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Death_AngelThu 05-Sep-02 05:02 PM
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#8933, "(DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal"


Thu Sep 5 19:00:38 2002

3 o''clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 12th of the Month of the Old Forces on the Theran calendar Rovgilok perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:65% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply Oh, and by the way..., Rovgilok (Guest), 06-Sep-02 06:43 PM, #12
Reply Aww, I can't even hang with you anymore, txt, Garlinthas (Guest), 06-Sep-02 06:26 AM, #9
Reply RE: Aww, I can't even hang with you anymore, txt, Rovgilok (Guest), 06-Sep-02 11:39 AM, #10
Reply You were right..., Urden, 05-Sep-02 08:30 PM, #8
Reply In case anyone cares. My role. (Warning: LONG), Rovgilok (Guest), 05-Sep-02 05:20 PM, #4
Reply RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal, Rovgilok (Guest), 05-Sep-02 05:17 PM, #2
Reply RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal, Falax (Guest), 05-Sep-02 05:39 PM, #5
Reply RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal, little orc (Guest), 05-Sep-02 05:08 PM, #1
     Reply RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal, Rovgilok (Guest), 05-Sep-02 05:19 PM, #3
     Reply speaking of bored people, Jede, 05-Sep-02 06:56 PM, #7
          Reply RE: speaking of bored people, Rade, 06-Sep-02 12:36 PM, #11
     Reply I was., Valguarnera, 05-Sep-02 05:59 PM, #6

Rovgilok (Guest)Fri 06-Sep-02 06:43 PM

#8934, "Oh, and by the way..."
In response to Reply #0


You can all blame me for bactrian camels being poor.


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Garlinthas (Guest)Fri 06-Sep-02 06:26 AM

#8935, "Aww, I can't even hang with you anymore, txt"
In response to Reply #0


Sorry I didn't help you get to hero,
Gonna miss having a scion I liked to hang with..
Wish I coulda gotten to know you better...
Thanks for atleast helping me get to hero.


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Rovgilok (Guest)Fri 06-Sep-02 11:39 AM

#8936, "RE: Aww, I can't even hang with you anymore, txt"
In response to Reply #9


If I had a nickle for every person I helped hero...


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UrdenThu 05-Sep-02 08:30 PM
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#8937, "You were right..."
In response to Reply #0



I did like you. You were somewhat mysterious and seemed competent to
me. Your attitude was unwavering, and the roleplay was constant. All
of those things I look for and really, really appreciate. I'm honored
that you respected my character and saw him as he was, not how some
miffed player thinks I am. Sucks that you left...I had a future plan
worked out for you, but damnit, it'll have to take some other form.

Until next time.

-1 for Team Evil.

Bizarro I'm helping!


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Rovgilok (Guest)Thu 05-Sep-02 05:20 PM

#8938, "In case anyone cares. My role. (Warning: LONG)"
In response to Reply #0


Your role is:
Added Sat Aug 10 05:37:20 2002 at level 7:
Nearly a year before Rovgilok's birth, his mother, a sorceress, had stumbled upon
ancient texts and tomes. These volumes spoke of another plane, a plane of utter
darkness where light did not exist and foul beasts wandered. Gathering what
other information she felt she needed, she stole grimoires from the Lyceum and
Conjurer's Guild, alike, seeking to bind a creature of awesome power for her
use. Studying these books, she learned the basics of planar conjuration, and began,
summoning forth something more foul than she had ever dreamed. An enormous titan,
black as the midnight sky, burst forth from the shadows. Glaring around, he
immediately destroyed the books he saw sitting near a nearly comatose mortal.
Growling slightly, he pressed an attack that the sorceress could do little to
prevent, and eventually took her as his own, raping her and leaving a near
lifeless body naked and battered as he vanished into the shadows. Too weak to
scream, she was able to crawl down three cavernous hallways before coming to
a guard in the mountain, who in turn carried her to an herbalist to treat her
wounds. Lapsing into a coma, she mumbled madly day in and day out, the herbalist
taking notes of what she uttered. Physically, her health was fine, as the herbalist
took note of an increasingly pregnant woman. Keeping it secret, he simply fed
her and kept her alive, intent on seeing the young child survive, all the while
keeping pages and pages of notes on the woman's ramblings. In her sixth month
of pregnancy, in another fit of wails and screams, the sorceress went into labor.
Lasting nearly twelve hours, she was only slightly more than unconscious, and
the herbalist did what he could to bring the young giant into the world. Though
premature, he already noticed the newborn's large size, slightly bigger than a
full term fire giant. Unfortunately, in the strain of birth, the sorceress' body
underwent drastic complications, leaving her lifeless at the end. Locking his
notes away, he disposed of the woman's body secretly, never to speak of her or
what she had said again...

