Okay, so I noticed something a little odd and possibly inconsistent as I don't know when or if Healers ever got their supp lists messed with. Anywho, Miraculous Foresight appears to no longer be a generalized Healer Supplication yet it appears at lv51 on the Healer help page here on the official website.
(Reference: http://www.carrionfields.net/help/class/healer.php )
In addition, the edges pertaining to Miraculous Foresight are still listed in the HelpFiles as general Healer Edges.
(Reference: http://www.carrionfields.net/helpsearch.php?keywords=healer+edge+list )
It's also entirely possible that this is something that pertains to my character specifically, but if this is the case, it was something I neither discussed nor was warned about.
Thanks for your time.