thu 01-Jan-04 11:33 AM

#23189, "RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden"
In response to Reply #1


It was great fun being resident furballs together and you were one of the few in the grove who actually seemed awake at the same time I was, at least occassionally. I doubt I would've kept Kheldahl around for as long as I did if not for our fun times.
Good job.


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kalvalker (Guest)Sat 03-Jan-04 02:19 AM

#23269, "RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden"
In response to Reply #1


Yup! I was very sneaky but like someone said, surprising your enemy can make them fall or least to kick their ars. Perhaps you have heard other version of this phrase with , but I like this one

A true heart left the grove, perhaps you died a lot, and you fought against odds that you knew you would fall, still you were there, with us, you never gave up, and that is something that I admire and respect. I have a hard feeling that with this hero you learned a lot and that we will hear about you very soon. One strong spirit has left the grove and I hope that not for long, they need all the help.
I would gladly help but RL sucks! and drains most of the hours that I could use, and buying vice city for xbox doesn't aid much because you want to use those free hours to play that game. THAT GAME IS EVIL, so this is a warning for those that want to play that game.

anyway, it was a good job and I wish you luck for you next character.

the one time old sneaky wolf but always the friend of the pack, Kal


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Pelthaas (Guest)Thu 08-Jan-04 09:42 AM

#23468, "RE: (CON LOSS) [SYLVAN] Nydosin the Unrelenting Warden"
In response to Reply #1



Had to take some time off for the holidays and deal with a bunch of RL stuff, and I see this happens. Anyhow, Pelthaas always considered Nydosin to be one of his closest friends. You were always willing to do what had to be done, regardless of what the consequences might have been. It's always a shame to lose a good Warder, but these things happen. Nydosin's memory will always be held in the highest esteem. Best of luck on the next.




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