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Death_AngelSun 16-Feb-03 04:11 PM
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#15452, "(CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"


Sun Feb 16 16:09:42 2003

6 o''clock PM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Sun on the Theran calendar Tessaron perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:26% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, BattleCharmed, 19-Feb-03 11:34 PM, #22
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Tessaron (Guest), 17-Feb-03 07:19 PM, #6
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Punblinpo (Guest), 17-Feb-03 07:52 PM, #9
Reply by the way, Punblinpo (Guest), 17-Feb-03 07:55 PM, #10
Reply RE: by the way, Tess (Guest), 17-Feb-03 08:20 PM, #12
Reply oh yea man here, tess (Guest), 17-Feb-03 08:35 PM, #14
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Intronan, 17-Feb-03 08:22 PM, #13
Reply thank you, Tessaron (Guest), 17-Feb-03 09:13 PM, #15
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Dharvaron (Guest), 17-Feb-03 11:43 PM, #16
Reply dude heh.., Tessaron (Guest), 18-Feb-03 01:02 AM, #19
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Braoldan (Guest), 18-Feb-03 12:09 AM, #17
Reply damn man :), Tess (Guest), 18-Feb-03 12:25 AM, #18
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Kamandee (Guest), 18-Feb-03 12:11 PM, #20
Reply RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster, Erinphalis (Guest), 18-Feb-03 03:10 PM, #21
Reply See ya Tess, Kucerael (Guest), 17-Feb-03 06:17 PM, #5
Reply heh some good times, Tessaron (Guest), 17-Feb-03 07:27 PM, #7
Reply Farewell!, Kastellyn, 17-Feb-03 07:55 AM, #2
Reply The echoes, Echo (Guest), 17-Feb-03 08:04 AM, #3
Reply RE: The echoes, Konrad (Guest), 17-Feb-03 10:08 AM, #4
Reply RE: Farewell!, Tessaron (Guest), 17-Feb-03 07:34 PM, #8
Reply Hell of a Good Time, and Hell of sad to see you go., Gre (Guest), 16-Feb-03 06:28 PM, #1
     Reply heh man It was great..., Tessaron (Guest), 17-Feb-03 08:11 PM, #11

BattleCharmedWed 19-Feb-03 11:34 PM
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#15453, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #0


What can I say? I looked up to you next to Gre. You were second in the village in my eyes. You were always there and alawys willing to die for what you believed in. I knew you liked me because I was always there bandaging you HAH!. Anyways I hope we meet again soon in the Fields. Its great having someone who knows what they are doing standing next to you.



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Tessaron (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 07:19 PM

#15454, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #0


well, it has been a long and hard road... heh wow I dont even know what to say really... My first Tatted char my first one with such cool imm interactions.. THE FIRST EVER to have every single legacy as a mortal hahahaha muahahhaha that was nuts and I am glad that I had that chance even though it wasnt for soo long it was long enough to realy put a few hurtin's out there hahaha well well... I went daggers and swords thinking that i would be real sharp.. I had intentions to quest so i could conceal and ripost with balance of the sisters but when i got all the legacys and it didnt work i figured i would just give up on that idea I had absolutly no way to lag anyone and i barely ever put people out with straight dammage I had a damn few kills but I was a arial who had in total 28 con cus i was down to 10 and then got the 8 i still dont know how heh.. i totaled over 80 deaths due to having the con legacys and having the 8.. heh so my ratio sucks balls I had a damn good time playing Tessaron, well heres the goodbyes


