Subject: "(DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Warder..." Previous topic | Next topic
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Death_AngelThu 07-Feb-02 12:51 AM
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#4459, "(DEL) Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Warder Lieutenant"


Thu Feb 7 00:50:48 2002

12 o''clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of the Battle on the Theran calendar Manecit perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:75% (closer to 100% is better)


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Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., BattleCharmed (Talno) (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 09:26 PM, #14
Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Manecit (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 01:52 AM, #1
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Boldereth (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 02:51 AM, #2
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Manecit (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 12:01 PM, #7
     Reply You'll be missed., Loranessa (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 03:12 AM, #3
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Ranitorali (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 04:17 AM, #4
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Manecit (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 11:58 AM, #6
     Reply What was it you called me?, Zenhov (Guest) (Guest), 08-Feb-02 10:09 AM, #16
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Priolith (Guest), 07-Feb-02 11:02 AM, #5
     Reply Farewell, Anborankein (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 01:21 PM, #8
     Reply RE: Farewell, Manecit (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 04:13 PM, #12
     Reply Sad to see..., Boy Scout (Guest), 07-Feb-02 01:56 PM, #9
     Reply RE: Sad to see..., Manecit (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 04:02 PM, #11
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Vortalscon (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 03:42 PM, #10
     Reply RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..., Manecit (Guest) (Guest), 07-Feb-02 04:15 PM, #13
     Reply Well Done Friend, Weswin (Guest) (Guest), 08-Feb-02 01:16 AM, #15
     Reply Sheesh, not even a shout out?, Macrasiel (Guest) (Guest), 14-Feb-02 07:18 PM, #17

BattleCharmed (Talno) (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 09:26 PM

#4460, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #0


And what about me huh? Always snaring me and such.
I liked your character, strong and subtle.


Talno, Always Entrapped by friendly Snares.


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Manecit (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 01:52 AM

#4461, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #0


Well, I deleted for an OOC reason. Lets just say that it has nothing to do with work or anything like that. I am going to start a new character and do something else that nobody else will know about. 'Nuff said'.

I really wanted to play a ranger as it has been quite awhile since I have done so. About level 35, I started to enjoy playing a ranger. Took me that long to really start getting into character. Not going to rant and rave since some of you would choose to believe differently anyway. I don't normally log my kills, so chances are real good you won't see any from me.

My reasons for choosing a cloud ranger this time was from watching Jugynheim. Plain and simple. I am going to keep this short and say a few farewells, apologies and praises.

Always loved the pack. Have had three warders in the past year, and each character has enjoyed it more than the previous one.

Uller and Sebeok: Just do what you do. You two run a great cabal and seem to know the right time to interact with us. A main reason why I keep coming back to the pack.

Saldradien and Jugynheim: Wish I could have spent more time picking your brains, but it seemed I was always too busy.

Priolith: Well, I don't know what to say here, so I will just let the good and bad memories between us stay between us.

Deralte: Too few times with you.

Loranessa: Well done. You made some rangers look like city folk. Always happy to see you about.

Weswin: Ditto. You and Loranessa will make a great foundation for the pack.

Vortalscon: The trick is to hit them harder and more often than they hit you.

Boldereth: Well played. I used to get a kick out your doing play by plays as you would fight your foes.

Galjana, Ivyial and the rest of you who stopped showing up. Ok, granted, we were doing well and keeping control, but it got tougher when you weren't about.

I know I am missing people from the pack, and I apologize, but it is late and I am tired and I hadn't seen you in a bit.


Bauui: Was tough when I was younger. Then, when the going got tough, he deleted.

Iillien: Only fought you that one time while we were raiding. It was before you got the *********.

Viornsra: Well, we only fought once, and a ram with all the invoker shields and protects is one nasty beast.

Ragers: Only spoke with a couple of you, but, I would have liked to continue to get to know you more.


Bah...damn frustrating. So close...

Albaszn: In a certain light, you do look like a gnome.


Tertalith: Tough in the cities and ballsy out of the cities. Well done.

Well, thats enough. See ya in the fields.


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Boldereth (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 02:51 AM

#4475, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #1


Jeez, see, now I'm really pissed off. *mutter* You were one of those people I thought would be there from the start of Boldereth to the day his aged gripped feeble claws of fingers clutched the last beat of his heart, heh. I remember walking with you at rank 20 in the Forbidden Forest talking to Arknok and I remember hunting with you as Sylvans, wow, a real shame to see you go man, one of the more potent and vital forces of the pack as a whole. When I hit the dust I'll post my email addy, I'd really like to hear from ya at that point. G'luck in the next.


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Manecit (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 12:01 PM

#4476, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #2


Believe me, it was my intention to die of natural causes. Unfortunately, there were some unnatural causes involved. I was really please with the ic interaction that Manecit was able to give and receive.


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Loranessa (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 03:12 AM

#4474, "You'll be missed."
In response to Reply #1


Sucks to see you go.
We didn't even travel that much, yet I feel as though I connected
with you more than most of the Grove.

Well done, by the way, and I hope your words at the end give me
some kind of good luck, if there is such a thing.


