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IshuliTue 08-Feb-22 08:23 PM
Member since 13th Feb 2017
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#3668, "Atrissa vs. Chrournskel, part I"


*** So, for those who don't know, Chrournskel was a Herald half-elf
*** shapeshifter who worshipped the Goblin King Skreenak.
*** He would login and make all sorts of varieties of gourmet
*** cheese and spread servings of it all over the roads, everywhere. That's
*** what he did. He was awesome, on so many levels.
*** I don't have the log of Atrissa's show at the Knight's Crest, but it was
*** woefully attended until Skreenak and Rarywey showed up at last second.
*** Before all that, Chrournskel was telling me
*** good luck etc. and then he says something about cheese and
*** quits right before I took the stage! Of course, we did have a small
*** history before that incident, too...
*** Some days later he logs on while I'm talking to my friend Ethel,
*** whom I promptly ditch to yell at Chroursnkel.

*** chit chat with Ethel, pushing my next performance ***
You say 'So, I highly suggest you do not miss my show in Hamsah, if I can get
the courtyard of the Sultan's palace lined up!'

Ethel says 'Meh bein there, less Moja attendin'
Ethel says 'Then meh goin someplace else'

You laugh at Ethel's humorous antics.

You say 'Well, the Sultan is most notoriously hard on criminals, so you'll have
that going for you!'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Feasting Tables
Ethel The Feasting Tables

You say 'Just hope he doesn't throw me in prison if I, ah, go "too far"'

You get a revealing jeweled shift from a makeshift wooden trunk.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 9 AM>
Olar the Tale-Teller: The Tale-telling fire grows brighter, welcoming
Chrournskel to Thera.
*** Oh hell there he is! ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 9 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Feasting Tables
Ethel The Feasting Tables
(PK) Chrournskel The Inn's Kitchen

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 9 AM> wear shift
You stop using a flowing robe of ethereal black silk.
You wear a revealing jeweled shift on your body.

*** He was always so chipper! ***
Chrournskel: Top of the curd to you! The Cheese King greets the

You yell 'Chrournskel! You madman!'

You hold up one finger.
*** Sorry Ethel ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> s
The Inn's Kitchen
Beads of sweat break out on your forehead as soon as you step in. Large
stoves line all of the walls stacked with cauldrons and pots. Stone fire
pits hiss as roasts turn on spits and drip their juices. Pans clatter as mugs
are brought in, filled, and immediately taken back out. The servants don't
seem to notice you as they sing and cook for the gathering crowds. A small
door lies in the floor, and a wide open door leads back into the inn to the
north. You can also go south through the backdoor. The beautiful smell of
a flower garden can be smelled from the south even over the smells of cooking.

(Translucent) Chrournskel the half-elf is here.
A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
A widely smiling, aged woman stands here baking wonderful confections.
Towering to the ceiling, a giant woman tends to the kitchen.

You glare icily at him.

You say 'What do you have to say for yourself?'

Ethel yells 'Oi'

Chrournskel says 'Cheese!'
Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.
Chrournskel looks at you.

You say 'Cheese?'
You yell 'CHEESE??'

Chrournskel says 'That's right. Cheese!'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel gives you hardened moss troll hide bracer.
Chrournskel gives you hardened moss troll hide bracer.

Atrissa picks up a hunk of dried gouda and hurls it violently in your direction!

You say 'What is this...'

Atrissa looks at a hardened moss troll hide bracer.

Chrournskel awkwardly ducks out of the way and makes some pots fall to the
ground in the process.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 12 PM> lore bracer
hardened moss troll hide bracer can be referred to as
'hardened moss troll gray hide bracer'.
It is worth 300 copper, and is of the 30th level of power.
It is armor worn on the wrist.
It is made of hide and weighs 1 pounds 5 ounces.
When worn, it protects you against piercing for 7, bashing for 9,
slashing for 9, magic for 7, and the elements for 7 points each.
When worn, it affects your hp by 20 points.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.
Chrournskel shakes his fist toward the heavens, cursing his fate.

You say 'It's hideous!'

You give hardened moss troll hide bracer to Chrournskel.
Chrournskel has his hands full.
You drop hardened moss troll hide bracer.

Chrournskel says 'Women! I knew you hated the Cheese King!'

Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'paghz'.
Chrournskel gets hardened moss troll hide bracer.
Chrournskel shrugs indifferently.

