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newsingledad (Guest)Tue 19-Aug-03 04:24 AM

#20547, "Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of text inside)"


So what can I say? I was hoping to hero and age death with this character but my RL got in the way. Right now I am going through a divorce because my wife wants to still have other guys in her bed, ouch!! Well I knew this for awhile but never had the cold hard proof until one day I get a phone call at five in the morning saying my wife was in a car acceident with her so-called "boyfriend" of the night, apearrently they were messsing around while driving down the interstate and ended with the car being rolled and totaled. Fourtunatly they both are okay and all that, but when the papers printed the acceident the phone calls started pouring in with all the cold hard proof I needed. How does this play in to my character? you ask, well for one thing Erebili was VERY dramatic at times as a few of you saw. That is pretty much me acting out my feelings through him because normally in real life I just hide everything I feel. Good thearapy if any of you ever need it. Well to start off Erebili was going to be defencive/air to learn a little more about the wonderful lands of Thera but I had to see if I had any chance of getting one of the "newer" utility forms so thus he became utility/air from day one. I never even thought once of PKing with him even if I would've ended up with one of the better forms he was strickly a role playing character with hopes of getting a last name or even a quest form. I had a long ass role and description with him for the simple fact is he really became somebody inside my head I could litterally write a book about him with a in depth look on everything in his life. Another key factor with him was to become a Herald because every other nameless-lowbie character I had before him always found a home inside of the Inn with any of the Heralds being there. Be interviewed for the Heralds through Meladori scared the crap out of me because like so many posted about her, being there forever and a true Imm personallity I thought I would'nt of had a shot in hell. But thank god for Erebili's found love...Mossi encouraging him to try it I went for it and became a bartender at the Inn. Right then and there I fell more in love with this game than alot of things in my life(except my son of course) the role playing by some is priceless, keep it up all you awesome role players and CF will be around long after we are all gone trust me on this. Well I could write another page and a half about him but I am sure you all are getting bored with reading this crap. To cap it off Erebili became no more when the soon-to-be-ex took just about everything I own, yes even the computer in which all of my files and such are residing, but I simply let her for this little briberey so to speak is having her sign custody of my year and eight month old son over to me without a whole big court battle. Sorry not even CF (even though I love it) would have me fight over the computer if she would give me custody of my son for it. What a way to start of my life at 22 huh? a single father with no car or other worthy possesions,( oh and dead broke and in the hole since I will be taking all the bills to as part of the agreement) I guess I am going to have to crack down on the personal ads to ever get a date, wooot!! Well now for some thank you's I am writting this on my parents 1954 computer and going off the top of my head since the computer with all the notes is long gone so if I miss anybody and I know I will please post and I will reply when I get a chance to check here again.

Arvam, I got to see you a few times, you seemed to be a enjoyable person to be around. But I think I may have pissed you off one day when the Heralds got that note from the Imperails and a made that remark over the Heralds channel, sorry but It was plain and simple sarcasm from my character.

Valg, I was going to be a close follower of you and really make you a follower you would never forget, but then life got in the way and I was trying to make the best of my time here I could. I ended up stoping with roles and praying and all the things I should have done to get to speak with you, but in different circumstances I really wanted to have Erebili earn your mark and possibly RP it enough to perhaps earn a form of your Hydra (just the thought of something like that gives me the goosebumps)

Never saw anymore that I can recall if I did I am sorry to have forgotten. But keep up the great work on this more than great game. I know I really did and do apreacite it.

Meladori, I could write a book about you and how you always affected Erebili. You made any time that you were around most enjoyable for Erebili. I really had the biggest respect for you as a player for putting up with my newbieism in the game to teach me how to mix the drinks, the rules of the Inn, basically how to act. I aways had a smile on my face in RL when you were trying to encourage Erebili for not being as bad of a Herald as he felt you helped with any insecuritys he had I only wish I know Meladori in real life. I will miss you my fair lady. Agian thank you for letting me join the Heralds.