THE old RAGERS the first group I was in

Urtik = you were my first reco and what not so I am glad never talked too much but heh you seemed strong...
Bombata = deff. not the brains but sure as hell tough you used to lay some serious smack down..
Paschal = always fun to mess with
Bryvac = I don’t even know where to start… you were damn good and seriously very well played I wish that tribunal quest and the whole seven day inquisition thing worked out better cus it would of have really be cool and I was hoping I would get a last name from it but its cool... hell I know I will see you in the fields man good luck and thanks
Valarath = one of the most dedicated and most fun to play around even though not much was said i liked your char severly I give you serious props heh
Trekalsh = a bit dumb but a good friend.. always had a bit of fun ranking and such was always good to play around
Tauser = we had some good times ranking you were a damn good buddy to have around
Guenrayn = never got much from till later on… you were good to have around and fun to play with
Toldebest = inspriation man old as hell heh I think I had as much real months but alot less hours heh you were tough
Dakje = Ranking though out was bad ass ##### and was always fun..
Rustanviel =great player good fun to have around and good to to fight with you by my side
Sayangu = always tough.. well played we got our asses beat a few times but we also did come kicking heh

New ragers
Sabiene = heh never did realy have too much comments but you were always nice to have around heh
Gre = tough as hell fun to play with even though I had to romp you that one time.. you made up for it in the rites though you punk!! haha you know i would rather met you in the final fight heh but i am glad you took me down and glad you were my last death heh keep it up man and the ragers will be uber once again heh
Dharvaron = damn good student.. hell of a good time getting a first student though i had to make it a little easier ne way you will def do good later man I am sure
Senimar = good fun just some damn good fun.. good ##### in the rites.. heh found it just a hell of a time
Cerophin = dude I thaught you were guna run ##### man you were bad ass from the start and I wanted to back you my self but some one else got ya first dude !? well sucks you deleted.. but I understand… later man
Darmok = kinda strange and quiet once ##### got going though wow… the entire change of my chars role through our little thing… well well well played i will tell you though that i was not going to leave the village i know you really wanted me to or at least i thaught you did and I did really wana be seccond in command for the empire thing.. but i dont know it just seemd wrong hehe ne way what the hell happened to ya man you fell off the earth!! heheh i would like to hear the story... good luck
Ckroeg = tough and stout.. not to smart I hate yer damn speech but you did great...

Nyunchuk ? heh too much fun ranking good rp fun too man what happened to you ??
Sassimi heh you ruled… shame we went to war.. i loved interacting with you
Iell was strange at first we did have some good moments though

Foes with honorable mention…
Bole = you were tough as hell hated to see you go cus it was always a sick fight
Jalim = always a scare… good fun had some good fights…
Braoldan= started off a punk but got some balls once you realized how good you were
Punb and sokoerker= you fucks really redeemed your selves.. we had some good times.. at least some.. heh
Erinph you know the rest... hehe your name killed me trying to ham erinsldkahsd heheh ne way well played i would of had you that time if not for feind!! you punk!! hehe have fun man good luck

Foes (well people that I did not care fore since there was to many foes to list)
Farnsworth shame you had to bitch so much about that fight in the underdark, seems ur not all you say you are.. you always complained about ##### and talked about my emotion tie to the raven and what not... i dont think you were threat though and a pain in the ass.. oh and i also thaught your assuming on flags with no yells was #####..
Kamandee you were tough as hell but I knew how to give ya a lickin…daggers are fun as hell
Scions never wanted to fight much but I got more respect for you then the bitch ass nexians heh…
Marans= get your war straight… what the ##### ?? heh why was i fighting paladins and ##### during raids ? heh
Bazahans = the ultimate bitch ass… dude how do you roleplay that man it was just bad.. you would never ever do anything but gank then talk smack about it and you would run run run if it was just us two...
Kulmotuk = not much in the courage deparment but did what you had to then turned to a real ##### dude what was that all about ? you ruin your whole car because gear ? or thats the rumor..
Thornarcrull = such a coward.. but lets not even go there.. how could you play a slave so well?

Something I found funny… biggest gains I have seen like that..
Your guildmaster will be pleased to hear of your bold explorations. You have earned 1500 experience points, and 30 movement points this session

well on to the IMMs...