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Ranitorali (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 04:17 AM

#4471, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #1


After all that work I did to help you level, you
delete without even mention the armie! Shame on
you! I can be sure to say I'll miss you. You
added a flavor to the grove that was needed. And
I pretty much don't have the time to play like I
use too... Its hard when you get a new job and just
got married too. Guess I'll have to find another
to give that wand to now as well. *blushes* Hope
you enjoy your new character!



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Manecit (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 11:58 AM

#4473, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #4


You definately deserved mention, and I apologize. See my note above, I stated that apologies were forthcoming. Heh. I am sure our paths will cross again in the fields as soon as the honeymoon effect wears off. Good luck.


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Zenhov (Guest) (Guest)Fri 08-Feb-02 10:09 AM

#4472, "What was it you called me?"
In response to Reply #4


Throw me a line sometime.


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Priolith (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 11:02 AM

#4470, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #1


Well damn, I really depended on you for steady leadership with the glade since my work sched was flipped upside down. Now i'm the only one left!!! Well, well done with everything.. I enjoyed our arguments more than you think. I love debate, and I love winning...

Truly sad to see you go, I thought you had a unique perspective on instinct and really focused the pack on following their instinct.... Like Boldereth said.. I thought you would be one of the ones that age died alongside Priolith ... Only 500 hours to go!

Well.. see you in the next... and hope our paths cross...



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Anborankein (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 01:21 PM

#4468, "Farewell"
In response to Reply #1


I never got to interact much with you, our times probably didnt cross much...but from talks with others you did a great job. You definatly had the respect of your pack through my talks with others however.

Good luck on your next.


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Manecit (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 04:13 PM

#4469, "RE: Farewell"
In response to Reply #8


Actually, I saw you quite a bit, but you weren't in the talks for a peace agreement, so I didn't interact with you with words. Nor did I hunt you. As an individual, I had decided only to hunt the conjurors in your cabal. Unless you happened to be in the tower while we were raiding, or if you were in the grove while raiding us. But, Manecit wasn't all about being bloodthirsty. Against actual defilers, that was one thing, but against an elf who, in my thoughts, might have feared the gods, and wasn't burning the forests or defiling, I didn't openly hunt them or seek much confrontation. I did want to speak with Karithia again, but alas, was not to be.


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Boy Scout (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 01:56 PM

#4466, "Sad to see..."
In response to Reply #1


But easy to understand. You were everything that one could hope for in a cloud ranger, and you did exceptionally well. When I found out that you were sphere Spirit, I expected to see a tattoo eventually, not necessarily soon, but I figured you'd get the chance to see (AGE) before your name, and a tattoo in your 'equipment'. You were good stuff, and a hard worker with that Warlock/Sylvan thing that left so many heads pounding with ache.
I can honestly say that I only got you killed once or twice..;p. But we made a deal. Each time we died, we walked away smarter, and I think we did just that. Kudos on a job done well, and I'm sorry that the ooc conditions out there brought down another character. It's bothering almost everyone that I talk to, and sadly, this isn't something that the imms can fix, it's up to us.
I think you were a fine lieutenant and a good ranger, and I hope to catch some interaction with you in the future, whenever the stars line up and we meet.
One last comment...I can't imagine how hard you must have been smashing the wall with your head to keep calm during the Warlock/Sylvan talks, but I was impressed to say the least.

-Boy Scout


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Manecit (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 04:02 PM

#4467, "RE: Sad to see..."
In response to Reply #9


Heh. Yeah, the warlock peace agreement I really wanted to see happen. First off, I didn't like fighting the warlocks. Not because of being tough or anything like that. There were just so many of them who agreed with what we were saying, but didn't really want to step up for fear of angering some of the imms. I can understand that, thats fine. All part of the game. You should fear the gods. I think the war has to happen. I do see a place for peace, but that is ic, and Priolith and I disagreed a little on the way to make it happen. Karithia also did a good job with that. Our paths will probably cross one way or the other, but that is another lifetime away.


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Vortalscon (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 03:42 PM

#4464, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #1


Ya know... I think you're right. Hitting harder and more often is the key, but for a half-elf... it seems almost a problem. My felar was better. I hope that you enjoy your next character, and I want you to know, as much as Manecit and Vort sometimes didn't agree, interact, or etc, he was a solid character and one that was worthy of the "sylvan cloud giant ranger" legacy.



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Manecit (Guest) (Guest)Thu 07-Feb-02 04:15 PM

#4465, "RE: (DEL) <SYLVAN> Manecit the Dweller of the Wilds, Wa..."
In response to Reply #10


I am going to give you a little hint. Light weapons.


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Weswin (Guest) (Guest)Fri 08-Feb-02 01:16 AM

#4463, "Well Done Friend"
In response to Reply #1


Very sad to see you go, you were a pillar of strength with us. You knew what you were doing and we need that right now, with the small amount of people about.

The Jagged Claw


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Macrasiel (Guest) (Guest)Thu 14-Feb-02 07:18 PM

#4462, "Sheesh, not even a shout out?"
In response to Reply #1


I know I havent been around much lately but not even big ups for your friendly summoner?

How soon they forget.


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