Mossi, well what can I say? Erebili loved you in ways you can not imagine. I had him feeling the feelings I put in real life love situations bacically meaning if you are in love go for it and give it all you have to offer. Though I had and still would only have little to offer but I think if I could have been around a little more My name would be in the note instead of Folorads You seemed to get f the blunt end of Erebili's "drama" you got all the insecurtitys, jealousy, confused feelings that I am sorry for. But I cannot say how much I enjoyed my times with you at our "sercret" locations, you ALWAYS made me smile in RL while I was playing. I really do hope I didnt drive you bonkers when I was around pestering you. I better shut up now about you because I could go on forever or give away something your future husband might not like *cough*pants*cough* Be safe my fairest lady.

Javaco, you were quite the Herald when Erebili was younger in fact if you remember correctly you were the first one to tell Erebili to quit hiding how much he cared for Mossi and tell her already. I enjoyed any talks I got with you if you werent busy you like many great RPer's always took the time to make that speacial moment at the Inn just for the kicks of it. Oh and also I was really happy you decided to stick it out after Meladori talked to you, I would have felt terrible if I was the last person you saw before you quit that night. And a special thanks for never asking if Erebili wanted to try one of your catnip specials *hehe* Thank you for your time my good sir.

Nobuo, Another great person that I had the honor of being around I would rate you the second (next to Meladori) most optimistic person in Thera. You always seemed to try to make something good out of the bad. To bad though that you much like me always had trouble with your connection or you computer I know the feeling to have to leave when things are just getting interesting. But keep the smiles coming my good sir.

Folorad, you lucky S.O.B!! you are the envy of all the male gnomes and quite a few other men in Thera for tagging Mossi, you must be one heck of a character to pull off something like that, again congrats man. Though I did enjoy any time I got to interact with you Erebili was VERY jealous of you. You are a true gnome in the aspect of the race, kinda made me think if you are really a gnome on the other side of the computer. I will thank you again for coming with on my last learning experiance in Arial city, having you around really sped things up for me obtaining the "mighty" albotross and you didnt think that it was all that horrible (even though it is)again I thank you my good sir... FOLORAD I MEAN!!!!!*giggle* p.s. keep Meladori's wine flowing and treat Mossi right or you will have another ghost haunting you every day bowing and saying "Goes well? my good sir"

Darch, I had only a few times that you were around and every time you were quite grumpy. I always had the feeling if you gave me the interview I would have been laughed to my face and kicked out of the bar. Erebili always felt worthless whenever you were around. Not saying that you are a horrible character, heck we kinda needed that more like the good cop (Meladori) bad cop (you, Darch) of the Heralds but alas me and you never clicked and I am sorry for that. I do have to say thank you though for tossing the assassin that was kicking my ass all over the Inn that day. Keep the Heralds alive cause whenever I get enough money for a computer I will be back as another gnome with a dream of becoming a bartender and the Inn!!

Benvale, you always made me laugh when you would make fun of Erebili's politeness but that was kinda the point of Erebili. I really took it to heart when you said that I should be a god of (whatever the word was you used for politeness) but then again when I thought about it, it would have been scary having Erebili smoteing people with lightning whenever they werent polite *hehe* I surely wish I could have had a little more time to hang out with you. You always had something to talk about it seems even when there were only like ten other people in the realms at the time, keep up the good work my good sir.

Nampnotble, I think you are one of the RPers I really tried to learn from. I always had fun whenever I got to go ranking with you, you were serious when needed to be and RP'ed the entire time saying mostly funny things, made me laugh. On my last night ranking in arial city and I got the form of the Albotross you were on a roll, and when when we left for a little resting and returned you yelled " ALL HIDE IN FEAR!! FOR THE MIGHTY ALBOTROSS IS HERE!!!" I laughed so hard I woke my kid having tears in my eyes it was just a pure comical moment for me, I litterelly saw that in my mind. Thank you for making my ranking fun and you were another encouraging person to have around even when I keep getting the most unwanted forms a person could ask for.

Krath, Cylandreal, I never got to meet you with Erebili but you are the guy I have to thank and yes even hate a little for getting me started on this game. It kinda sucked that we sat at work and talked about this game for hours every sunday but never got to really play together. If things were differnt in my situation I would be rolling up a rager just so that we had even more to talk about on suday nights. See ya next suday

as for other cabalers I cannot recall at this moment, I am trying but my head hurts I know there are more. Again please reply and I will reply as well, sorry I am not forgettion you intentionally.


