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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #7086
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Ultec (Guest)Fri 21-Jun-02 03:03 AM

#7091, "Bye everyone!"


Ah well, time to delete. I had a blast with Ultec,
but it got all too one-sided, fighting the Scions
and nothing but scions. I sort of wish I could've
pulled out the Entropy thing, but as Grumorum said,
you need to act chaotic to be chaotic. I thank you,
Sebeok, for the position in your religion and I feel
sad because we didn't have the chance to talk very
much. Well, I guess that's it and here are the goodbyes
(little did I know other people than those of the Sylvan
and Scion)

Lintronea - Well, what can I say, we battled some in the
beginning and after that, we hadn't much connections
what so ever.

Dawn: Ehh.. thanks for being a great help whenever there was
a rumble in the East.

The Dwoggurd incident a couple nights ago was fun enough.
Too shame we didn't talk much aside of that.

Scion: A strong cabal which has my respect, despite the constant
full-loots. Well done.

Dwoggurd - You were, admittedly, a tough one to beat up. I don't know if we ever killed each other, but I recall having some good fights with you.

Urden - Well, congratulations for your position. As much as I hated
you IC, I have respect for you.

Orinah - You beat me up the last time, and goddamned... I kicked my ass for being such a moron. You are, indeed, a strong invoker and
you as well, have all my respect.

Dullameh - You got me (twice?), you bastard. Damned I'd love to know what phylactery you get off a druid. I never got a five-color
dragonscale mail to my hands, so your army was giving me hell
of a trouble.

Fauaqi - Eh, we didn't fight but once and you weren't prepped, obviously. A couple more cranials and I would've been dead.

Daiken - Well, I hate you. I don't know why, but I just goddamned hate you. Maybe its because my previous hero healer wasn't as succesfull as Daiken seems to be. Hold on to that set, you're a beast.

Sylvan: A fine cabal, indeed. I hope that the leaders will show up more and kick the spirit in you. Don't let the Scion beat you down, because each one of you have an awesome potential within.

Shalven - Well, you are strange. We didn't spend too much time since you just got into high levels. Good luck in the future.

Alysrith - After you inducted me, I never saw you again. You make a great leader, just show up more!

Daomael - Good luck with your thing. Hope you make it to hero (if you aren't already). Our thoughts of Sylvan weren't usually quite the same, but nonetheless, we had some good talks.

Ferend - We spoke once about Sylvan and well, you did well with what you were supposed to do.

Tusselt. - We hanged out quite a bit. I'm sorry for the Whistelwood incident, I really didn't know what was coming. You were closest to my heart and you are the only reason why I feel a bit sad to delete. I wish you the best of luck IC and OOC in whatever you do!
There are some Villagers I should probably mention, but now, again, I'm too lazy
to think all your names . Thanks for the fun against the Scion and such.

Thanks for everybody, hopefully I'll come up with
something and we'll see in the fields.

my email if anybody cares:


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HOT Topic(DEL) Ultec the Force of Nature, Avatar of the Emerald... [View all] , Death_Angel, Fri 21-Jun-02 02:21 AM
Reply From our battles, I've learned how to deal with druids...., Annette (Guest), 24-Jun-02 07:11 PM, #14
Reply flyto;murder;flee;flyto;murder;flee;flyto; murder; flee..., Ultec (Guest), 25-Jun-02 08:17 AM, #15
     Reply Um., Boldereth, 25-Jun-02 11:23 AM, #16
          Reply Hmm?, Ultec (Guest), 26-Jun-02 07:24 AM, #19
Reply Bye everyone!, Ultec (Guest), 21-Jun-02 03:03 AM #1
     Reply Hrm, Adrigon, 21-Jun-02 03:26 AM, #2
     Reply RE: Bye everyone!, Skald_d_Banker (Guest), 21-Jun-02 04:30 AM, #3
     Reply Yeah, Ultec (Guest), 21-Jun-02 06:13 AM, #6
     Reply RE: Bye everyone!, Wasarbre (Guest), 21-Jun-02 05:59 AM, #4
     Reply Thanks, Ultec (Guest), 21-Jun-02 06:11 AM, #5
     Reply I knew there was maybe 30% chance of me winning, Fauaqi (Guest), 21-Jun-02 06:36 AM, #7
     Reply sorry to see you go n%2Ft, Danical (Guest), 21-Jun-02 10:39 AM, #8
     Reply Shame, Daiken (Guest), 21-Jun-02 02:17 PM, #9
     Reply RE: Bye everyone!, Dwoggurd (Guest), 23-Jun-02 11:08 AM, #10
     Reply Well, Ultec (Guest), 24-Jun-02 08:10 AM, #11
          Reply The hunt tends to even things up., Boldereth, 25-Jun-02 11:27 AM, #17
               Reply Agreed, Ultec (Guest), 26-Jun-02 07:17 AM, #18
                    Reply Can't wait to try it out myself., Boldereth, 26-Jun-02 07:31 AM, #20
                    Reply Any explanation then of how you called 5 hunts in 5 min..., Daiken (Guest), 26-Jun-02 08:58 AM, #21
                         Reply Let's see..., Ultec (Guest), 28-Jun-02 04:19 AM, #22
                              Reply RE: Let's see..., Daiken (Guest), 28-Jun-02 07:48 AM, #23
                              Reply Does it pass through doors when chasing?, MistressZefarah (Guest), 28-Jun-02 09:03 AM, #24
     Reply RE: Bye everyone!, Sharukin (Guest), 24-Jun-02 08:57 AM, #12
     Reply Yeah well..., Ultec (Guest), 24-Jun-02 09:25 AM, #13
     Reply RE: Bye everyone!, Alysrith, 29-Jun-02 12:00 PM, #25
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