Intronan... WOW... the best imm-interaction I have ever had. From the start.. the exp thing while learning about my past.. Tessaron was my first Tatted char ever.. I was damn proud.. I am glad your understanding and I am very thankful that this game has people like you that make it so.. ???were you that strange woman at the inn ? that was by far the best imm interaction I have ever had and think alot of people have had.. heh... I was sad to see you leave the village but i knew exactly why... I tryed to RP that I could not give up all my emotion because passion is needed in courage and combat.. it was my time and fate to rise and do what i did in the village and such.. as a raven I wanted to give up the emotion so I would be a better raven but I wanted to really keep my passion in Tessaron it was what made him what he was... Thank you verymuch for everything.. and out of curisioty did you have anything to do with that little legacy mess up that happened with tessaron ? I always needed to know wow man from the time i killed a villager and you came as the raven to lead me to the shrine to the time I was tatted it was just amazing...

Thror.. there was some cool things that went on.. as usual stern and correct.. I love the interactions that we had and I am thankfull for yer few crainals thanks and I hope I did you proud as a villager.. When there was all such things done after my death I was shocked I was thinking about trying to imm and take intronans place but i really just wanted to make some type of impact on the village in general.. I think the whole pyre thing was soo cool thanks again...

Kastellyn... well I think it was you as Rhuean.. if so thanks that was fun.. I hope I did do well man Since I knew Rhuean with Rorimac I was psyched that it was Rhuean to talk to me I was kinda molded to be like Rhuean It was alot of fun thank you again and thanks especialy for the pyre thing too cus that was bas ass


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Punblinpo (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 07:52 PM

#15463, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #6


You are at the top of a very short "Ragers I Respect" list.

I really admired Tessaron. I enjoyed that brief talk we did have, and was hoping to pick it back up one day, but it looks like our paths have crossed less and less of late. I'll also give you props for using daggers most of the time as very few Ragers have done that. To say you were dedicated and passionate would be an understatement. I'm glad you had fun and see you in the fields.


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Punblinpo (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 07:55 PM

#15465, "by the way"
In response to Reply #9


You might want to consider not posting so much with your current character on various forums.


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Tess (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 08:20 PM

#15466, "RE: by the way"
In response to Reply #10


yea man I was having a very bad day well week that is.. not sure exactly what i was thinking heh well hope no one took it to heart.. ne way man you were good fun to play with thanks even though inchar i kinda did have a bit of hate for you but not all that much we did have some good moments..


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tess (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 08:35 PM

#15464, "oh yea man here"
In response to Reply #9



thats my aol Im handle.. hit me up anytime.. i would be glad to chat..


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IntronanMon 17-Feb-03 08:22 PM
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#15461, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #6


I really enjoyed interacting with you, and was glad you enjoyed the same. I can't recall specifically every mob that I used, but I know I used a good bit with you. You always went right along with it, and made my roleplaying with you all the easier.

As a villager, you had plenty of heart, and did a good job all around, as I'm sure you could tell from the testimonials when you kicked the bucket.

As a Raven, I had very mixed feelings about you. Technically, you weren't what a Raven should be, in many way, yet you were so strong in other ways, I tended to overlook that.

Good job all around, glad you enjoyed Tessaron.


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Tessaron (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 09:13 PM

#15462, "thank you"
In response to Reply #13


It was my first tatted char but I didnt wana follow the traditional way of the raven I believe so strongly about most of the aspects but my role and my whole rp was kind of a raven but with a twist.. I am glad you let me become one... I had soo much fun playing and alot of it was because of you I am very thankfull for all of the time we interacted and i believe that this was my most successful and fun char.. I just wondered why I never got my last name but it dosent matter now I figured it was because I made it J. Darthallin heh i kinda wanted a full name hehe ne way thanks alot once again and I will see ya soon heh I bet at least

Tessaron/Rorimac/Blasko /Sotos/Dunandan All ragers a few i might have missed...


