#16906, "(DEL) Rathflaed"
I decided to delete Rathflaed today. I started taking Rathflaed down a path that I decided I really didn't like. My goal (decided upon late in life) was for him to turn to the light and join with the Fortess. This was my first hero and I wanted to try something different. A few things I learned along the way.
1. I've never played a lightwalker before, and probably never will. 2. The RP of the guys in the Fortress was really good. I learned a lot in the few days talking with everyone and I hope to carry that into my next character. 3. In the hero ranks it is much harder to kill others. My ratio ended up being 40% which must have improved because when I first hero'd I was getting spanked left and right. 4. I learned more with the character then my previous 2 years of playing.
A few people who stuck out in Rathflaeds mind. 1. Milincia - Man you really taught Rathflaed a lot. Enjoyed traveling with you. 2. Garracal - You deleted a while ago but in Rath's youth you helped him big time. Don't think for once i got made when you yelled "You idiot". I knew I was ####ing up a lot and you stuck it out with me. 3. Everyone in the Fortress - A great experience talking with all you guys. When Rathflaed was in front of like 8 of you I was ####ting my pants. Never played a lightwalker so I didn't know ####. Sorry I didn't stick it out. 4. The Spire - What a corrupt bunch, you guys rock! So much better then a bunch of goody-two-shoes, which we all know is the furthest thing from law enforcement in real life. 5. Alvoriz (not spelled right) You taught me that in the hero ranks you can never get up and go have a smoke, or a snack, etc. Well done.
There were many others but it's time for me to start rolling my next. Farewell and thanks for all the fish, Rathflaed
RE: (DEL) Rathflaed,
Alvoroiz (Guest),
15-Apr-03 03:45 PM, #13
RE: (DEL) Rathflaed,
15-Apr-03 12:58 PM, #11
Sylvrin (Guest),
15-Apr-03 12:42 PM, #10
RE: (DEL) Rathflaed,
Tardern (Guest),
14-Apr-03 08:55 PM, #8
Sandoria (Guest),
14-Apr-03 06:25 PM, #6
RE: Doh,
Rathflaed (Guest),
14-Apr-03 07:23 PM, #7
Oh damned.,
Sakard (Guest),
14-Apr-03 05:04 PM, #5
Trinthos (Guest),
14-Apr-03 03:33 PM, #3
RE: *sighs*,
Rathflaed (Guest),
14-Apr-03 03:48 PM, #4
RE: (DEL) Rathflaed,
14-Apr-03 03:03 PM, #2
Forgot Moligant in my goodbyes,
Rathflaed (Guest),
14-Apr-03 02:59 PM, #1
RE: Forgot Moligant in my goodbyes,
Moligant (Guest),
15-Apr-03 07:14 AM, #9
RE: Forgot Moligant in my goodbyes,
Rathflaed (Guest),
15-Apr-03 02:25 PM, #12
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#16925, "RE: (DEL) Rathflaed"
In response to Reply #0
When i have found someone asleep, double damage from a gator usually made for a quick fight. Seems like you got better as you spent more time as a hero.
#16921, "Darnit!"
In response to Reply #0
I had some interaction I wanted to do with Rathflaed regarding the slight turn in my current role...which of course I am not going to spell out or discuss, but it would have been fun chatting with you about it and maybe getting you invovled.
I was hoping we could do a bit of running around together since you had turned good and we were both bards. *sigh*
Oh well.
Oh and esay is one of those rp tools I need to learn to use too. I'm always afraid I'll screw it up so I haven't tried it. Maybe I'll just give it a try anyway because it looks really cool when people use it.
Good luck with your next.
#16916, "RE: (DEL) Rathflaed"
In response to Reply #0
Fun exploring places with you, never hung out till the later ranks for the most part, but was always fun finding new places and attacking it just to see what happens... Anyhow, nice bard, take it easy and all that...
#16914, "Doh"
In response to Reply #0
Wow, I never would have guessed that this was your first hero. You came across superbly to me, while we were all talking at the Fortress. You should have stuck it out! Your use of esay was great too, I've never seen it used quite that way before.
Sandoria's somewhat harsher attitude (than the other goodies there) toward you was due solely to her roleplay, and should in no way reflect on how I really felt. I was rooting for you, Sandoria was a skeptic though
Anyway, if you make a new character that can hold to the standards of that little bit that I saw, it'll be an impressive character.
#16915, "RE: Doh"
In response to Reply #6
Thanks for the vote of confidence. You should have seen me typing help say, esay xxxx hoping that I was doing it right. As I stated, the few days I was conversing with the Fortress improved my rp ten-fold. I hope to bring some of that to the evil characters this time around *grin* Thanks.
#16911, "Oh damned."
In response to Reply #0
I had planned to bring you back to the dark side but you had to delete on me! Shame on you!
#16909, "*sighs*"
In response to Reply #0
Trinthos had/has very few friends...was hoping you coulda been one of them. ah well, was fun talking to you. Actually was waiting for you to come running up cursing because your align was changed and you lost all your songs good luck on whatevers next. Oh yeah we never did get that young bard his violin/fiddle did we? heh
-Trinthos Scythax
#16910, "RE: *sighs*"
In response to Reply #3
I was changed to neutral and DID lose all my songs. Man I couldn't really do anything after that, kinda took the wind out of my sails. I figured this was part of the price and that if I kept at it and did get turned to the light I would be able to sing again, but it still sucked. I wouldn't have gone cursing to you in character but trust me I was bummed. What is life for a bard without a fiend or 2?
#16907, "Forgot Moligant in my goodbyes"
In response to Reply #0
Moligant Gapverdi - Great character, great job. I annoyed you a bit with my inexperience but you help Rathflaed out a lot. Thanks again.
#16919, "RE: Forgot Moligant in my goodbyes"
In response to Reply #1
Ah, thanks. I almost choked when you went all soft and joined the lightwalkers, I wanted to have you in the fam. But at any rate, you were a great character also, now if you want a REAL roleplay challenge, the Gapverdi-Copeham is looking for some girls. Heh, I doubt anyone is ever going to take up that offer.
How did you get your voice back after you lost it? Some kind of quest?
See you in the fields!
Moligant Gapverdi
#16923, "RE: Forgot Moligant in my goodbyes"
In response to Reply #9
I didn't lose my voice until I helped the Fortress with a raid on the Scion. Never did get it back.