Subject: "RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand Master of Artistry" Previous topic | Next topic
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Bezzilan (Guest)Mon 30-Nov-09 10:25 PM

#88688, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand Master of Artistry"


Daev is almost right, it was a sort of dare. Bezzilan was the result of some talk in IRC one night several months ago (and bez was closer to three months, not two, whoever made a comment about time below), about how funny it would be to have a huge Herald posse roaming thera, but entirely no pk. You were required to end with a 0/0 pk record (I'm still bitter somehow I got 1% of someone's death, really pisses me off, but what can you do ). I know a few others rolled chars up but nobody lasted, just me.

It was unique. Which was one of the reasons I chose Rayihn, as her religion specifically mentions being unique. I might even say he was the only actually unique character in cf for a very long time. Not that that made him any better or worse than anyone else, but certainly different. The other reason of course that I'd never had reason to interact with the Rayihn persona, and wanted to see what that was like, and the tattoo of course.

I'm not going to engage in refuting or arguing with people or comments here. Mortals or immortals. Suffice to say some of the pbf comments are just tiny snippets and don't accurately reflect entire situations. The same with a few player comments. I will say I was a bit surprised that no imm ever commented on my never practicing fiend, or trip, which are the only two abilities that can only be effectively used on pc's. I thought that was sorta cool, but guess nobody else did. Oh, and I don't think I sent that many notes for myself. People need to differentiate between the notes from Bez himself, like his poems and such, and notes he sends on behalf of others. I rarely if ever sent any original work more than twice a week, usually just once a week. If that's too much, I'm not sure what is expected from bards. I always thought you were not roleplaying a good bard if you didn't do something artistic or bard-esque; otherwise you're just a weak warrior with strange magic-like song abilities.

I loved being friends with virtually everyone, even people who clearly didn't want to be friends with him. I just bullied them into it, mostly. Though I'm sure some of it was that people let their ooc feelings in and just don't want to be the Herald killer. Which was funny. Only three people ever attacked him more than once, in almost 500 hours, and I think only six people total. In his mind, if someone was spending time with him, that meant they weren't killing anyone or trying to kill anyone, so it was a victory right there, even if nobody else would choose the path of peace.

As I mentioned to Iunna, in his entire life, nobody ever held an Inn event other than him. Not one. Not even Zalenne. Which I know isn't necessary to be a Herald, but which I think is pretty sad. Having said that, I loved being a Herald and enjoyed almost every minute of it. I'm not sure why all heralds don't get all herald abilities, or at least more than one. Not sure why it would be over powered to have the special mix ability as well as taletell, or food making. You still have to do it at a bar, and you can only mix the eight drink types, for example. Perhaps there's a reason, but I was disappointed when I first saw that I couldn't make cool drinks, just the standard.

Event nights were fun, when people showed up. I encourage everyone to show up to these things. You have hundreds of hours on a character. Take an hour and go to events. Nobody loves pk as much as I do, and all that, but I'm telling you, it's the right thing to do. Gets people into roleplay, gets you interacting, and because events are both rare and only an hour or so it's not a big investment, but can have a big impact.

Bards are crazy powerful. And I explored like a madman. Obviously I didn't get any experience in pk'ing with a bard, so I'm no expert on that, but the songs themselves and what a bard can do I think I have a handle on, and they're potent.

I've a lot more to say but I'll just hold it until questions are asked that raise them, if they do. If not, c'est la vie.

Other than four characters, I liked everyone I talked to, and enjoyed every interaction. Unsurprisingly I met far more people than I could go through here, so I would ask you to say hi and comment and I'll return the favor and respond.

Caveat: I will mention three to say thanks.

Thanks to Rayihn for solid interactions. Our talks were usually fun, well emoted and relevant to my character. I think your tattoo is vastly underrated. I'm sorry you seem to be choosing to put her into dormancy and focusing on the other two. And I really did try to put that painting on one sheet so it would look like, you know, a painting. But it seems hardcoded that someone with human int can't pen more than 14 lines on a paper, even with high pen skill and high quality pens and paper. I hope you liked it though, I spent a bit of time on that one. I do have one question for you though: was there ever a thought about a funny/interesting title? Wondered what it takes to get a title of some sort, just a rp thing.

Thanks to Zalenne for the induct. Three months ago you were already roleplaying the tired and cranky old leader, who didn't want to bother inducting people because she was jaded from past inductees just quitting. I'm glad you overcame that, and wish you played more and our times meshed better.

Thanks to those that early on took me to places I "didn't" know. I tried hard with Bez to be more realistic about knowing places, especially explore places, so even if I already knew them as well as anyone, I played ignorant, and several people (Dupmasione comes to mind among others) were gracious enough to lead me around some. I tried to karmically return the favor by turning that around and leading others around some places the second half of my life, so perhaps there's some small satisfaction for those of you there. Thanks again.