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Dharvaron (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 11:43 PM

#15459, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #6



Damn, was hoping that I was going to get a chance to interact with you so much more. I thought that we had perfect playing times initially, but then it seemed that you logged on right as I was always getting ready to log off. Thanks for the fun quests to get your recommendation. Weren't too hard nor too easy....wasn't really sure what you wanted me to do with the magikal items one...could have gone real easy or real tough...decided to play it safe with interesting. Anyways, really enjoyed interacting with you, was always a lot of fun.

take care and see you in the fields



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Tessaron (Guest)Tue 18-Feb-03 01:02 AM

#15460, "dude heh.."
In response to Reply #16


yea man you did real well
I was thrown off by the items you took i was like humm ok that was oringial so i figured i would give you a pass on that cus it was very intresting hehe good luck man...

Who knows might be a role reversal some time in the future.. heh I bet i could learn a good amount from you..



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Braoldan (Guest)Tue 18-Feb-03 12:09 AM

#15457, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #6


Damn, all I can say is well done. I enjoyed both fighting and talking with your character. You really did show tons and tons of heart. You were one of the few villagers I always saw around Thera no matter how shitty things looked for you. Anyhow, best of luck with your next and jolly good job!



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Tess (Guest)Tue 18-Feb-03 12:25 AM

#15458, "damn man :)"
In response to Reply #17


Thank you and dude you were one of the best damn nexties i have ever faught heh.. I always had fun trying to catch ya and I know as a player that most of the time people were just around and saw me too so i know as a player that you didnt realy plan ##### like that but as a char i was always ready to give you ##### about it cus it seemd to me as a char that you always were trying to set me up.. heh i know that it was just the way ##### worked some times hence you not presuing when i ran if more then two of ya came and what not heh but i do know you fight like one tough sob heheh... ne way good luck man with your char and future chars



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Kamandee (Guest)Tue 18-Feb-03 12:11 PM

#15456, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #6


Damn sorry to see ya go I was planning on giving you that duel you wanted the next time I saw you. (When you asked me I didn't have all preps I wanted) Daggers are very dangerous if a person doesn't have the strength to keep his weapons up.. And just so you know I DID give you a few lickings too



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Erinphalis (Guest)Tue 18-Feb-03 03:10 PM

#15455, "RE: (CON) Tessaron the Weaponsmaster"
In response to Reply #6


At first I really didn't like you. It seemed you always thought I was out to gank you with friends, but I never was. But the time you agreed to a duel I felt real bad afterwards because I didn't know you didn't want me to fiend. Anyhow well played as a villager.


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Kucerael (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 06:17 PM

#15467, "See ya Tess"
In response to Reply #0


You were a memorable enemy. Some of the most fun I had was the night when you and Senimar kept trying to retrieve the head, and I was there to repel you. You guys finally got it back, much to my chagrin.

Also, I've got to give you credit for having cast-iron balls when you came to fight four of us at the Giant, rather than waiting at the Destructor. I suppose you thought you'd catch us offguard. A few of us were pretty impressed with your guts, and didn't even take your coins I don't think. Or maybe we did...but nothing else


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Tessaron (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 07:27 PM

#15468, "heh some good times"
In response to Reply #5


you were one of the foes i loved to battle...
I dont think I left you out in my goodbye but my comp has been acting up lately heh ne way thank you for being a nemisis it was a hell of a good time.. and yea i tryed to be balls out most of the time.. its hard when you know your going to get waxed but you just gotta do it.. heh thanks for the fun man..

see you in the fields..



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KastellynMon 17-Feb-03 07:55 AM
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#15469, "Farewell!"
In response to Reply #0


I think our last conversation in character kind of summed it all up. You were a Villager through and through, right up until the end. I'm glad you took part in the Rites. At first I was a little hesitant to let you, due to your con being so low (and people die in the Rites, even when they're not supposed to, to all sorts of different things) but you convinced me to let you, and I'm glad you did. You did a great job testing the other Villagers who participated.

