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Death_AngelThu 06-Nov-03 03:36 AM
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#22209, "(AGE DEATH) [SCION] Ghuishoc BoneShaker the Holy of Faith"


Thu Nov 6 02:32:12 2003

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Ghuishoc perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:59% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Ghuishoc BoneShaker the Holy of..., Sardinthal (Guest), 08-Nov-03 02:07 AM, #7
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Ghuishoc BoneShaker the Holy of..., Slathigern (Guest), 07-Nov-03 01:03 AM, #6
Reply Well that was heaps of fun., Deavr, 06-Nov-03 04:39 AM, #1
     Reply RE: Well that was heaps of fun., Etarekoth (Guest), 06-Nov-03 06:19 AM, #2
     Reply Yeah I let you down there., Deavr, 06-Nov-03 06:05 PM, #5
     Reply RE: Well that was heaps of fun., Nath and Vae (Guest), 06-Nov-03 07:38 AM, #3
     Reply Past Charaters: ... and a little more., Deavr, 06-Nov-03 05:45 PM, #4
     Reply RE: Well that was heaps of fun., Beroxxus, 08-Nov-03 12:59 PM, #8
          Reply Yep, saw that once. (stxt), Deavr, 08-Nov-03 05:44 PM, #9

Sardinthal (Guest)Sat 08-Nov-03 02:07 AM

#22258, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Ghuishoc BoneShaker the Holy of..."
In response to Reply #0


Well played. I am actually unhappy that your gone because I really liked fighting you (in a mentally sick sort of way.) I'm sorry to see you go. I'll definately say more about you when I die. Good luck on the next.


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Slathigern (Guest)Fri 07-Nov-03 01:03 AM

#22220, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Ghuishoc BoneShaker the Holy of..."
In response to Reply #0


Well Done. Thats all I have to say is well done. Well I could say I bit I suppose. I always saw you as a newb in the beginning just trying to test my patience, but now that I learn that your learning Shamans, thats ok. Heh, sorry but energy drain is nothing Slath was worried about, especially with a place to rest peacefully, thanks to Whispers of the Great Seige. But over all I fought you a lot. But I liked our fights, luck with your next, perhaps we will run together.



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DeavrThu 06-Nov-03 04:39 AM
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#22210, "Well that was heaps of fun."
In response to Reply #0


Ghuishoc was to learn about Shamans, and I picked Sphere Divination by accident then tried to make the most of it.

Ghuishoc was supposed to be a cast out witchdocter but I was always doing so much running with the pack or trying to regear afterwards that I found too few opportunities to really get into the role. I kind of feel like I just slipped back into the 'try to look like a badass scion evil type dude' role. And I guess I got no attention because of this, or maybe just my playing times...

I felt I may not have played a very consistant character, but I had no need to always try to be a hardass and I only turned RP on when I wanted to and simply forgot about it when... say I was in a group that had a job to do, I found my self flat out trying to simply communicate and be usefull and rolyplay ended up coming second in these types of interactions.

Managed to do some decent killing at low-mid ranks and got empowered fairly easily when I logged in at some crazy times to catch who I assume was Beroxxus. Thanks for the very cool empowerements whoever it was.
Beroxxus, Imm's if you could suggest anything I could have done better please speak up, can't guarantee I'll be successfull at taking them up but I'll sure try.

I met so many characters I seriosly have a very hard time remembering people. I'm typing this straight in without proper research so please forgive if I miss anyone or misspell your names.

To Ghuljun if you're still about, thanks for the Induction, knew you with Jolaerg and tried very hard for it not to show. It was a pity that I never seems to bump into you after that.

Nathelisis (female healer) Thanks for all the tips and healing and ranking.
Same to Foslin in our high 30s to mid 40s. I liked your roleplay then heaps and our characters clicked well.
Foslin, I missed your ascenency to Chancellorship so I don't know what expectations were placed on you, but you seemed very bitter from that point on. Ghuishoc found himself bound IC to treat you very much as 'Chancellor' at least infront of the others, but I the player found the lost connection depressing. I could see no way IC to bridge the gap and saw you less and less anyhow. Just keep up the inductions, it makes a nice change to scion, we're dropping like flies and need lots of new blood.

Mekantos, you're such a beast roleplay wise when you put your mind to it. I remember when you where much lower in rank and seemed a bit of a try hard pk punk, but you sure showed me. I can't believe you made me hand over that pair, it was pure IC pressure and Ghuishoc had no way out even though he wanted to give the boots to another scion at that time but I could not see you taking that point well being Advisor and all. Well played man.

Kwalin, thanks for showing me about, saw some places that were just a myth untill then.

I really wanted to get into the interviewing side of things and managed to help out a couple of applicants, but I was trying perhaps too hard to sound all tough that I may have just put them off. Good on Jiro for sticking it out.

Imerial 'friends' I seemed to have no trouble making allies in empire when there was mutual benifit, and it made things fun, never knew If I could trust any of you for a second and that's the way it should be.

I was just about always up for a rumble even if it was sometimes just 'rot and run, rinse repeat'. I liked it when some of you would offer to fight 1v1 for they provided the most enjoyable fights.
Juktar, I have yet to start dragging out logs of you kicking my arse from here to there but well fought. There were so many times and I can't think of any standout time right now but lookout for the logs.

One of my oldest and favourite enemies, I'm still trying to find that log where I rotted you. Thanks for always treating my corpse with respect. Good to always have a chat from a safe distance too.

