Subject: "<DELETED> Mayaletha D'Lariel, the Past Reborn" Previous topic | Next topic
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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #18726
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Maya (Guest)Wed 25-Jun-03 07:05 AM

#18726, " Mayaletha D'Lariel, the Past Reborn"


I decided I'd bow out on a different note this time. Doing a 180 was fun, going from a long line of evil, low roleplaying PKers, to a non aggressive, pure roleplaying elf was like playing a different game. When I started this character I swore not to go out of my way to kill anyone (which I broke towards the very end - sorry Zelon), but I found it continually frustration with the state of affairs between the cabals. If we weren't getting raided by Sylvan, we were raiding them back. I had no choice in the matter, I had to provide my shields, but Mayaletha hated all the fighting. Absolutely hated it. In the end, it all got too much for her. As a player, I didn't know the location of a single prep, didn't know that warrior legacies allow bashing through shields, didn't know the full effects of most spells.. I wanted to act a little newbish, I asked a lot of questions, I never led a group, I always spoke with a soft tone.. It was fun.

This character was inspired by Xaixara. Some of you may remember her. I was searching the web a while back and stumbled upon her website and her role really impressed me and brought back a lot of memories. Mayaletha's background was that she was born towards the end of the history of the Masters Cabal, and was locked in time when it was destroyed. She awoke near Eryn Galen, many years later, not knowing her true past. She was visited by spirits on occassions who hinted to her about how she could unravel her past.. in the end Mayaletha did unravel it and a portal opened up, taking her back to the time moments before she was locked in time (To cut a long story short). I didn't get any IMMteraction, which was really disappointing (for me, I am not disappointed at them). Mayaletha did do one thing for me though and that was give me the realisation that CF is about past memories for me, it's not about making more of them.


Gherian, I have to start with you. You were the best. You spoke to me soon after I sent my note and always had your hand on my shoulder, showing me the ropes. Thanks. I really wanted to pay Vaessima back for that stoneshatter she did to you, but I fell short. Sorry.

Seakrou, you eight legged freak! My best friend in the Tower, even though we didn't really do a ton of things together. I wish you the very best.

Synbendorial, I really admire the passion and devotion in you.. and how you'd say something like 'Shields', and then apologise for sounding a bit rude. They couldn't have picked a better Adept.

Itae (I won't bother trying to remember the rest of you name ) you were a good friend to Mayaletha too, it is a pity you saw my final death. Good luck with the crane!

Vaessima, you were too good for me. I hated fighting you for two reasons, one, I knew I'd lose and two, you weren't Mayaletha's real enemy in her heart.

Tiknicktil, same goes for you. I liked how you had the same opinion of the current state of affairs as I did, however we differed on one thing. I loved Gherian, you hated him. I was always going to defend Gherian no matter what.

Akrangol, that was some mean bashing through my shields at the end. Well done. Thanks for not looting anything, it's a pity that looting necro got it all though. Well fought.

Grumby, you were a beast. I never got to fight you, but you sure as hell would have slaughtered me. You stopped my tome summoning for too long

Mehkoa, I really liked you. Suprising because my last character saw you perma'ed with Rogadrain and I killed you for it back in the high 20's low 30's. But with Mayaletha you were awesome. It's a shame we didn't do more together.

Hrmm.. come to think of it, there weren't too many others I got to know. Oh well, that's the life of an invoker. Bum up, head down, learn those spells..

In terms of my spells.. I went 5 affinity for everything except 6 for fire and 4 for lightning. At the end, I had every single spell mastered except noxious cloud (99%) and incendiary cloud (76%). I guess it's time for me to bow out. Have fun everyone, that's what we are all here for!


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Akrangol (Guest)Tue 01-Jul-03 07:23 AM

#18737, "RE: <DELETED> Mayaletha D'Lariel, the Past Reborn"
In response to Reply #0


A shame you deleted, and yeah I dont really like fighting too many warlocks although I kind of have to because of rp and what not.

Well I dont think we interacted, and im generally not one who full loots at all. But it took me and Vaessima awhile to work out a plan to get you and hopefully the lemur too, but the lemur got away, for awhile anyway . I know your pain about lowbie looters taking all, we didnt want that at all and I think Vaessima located it and told the lemur where it was for you.

Shame you deleted, yeah it kinda sucks how both Sylvan and Warlock numbers have drooped with all the people playing empire. But I guess we all have to just soldier on.

P.S. (me bashing had nothing to do with my legacies )


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Itaeapheqim (Guest)Tue 01-Jul-03 05:35 AM

#18735, "That was a bit sudden."
In response to Reply #0


Pretty sad to see you go so all of a sudden. The Cabal's been losing quite a few prominent members lately for various reasons, and at the exact same time all those Imperials start coming out of the woodwork. Though it's nothing that energetic Lemur of ours won't be able to handle, so don't worry about it.

I think the friendship between Mayaletha and Pheqim must have gone back ever since the days neither of them were with the Tower yet. He has and pretty much always had a healthy respect for Elves in general, but in your case it was that graceful, calm attitude and that soft and soothing tone of your voice he was so very fond of. (Especially since you always tended to pop up right at the times Pheqim's Chaotic ethos had put him into some mild trouble with Gherian again.)
In the end Mayaletha had her last moment almost right there in front of Pheqim's eyes, and that's going to leave a mark of some sort within him. Believe me.

As for the rest, don't worry about the Crane. It's still got plenty of heart and spirit.


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Kisrithian (Guest)Wed 25-Jun-03 01:16 PM

#18733, "Umm some questions"
In response to Reply #0


Allright this might be considered a flame, but why did you need for Maran's to try and take me down? I was curious about that. Other than that hardly interacted with you so nothing to say other than good job toughing out playing a voker.


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Seakrou (Guest)Wed 25-Jun-03 01:01 PM

#18732, "sigh"
In response to Reply #0


Ok where are all my friends going... saw you since you where inducted into the tower. And you where always there when we raided.
Loved having someone dependable around me. I knew where you stood, and that made it easy to take you with me. If you had asked me about something I most likely would have showed you. Considered you a good friend.
Luck with the next one. I just hope I dont end up on the other end of it....
seakrou scratches his heary chest, seems that some of his animal nature was left in his human form.


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Avalene (Guest)Wed 25-Jun-03 12:05 PM

#18731, "Farewell fair one."
In response to Reply #0


And good luck on your next. We did a small bit of travelling together, and you were pretty good. Farewell.



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