Kailas, you are a true friend for Erebili, another person I always prefered to rank with and you were purely riot when we did. You were always another person to make me laugh and feel good when playing. I sensed at times you are quite new to the game as I am and I applaud you for making such a fine character. I was kinda hoping for you that you and Meladori would have hit it off but I didnt think she would go for it after Dimion sorry old pal. But keep on trying to get into the Heralds if you havent already you would be a very nice touch to have around the inn. Take it easy on the firebreathers my good sir.

Yuhla, *hehe* we definately had one of the most f***ked up friendships I think the game has seen in a long, long time. We could sit there and talk for hours having people the whole time whispering to me that you would kill me if you ever got the chance, I would just shrug it off. Of course you ended up getting me a few times and when we got back to the Inn I got a kick out of people scratching their heads, all the while you and me talked like old friends. I got more than a few tells saying "you know she just killed you? then why are you making her some tea and acting like nothing happend?" *hehe* well as you know Erebile held no grudges. I hope you made or will make the ragers and a living leagend out of yourself you obviously have some time and thought into your character be safe my fair lady.

Gadjif, another great person to go raking with you were always one to count on if needed to gain a few ranks. There was no stoping us when we had a warrior, when it came down to it if someone wanted some titles you got the job done no matter how long it seemed to take. CF needs more people like you around if we all want to make hero's. You also made me really re-evaluate conjures before I thought they were a crappy class with magic missles and weak servators but you definately had some of the most powerful angels and elementals I ever seen a conjure have. I tried the best I could really to keep tossing that warrior at the porch of the Inn that night, if you had'nt been trying to help me out you would have lived I am sorry about that may good sir.

Ocelavan, I only really got to talk to you shortly after Meladori's death, I hold alot of respect for what you are doing in the game with the auction and your own little armory at the copeham inn. I would have enjoyed if I could have palyed longed because I would have most definately tried to interact with you as much as I could. All I can really say is great character man.

Xoyra.... cannot remember how to spell it again at the moment sorry. But you are one of nercrmoancers that truely sticks out in my mind. Erebili was normally terrified of nercromancers before you came along because I always thought they are mindless killers with no RP to someone else in their rank. To bad though we didnt get to see much of each other twoards the end Erebili was always ready to get you your bloody mary with ice ready for you it just was kind of a pain in the rear typing out your name to bow or give the drink to you *hehe* but all and all I hope you make yourself a memorable lich my fair lady.

Ywyrrn, you really made the wilder side come out of Erebili. I just had to go with it, I mean how can I not make fun of your all time favorite wizards hat? I have one in real life and one day my son put it on for some reason and all I saw was a three foot gnome with a three foot hat on, quite funny made me think of you Ywyrrn *wink*. Thank you though for having me make the currant tea for you as my first tea everyone else always seemed to love it and also thank you for always being on Erebili's case to just have fun with life. If time would have been a little more on my side I swear I would have beat you to Hero!!!! *smirk* I do hope you and your hat reunite someday though. And dont worry I wont call you a fair lady anymore.

Boy-oh-boy I am missing just too many people but my mind is drawing complete blank right now. I am sorry for those that I have missed but this is already getting quite long. Either way please do reply if I forgot you and I will check this whenever I get a chance and reply.

Thank you and take care.
P.S. and believe me ALL SHOULD FEAR THE MIGHTY ALBOTROSS it might splatter is blood all over you *wink*

P.P.S and with my damn parents computer I cant get this to post under my own name.