You say 'You hurt my feelings!'
You say 'You nearly derailed my entire performance!'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Atrissa picks up a hunk of moldy brie and hurls it violently in your direction!

Chrournskel says 'Because the people all wanted the Cheese King's cheese?'
Chrournskel says 'It happens.'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Chrournskel utters the words, 'oculoinfra waouq'.

You say 'UGH!'
You pace up and down irritably.
You say 'Well! Just so you know-'

Chrournskel looks at you.

You say 'My concert was attended by the Goblin King himself!'

You snort.

Chrournskel dances around awkwardly at the mention of the Goblin Lord!

You say 'He said, I sang so well he wanted to imprison me and torture me to make
me sing forever, always!'
*** This is true ***

Chrournskel says 'He's the best, the very BEST!'

You say 'He said, "You are far superior to the Cheese King, Atrissa!"'
*** not so true ***

Chrournskel says 'You watch out, he gets his way.'
Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.

Chrournskel waves a hand at you as if to dismiss you.

Chrournskel says 'So he was drunk?'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

You say 'He said, "He's more like a Cheese Duke!"'

Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly.

Chrournskel looks at you and mutters something nasty under his breath.
*** Hah, that one stung! ***

Chrournskel utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Chrournskel turns translucent.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Chrournskel flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

Chrournskel says 'Now you're just being mean to the Cheese King!'

Atrissa grabs a glob of dried cheddar off the wall and looks at you.

You yell 'UGH!'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Inn's Kitchen
(PK) Chrournskel The Inn's Kitchen

Chrournskel backs away slowly.
Chrournskel utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.
Chrournskel's muscles surge with heightened power.

You sit down.
<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 6 PM> pout
Ah, don't take it so hard.

Chrournskel puts his hands up in defense.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Chrournskel's skin turns to stone.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.

Atrissa nibbles on a hunk of old cheddar, idly.

Atrissa sniffles.

You say 'I don't know why you- hate me.'
*** Atrissa suddenly decides to shift to emotional manipulation... ***

Ouch! Chrournskel pokes you in the ribs with a spiked staff.
Chrournskel says to you 'The Cheese King hates you?'
Chrournskel boggles at the concept.

You glare icily at him.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 PM> list
The shop's hours are 12 AM until 11 PM.
The shopkeeper will purchase: food

Item (Type)
< 1 31> some bread dough (food)
< 1 26> plain vanilla pudding (food)
< 1 5> a sugar cookie (food)
< 1 26> a handful of plain candy (food)
< 1 14> a chocolate petit four (food)

Gobnait tells you 'Anything whet your fancy?'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 PM> buy pudding
You buy plain vanilla pudding.

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 8 PM> eat pudding
You finish eating plain vanilla pudding.
You still feel slightly hungry.

You say 'You know you do. You are so rude to me.'

Chrournskel says 'You were so nice to me once. Then mean. Then nice. Then
mean. The Cheese King doesn't understand these up and down emotions.'

*** This is true. We ranked together in Azreth and Atrissa somewhat bullied him
*** Who knew she'd have to share the Inn with him one day??

Chrournskel boggles at the concept.

You say 'Don't call me emotional!'

Chrournskel says 'Because I had to tend to the cheese before your performance?
I told you about the second step of the cheese making process!'

Atrissa throws a half-eaten, old chunk of cheddar at you!

You grumble distractedly to yourself.

You say 'I hate your cheese!'

Chrournskel ducks out of the way at the VERY last minute.

Chrournskel sighs.

You say 'Cheese cheese cheese cheese!'

Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.

You sob quietly to yourself.

Chrournskel says 'That's all there is!'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

Atrissa slouches down, back sinking against the wall.

You drink firebreather from a bottle of hyena's brew.
You feel tipsy.

Chrournskel says 'Are you going to be okay? Do you need some cheese? Or a
troll hide bracelet or two?'

You say 'Make your cheese.'

Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel looks at you.
Chrournskel says 'What about a sword?'
Chrournskel points excitedly at a jagged short sword!