Added Sat Aug 10 06:07:29 2002 at level 7:
Rovgilok was born on the Day of the Moon, 12th of the Month of Ancient Darkness,
in a fiery back cave in Mount Kiadana-Rah. Raised by an herbalist, he never knew
his mother, though was told that when the time came, he would learn. Studying
everything from war tactics to religion, he noticed that he was a bit brighter
than most other students, bigger, and colored a bit differently, as well. Caring
little for the slight differences, he continued his studies, focussing on the
politics of the realm and various schools of thought. Eventually, after much
training, he was led by his "father" to a dark, back room in a normally closed
off section of the mountain. Unlocking an iron-bound chest, the herbalist pulled
forth a pack of papers that seemed nearly 75 years old. Handing them to Rovgilok,
he told him to leave the mountain, study the papers, and to return only when
the truth was known. Packing a small amount of things, Rovgilok loaded his things
onto a boat, and set out into the world. Wandering for days, he finally came
upon the city of Galadon, where in working a deal with a merchant, set up
residence there. Pulling forth the stack that had been handed him, he began reading
that which would change his life forever. It was a difficult process, as much
of it was out of order, with half sentences here, mere one word screams there, but
he eventually pieced together what had happened to his mother. A black titan
from a plane of darkness. Disappearing into shadow. Sgolbore. Eternal Darkness.
With a chill running down his spine, Rovgilok knew what he was. Knew what he
must do. Turning to the divine he had studied, he joined the guild of shamans, now
set on learning of the Eternal Darkness. Learning of himself. Finding the titan.

Added Sat Aug 10 21:31:59 2002 at level 15:
Advancing a small amount as a priest, Rovgilok felt a chill on his spine. A
calling, as he thinks of it now, the same chill of realization that few are
ever blessed with. Taking it as omen, he set out for a place where the shadows
reign, a place where the land is cursed as well as stirring magical enegeries
in all directions. The Shadow Grove. Kneeling down in prayer, he called out to
his Lord of Truth, the dark lord Valguarnera. Knowing no form, a mere voice
responded in the forest of darkness and after a lengthy discussion, Rovgilok
had been blessed by his lord, set out to find and disect the truths that he

Added Sun Aug 11 22:02:55 2002 at level 22:
Advancing a bit more, Rovgilok was approached by the High Chancellor, Urden,
requesting his presence in a cave south of Galadon. Speaking briefly, he was
granted entrance into the Chasm, the first of his goals set to his Lord
now complete. Studying the vast amount of books held within it's dark halls,
Rovgilok was intrigued by the use of the Scepter in calling the Nightwalkers,
as well as their society and growth. Unsure what the divine can do to better
the ritual of calling, Rovgilok simply advances, gaining power in both the
guild, as well as the Chasm.

Added Sun Aug 18 00:00:16 2002 at level 37:
Seeking out his Lord once more within the Shadow Grove, Rovgilok instead began
speaking with one of it's guardians. Seeing visions of a small cabin and the
wizard within, his curiosity peaked at what the man mumbled was his life's work.
Still unsure as to what exactly it was, Rovgilok nows seeks out this cottage, to
learn what the wizard furiously sought to protect.

Added Wed Sep 4 16:47:59 2002 at level 47:
Having recieved missive from his village, Rovgilok finally returned to the
mountain village of Kiadana Rah that once birthed him. Learning word from
the patrollers at the herbalist's sickness, he made haste to visit the man
who brought him into the world and taught him much. Unfortunately, as often
happens, the herbalist had grown deathly ill to the point of madness, not
recognizing the half-titan that he had raised. Growling, Rovgilok plunged his
sword through the man's chest, freeing him of the madness that had taken him,
and returning to search through his things. Stopped by two watchmen, Rovgilok
was forbidden to enter the back room of the herbalist's chamber and was forced
into audience with the Lord of Kiadana himself. Speaking at length with the
priest, he informed him of the herbalist's last days before the sickness took
hold of him. Frantically searching, tearing sheets of papers to shreads and
burning them, cackling to himself and chanting, 'He'll never learn.. he'll never
learn!'.. Only slightly shaken, Rovgilok's felt a chill. Not on his spine, but
in the depths of his stomach... Would he ever learn?


