#22335, "Bug with Golden Whorl."
civilized <100%hp 97%m 23%mv 2744tnl (51.86%) 1 PM> time It is 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods 12th of the Month of the Dragon in the year 2092 (5th Age). It is currently daytime. The moon is currently waxing.
The Carrion Fields started up at Wed Jul 27 11:18:12 2016 (MT) The system time is Wed Jul 27 21:24:36 2016 (MT) You have been logged in for 3 minutes.
civilized <100%hp 97%m 23%mv 2744tnl (51.86%) 1 PM> s Aboard the 'Golden Whorl' This delving ship is flashy and tacky. The deck and hull are made of a maple colored wood, and the railings surrounding her are made of iron plated with gold and studded and decorated with gems and crystals. A single tall mast rises from her center, sporting a golden sail depicting an open treasure chest overflowing with treasures. A cabin is at the back of the ship, the doorframe plated with hammered gold. An empty treasure chest sits next to the door, waiting any valuables the crew finds. Basic delving necessities are set on hooks around the deck; dried seaweed ropes, snorkels, hemp ropes and nets, shovels and picks. ] A barrel of rum lies here. A muscular young man with greedy eyes studies a map.
civilized <100%hp 97%m 23%mv 2744tnl (51.86%) 1 PM> whe People near you: (PK) Dude Aboard the 'Golden Whorl'
civilized <100%hp 97%m 23%mv 2744tnl (51.86%) 1 PM> s The Edge of the Seaport Dock On the edge of the docks the sharp scent of the sea surrounds you. The dock is made of a solid wood and reinforced with iron bolts and strips. Ropes and rudders are set up at intervals to allow the boats to dock. Ships come and go frequently here at all hours of the night and there never seems to be a quiet moment as sailors, merchants, townsfolk and workers move up and down this dock keeping the flow of business moving. Cast iron stays arc above the dock and many of them hang brightly colored banners advertising various interesting adventures. The ships docked here seem more extravagant than your normal merchant vessel.
A short merchant scopes the armors being traded by the merchant ships. A teenager strains to transport cargo off a ship.
TMNS | Sun 25-Sep-16 07:00 PM |
Member since 10th Jun 2009
2670 posts
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#22400, "Not the original poster, but that area is buggy as heck..."
In response to Reply #1
For the Golden Whorl in particular, you have often (like, nearly every time I've noticed) 1 hr to board the ship, even though it there for 4 hrs.
The ship often comes when the Outlying Outcast is in port, and it moves it off middle dock.
When the Outlying Outcast leaves, you can't find an entrance to the Golden Whorl. It exists in the area...just has no entrance. There is no north exit on that part of the docks for the other 3 hrs. Then the ship leaves.
There's a couple other ships that are similar to this. When they come into port and another ship is "at their dock", they will bump the first ship and then lose that entance when the first ship departs (but, if you are already on the boat, nothing changes until you leave the boat).