*** This is probably one of my favorite descriptions ever ***
<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl tipsy Romantic 12 AM> l chrou
At a roughly six feet one inch tall, this young man is dressed quite
comically. He wears a mishmash of clothing and armor all seemingly found or
taken as a hand-me-down from others. The only things that really stand out
about this half breed are his emerald green eyes and his ears that curve
beautifully and point upward, showing off his Elven heritage. Shaggy light
brown hair with just the slightest bit of kink adorns his head and it looks
at least three days unwashed. His frame is slight and you can tell that he
does a lot of traveling and keeps in decent shape. The slightly tanned,
ivory skin that covers his body reveals that he spends some time in the sun.
Scars dot the skin up and down both of his legs and his arms. Obviously made
in pairs, each of the scars look like tiny bite marks. Full of nervous
energy, the young man is almost constantly itching or scratching various
parts of his body as his beautiful green eyes dart around taking in the
surroundings. Despite his rather unkempt appearance, he smells quite
pleasantly of a mixture of both pine and fresh cheese.

Chrournskel, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.

Chrournskel is using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) the Ceawlin signet ring
<worn on finger> a silver ring enameled with a black rose
<worn around neck> a living Boa Constrictor
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
<worn on body> a lightweight suit of gold chainmail
<worn on head> (Glowing) a silver tiara studded with rubies
<worn on face> a green mask formed of layered leather leaves
<worn on legs> a set of polished mithril legplates
<worn on feet> firewalker boots
<worn on hands> the hands of a flame
<worn on arms> (Humming) crimson dragon scale sleeves
<worn about body> a robe of fine green silk
<worn about waist> the belt of life
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<mainhand wielded> a spiked staff
<tattooed> (Glowing) a bloody, gaping hole with teeth marks

Chrournskel slowly floats to the ground.
Chrournskel says 'As long as you promise not to use it on the Cheese King.'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel utters the words, 'yrl'.
Chrournskel's feet rise off the ground.

You say 'I wish not your cheesy sword.'
*** You cannot buy forgiveness from Atrissa Amethiste, Chrournskel! ***

Chrournskel says 'There are those calling the Cheese King to go on an adventure
in Trothon. Do you wish to come along?'

You say 'I just want you to like me.'

Chrournskel peers at you intently.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.

You say 'Trothon? You are quite mad!'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl tipsy Romantic 2 AM> who
< 9 Gnome Shf> Zilxim the Scribe of Magic
*45 Human Bar* (PK) Atrissa Amethiste the Student of History,
Taleteller of the Eternal Star
<51 Storm Pal> Thormmstein Stormstrike the Champion of the Virtues
< 7 Human Nec> Raejin the Advanced Spell Student
< 4 Elf War> Vexseris the Recruit
< 5 Storm Ran> Zutellun the Rugged
<51 Human Asn> (PK) Terath the Unloved Son, Drillmaster of Battle
<16 Felar Asn> Znixeluae the Seiken
<32 Human Inv> Ailill the Wizard of Earth
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Salzaren the Grand Master of Changelings
<51 Elf Hea> Merallus the Affirmation of Life
<51 H-Elf Shf> (PK) Chrournskel the Fanatic of the Goblin Court,
Deranged Fromager of the Eternal Star

Chrournskel says 'Who told you I didn't like you?'
Chrournskel nods grimly in your direction, seeming serious.

You say 'Who calls on you?'
*** Uh oh insecurity ***

Chrournskel says 'Quite made! Quite!'
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!
Chrournskel says 'Merallus and Keinte.'

You say 'They didn't invite me...'
You sigh at yourself.
You say 'I went to Maethien with Merallus the other day.'

Chrournskel says 'But the Cheese King did! And that's the only invitation you
Chrournskel tickles you - hee hee.

You say 'I guess since now he's a big hero elf he doesn't need me.'

Chrournskel says 'Chin up, let's go have an adventure together!'

Atrissa pushes you away!

Chrournskel utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Chrournskel's skin turns to stone.

You say 'I have no energy for anything. I'm going to stay here and drink.'

Chrournskel says 'Do you just want the Cheese King to leave you here in the
kitchen being all pouty by yourself?'

You say 'Tell them I hate them! I don't care.'

Chrournskel looks at you.

You nod at Chrournskel.

Chrournskel says 'I've got it! I know what will make you happy! The Cheese
King has JUST the thing!'

Chrournskel gives you the Bracelet of Charms.
Chrournskel's ears perk with interest at something you said.

You say 'Oh'
You say 'Ooh'
*** Well maybe her favor can be won after all! ***

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl tipsy Romantic 6 AM> l charms
The charms seem to resemble miniature pieces of armor and weapons. Several
personal items, various pieces of food and water containers can also be seen.