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Rovgilok (Guest)Thu 05-Sep-02 05:17 PM

#8939, "RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal"
In response to Reply #0


Well, I loved the interaction I got from everyone, but yet again, another char didn't turn out the way I had expected.. It was lots of fun, but I had to toss this one in. I'll see how I do next time around. Either way, judging from the 65%, you should be able to tell I wasn't a pk char.. which may sound odd for a fire giant shaman.. but oh well. Oh.. just an idea about shamans, though it may take way too long to code. Why not make religion specific benefits built into the class? For instance.. a shaman of Intronan (Combat?) might gain third attack, while a shaman of Arvam or Zulghinlour (Passion) gains a boost to their frenzy. Just a thought.

Valguarnera - I loved the interaction I got, but I didn't realize how many other things you did as an imm or I would have had a more self-reliant role. Basically, for my character to grow, you had to interact and let it grow. As the events prior to my life were fictional, it made "finding out" what actually happened impossible without you doing quests. Either way, I liked what I did experience from you and I apologize if I let you down.

Urden - I respected you more than probably anyone. Everyone always claims "Urden is an ass" or "I hate Urden..".. From my point of you, you were calculating, calm, and very strong. All things that I respected quite a bit. You also seemed to like me, so that was good, too. Being sphere Truth, I enjoyed your knowledge of the realm, as well. I'm still a little fresh in that area.

Scion - Not really much to say.. I really hope a group of competant people join soon. The few left that still show up are too outnumbered.

Cobelabilor - Good to see you heroed. Sorry I couldn't help more.

Villagers - Keep ridin' the train, boys.. eventually, someone will put the breaks on and you'll all go flying. Oh wait. You're all cloud giants. You already are. *snort* (and yes, I realize that there are a few villagers that aren't cloud giants..but really, how important can you be?)

Warlocks - Nothing to say, really. I cared little for the interactions involved with the "war".. I raided to retrieve as much as possible when I was young, and then stayed away when I was in the hero range.

Maran/Dawn/Drakes - Same goes for you that went for the ragers. Although you're all storm giants instead of cloud giants. Next time you all log on, count how many people you can count as allies, then count how many people you actually *want* to hunt... then tell me how the bandwagon feels.



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Falax (Guest)Thu 05-Sep-02 05:39 PM

#8940, "RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal"
In response to Reply #2


You were my hope for Scion, the lowbie who I expected to be fighting alongside. I liked you, as I'm sure you knew. It's a pity things didn't quite work out. Good luck next time.

-Falax, who has found a few hours here and there for CF


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little orc (Guest)Thu 05-Sep-02 05:08 PM

#8941, "RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal"
In response to Reply #0


wow find it hard to believe you delted took you what a week to hero... i personally hate super hero chars but oh well you where prob hero for what 60 of those hours oh well not impresed at alll......


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Rovgilok (Guest)Thu 05-Sep-02 05:19 PM

#8943, "RE: (DEL) Rovgilok the Hand of An Immortal"
In response to Reply #1


Race: fire
Class: shaman
Level: 47
You can read, can't you? Either way, my hero'ing would have come much quicker if every time I logged on I wasn't defending my life from 2-6 lightwalking heroes bored. Or 2-7 villagers bored.



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JedeThu 05-Sep-02 06:56 PM
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#8944, "speaking of bored people"
In response to Reply #3


Either way, my hero'ing would have come much quicker if every time I logged on I wasn't defending my life from 2-6 lightwalking heroes bored. Or 2-7 villagers bored.

I am not totally informed about the Battle Ragers except are forest rangers on their top ten list of people to kill for the sake of PKing? I thought that they had somethin against Magic folk and Rangers use very little magic and rely on the forest more....

Jede, The wandering Sole


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RadeFri 06-Sep-02 12:36 PM
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#8945, "RE: speaking of bored people"
In response to Reply #7


Cabal: SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night

Ragers are at war with Scion. They can and will kill any scion member any chance they get.


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ValguarneraThu 05-Sep-02 05:59 PM
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#8942, "I was."
In response to Reply #1


wow find it hard to believe you delted took you what a week to hero... i personally hate super hero chars but oh well you where prob hero for what 60 of those hours oh well not impresed at alll......

Every time I saw Rovgilok, he was doing the right stuff. He took the fight to his foes, ranked when he could, stuck with his role, etc. He was also rank 47 at 141 hours, which is hardly a "power-ranking" rate. His role above, and more importantly the way he carried it out, are good evidence that he had more depth than you are implying.

It's very easy to come here, post from anonymity, and take potshots at characters. It just doesn't make you correct. In the future, keep it to yourself.


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