Bottom line, was boring some, and lonely some, but all in all an enjoyable and for me successful character. Certainly one of a kind!

-The artist formerly known as Graatch.


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HOT Topic(AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand Maste... [View all] , Death_Angel, Sun 06-Dec-09 01:55 PM
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Binabik (Guest), 07-Dec-09 11:36 AM, #35
Reply You know what's annoying?, TMNS_lazy (Guest), 08-Dec-09 01:19 AM, #36
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Bezzilan (Guest), 08-Dec-09 08:19 PM, #38
     Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Binabik (Guest), 09-Dec-09 03:11 AM, #39
     Reply No..Bezzilan did seem like quite an idiot, Stevers (Guest), 13-Dec-09 01:13 AM, #42
          Reply RE: No..Bezzilan did seem like quite an idiot, Binabik (Guest), 13-Dec-09 08:59 PM, #43
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Bezzilan (Guest), 30-Nov-09 10:25 PM #11
Reply Dude, you have just wasted almost 500 hours., Dwoggurd, 30-Nov-09 10:36 PM, #12
Reply *sigh* You just don't get it pal., Bezzilan (Guest), 30-Nov-09 10:41 PM, #13
     Reply Inn and PK, Dwoggurd, 30-Nov-09 10:48 PM, #14
     Reply Also note, Guy (Guest), 01-Dec-09 09:04 AM, #20
     Reply I got banned in Inn for, Ahtieli2 (Guest), 01-Dec-09 10:21 AM, #21
          Reply RE: I got banned in Inn for, Splntrd, 01-Dec-09 01:45 PM, #24
               Reply RE: I got banned in Inn for, Ahtieli2 (Guest), 01-Dec-09 05:25 PM, #27
                    Reply You weren't manually banned., Iunna, 02-Dec-09 06:38 PM, #31
                         Reply No one responded to my bug post re this, Daurwyn2 (Guest), 04-Dec-09 02:09 PM, #32
                              Reply Don't fight back. nt, Splntrd1 (Guest), 11-Dec-09 02:10 PM, #40
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Daevryn, 30-Nov-09 11:14 PM, #15
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Bezzilan (Guest), 30-Nov-09 11:50 PM, #16
     Reply Actually, there was a healer a couple years back..., Twist, 01-Dec-09 12:15 PM, #23
     Reply Jessitrai., Sleepy2 (Guest), 08-Dec-09 01:37 AM, #37
     Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Daevryn, 01-Dec-09 03:41 PM, #25
     Reply Actually I had one a long time ago, a healer, not a bar..., Pendragon_Surtr, 06-Dec-09 06:08 AM, #34
     Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Rouchevien (Guest), 12-Dec-09 04:47 AM, #41
Reply Thanks asshole :), TMNS_lazy (Guest), 01-Dec-09 12:50 AM, #17
Reply Haha., Malakhi (Guest), 01-Dec-09 01:03 AM, #18
Reply Way to stick it out! You sure got ballls! :D n/t, Kaer (Guest), 01-Dec-09 01:49 AM, #19
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Rayihn, 01-Dec-09 12:03 PM, #22
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., wareagle, 01-Dec-09 04:36 PM, #26
     Reply "Leave me alone.", Macaca (Guest), 01-Dec-09 05:36 PM, #28
          Reply I bet that is it., wareagle, 01-Dec-09 06:38 PM, #29
               Reply Actually..., Bezzilan (Guest), 02-Dec-09 12:18 AM, #30
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Circle, 29-Nov-09 02:00 PM, #10
Reply You need help, Torak, 29-Nov-09 12:38 PM, #9
Reply You were cool, fezzle freck (Guest), 29-Nov-09 11:33 AM, #8
Reply Thank you for that lesson at the inn., Kaer (Guest), 29-Nov-09 03:30 AM, #7
Reply RE: Thank you for that lesson at the inn., Bezzilan (Guest), 05-Dec-09 05:07 PM, #33
Reply You're dead Friend n/t, Lo (Guest), 29-Nov-09 02:32 AM, #6
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Isildur, 29-Nov-09 12:19 AM, #5
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand M..., Vendtunord (Guest), 28-Nov-09 11:26 PM, #4
Reply A sad day in carrionfields, Wherun (Guest), 28-Nov-09 10:53 PM, #3
Reply (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Bezzilan FarWalker the Grand Maste..., Asthania (Guest), 28-Nov-09 10:23 PM, #2
Reply Now that makes me sad, Ahtieli2 (Guest), 28-Nov-09 09:32 PM, #1
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