I wish I had logged the burial echos, because I'd post them here. If someone's got them, please post them, thanks.

Good luck with your next character. You're always welcome in the Village.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends


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Echo (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 08:04 AM

#15471, "The echoes"
In response to Reply #2


Deep within the walls of the hallowed arena, two figures stride across a muddy and battered clearing.

They approach the peaceful corpse of a fallen warrior, laid upon a cairn in eternal slumber.

Wings furled neatly behind him, clad only in simple padded armor, he looks to the untrained eye to be merely sleeping.

A dagger and a sword are grasped in either hand and the body is covered with scars of past battles.

The two figures pause for a moment, bow before the cairn, then the short, stumpy dwarven one raises a torch above his head.

Bowing his head, he thrusts the torch into the piled wood of the cairn. Bone dry and aged, the wood quickly catches flame.

The two figures step back as the mortal remains of Tessaron are given to the fire.

The cairn burns brightly, the smoke rising to the heavens and Valhalla, where Tessaron will finally find peace and an end to war.

The two figures turn away from the cairn and stride out of the arena.


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Konrad (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 10:08 AM

#15472, "RE: The echoes"
In response to Reply #3


*mutters something about a knucklebone*


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Tessaron (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 07:34 PM

#15470, "RE: Farewell!"
In response to Reply #2


wow, yea man seriously some of the best times I have ever had in cf.. I wana thank you for everything and I am honored by what you say and said thanks again


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Gre (Guest)Sun 16-Feb-03 06:28 PM

#15473, "Hell of a Good Time, and Hell of sad to see you go."
In response to Reply #0


We had our good times and our bad times. I remember calling you out in the circle of rites when we were younger when you had a good number of ranks on me. I lost that one and boy did that almost crush this character. I think our characters hated each other for a while there.

And time passed...

And we continued to have our differences, and (as a player) began really enjoying how we would differ and how we would get pissed at each other. As a character, Gre was beginning to like you despite our differences. It was a great give and take.

Finally, at the end...

I would consider you and Gre great friends,allies, and brothers to the end. It is kind of suiting that Gre was the one to take your final breath, although it really hurt me deeply both as a player and a character. But I guess you knew what you were getting into and enjoyed every single bit of it.

Rest well brother and know you fought like a beast, died and kept your head high, and a great villager all the way to the end. Thanks for making the rites awesome, and rest in peace my friend, rest in peace.

P.S. If you want me to post the log of your final death I can, with your permission.


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Tessaron (Guest)Mon 17-Feb-03 08:11 PM

#15474, "heh man It was great..."
In response to Reply #1


wow man, you summed it up basicaly.. as a player I loved it as a char i hated you.. heh it was funny really and we did grow quite alot.. man well I knew I was going to con die in the rites.. I planned it.. It was fitting for me cus my goal was perfection in the village hence my one student who became a rager and i bet will become quite a hero.. and the fact that I wanted to die my final death making sure the best would win.. I figured I had my win when we were young and proved my point then I knew you would be tough as hell to beat again and kinda figured I would get taxed when I missed my first 3 dirts.. (mutter) my plan was dirt disarm and work daggers so you couldnt weaponbreak.. once you were disarmed i was going to switch to swords and work the flurry aspect.. heh I never even got to get off a hamstring or my tatt.. heh well you were one hell of a player and I knew you would win the rites.. I wanted you to since I knew I could not.. I almost planned to die to you my last death and was relieved when the first time i died it was not my last one.. heh cus I kinda planned to be killed by you in the end.. like i said man I wanted to follow you but i knew i would end up dying soon after so i figured let me make it more like my role and my ideas and die making the village better.. heh ne way thanks for all the fun man this is by far my favorite char and by far i think you were one of the best chars i have interacted with.. keep it up man.. and I will.. see you soon hehe

oh and by the way.. SIECIKSuc is my AOL instant messanger handle.. If you would like to contact me.. i would be most willing..


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