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Reply again I am sorry to have taken so long to respond........., erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 07:52 AM, #17
Reply Hi Erebili, Meladori (Guest), 30-Aug-03 03:08 AM, #9
Reply Meladori....Meladori.......Meladori........, erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 07:43 AM, #16
     Reply *dances and twirls around, playfully.*, Meladori, 07-Sep-03 09:37 AM, #18
          Reply How to become a pretty Meladori Goddess lady..., Alaminore, 09-Sep-03 04:37 PM, #21
               Reply Hi Mossi!, Meladori, 11-Sep-03 03:14 AM, #22
                    Reply Always a Herald around... heheheh., Alaminore, 14-Sep-03 01:12 PM, #23
Reply RE: Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of t..., Benvale (Guest), 29-Aug-03 04:49 AM, #8
Reply ahhhhh Benvale................, erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 07:28 AM, #15
     Reply My characters, Benvale (Guest), 08-Sep-03 10:12 PM, #19
Reply RE: Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of t..., Xeshel (Guest), 27-Aug-03 08:45 AM, #7
Reply I am soooooo sorry..........., erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 07:02 AM, #14
Reply Call me Folorad, Folorad, 25-Aug-03 01:59 PM, #4
Reply I'll call you Folorad husband gnome, Alaminore, 25-Aug-03 05:21 PM, #5
Reply As long as you don't call me Folorad husband fish, Folorad, 25-Aug-03 05:30 PM, #6
Reply hell no!!! I thought Folorad was a very interesting cha..., erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 06:55 AM, #13
Reply RE: Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of t..., Alaminore, 24-Aug-03 11:34 PM, #3
Reply sorry it took so long to respond..........., erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 06:18 AM, #10
     Reply Very okay, Erebili gnome man, Alaminore, 09-Sep-03 04:26 PM, #20
Reply Hmm, Nightgauntish (Guest), 23-Aug-03 05:45 PM, #2
Reply RE: Hmm, erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 06:25 AM, #11
Reply Good luck, and we will see you again, Llauriele (Guest), 23-Aug-03 02:01 PM, #1
     Reply oh my I am sorry to have not mentioned you the first ti..., erebili gnome (Guest), 07-Sep-03 06:36 AM, #12

erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 07:52 AM

#21058, "again I am sorry to have taken so long to respond........."
In response to Reply #0


just life can be a little crazy at times. I hope you all well in RL and in CF/life. I will check and respond this site as soon as possible this time since life is no starting to slow down. Please continue all to make this game the best damn mud I have ever played and hope to see you all soon!!!!!!!

to the Imms: I seriosly will return someday and donate as much as I can to ensure this world will be around for a very long time. If people can get the same enjoyment and entertainment that I did you could if you really wanted to make this a pay game well again as I said before keep up the great work in this alternatetive world!!!!!!! oh and any plans to make some more shirts?? I am no where near size XXL, hehe.


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Meladori (Guest)Sat 30-Aug-03 03:08 AM

#20908, "Hi Erebili"
In response to Reply #0


Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I'm miles away from home, sunny, and HOT Phoenix AZ. I'm going to die here if I stay too much longer, luckily, I'm leaving pretty soon to sunny Cali. My aunt let me borrow her laptop, so I finally got the chance to look over the graveyard.

I'm really sorry to hear about your divorce. I'm sure everything will get better, and since you have your kids, I'm sure they will.

Meladori was very fond of Erebili, I especially liked the interview we had, when you thought I was serious about the coin tossing thing. I started doing that to everyone. I'm really glad you liked the character, as far as me and Kailas? Well, he was nice and everything, but it took a dashing young man to capture Meladori's heart.

Meladori looked at Erebili... not quite like a son or baby brother, but she definitely had some maternal feelings towards him and Mossi. I guess like a younger brother, but not baby, you were too intelligent for that. I always smiled when you two were off talking, it wasn't hard to tell that you liked each other. I was surprised when I heard she was getting married, Folorad's pretty old and she just didn't seem like the kind of character who liked being tied down. Meladori didn't get married until she was like, nine hundred. She got engaged earlier, but called it off. I liked the politeness, thought you were a little too humble, and I had tons of fun with you around. I really wish I could log on as Meladori again and speak with all of my friends. This graveyard just doesn't cut it. *giggle*
Take care, and make another character whenever you get the chance. By the way, Meladori started off as my second character, well, second character to get passed level twenty.

