areas 10 | 5 - 20 | Yean - Udgaardian Plains
help udgaardian plains Unable to find what you were looking for. Make sure to check your spelling.
Fortunately, I was able to find it with a more general keyword, but the name of the area in the list should give the helpfile.
help plains Unable to find exactly what you were looking for. Perhaps one of the following is what you want: 1286 TERRAIN FORESTS MOUNTAINS HILLS PLAINS SWAMPS CAVES DESERTS 1620 THE PLAINS OF ARENDYL 1669 'THE COASTAL PLAINS' 2042 PLAINSRUNNING 2110 PLAINSRUNNERS 2824 'PLAINS OF UDGAARD' ONEHEART ONEHEARTS
To view one of the help files listed above, type HELP <helpnumber>. Ex: HELP 28