The bracelet of charms is a container, made of gold, and weighs 3 pounds 8
When you look inside, you see it is empty.
The Bracelet of Charms contains:

You drop a makeshift wooden trunk.

Chrournskel does an awkward little dance around the kitchen!

You say 'Oh, this is perfect'

Chrournskel resorts to cheering for himself... how sad.

You say 'I have so many costumes and things to keep up with!'

You hug him.

Chrournskel says to himself 'You did it! See, always trust in the Cheese King!'

You thank Chrournskel heartily.

Chrournskel nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming his features.

Chrournskel utters the words, 'gsuoculofpaieg'.
Chrournskel grips his weapon more firmly.

You get a beautiful emerald gown trimmed with golden thread from a makeshift
wooden trunk.
You get a scroll with a glowing eyeball seal from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a round locket of bright silver from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get black hair braids threaded with beads from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a white cotton dress from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a white cotton haik from a makeshift wooden trunk.
You get a pair of cuffed brown canvas pants from a makeshift wooden trunk.

Chrournskel nods at you in agreement.
Throwing back his head, Chrournskel cackles with insane glee!

A pair of cuffed brown canvas pants suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you
place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a pair of cuffed brown canvas pants in the Bracelet of Charms.
A white cotton haik suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a white cotton haik in the Bracelet of Charms.
A white cotton dress suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a white cotton dress in the Bracelet of Charms.
Black hair braids threaded with beads suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as
you place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put black hair braids threaded with beads in the Bracelet of Charms.
A round locket of bright silver suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you
place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a round locket of bright silver in the Bracelet of Charms.
A scroll with a glowing eyeball seal suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you
place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a scroll with a glowing eyeball seal in the Bracelet of Charms.
A beautiful emerald gown trimmed with golden thread suddenly contracts into a
tiny charm as you place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a beautiful emerald gown trimmed with golden thread in the Bracelet of
A bottle of hyena's brew suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a bottle of hyena's brew in the Bracelet of Charms.
A potion of returning suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a potion of returning in the Bracelet of Charms.
A shimmering blue potion suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a shimmering blue potion in the Bracelet of Charms.
The chest of inebriation suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on
the Bracelet of Charms.
You put the chest of inebriation in the Bracelet of Charms.
An everfull skin suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put an everfull skin in the Bracelet of Charms.
A water skin suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a water skin in the Bracelet of Charms.
A large sack suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a large sack in the Bracelet of Charms.
A dragon boat suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the
Bracelet of Charms.
You put a dragon boat in the Bracelet of Charms.

You say 'Oh it holds soo much!'

You are sober.
You are hungry.

Chrournskel says 'You are sure you don't want to come along to Trothon then?'

You stand up.

Chrournskel tickles you - hee hee.

You say 'Oh, I do wish I could, but I truly must rest.'

Chrournskel waves his hand in a dismissive manner.

Atrissa does a happy twirl!

Chrournskel says 'Sure, sure, just like all the other women in the Cheese King's
Chrournskel leaves north.

You music 'Bracelet of Charms...'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Inn's Kitchen
(PK) Chrournskel The Bar of the Eternal Star

You music 'Keeps my things safe from harm...'

You music 'Smells like warm mozzarella...'

<civilized 100%h 100%m 100%v 9807tnl sober Romantic 10 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Atrissa The Inn's Kitchen

You are hungry.

*** And that's the story of where Atrissa's Bracelet of Charms came from


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TopicAtrissa Amethiste's Best Fights [View all] , Atrissa (Anonymous), Wed 02-Feb-22 10:09 AM
Reply Atrissa vs. Rashign, Shakiniel, Atrissa (Anonymous), 13-Apr-22 08:24 PM, #8
Reply Atrissa vs Skreenak, part III, Atrissa (Anonymous), 13-Apr-22 08:24 PM, #7
Reply Atrissa Amethiste vs Quistley Dulle Sarraze de Fontaine, Atrissa (Anonymous), 28-Feb-22 08:07 AM, #6
Reply Atrissa vs. Calithildir, part I, Atrissa (Anonymous), 21-Feb-22 12:48 PM, #5
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Reply Atrissa vs. Chrournskel, part I, Ishuli, 08-Feb-22 08:23 PM #2
Reply Atrissa vs Grintella, Atrissa (Anonymous), 08-Feb-22 07:43 PM, #1
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