Until we speak again,


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 07:43 AM

#21057, "Meladori....Meladori.......Meladori........"
In response to Reply #9


why-oh-why didnt you imm?? I seen you around through out my entire time playing CF (too short I know)and I really wish to have you still around whenever I got the chance to return the inn will not be the same without you. I also really DO wish I would have someone like Meladori to talk to in real life you made my days. You meant more than a sister to Erebili. Like I said before I would have went after you if Mossi wasnt around I hope you had fun on your trip to AZ, I personally could live in a hot place like that intead of being part of the tundra here in North Dakota *sarcasm on the tundra part* I did not like the character of Meladori I LOVED her, please have another around when I return cause I will definately try to find you. You and Kalias?? I liked Kalias but damn!!! I knew he had a better shot of freezing hell over. I thought the same about Mossi never being the married type either but oh well she did choose the best gnome for the job. Well I hope the best for you and your other characters, if you are ever bored you can E-mail me if you like. my mail is...


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MeladoriSun 07-Sep-03 09:37 AM
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#21059, "*dances and twirls around, playfully.*"
In response to Reply #16


I didn't know how to Imm, I like to think that if I did, I could have. Meladori was my second character, I had a blast playing as her. It was hot in AZ, too hot. Now I'm in Cali, it's fun here. I'm staying with my aunt and grandma. Of course, I can't announce any new characters or anything like that, but I'm hooked on Carrion Fields and don't plan to leave anytime soon.

See ya, and good luck with everything,

Some people wake up every day thinking the world is going to make sense. How fun would that be anyway?


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AlaminoreTue 09-Sep-03 04:37 PM
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#21102, "How to become a pretty Meladori Goddess lady..."
In response to Reply #18


If you want to Imm, basically you just... tell them.

There's a helpfile on it. Try 'help hero' next time you're in the mud. It's something I've considered with Mossi, actually, but I've been warned that it's really quite a lot of work. I love making areas and such, but things are going on in my life right now and I don't know if I'd have the time. Of course... It would be fun to be an insane, gnomish Goddess. Heheheh.


I miss you so much. Being High Herald is a lot harder than you made it look! And no one offers me cake anymore... probably because Jaquis and I are the only cooks. I miss your dancing, you pretty elfie lady. It's just not the same without you.

Now I'm reminiscent. Oh well....

Oh, hey, I think I know who your new char is.

But, anyway... seeya around.

----- Alaminore, Of Course! -----


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MeladoriThu 11-Sep-03 03:14 AM
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#21136, "Hi Mossi!"
In response to Reply #21
Edited on Thu 11-Sep-03 03:14 AM


I miss you too sweety. Being High Herald is very demanding, isn't it? I would get mad when people would get impatient with me just because you have to do like six million things at once. Meladori was famous for a lot of things, but not many people said things about her temper. She certainly didn't look down on people because of race or class, but when someone was rude to her, well, she returned the favor. Anyway, I'm really glad to hear that you made High Herald, I knew you would. That's why I tried to take you under my imaginary wing. I really should make a new character, but I get a little sad each time I try. Meladori was my second character to get past lvl 31, and my first hero. I really should have asked Arvam about becoming an Immortal, the Inn could use the help I think. My brother said that there's always a Herald around now though, so that's good. Anyway, as you see, I'm not a guest here anymore, so at least the Meladori name is here to stay.

Some people wake up every day thinking the world is going to make sense. How fun would that be anyway?


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AlaminoreSun 14-Sep-03 01:12 PM
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#21218, "Always a Herald around... heheheh."
In response to Reply #22


Yep. I hired a bunch of Heralds. It seems, if you read Dioxide's, some people are even bitter about that. This is all I have to say to them: MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Hee. Yeah, there's at least ten Heralds now.

Oh, being High Herald makes me appreciate Meladori so much more! I mean, I had no idea it would be so hard planning an event... and the Heralds do diddlysquat, for the most part, with helping. Mossi is starting to get an iron fist, because she's "had her eyes opened" to that situation now.

As far as Immortals are concerned... the Inn has a new Goddess. Shazirah decided to join our flock. She's really great.

You should make a new character! Everyone who knew you misses you. It would be fun to see what your new character would be like.

----- Alaminore, Of Course! -----


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Benvale (Guest)Fri 29-Aug-03 04:49 AM

#20879, "RE: Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of t..."
In response to Reply #0


Aww, it's so sad that you have to leave!

I loved the way you spoke. It's that romance that polished, polite speech conjures, of ages of chivalry long ago...

Yup, I liked the way you were so stiff, and of course being naughty I couldn't help but tease you for it =) The word was "decorum"... it really just means propriety and politeness.