I generally had a very good run with looters, maybe I was just lucky. It happened so rarely that I was able to save special wrath for those that did. you know who you are. Exept in my midranks I got summonned out of the Chasm and ganked by three imperials for my sweet set. Not a word about 'scion scum' or 'join the empire' nothing. But I did my share of shameless ganking where the ganked got full looted too so I'm not bitter, it's part of the game.

Where do I begin... I didn't seem to make as many conversations with Ghuishoc and Marans as I did with Jolaerg, maybe I was trying to be more fearfull or something I dunno. Maybe you took me as more of a threat because I didn't seem to get as many fair or fun fights with Maran, either we were ganking you or you ganked me. I'm sure there were exceptions, speak up, I'll review the log and apolagise and say hiya.

Tichniktel (Sylvan Invoker)
Very fun fights in the early days. I was never level sitting as I tought you were trying to imply, sometimes I was in a xp hole for a long time. Maybe you were just trying to stir me up .

The higher in rank I went the harder I found it to get a party for ranking, mostly due to playing times I think. (.Au)

I just met too many people. Sorry if I killed anyone senselessly but when some say they kill to practice skills I killed to learn how to play a Shaman. Apparently I needed to energy drain and dispel more. Wish someone had said so earlier.

Say Hi and I'll respond. ... tomorrow. Zzzz


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Etarekoth (Guest)Thu 06-Nov-03 06:19 AM

#22212, "RE: Well that was heaps of fun."
In response to Reply #1


Had some mixed feelings about you bro. Firstly, I was a bit pissed at you for not giving me those boots, especially after I gave you a ring of fortitude and shield of the five grotesque heads a few days previous for free... After that you just became one less person I could dump spare gear on. I guess it didn't really matter to you though, if you were so close to age death. Now enough of the negatives and onto the positives.

Nicely done dude, you were a good meat shield and I thought we worked surprisingly well together...I kept thinking to myself "When will they learn?", sadly they never did and I got quite a few assassinate % with you. You also seemed to be quite effective against villagers in pk...I'll miss you bro, come back to the Dark Side soon



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DeavrThu 06-Nov-03 06:05 PM
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#22218, "Yeah I let you down there."
In response to Reply #2


But I really wanted to see how good they where before giving them away, then Mekantos well... I should leave that to his character.

Those boots was one of the most annying thing that ever happened, never been forced into a trade before, it was some good RP by some others.

Glad I could be a good meat shield... I think...
I managed to not die too often anyway.
I enjoyed our ability to co-operate, there was no evil chest beating, we were the much loathed 'team evil'.

I'll be back, but not straight away. RL gets in the way sometimes.


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Nath and Vae (Guest)Thu 06-Nov-03 07:38 AM

#22213, "RE: Well that was heaps of fun."
In response to Reply #1


I knew you as two characters.
1 - Vaessima, gnome invoker sylvan.
We fought quite often but then I ranked up, you didn't and the fights stopped from there. Didn't like you as Vaessima, hate dispel.

2 - Nathleniss, dark-elf healer scion
I've never play a evil healer which is why Nathleniss was created. Things were fun, but then it dies down. Waiting for full empowerment was fun too. Nathleniss meet up with 3 empower-limit. 25, 35 and 45. But then she gotten to fully empowerment, even so, due to lack of immteraction, I deleted her. Shes getting boring to be honest and of course there are some other reasons which is why I deleted her. But definitely its not 'cos she got ganked.

Player - Am curious what your past characters are, that is of course if you would reveal them.

Nath & Vae


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DeavrThu 06-Nov-03 05:45 PM
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#22217, "Past Charaters: ... and a little more."
In response to Reply #3


Deavr - Warlock Invoker at the time of the emergence of the anti-life. got to about 38 and autodeleted I think. Logged some great goodie roleplay.

Sarendyslon - Maran wanna-be warrior sword/mace, got titles Assalter of Assgard for attacking Brelhiem or whatever his name is... the guy with the ghaljor horn. It was very poor RP on my part. Con died at Hero. Logged heaps.

Cragath - Orc got to lvl 45 or so, got busted for cheating passing eq to myself that I couldn't even use. Major bad, don't do this folks, the consequenses are depressing, Deleted as a result. Logged pretty much everything.

Jolaerg - Scion axe spec. Had heaps of fun and learned heaps. Con died at hero. Logged everything.

Then Ghuishoc.

AAAh Vaessima, Tichnicknicel's (sp) offsider, yep that was fun there in the sylvan cabal with thte the orc and I.

Ranking was hard for me because once I was known to be scion most of my evil range at my playing times was Empire. So I had to trick them into grouping with me, even got one demoted I believe, that was very amusing.

I'll never understand getting bored dude, there's always so much new to learn... but maybe you've played them all before.

See you out there.


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BeroxxusSat 08-Nov-03 12:59 PM
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#22276, "RE: Well that was heaps of fun."
In response to Reply #1


>>>Managed to do some decent killing at low-mid ranks and got empowered fairly easily when I logged in at some crazy times to catch who I assume was Beroxxus. Thanks for the very cool empowerements whoever it was.
Beroxxus, Imm's if you could suggest anything I could have done better please speak up, can't guarantee I'll be successfull at taking them up but I'll sure try.<<<

Man, I think Ghuishoc was one of my first characters to Empower. Sadly I wish your play times would have concided with mine. I tried to watch you when you around. I really have no negative comments as when I did watch you tried to do what you could against some overwhelming numbers at times. Good luck with the next one.

*The bones seem to bounce and fall into another pattern, indicating a stroke of good luck*



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DeavrSat 08-Nov-03 05:44 PM
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#22283, "Yep, saw that once. (stxt)"
In response to Reply #8


Was about to counter against Sylvan ages ago.

Very nice touch.


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