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Penz (Guest)Mon 25-Feb-02 12:12 PM

#4937, "Kicking the habbit ;)"


Well, I didnt really intend to delete Penz, he didnt have long to live anyways think he had 10 deaths left, or close to that. But, alas I have not the time, and as a player, I dont really care anymore..Penz will be the last in a string of heroes which included selfren, and others. I didnt roll penz to be a strongly roleplayed character, he was rolled with revenge for Elshadriel in mind, and revenge I did take upon the rift *grin*. This having been said, I never really established a roll. There were a couple of interactions that I really enjoyed however, and they deserve mention. Intronan, handling the transformation in-character from penz being a berserker, to penz being a scout, that was pretty interesting, although I have to say being a berserker seemed a bit more powerful. Thror's quest to remain in the village was also a lot of fun, I remember talking smack to the A-P I had to kill, and having it talk back, then dying to poison/disease and having Thror bandage me a second later, and complain about being late, that was a riot. Well, anyways I have played several newbies, and I am unsure if I will play anything worthwhile with the direction CF has been taking of late.



Varrik: I enjoyed all of our interactions, you were great to run around and stalk people with.

Manarei: Penz's role-model. You were excellent to hunt with, always willing to teach, and be taught.

Loborguz: I thought you were a good leader, and I stuck up for you a few times when others would besmirch you.

Intronan: Interacting with you is always interesting, as I am never quite sure what you are going to say, but I know it will be well thought out, and interesting.

Thror: Well I got hit twice by your hammer, I didnt interact with you much, except for your quest, which I enjoyed much, I think you had meant for it to be a "difficult" ordeal, but I found it quite easy, as one of my favorite memories of selfren was running through Kiadana and wiping out the AP nobles . but, there is no way you could have known that.

Konnal: I pretty much knew we werent going to be leaders, and I filed that under the not caring part, I had little con left, and, in all honesty, I could not see myself putting in the time needed to yap with a bunch of applicants, problably better off that I didnt have to

Vorzythur: Bah, play more.

Sharvin:I cant beleive you deleted over such a petty thing. oh well, go figure.

Yulithe/Dragendor: I had thought you would be the new leaders, and I was right. Penz however would not admit it . But oh well, I wonder how you're going to make out..I would think being a lvl 35ish Commander is going to be hell, as you are going to be singled out by enemies...eek..


As I had said, Penz was designed to kill you guys off, and he did quite well

Divox: I Loved killing you you made elshadriels life hard, so I made sure I made yours hard by killing you three times by my lonesome, and assassinating you once. I was still wearing a poncho from your remains when you Imm'd was fun .

Krajus: I loved romping all over you it was one of my favorite things to do since you ganged my previous char 3/1 a couple times.

Nydeikon: eh, you seemed to luck out quite a bit in our fights, I will never understand how you always crunched/hit with kans so quick. I know if I was still a berserker towards the second half of penz's life, you never would have won, but I was not, and alas you did. I still can not recall there ever being a fight which I could *not* escape from and hence not loose, I would stand and fight and let you win, which you never returned the favour of *pretty lame imho* but that is fine.

Theerkla:I came after you because you had once said I wasnt going to last more than a couple days at hero rank I wanted to prove you wrong.

Mholako: I came after you, because You were easy game, and easy to practice my stalking on

Montego/Mholako/Sporial: one of my favorite hunting sessions was when Sharvin and I messed you guys up in Thar-Acacia, I had a lot of fun assassinating the healer, then killing the shifter, it was a riot.

Hmm..I am sure I'm going to miss some here too, I am often quite forgetfull.

Scions: No need mentioning any of you really, as all you do is gang. Well, actually I am wrong, there is one out of your 'posse' that deserves mention

Vazanir: Good job, remind me of Viornsra, I hated that owl, and found ways to avoid it. A lot of scions would call me A coward, I guess it is only expected for someone to stand one to six, and die, to be full looted, for the most part the cabal is a Joke, a huge Gangbanging ##### waving joke. But you did quite well, never said a word to me though. oh well.



Tertalith: you were one of my favorite enemies, after I assassinated you though, if I walked into town, and stepped into the park, you dissapeered, I guess assassins are their own worst enemy that way


Zandrumial: I liked you! Cept often you traveled with mages, and penz didnt like that sorry bout killin ya.

Nadran: Bah, your just a scion Lackey, not much to say about you.

Thyka: I enjoyed our interactions, cracked me up when you brought Thrym to Galadon


Anborankein: I still cannot Beleive I didnt assassinate you that time I was stuck in the tower Oh well, I still managed to get away, eluding you, and six of the rift.

Karithia: Never got to fight you.

Daurwyn: you never really raided while I was around-oh well.

Oh well, I guess that is it I might roll another char, and work on it som


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Topic(DEL) Penz the Black-Clad Samurai of Battle [View all] , Death_Angel, Mon 25-Feb-02 11:43 AM
Reply RE: (DEL) Penz the Black-Clad Samurai of Battle, Ademusian (Guest), 01-Mar-02 03:21 AM, #9
Reply (De-Surrounded By Flames): Subthread deleted., Valguarnera, 27-Feb-02 01:27 PM, #2
Reply sorry, daurwyn (Guest), 27-Feb-02 01:40 PM, #3
Reply RE: (De-Surrounded By Flames): Subthread deleted., penz (Guest), 27-Feb-02 04:20 PM, #4
     Reply Disclaimer:, Valguarnera, 27-Feb-02 07:29 PM, #5
          Reply RE: Disclaimer:, penz (Guest), 28-Feb-02 12:53 AM, #6
          Reply RE: Disclaimer:, Kadsuane, 13-Mar-02 08:59 PM, #13
               Reply RE: Disclaimer:, Real Kadsuane (Guest), 14-Mar-02 03:53 PM, #15
Reply Kicking the habbit ;), Penz (Guest), 25-Feb-02 12:12 PM #1
     Reply Thanks a lot !!, Luriel, 28-Feb-02 02:53 AM, #7
     Reply RE: Thanks a lot !!, penz (Guest), 28-Feb-02 04:04 AM, #8
     Reply Non-Battle replier :)P, Marlek (Guest), 01-Mar-02 07:47 AM, #10
     Reply RE: Non-Battle replier :)P, penz (Guest), 01-Mar-02 06:17 PM, #11
     Reply RE: Kicking the habbit ;), Krajus (Guest), 13-Mar-02 04:46 PM, #12
          Reply RE: Kicking the habbit ;), Penz (Guest), 14-Mar-02 12:52 PM, #14
               Reply RE: Kicking the habbit ;), Krajus (Guest), 18-Mar-02 12:12 PM, #16
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