It is a refreshing change from all the "yer"s and the "yas"s and all the fire giant/dwarf/duergar/orc/whatever talk... and Mossi's terrible grammar! *hides from Mossi*

I roleplayed Benvale to be an awfully polite gentleman (ask any character if they have ever heard an improper word issued from his lips). I was hoping Erebili could reach hero, really, so that I could have some fun travelling with a shifter who had charming speech. =P

Anyway, you were one of those characters I liked OOC.

I hope everything turns out fine for you in real life... do come back to CF when all is well.


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 07:28 AM

#21056, "ahhhhh Benvale................"
In response to Reply #8


You are one of the males characters that I miss alot ( in a non sexual or gay way) we always seemed to have the same playing times and fun times at that, I would litterally give alot to have hero'ed and went traveling with you, it would have been quite the learning experiance for me. I agree it can be quite tiresome of all the meh,mah,yer,yeh, etc. talks that were going on and to hear a "normal" speaking person (so to speak of course) to be around was quite nice. I could also see that we both were trying to be the most polite and versed players when around each other, of course you beat me fair and square. But I must argue that most of my mispelling and inadiquit choice of words comes from the lack of teaching from the edudquation system in North Dakota. <---see what I mean?? well again as I have said to others I hope to either see Benvale or even cross with another character of yours when I return.


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Benvale (Guest)Mon 08-Sep-03 10:12 PM

#21089, "My characters"
In response to Reply #15


H'm, all my characters will probably talk like Benvale. Next time you hear a mage talking in that funny way you know =) Little idiosyncracies, but very detectable. I suppose that takes less effort to RP since I'm not all that used to talking like a Scotsman or like a mafia gangster. *hehe*

Anyway, I will miss you! When you do come back, you must let me know, okay? =) I'll recognise Erebili-esque talk anywhere. =P

I hope you're doing better in real life now. Bye-bye for now


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Xeshel (Guest)Wed 27-Aug-03 08:45 AM

#20749, "RE: Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of t..."
In response to Reply #0


Liked the interaction we had at the inn Good luck with RL!


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 07:02 AM

#21055, "I am soooooo sorry..........."
In response to Reply #7


But Xeshel does not ring a bell for me. Another name perhaps? Agian if not I am sorry if that is the name I interacted with ( I miss my notes of the computer I lost) but non the less I thank you for you support for my RL. I hope that I remeber the name sometime soon cause I feel really dumb right about now for not remembering. But non-the-less keep CF going!!!!!!!


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FoloradMon 25-Aug-03 01:59 PM
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#20683, "Call me Folorad"
In response to Reply #0


Heh, I didn't mean to steal your RP thunder with that it's just that Folorad is a pretty simple guy and the sir part wouldn't have suited him much. Sorry to hear you're having some rough times in RL, Erebili was a fun character and Folorad always liked interacting with him. Wish you the best of luck sorting all that stuff out. As for the Mossi stuff I don't want to say too much as both characters are still active (and hopefully will be for quite awhile) but I can say I had no idea Erebili was in love with Mossi and I'm sorry for sort of butting in. Wish I could say why she picked me, but I'm still a little surprised (pleasantly of course) about it as well. For what it's worth I thought Erebili was a much more interesting and likable character than Folorad. Oh, and I know the albatross isn't the best form, but Folorad's a pretty upbeat fella and wouldn't have told you how much he thought it sucked. Btw, that was one of the funniest moments I've had with CF, I nearly fell off my chair laughing at some of the stuff Nampnotble came up with and your responses. In summation, great character, sorry to hear your RL isn't going so well and wish you the best in the future. I'll be sure to take care of Mossi though it's proving to be more of a challenge to keep her happy with Folorad. If you like feel free to drop me an e-mail at


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AlaminoreMon 25-Aug-03 05:21 PM
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#20685, "I'll call you Folorad husband gnome"
In response to Reply #4


It's true. Mossi and Erebili had a little thing going on. But he also hinted to me that he wouldn't be able to come back to Thera, at least not for awhile, long before it actually happened, which is part of the reason it didn't continue -- which I'm sorry about, Ereb, he was really a great lil'gnome.

As far as Mossi being difficult to handle... well...

Invoker = Hours upon hours of spell practice.
Wife = Paying attention to you.
High Herald = All that High Heraldy stuff...

And to top it off, she's becoming religious now. You'd better watch out if we decide to RP that she becomes a mother. She'll just be scary then. Hehehe. Nah.

Would you mind if I dropped you a line one day? I might just.

----- Alaminore, Of Course! -----


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FoloradMon 25-Aug-03 05:30 PM
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#20687, "As long as you don't call me Folorad husband fish"
In response to Reply #5


Heh, I was just teasing about Mossi being hard to handle but Folorad is a simple guy so you'll have to forgive him. It's been really fun so far and if that other stuff starts to happen then even better. Long story short, please feel free to drop me a line anytime.


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 06:55 AM

#21054, "hell no!!! I thought Folorad was a very interesting cha..."
In response to Reply #4


by any means you have a better playing knowlage then me. So basically I always even before you and Mossi happened and when me and Mossi where peachy king Erebili(and me) felt very intimidated by you. I also hope that both of you are active for a very long time so I can come back as another and see two happy gnomes together As far as keeping Mossi happy take her to remote,completely out of the way places for a picnic and she will beam brighter than a torch and yes I agree the time in arial city with Nampnotble was pretty damn funny I hope for moments like that again and again like I said before dont ever loose your edge with the gnomes you fit them like a glove.

p.s. you dont have to worry about a gnome ghost bowing and saying 'goes well my good sir?" cause from what I hear and have read here or dioxides you seem to be doing a splendid job of keeping Meladori's wine flowing and keeping Mossi happy, keep it up!!


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AlaminoreSun 24-Aug-03 11:34 PM
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#20680, "RE: Erebili [HERALD] (DELETED) sorry had to (alot of t..."
In response to Reply #0


In response, as Mossi,

You're right. If you had been around a bit more, it probably would have been you and not Folorad. I really, really enjoyed roleplaying with you, but it kind of got to the point in Mossi's life where she wanted more than a giggling gnome guy. Wait... nevermind. She married one. *snickers* Anyway... I really enjoyed RPing with you and I already miss having Erebili around bowing and being ultra-polite. I'm almost regretting having her marry Folorad and not Erebili... they had a falling out a few days ago. Heh. Two ghosts for him! Nah, it's okay. You'll be missed!

Er... pants... yes... uh... Look over there! AN ALBATROSS! *runs and hides*

In response, as Ywyrrn (yeah, don't lie and say you didn't know it),

I don't know what you're talking about. That hat was the pinnacle of style. It had stars on it. And the tip flopped over. That was one fine hat. Perhaps one day you will be able to realize your fashion faux pas, and perhaps one day Ywyrrn will be reunited with her hat. *sighs wistfully* Oh, and about the tea... That's the tea I drink in real life. Black currant tea with a bit of honey. Minus the cinnamon stick, though, that's a nice touch.

Definately one of the finest bartenders the Inn had. Shh, don't tell Folorad I said that.

In response, as, uh, me,

I'm so sorry about all that happened. When you hinted Mossi -- well, tried to, in the most IC way possible -- it was quite confusing for me. It's really a big part of the reason why Folorad is Mossi's husband now. I sincerely hope you get the email that Namp sent you *ahems*... Other than that, not much I can say.

If you're ever able to get back on, do email me.

Elsewise, rest in peace and politeness and all that.

----- Alaminore, Of Course! -----


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 06:18 AM

#21050, "sorry it took so long to respond..........."
In response to Reply #3


my life has been kinda going in circles right now. Anywhoooo I just have to say that I miss you sooo much it is not even funny, I could use a little get-a-way from reality right now, and you would be the first that I would seek out for such an adventure. For your Mossi I hope things are going well with Folorad and life as the high Herald. In real life you and Meladori are the only characters that I actually saw as a girl/woman playing on the other side of the computer and I actually think that is really cool that even women get their kicks out of CF. I hope by the time I can returen Mossi is still around so I can sorta "check up" on ya, on the plus side I heard from a RL playing friend that the Heralds are booming with many new faces so you must be doing something right by the way who is the other high herald I am just kind of curious?

for your Ywyrrn yes of course I knew it was you for crimeny sakes *giggles* you tried but sorry you had the same persona with either character. And yes the hat is a fine fasion choice but for Erebili it was a little eccentic is all. Now that time has passed have you reunited with that god forsaken hat??

For you now yes I would love to E-mail you when ever I can return, heck if you want to you can even add me to msn messy if you have it. I will end up going in there every once and awhile to chit-chat with friends that are away at collage. I would more than welcome anything you would like to talk about RL or CF/life I love to talk

Well wish you love and kisses from Erebili


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AlaminoreTue 09-Sep-03 04:26 PM
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#21101, "Very okay, Erebili gnome man"
In response to Reply #10


I don't know how long Mossi will be around for. I said to myself I would never delete her and just let her age die... but lately I've been getting the urge to delete. It just isn't the same without Meladori or Darch or you. And Folorad isn't around too much, either.

There currently is no other High Herald. Heheheheh. Me being my greedy self, I want to keep it that way. But I'm sure Arvam has already got his eye on someone. I know who it will be, and it upsets me because I really don't think they're right for it. Maybe as a different char, but not that one. Oh well. Not my problem, especially if I decide to delete.

No, Ywyrrn has not been reunited with her hat. I got kind of sick of playing her. There was a couple of times where I would sign in as her, check the boards and forget about the mud screen. Whenever I looked back, she had unduo'ed, Ozlif had ran into her guild and killed her. Pfft. Every single time he killed her, I wasn't paying attention. At least that's some sort of consolation... that he can't find her to kill any other time than when I'm not looking at the screen.

Do email me when you get back. I believe I already posted it here, but I'll post it again... ... I also have AIM, my screenname being, well, Alaminore. I'm not very original, I guess.

My wizarding hat goes off to you.

----- Alaminore, Of Course! -----


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Nightgauntish (Guest)Sat 23-Aug-03 05:45 PM

#20675, "Hmm"
In response to Reply #0


Did not know the char but from what you write you seem to have that nice new exitement that we old foxes miss. I envy you for that, anyway good luck with your life and hope you come back soon.


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 06:25 AM

#21051, "RE: Hmm"
In response to Reply #2


well all I have to say to you old foxes it that I envy you for all that you know and done, I have read through many logs and I only wish to ever create a character as some(even you) have created. Pure and simple brilliance to be able to step out of reality like that and create a whole new world that quite frankly I would love to live in. and yes I WILL come back but it all depends how fast I can sort out my life and bills and well taking care of my son alone.

p.s. keep making the best and most memorable character you can dream up and perhaps the fire and excitemet will rekindle


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Llauriele (Guest)Sat 23-Aug-03 02:01 PM

#20673, "Good luck, and we will see you again"
In response to Reply #0


It sounds like you are having a hard time in life, it makes me truly sad to hear. I really hope you get through this with a least SOME of the optimism that Erebili had. I know what it's like to have your real life turn upside down, and CF seems like a great refuge... anyway... I know you will be back when you can, and hopefully things will settle down in your life between now and then.

I enjoyed what few interactions I had with Erebili. I never knew you were a newbie of any sort, as you seemed to embody everything a Herald should be. I thought it was pretty funny how in love with Mossi you obviously were, since she and you were so much the typical gnomes (aloof and quirky). Then I heard she wasn't marrying you, and I was a little baffled, but then I didn't know the whole story. Great job and great character! I hope you will return some day with some more great characters like Erebili.


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erebili gnome (Guest)Sun 07-Sep-03 06:36 AM

#21052, "oh my I am sorry to have not mentioned you the first ti..."
In response to Reply #1


I mean how can I forget you? I am sorry I really am, we had some pretty good interactions that I quite frankly had fun with. And yes I am (or was should I say) a newbie of all colors. I only knew of a few places and the inn was one of them (go figure) And as far as me and Mossi being in love you upon many knew I obliverantly in love Erebili was in love with Mossi. Sometimes I thought I was more of a nusiance to her and others when I raved on and on about how much I loved her more than anything, but of course you were probably the only one to never roll your eyes or seem the slightest bored when I talked about her. Like I said before I WILL return someday when I can and I certainly hope I will cross your path again even as another character


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